List of Transfers
Player To/From Date Price
Odón Thomas Bought .XXX. 2/5/2010 $ 5 000
Lau Chun Tang Sold A904833 1/8/2016 $ 120 600
Nick Humphrey Bought Aasterberg Hornets 12/3/2017 $ 204 000
Pascal Moyen Bought Alternateurs 12/28/2010 $ 89 000
Tarcisio Cuoco Bought AmeA 6/22/2011 $ 160 000
Jurius Vilbrantas Bought angelico pallacanestro 10/10/2014 $ 104 100
Darko Vlaisavljević Bought Anwill Wloclawek91E 12/5/2016 $ 130 000
Gabriel Aydin Bought Arsieji juodukai 5/29/2012 $ 110 600
Skender Čelik Bought Astrakhan Spartans 9/28/2014 $ 212 300
Andreas Tafenau Bought Atletico Mardin 12/15/2016 $ 55 400
Lumir Pula Bought B.C. PARTIZAN 8/1/2015 $ 1 000
Nick Humphrey Sold Ball Hunters 6/21/2018 $ 8 000
Kirilos Kavourmatzis Bought Barcelioma BC 5/7/2010 $ 91 800
Vasyl Antonenko Bought Basket Kiev 9/24/2009 $ 208 100
Fu Hongpeng Bought Basurtuko Izargorri 7/17/2013 $ 244 800
Teofilis Kuchalskis Bought BC 2017 Rewind 3/17/2010 $ 714 000
Rafael Villa Cano Sold BC ALS 11/1/2012 $ 50 000
Alfred Leevike Bought BC Blood and Sand 12/9/2012 $ 1 000
Mario Marzocchi Bought BC Exiles 2/17/2010 $ 53 200
Ádám Schindler Bought BC Gazmiasochka 5/12/2019 $ 108 400
Rafael Echevarrieta Bought BC Iron Horse 10/20/2012 $ 91 800
Romus Vagulis Bought BC Lenciugai 2/15/2009 $ 10 000
Ainis Tamm Sold BC MADZIP 3/12/2010 $ 573 500
Evert Pool Bought BC Pihlaka CSKA 10/15/2018 $ 250 000
Tarcisio Cuoco Sold BeeBasket 1/7/2012 $ 39 200
Darko Bajalović Bought Belgrade Sparrows 8/7/2009 $ 233 500
Timothy Hamilton Bought besni psi 1/24/2020 $ 350 000
Manfred Paju Bought BIG KLUB 3/12/2010 $ 145 000
Filip Zdráhal Bought Boston Celtic CZE 3/3/2010 $ 50 000
Andrea Tuninetti Bought BRKLYnNeTS 8/12/2012 $ 31 000
Adalger Kuhne Sold Burdur BC 3/30/2017 $ 8 000
Oktrida Wurjanto Bought Burning Hell xs 10/5/2012 $ 20 000
Peteris Vaišla Sold Calandracos 1/10/2012 $ 101 000
Ninni Scalise Bought Campobasso hooper 10/13/2009 $ 1 000
Natalino Raugei Bought Cardano Bucks 5/22/2010 $ 40 000
Vaitnoras Kavarskas Bought carpinteriagarcia 4/24/2009 $ 86 000
Jorge Perucha Bought CB Montaitos 1/4/2010 $ 30 000
Alberto Dardalla Bought Celtics Dublin 7/17/2015 $ 306 000
Tai Kwong Hin Bought Chikágó bulls 6/8/2013 $ 80 000
Bogomir Vidojković Bought City Fallens 2/4/2015 $ 68 200
Yan Freulon Sold CSP Limoges ACCEN 6/1/2009 $ 5 000
Diego Ybarra Bought currycesto 9/1/2012 $ 1 000
Kalev Ahi Bought CWA FURY 3/30/2012 $ 173 400
Durk Cocu Bought DEDUSHKINO_GORE 2/18/2011 $ 198 600
Bruno Alba Bought detroit brainless 9/12/2013 $ 2 000
Maxim Kalinin Bought DEVILS MILAN 7/31/2011 $ 44 000
Marco Schließer Bought DoubleSM Basketball 6/18/2018 $ 100 000
Jogilas Palskys Bought DrugDealers 5/5/2013 $ 12 400
Sotiris Papadopoulos Sold El MaSeT C.B. 2/5/2010 $ 294 700
Erru Raju Sold Empacadores 10/25/2012 $ 1 000
Dennis Obereder Bought Energy Baskets Bamberg 7/1/2009 $ 1 000
Florian Rimbault Bought Etoile Sportive Cote Basque 1/28/2018 $ 204 000
Christophe Boye Bought euskalselekzioa 2/23/2012 $ 100 000
