List of Transfers
Player To/From Date Price
Jürgen Brockhaus Bought HighLine Inzpire 3/6/2024 $ 900 000
Cesare Ranocchi Bought Karmėlavos Talentai* 11/10/2023 $ 550 000
Jürgen Brockhaus Sold BC Delfinii Purpurii 4/9/2024 $ 515 000
Riivo Ploom Bought A.Pohlaku huligaanid 9/20/2024 $ 507 000
Arkadiusz Dziuban Bought Free Agent 12/26/2024 $ 500 000
Anders Kihlmo Bought Sleeping Forest 1/8/2025 $ 468 200
Zacharias Logothetidis Bought FlyingEagles 4/20/2024 $ 380 000
Antonio Aprea Bought PDFAlliance 3/10/2024 $ 350 000
Stanisław Streich Bought kingfisher 2/14/2024 $ 350 000
Weng Lvgong Bought Free Agent 3/6/2024 $ 310 000
Huang Tao Ching Bought Wunder Bozz 9/7/2023 $ 300 000
Zachary Noël Bought Independiente. 8/15/2023 $ 300 000
Mazin Qannad Bought Mõnuste 7/20/2023 $ 300 000
Jean-Benoît Corbeau Bought Basket's Institution of Gardener 9/20/2024 $ 280 000
Junel Galagar Sold Funky Flyers 8/25/2023 $ 250 000
Shao Rumin Bought Samar Tinapa Ballers 8/26/2023 $ 200 000
Bert Marko-Thaler Bought 重庆竞技 4/10/2024 $ 180 000
Rangel Gyurov Sold Fusionn BC 3/10/2024 $ 180 000
Zachary Noël Sold SHENYANG CITY 9/30/2023 $ 167 700
Damiano Del Bottegone Bought Meister Bozz 4/9/2023 $ 149 000
Zdzisław Kostyra Bought Petokissat 7/17/2023 $ 140 000
Miquel Alberti Bought Free Agent 6/8/2023 $ 114 500
Rubén Lavado Bought Olbap Basketball Team 5/30/2023 $ 108 400
Miquel Alberti Sold Equipe de Stan 8/24/2023 $ 104 100
Ion Nisipeanu Bought BV Pistons II 4/13/2023 $ 102 000
Junel Galagar Bought Golden Cavs 7/12/2023 $ 100 000
Hamidreza Salimi Bought .:Champions BC:. II 4/30/2023 $ 100 000
Adriano Valente Sold Razza BC 5/11/2023 $ 99 999
Mazin Qannad Sold Avengers34 6/27/2024 $ 94 600
Rangel Gyurov Bought Harlequinsss 5/8/2023 $ 88 000
Fang Yun min Sold LEONTARIO B.C 7/15/2023 $ 81 600
Damiano Del Bottegone Sold Urban Geckos 7/18/2023 $ 80 000
Ion Nisipeanu Sold Dunking Demons 7/18/2023 $ 80 000
José Victor Conti Sold Goldsborough II 6/15/2024 $ 66 400
Rubén Lavado Sold Benidoleig 7/15/2023 $ 63 800
Manolo Baquero Bought El Paular 4/19/2023 $ 60 000
Pjotr Meischl Bought Jedula Mamers II 4/24/2023 $ 52 100
Adriano Valente Bought Stómas 4/9/2023 $ 51 000
Pantaleo Bergamini Bought Goleador CB 8/5/2023 $ 50 000
Mok Kei On Bought Cas Pages II 4/20/2023 $ 50 000
Fang Yun min Bought Free Agent 5/11/2023 $ 48 000
Douwe Groenendijk Bought Free Agent 5/4/2023 $ 46 000
Ferenc Zsámboki Bought Chicamuxen Chargers 4/27/2023 $ 41 000
Ferenc Zsámboki Sold bitola top1 8/6/2023 $ 40 000
Jacob Tucker Sold Showtimes666 8/6/2023 $ 40 000
Mok Kei On Sold Simbir 7/18/2023 $ 40 000
Manolo Baquero Sold Dunking Demons 7/18/2023 $ 40 000
Leung Lap Chong Sold Simbir 7/12/2023 $ 40 000
Andrius Dvarvytis Bought Darnik 4/13/2023 $ 40 000
Huang Tao Ching Sold Sivas SK 3/8/2024 $ 34 000
Adrián Rojas Aguado Bought Dolce Vita 4/10/2023 $ 33 000
Jacob Tucker Bought Da Dawgs II 5/11/2023 $ 31 000
Leung Lap Chong Bought Rocketship 4/10/2023 $ 30 000
Iswan Supriyadi Bought Kendal Rock City II 4/16/2023 $ 26 000
Jakub Stefanczyk Bought Niespełnione Talenty Stefana 2 II 8/5/2023 $ 18 000
Leung Yi Chit Bought Squadretta 4/9/2023 $ 16 000
Adrián Rojas Aguado Sold Totwart 5/8/2023 $ 14 000
Settimio Launz Bought United Bastards 4/23/2023 $ 11 000
Iswan Supriyadi Sold BC Drocourt 7/18/2023 $ 10 000
Hamidreza Salimi Sold BC GoldenStars 7/15/2023 $ 10 000
José Mistral Bought Tennis Club 4/23/2023 $ 6 000
Corentin Gicquel Bought Altura Toricos 4/11/2023 $ 6 000
Pjotr Meischl Sold Dunking Demons 7/18/2023 $ 5 000
Andrius Dvarvytis Sold KK Nõmme viskajad 5/8/2023 $ 5 000
Zdzisław Kostyra Sold Cerdanyola Matxomens 3/10/2024 $ 4 000
Ubaldo Pérez Sold Smena 4/25/2023 $ 3 000
Aníbal Falero Sold Patrakeliai 1/26/2025 $ 2 000
Douwe Groenendijk Sold Hobart Hydro 8/17/2023 $ 2 000
Pedro Gutierrez Sold Scrap Metal 4/25/2023 $ 2 000
Tabaré Ramírez Sold KK "Telšiai" 4/12/2023 $ 2 000
Cecilio Garisto Sold Ev3r3st 4/12/2023 $ 2 000
Alfonso Cordoba Sold Dingo BC 4/12/2023 $ 2 000
Julio Garcia Sold Dingo BC 4/12/2023 $ 2 000
Jacques Porta Sold Partychan de aquí al lado 4/12/2023 $ 2 000
Diego Volpato Bought Dallas- Mavericks 4/9/2023 $ 2 000
Angel Martínez Sold Junco 5/18/2023 $ 1 000
Antonio Cabrera Sold Junco 5/18/2023 $ 1 000
José Mistral Sold Iraklis bc29F906E5D75B 5/18/2023 $ 1 000
Corentin Gicquel Sold California Runners 5/15/2023 $ 1 000
Diego Volpato Sold Probably A Bad Idea 5/11/2023 $ 1 000
Aggelos Gavridis Sold Boxford Celtics 4/22/2023 $ 1 000
José Cardelino Sold Firstank Warriors 4/13/2023 $ 1 000
Emmanuel Salgado Sold My Entire Team Sucks 4/12/2023 $ 1 000
Venancio Iglesias Sold My Entire Team Sucks 4/12/2023 $ 1 000
Aggelos Gavridis Bought Andria Celtics 4/9/2023 $ 1 000
Total Sales: $ 2 093 199
Total Purchases: $ 7 395 200
Transfer Balance: $ -5 302 001