816 online at 08:57:07
List of Transfers
Player To/From Date Price
Iván Puche García Bought Invictos B.C. 1/18/2010 $ 2 000
Ignác Nesnídal Bought Trinec 1/19/2010 $ 4 000
Harald Coremans Bought Anklebreakerzzz 1/19/2010 $ 1 000
Sébastien Fernandes Bought BC Incognito 1/20/2010 $ 2 000
Valmond Villeneuve Bought The_Warriors 1/20/2010 $ 25 000
Pierpaolo Duso Bought San Bonifacio 1/20/2010 $ 7 000
Vojislav Dragovic Bought Koenigsclass 1/20/2010 $ 19 000
Juan José Dalbi Sold seguidores de wilder 1/23/2010 $ 3 000
Joel Joan Escrivà Sold Monzón Bananas 1/23/2010 $ 27 000
Oriol Fuertes Sold CatBox 1/25/2010 $ 1 000
Fernando Joli Bought Real_Madrid 1/25/2010 $ 2 000
Andrius Lazaraitis Bought Blind Faith 1/25/2010 $ 3 600
Jiří Valoušek Bought CKB Sadová 1/26/2010 $ 15 000
Abram Sedenkov Bought Jessze Team 1/26/2010 $ 25 000
Miguel Montes Fuentes Sold Bonilla Warriors 1/28/2010 $ 4 500
Harald Coremans Sold Houston Apollos 1/28/2010 $ 2 500
Pierpaolo Duso Sold carl_leonard 1/29/2010 $ 5 000
Sébastien Fernandes Sold Mayhem Project 1/31/2010 $ 19 000
Janne Hakulinen Bought Simun Basket 2/3/2010 $ 10 000
Vuk Tanasijević Bought Partizan 88 2/3/2010 $ 15 000
Jiří Valoušek Sold kologries 2/10/2010 $ 12 000
Valmond Villeneuve Sold Hugo Boss 2/10/2010 $ 10 000
Andrius Lazaraitis Sold Ashwini Twins 2/11/2010 $ 6 000
Marcos Alcañiz Bought BKN eSports 2/11/2010 $ 2 000
Ožbolt Rapre Bought Chicago bullls 2/11/2010 $ 30 000
Gyõzõ Magyari Bought Cséri kc 2/12/2010 $ 38 000
Endaitz Bazterretxea Bought Kemasangres 2/12/2010 $ 11 000
Vuk Tanasijević Sold Cáceres Online Basket 2/15/2010 $ 100 800
Marcos Alcañiz Sold DeathRockets C.B 2/18/2010 $ 20 000
Alessandro Toti Bought Caerphilly Fire 2/23/2010 $ 400 000
Gyõzõ Magyari Sold C.B. Catalinas 2/25/2010 $ 75 900
Ignác Nesnídal Sold GDRAR24 2/26/2010 $ 53 200
Paweł Jonczyk Bought GhanaPower 3/1/2010 $ 5 000
Miguel Pinciroli Bought MoristeEnMadrid 3/6/2010 $ 70 000
Paweł Jonczyk Sold buldog fire 3/7/2010 $ 50 000
Janne Hakulinen Sold alesd gangsters 3/7/2010 $ 114 500
Fernando Joli Sold Niemcz Hills 3/18/2010 $ 156 100
Jens-Axel Partel Bought ligérien team 3/23/2010 $ 223 800
Samart Maitree Bought Baan Namnoi 3/24/2010 $ 90 000
Julián Gacias Sold Ziemia dla ziemniaków 3/25/2010 $ 19 000
Christophe Coffinet Bought Badgers2 3/25/2010 $ 20 000
Bedri Fettah Bought Riofrio de Riaza 3/25/2010 $ 2 000
Jordi Muntaner Sold Chicago Bull$ 3/28/2010 $ 208 100
Abram Sedenkov Sold Eagles Basket PalermoD79 3/28/2010 $ 76 600
