List of Transfers
Player To/From Date Price
Bruno Espinheira Bought CDSalesianos 10/18/2008 $ 66 400
Teimuraz Kikabidze Bought La Mechita 11/22/2008 $ 408 000
Guillermo Formento Sold Niewazne 11/4/2008 $ 7 000
Gabriel Zitarrosa Sold Pepsa bbc 10/27/2008 $ 110 000
Ezio Santinello Bought The Changeling Pizzo 10/12/2008 $ 60 000
Barak Deutsch Sold verdirrojotulio12 10/21/2008 $ 45 000
Šime Kosic Bought Viadukt 10/18/2008 $ 15 000
José Giacosa Sold Żółte Pympy 11/4/2008 $ 18 000
Total Sales: $ 180 000
Total Purchases: $ 549 400
Transfer Balance: $ -369 400