Tõnis Nikopensius Sold F.C. JUVENTUS 8/25/2009 $ 57 600
Gianluca Brancasi Sold Fakezű KK 5/2/2012 $ 100 000
Torben Soellinger Sold Felinos Terceira 8/16/2012 $ 150 000
Roberto Cavedon Bought Fish Fish Garden 1/19/2013 $ 51 000
Tao Guanyi Bought Free Agent 7/30/2020 $ 267 930
Zachos Konstantinidis Bought Free Agent 8/7/2019 $ 201 830
Štěpán Chovanec Bought Free Agent 5/12/2019 $ 68 320
Ildefonso Quirós Bought Free Agent 7/13/2017 $ 300 000
Donald Fenton Bought Free Agent 4/27/2017 $ 120 800
Johnny McCartney Bought Free Agent 4/23/2017 $ 34 210
Rafael Villa Cano Bought Free Agent 7/20/2011 $ 122 400
Frederic Olivé Bought Free Agent 4/13/2011 $ 51 000
Jair Bustos Bought Fvar Enthroners 3/11/2010 $ 110 000
Murat Ðelmaš Bought Galzenberger TEAM 6/30/2015 $ 250 000
Timothée Eyckens Sold gateshead 1/8/2016 $ 10 000
Vedad Hazirović Bought Giocatori Bravi 7/30/2020 $ 153 000
Gidijus Dikšas Bought GoldenBoysAE8 12/29/2012 $ 10 000
Raini Poom Bought Green Street Huligans 2/3/2016 $ 92 600
Slobodan Opačić Bought Grozni 12/30/2017 $ 11 000
Peter Margiste Bought Hämeen Kori Kuninkaat 1/10/2011 $ 312 200
Anton Kiuru Bought Heaven Guards 2/18/2012 $ 204 000
Hansueli Trommer Bought herkies bucks 7/13/2017 $ 280 600
Ari Nyrkkö Bought Hermannin Kukot 11/17/2010 $ 319 300
Cedrick Rinehart Bought homeboyz 12/5/2016 $ 255 000
Trenton Clifton Bought Honey_Badgers 3/20/2016 $ 52 014
Yan Freulon Bought HOTWHEELS 4/6/2009 $ 100 000
Szilveszter Harkányi Bought hucestecb 1/2/2013 $ 102 000
August Juurikas Sold Ineverwin 12/12/2008 $ 300 000
Carles Aymerich Sold isekTEAM 10/17/2012 $ 14 000
Murat Ðelmaš Sold IstanbulSportClub 12/6/2017 $ 10 000
Marzio Ottaviano Bought ITIS Italo Calvino 3/10/2010 $ 104 100
Markko Elevant Bought J Dogs II 10/16/2018 $ 100 000
Cem Balaca Bought Jerianone 2/3/2016 $ 3 090
Peteris Vaišla Bought JoyKo 8/22/2011 $ 250 000
Marzio Ottaviano Sold Jump4Glory 11/14/2010 $ 136 000
Andrikos Yiannakakos Bought juvecasertaoscar 11/4/2015 $ 255 000
Leopoldo Garzón Bought Kapytitanes 2/19/2009 $ 25 000
Lau Chun Tang Bought Katastrofi 2/4/2015 $ 257 100
Egor Pavlovskiy Bought kavala b.c 6/20/2011 $ 100 100
Martín García Bought Kekluhoitaa 5/19/2013 $ 147 400
Vassilis Damianidis Bought KILL BOYS 5/2/2015 $ 2 000
Kristjan Seier Sold KK Drim Tim 8/10/2009 $ 90 000
Juozupas Lukštaraupis Bought KK Kalniškės „Pilstukas“ 5/12/2019 $ 120 000
Fabian Wołowski Bought KK Letači 1/21/2013 $ 69 800
Dotan Goldstein Bought KK Lovcen Cetinje 10/14/2017 $ 400 000
Vytautas Paluobis Bought KK Malaletkos 7/23/2012 $ 12 000
Giovanbattista Ruberto Bought KK Medenjaci 3/7/2013 $ 142 800
Jerko Brucic Bought KK Propali Talenti 4/9/2013 $ 52 100
Paolo Frappi Bought KK Zona Bestovje 3/13/2013 $ 66 500
Milen Tzonov Sold KKS Tarnowskie Góry 7/22/2012 $ 74 400
Ljubivoje Lakić Bought Književnici 3/19/2016 $ 5 000
Bale Simonoski Bought Kochani-bulls 9/9/2009 $ 5 000
Mahdi Adiyatsa Bought lAulnaie 4/27/2012 $ 102 000