Chema Ruiz Peña Sold Andjeli 3/28/2010 $ 15 000
Ameen Ansari Bought Black Diamonds B.C.F84 3/29/2010 $ 102 000
Kalnius Unciurys Bought Tu56 3/29/2010 $ 40 000
Elliði Antonsson Bought Cullera CB 3/31/2010 $ 88 200
Thierry Couvez Bought Free Agent 3/31/2010 $ 497 000
Christophe Coffinet Sold Profitis Ilias BC 4/3/2010 $ 55 000
Endaitz Bazterretxea Sold kk meleci 4/3/2010 $ 25 000
Bedri Fettah Sold royslam 4/4/2010 $ 100 000
Francesco Bonaccorso Bought DarkPolo 4/14/2010 $ 228 700
Elliði Antonsson Reial Madrid C.B 4/17/2010 $ 127 400
Kalnius Unciurys Sold DUNKsager 4/17/2010 $ 112 200
Miguel Pinciroli Sold Elhios Prime 4/22/2010 $ 211 300
Oriol Segarra Bought RamboKaze Team 4/23/2010 $ 255 000
Darío Strauch Bought Miramar bbc 4/24/2010 $ 25 000
Vojislav Dragovic Sold Hippopotamuses 4/25/2010 $ 50 000
Iván Puche García Sold Burner 4/26/2010 $ 11 000
Darío Strauch Sold S.Y 4/28/2010 $ 156 100
Ožbolt Rapre Sold Ferraraporco 5/2/2010 $ 180 000
Joan Miquel Horaicoechea Bought Yellow submarines 5/5/2010 $ 357 000
Alessandro Toti Sold hellraisersF43 5/8/2010 $ 395 800
Oriol Segarra Sold Unicaja C.S. 5/9/2010 $ 380 000
Francesco Bonaccorso Sold det bästa laget 5/9/2010 $ 320 000
Luis Carlos Severo Bought Michigan University 5/11/2010 $ 793 400
Machiel Wensink Bought pijltjes 5/11/2010 $ 41 000
Ferran Pujol Bought Morcillo C.B 5/12/2010 $ 45 000
Pawel Chodorek Bought victor papa ymama 5/12/2010 $ 25 000
Ameen Ansari Sold I LOVE THIS JAMES 5/23/2010 $ 305 000
Pawel Chodorek Sold New York Kniks 10 5/26/2010 $ 90 000
Archie Grigg Bought OLYNTHOS B.C. 5/27/2010 $ 340 600
Samart Maitree Sold Λεγεωνάριοι 5/29/2010 $ 268 500
Machiel Wensink Sold Birzu Rinkuskiu alus 5/30/2010 $ 299 000
Gurbizar Lekunberri Bought Free Agent 6/2/2010 $ 424 600
Jens-Axel Partel Sold Gruźlica 2000 6/5/2010 $ 236 200
Jedrzej Lisak Bought BC ZALGIRIZ 6/10/2010 $ 243 000
Ferran Pujol Sold PAOK B.T. 6/12/2010 $ 62 800
Emilio Jorrín Sold Gotthard Saints 7/12/2010 $ 600 000
Juan Villabel Bought les Flashs 7/12/2010 $ 416 200
Elliði Antonsson Sold 山王工业 7/18/2010 $ 18 000
Joan Miquel Horaicoechea Sold Finchley Road BC 7/18/2010 $ 360 000
Jedrzej Lisak Sold Bardotellis BBC827 8/7/2010 $ 340 000
Archie Grigg Sold Aprilia Basket 8/10/2010 $ 352 100
Francisco Uruabarrena Sold Piczi Zamość 8/10/2010 $ 2 800 000
Frederic Fontirro Bought Free Agent 8/10/2010 $ 552 300
Fabio Cavalcanti Bought Free Agent 8/10/2010 $ 1 182 500
Clínio Louzada Bought Free Agent 8/10/2010 $ 1 801 500
Grant Roland Bought Free Agent 8/12/2010 $ 262 400
Adolfo Muñoz Gómez Bought Mavericks Adana 8/23/2010 $ 21 000
Anastacio Soberano Bought Free Agent 10/6/2010 $ 120 000
Anastacio Soberano Sold Ķengarags 10/9/2010 $ 245 000
Lluís Soler Bought Madibbers 10/11/2010 $ 115 600
Salvador Bello Sold Kujatis 10/14/2010 $ 1 500
Albert Salangueres Bought 爆你全家 10/21/2010 $ 104 100
Albert Salangueres Sold Villanova CB 11/9/2010 $ 107 200
Adolfo Muñoz Gómez Sold Villanova CB 11/9/2010 $ 34 000
Gurbizar Lekunberri Sold BFH 11/9/2010 $ 233 500
Ziv Dotan Bought Golden State Blazzers 11/10/2010 $ 369 900
Guillermo Ferra de la Mola Bought República Obrera de les Abelles Copuladores 11/10/2010 $ 179 300
Guillermo Ferra de la Mola Sold Valhalla88 11/27/2010 $ 179 500
Juraj Terpák Bought HNT SPECIAL FORCES 2/2/2011 $ 7 000
Sondre Normann Bought Armata Leone di Lernia 2/25/2011 $ 120 000
Grant Roland Sold Partizan 011789 3/1/2011 $ 131 600
Juraj Terpák Sold wO2 3/10/2011 $ 25 000
Fabio Cavalcanti Sold JELGAVA/HEKTORS 4/19/2011 $ 511 300
Juan Villabel Sold Mad Doodlers 4/19/2011 $ 314 900
Walt Poulin Bought L.A. U 4/19/2011 $ 386 800
Noé Méndez Bought kdn1985 4/20/2011 $ 324 900
Sondre Normann Sold Klaipėdos Ruoniai 4/23/2011 $ 29 200
Sebastiano Hrovatin Bought Utenos Juventus 4/25/2011 $ 2 000
Melvin Yegros Bought Meridiano 4/25/2011 $ 1 000
Pasqual Pla Bought Thunder Jalapeños 4/25/2011 $ 7 000
Maurice Bright Bought House of TitanCards 4/25/2011 $ 2 000
Sebastiano Hrovatin Sold Black Warrior 5/26/2011 $ 25 000
Maurice Bright Sold g2esports 5/29/2011 $ 2 000
Ziv Dotan Sold Vraca-Basket 6/16/2011 $ 376 520
José Ruivo Bought Free Agent 6/21/2011 $ 183 600
Melvin Yegros Sold Marvel Avengers 7/14/2011 $ 110 700
José Ruivo Sold BC Rapla Devils 7/21/2011 $ 230 101
Diego Menegatti Bought Free Agent 7/22/2011 $ 301 900
Luis Carlos Severo Sold altras 8/6/2011 $ 510 000
Grigorakis Kakaronis Bought Clarksville Ursine 8/7/2011 $ 52 100
Csaba Kóczián Bought Aleksandar Makedonski 8/7/2011 $ 160 500
Clínio Louzada Sold White Chocolates 8/7/2011 $ 768 942
John Lopez Bought Nexerdin 8/14/2011 $ 561 000
Thierry Couvez Sold Los Sabios 8/18/2011 $ 76 700
Basiel Decroos Bought Ghent Knights 8/25/2011 $ 1 000
Csaba Kóczián Sold gallini vispi 10/9/2011 $ 326 000
Zeng Hanhai Bought Free Agent 10/13/2011 $ 193 750
Basiel Decroos Sold Chiclana Dreams 10/13/2011 $ 1 000
Frederic Fontirro Sold Killervienība 10/22/2011 $ 610 050
Marcelino Leal Bought VHU Basket WTA 10/23/2011 $ 362 700
Lau Kin Seng Bought nabagai 10/23/2011 $ 214 600