Stefano Bucovaz Bought Le Mons 10/20/2009 $ 100 000
Cyryl Krajewski Bought Lefki 12/7/2015 $ 50 000
Michał Januszek Bought LeviceChamps 11/20/2009 $ 50 000
Kamilis Tatarelis Bought LFBC Wildcats 2/11/2012 $ 100 000
Quentin Dandoy Bought Liège Bulls BC 6/12/2011 $ 7 000
Ottaviano Corrias Bought Lisaball 6/15/2010 $ 125 789
Daniel Treufeldt Bought Liverpool Croatia 10/15/2018 $ 299 000
Eduard Pauk Bought Lolkers 10/5/2012 $ 1 000
Vicente Berriolo Bought Los Bokerones 1/19/2013 $ 53 200
Miško Selan Bought Los Goonies 12/29/2012 $ 275 200
Tom Reiskirchen Bought LOS POCHOLILLOS 3/20/2016 $ 6 000
Gianluca Brancasi Bought Lottomatica San Marcello 7/6/2011 $ 142 800
Erez Rosenblum Bought Machabi "fox" tel aviv 3/11/2010 $ 102 000
Gerrit Rygol Bought MAMBA OUT 9/12/2013 $ 1 000
Maxim Kalinin Sold Marsupialis Timberwolves 2/16/2012 $ 23 000
Anatols Pudanis Bought Mavs Devils 12/6/2010 $ 104 100
Peter Margiste Sold MeisterGaravel 10/4/2012 $ 306 000
Richard Heafield Bought Melbourne Grizzlies 12/17/2009 $ 12 000
Florian Anglade Bought meuh-lait 11/14/2013 $ 55 555
Lucijus Ceplevicius Bought MHFC2A8 4/2/2013 $ 138 100
Andrea Anania Bought miami Heat 10 8/10/2012 $ 104 100
Karol Krzywinski Bought MKS Orlik 3/14/2013 $ 5 000
Toño Pecina Bought Mob Squad 7/16/2011 $ 228 500
Paolo Porcedda Bought Montespaccato 2/8/2009 $ 15 000
Joaquín Sepúlveda Bought Moonys Powar Team 5/1/2012 $ 150 000
Daniele Ghidoni Bought mutos bt 9/6/2018 $ 46 000
Cosme Fiel Bought MYKY BC 5/3/2015 $ 100 000
Quique Gray Bought Nike team cab 8/21/2009 $ 80 000
Dinu Costea Sold Nissiana 8/31/2012 $ 76 000
Jurius Vilbrantas Sold Ny Suckers 4/12/2015 $ 228 900
Pang Xingyou Bought OriginalPerogrullos 1/11/2011 $ 193 800
Szilveszter Harkányi Sold OrtaanatoliaN 6/9/2013 $ 3 000
Stratos Tziortzopoulos Bought paokgate4 8/24/2014 $ 128 100
Martín Berbia Bought PGE Turów Zgorzelec 2 12/16/2013 $ 139 400
Roland Anton Sold Piranijos 10/13/2009 $ 5 000
Tikhon Lazovik Bought Pistons of Detroit 2/5/2017 $ 1 000
Paolo Gherardi Sold PLC 7 3/17/2012 $ 258 100
Ville Ruonakoski Bought Podgorica BC 8/6/2011 $ 86 800
Petar Danchev Bought Portland DC Nation 7/12/2011 $ 130 000
Ottaviano Corrias Sold pos ok 6/23/2011 $ 85 000
Patrikas Martyniukas Bought Power Electronics OAAKA 2/4/2015 $ 50 000
Jaanus Lätt Bought Puma BaskeBall Club 9/29/2010 $ 86 800
Muhterem Okanay Bought Quito Warriors 1/25/2020 $ 236 700
Simeon Dichev Bought Raleigh Wolfpack 9/12/2015 $ 90 400
Adalger Kuhne Bought Rechitsa 12/15/2016 $ 250 000
Mohd Rosedy bin Abd Rashid Bought Red Eyes Crew 4/4/2013 $ 78 600
Timothée Eyckens Bought Referees the best 9/11/2015 $ 156 100
Carles Aymerich Bought Rock bottom 9/1/2012 $ 10 000
Vasyl Antonenko Sold Rock Team 5 7/15/2011 $ 200 000
Mario Bezzi Sold Saint Louis Billikens 8/14/2012 $ 56 200
Mario Bezzi Bought Sdrecks-Team 9/19/2010 $ 312 200
Raul Vasile Bought Shadow`s13 1/17/2014 $ 5 000
Kirilos Kavourmatzis Sold siaulei44 4/13/2011 $ 51 000
Arturo Leto Bought Sisiotti 12/27/2015 $ 255 000
Byron Whitfield Bought spanolimpiakos b.c 2015 3/24/2014 $ 306 000
Dachi Gachechiladze Bought SpecialOne 12/10/2012 $ 1 000
Àngel Agarrado Bought sportino2018 8/24/2014 $ 251 000
Fabian Wołowski Sold Sremcica 3/13/2013 $ 3 000
Efe Gedik Bought Street Devils 4/8/2010 $ 41 000
Scott dela Cruz Bought Street Workout 4/23/2017 $ 1 000
Leopoldo Garzón Sold StreetBallersSeattle 9/26/2009 $ 10 000
Brodie Naylor Bought Sydney Dragons 10/10/2009 $ 300 000
Gustave Marshall Bought Tbilisi Mavericks 10/26/2013 $ 284 600
Gotfrids Plencis Bought Team angler 2/5/2017 $ 3 000
Ari Nyrkkö Sold Team Blue 7/19/2011 $ 120 400
Erkki Ööpik Sold TeamIdol 1/10/2011 $ 746 900
Toño Pecina Sold Telde Superstar 2/22/2012 $ 104 300
Kaido Toompuu Bought Texas buffalos 8/9/2014 $ 249 000
Christophe Boye Sold The Black Cat 5/1/2012 $ 64 100
Durk Cocu Sold The Chasers 4/13/2011 $ 70 000
Milen Tzonov Bought The one and only 1/7/2012 $ 255 000
Ivanas Basas Bought The Players 1/20/2015 $ 46 000
Luigi Franco Cotozzolo Bought The winners5D1 3/20/2016 $ 1 000
Sima Krstin Bought Three The Hard Way 3/20/2016 $ 12 000
Anton Kiuru Sold tizona 4/16/2012 $ 110 600
Ali Leavitt Bought Tórshavn PistolsC84 4/20/2017 $ 20 000
Mihkel Orav Sold Tradehi 12/13/2008 $ 306 000
Indrek Jahu Bought ttü/kalev 12/17/2008 $ 1 000 000
Dinu Costea Bought Tu Meke Tamas 8/20/2012 $ 153 000
Marcello Gusmeroli Bought UD DOGS 2/1/2015 $ 1 000
Ludomir Kawecki Bought Unbeaten Guys 8/21/2009 $ 3 000
Herman Trukuš Bought V NERA 12/4/2013 $ 199 600
Magne Jørgensen Bought Vallerud 9/18/2016 $ 1 000
Neal Weaver Bought Valley Boyz 6/5/2013 $ 1 000
Carlo Napoleone Bought Vergantea 3/20/2016 $ 4 000
Andres Pärn Sold Viimsi Knicks 2/7/2012 $ 5 000
Giuseppe Tosarelli Bought Vilkiukai 11/10/2019 $ 74 000
Dario Antonio Del Fiori Bought VillaCrepusculo C.B. 2/3/2016 $ 20 000
Andreas Tafenau Sold Virtus reggiana 3/30/2017 $ 41 000
Paolo Gherardi Bought Vomito Warriors 1/31/2012 $ 200 000
Torben Soellinger Bought White Walker Fan Club 10/16/2011 $ 234 800
Hector Arthur Bought WildBoyz 9/26/2010 $ 30 000
Egor Pavlovskiy Sold WorkInProgress 4/28/2012 $ 22 000
Tõnu Kirs Sold xWalrusesx 3/14/2010 $ 768 700
Petar Danchev Sold Yamaguchi-gumi 10/26/2011 $ 2 000
Adolfo Póvoa Bought Zimba 12/16/2016 $ 102 000
Konstantin Mozalev Bought ΑΠΟΛΛΩΝ ΚΑΛΑΜΑΡΙΑΣ 1/10/2010 $ 189 000
Sotiris Papadopoulos Bought Νίκη Βόλου 9/9/2009 $ 51 000
Yuliy Kushnir Bought Шакали 3/23/2013 $ 5 000
Gennady Bely Bought რუსთავი22 6/16/2020 $ 104 100
Adolfo Póvoa Sold 刁的来 3/30/2017 $ 31 000
Riccardo Cardia Bought 流氓队 2/4/2016 $ 20 000
Vaitnoras Kavarskas Sold 老河口篮网 8/24/2009 $ 5 000
Matías Fernando Forneris Bought 聚宝源 7/14/2013 $ 88 888
Xie Zelin Bought 茗茶点香 8/30/2015 $ 360 900
Aggelos Anastasiou Bought 邯郸江浩 8/22/2016 $ 51 000
Ville Ruonakoski Sold 雁城 5/7/2012 $ 5 000
Meeme Salusaar Sold 麻匪 1/11/2012 $ 1 000
Total Sales: $ 5 851 200
Total Purchases: $ 20 034 926
Transfer Balance: $ -14 183 726