Zeng Hanhai Sold Vilniaus Vilkai 10/25/2011 $ 511 300
Noé Méndez Reial Madrid C.B 10/25/2011 $ 362 000
Walt Poulin Sold FC SZKODNIKI 10/25/2011 $ 376 520
Gültekin Oflaz Bought Free Agent 10/26/2011 $ 477 300
Hildemar Befreiungsschlag Bought Vrbas 10/26/2011 $ 370 500
John Lopez Sold EternaI 10/29/2011 $ 557 800
Alberto Ciordia Bought Forza Sankt Pauli 10/30/2011 $ 500 700
Marcelino Leal Sold Jay15 11/2/2011 $ 489 820
Diego Menegatti Sold Kiaulės-robotai 11/2/2011 $ 206 632
Eddy Andree Bought Free Agent 11/3/2011 $ 153 300
Quique Rodrigo Bought Genova Tutti 11/5/2011 $ 250 000
Lau Kin Seng Sold KK Drkle 11/20/2011 $ 422 630
Wiesław Czarnik Bought Free Agent 11/30/2011 $ 154 040
Noé Méndez Sold Raptors Legends TR 12/3/2011 $ 122 400
Grigorakis Kakaronis Sold BC Invalids 1/7/2012 $ 106 200
Wiesław Czarnik Sold The Samis 1/7/2012 $ 108 400
Julio Campoamor Sold Row Basket Rybnik Pol 1/7/2012 $ 315 600
Marijan Vucenovic Bought Šiaulių Rambynai 1/10/2012 $ 306 000
Alewijn van Valkengoeds Bought Magic Bie Squad 1/11/2012 $ 353 800
Hildemar Befreiungsschlag Sold Gotham Knights 1/11/2012 $ 500 100
Quique Rodrigo Sold Palermo F.C 1/11/2012 $ 283 600
Carlos Bocanegra Bought -=Defenders=- 1/11/2012 $ 449 000
Marijan Vucenovic Sold Tubers 1/31/2012 $ 250 000
Zianon Reznikau Bought jimmis B.C 2/2/2012 $ 90 000
Nereo Azamar Bought moschato club 2/2/2012 $ 11 000
Carlos Bocanegra Sold Union Vecinal L.P 2/4/2012 $ 218 900
Ignacio Irles Bought Teamone 2/5/2012 $ 158 400
Pedro Alducín Sold BBC Die Besten 2/18/2012 $ 1 000
Lluís Soler Sold APABA Santo A. 2/18/2012 $ 34 200
Gültekin Oflaz Sold les blues 2/19/2012 $ 467 000
Alberto Ciordia Sold kyrieirvingforever 2/19/2012 $ 250 000
Óscar Medina Figueroa Bought C.B. MORISCOS 2/19/2012 $ 249 200
Carlos Valer Bought MrRushtu Celtics 2/19/2012 $ 183 600
Anthony Imbert Bought Windowflowers 2/19/2012 $ 204 000
Nil Otis Bought EROLS 2/20/2012 $ 9 000
Gal Mosinzon Bought B45 2/20/2012 $ 1 000
Amadeo Schmidt Bought PORKV 2/26/2012 $ 10 000
Nil Otis Sold Flips Five 3/1/2012 $ 6 000
Zianon Reznikau Sold BanditSquad 3/2/2012 $ 145 000
Hannu-Pekka Vathen Bought Dawn of Meggido 3/2/2012 $ 3 000
Eddy Andree Sold 4&b0WFY5fBp%FX 4/21/2012 $ 152 000
Zois Efthivolos Bought Parapansoliva 4/23/2012 $ 200 000
Nereo Azamar Sold Otaku do ataku 4/24/2012 $ 120 000
Amadeo Schmidt Sold DiRiLiŞ!!! 4/26/2012 $ 2 000
Diego Guerbillano Sold Disciples 5/17/2012 $ 1 000
Dimitar Palpurin Bought Bali Bali 5/20/2012 $ 88 600
Hannu-Pekka Vathen Sold EL GRAN FORTIN SA 5/26/2012 $ 70 000
Isais Caro Contreras Bought Heineken Lakers 5/29/2012 $ 1 000
Rafael Martínez Bought iruña warriors 6/6/2012 $ 10 000
Zois Efthivolos Sold Underestimated 6/7/2012 $ 248 000
Óscar Medina Figueroa Sold Green Bears 6/10/2012 $ 380 000
Carlo Furbatto Bought Hasonadochof 6/11/2012 $ 612 000
Ignacio Irles Sold Movistar Forza 6/16/2012 $ 191 000
Liberto Enríquez de Anaya Bought CB Sabadell 6/18/2012 $ 1 000
Misael Moris Bought Camioneros 6/20/2012 $ 325 000
Gal Mosinzon Sold Iruin Bastards 7/1/2012 $ 143 100
Alewijn van Valkengoeds Sold Los Halcones del Poder 8/7/2012 $ 301 000
Éric Boulay Bought JeMis Project 8/10/2012 $ 306 000
Patryk Kesler Bought CBCA Colmar 8/15/2012 $ 29 000
Tomás Pérez-Cid Sold TiltingFairies 9/8/2012 $ 214 200
Rafael Martínez Sold AmeA 9/11/2012 $ 50 000
Lui Van Hung Bought 攪錯隊 9/19/2012 $ 1 000
Gonzalo Durandio Sold Juncal Tigers 10/25/2012 $ 820 000
Felipe Edígoraz Bought Free Agent 10/25/2012 $ 480 200
Patryk Kesler Sold FT Steam power 10/28/2012 $ 86 500
Carlos Valer Sold World Greatest 11/3/2012 $ 91 800
Éric Boulay Sold FC Gamberetto 11/3/2012 $ 339 000
David Shachar Bought Ateneo Green Eagles 11/5/2012 $ 201 700
Israel Romero Bought Ateneo Green Eagles 11/5/2012 $ 261 000
Lai Chaokun Bought Basket Rebels 11/6/2012 $ 204 000
Misael Moris Sold THE WARRIOS 11/6/2012 $ 208 100
Lai Chaokun Sold LECH BASKET POZNAŃ 11/25/2012 $ 36 000
David Shachar Sold kokkinomayros emetos 11/25/2012 $ 90 600
Israel Romero Sold Bk Aizkaplicha 11/25/2012 $ 32 000
Kevin Rowlands Bought sasjdnasjds 11/27/2012 $ 51 000
Oshri Swissa Bought Get Schwifty 11/27/2012 $ 24 000
Selmo Monjaraz Bought Comiteam 11/28/2012 $ 8 000
Maximiliano Cambiasso Bought rostov71A 11/29/2012 $ 10 000
William Staels Bought Dogues 12/15/2012 $ 2 000
Maximiliano Cambiasso Sold arciema plesonas 12/15/2012 $ 100 000
Oshri Swissa Sold KK Garažas 12/22/2012 $ 40 000
Eliano Morone Bought Free Agent 12/26/2012 $ 285 380
Eliano Morone Sold Sietuvadreamteam 2/9/2013 $ 198 000
Kevin Rowlands Sold Linea Cero 2/12/2013 $ 76 600
Anthony Imbert Sold KK Željezničar 2/21/2013 $ 153 000
Felipe Edígoraz Sold kologries 2/21/2013 $ 400 000
Vallo Lemsalu Bought Invencibles FC 2/23/2013 $ 255 000
Alberto Jesús López Rojas Bought BC Zauch 2/23/2013 $ 300 000
André Miguel Moura Bought ortopedia Team 2/25/2013 $ 69 800
Vallo Lemsalu Sold TurkEmperial 3/16/2013 $ 276 500
André Miguel Moura Sold Sparkdef 3/16/2013 $ 129 200
Egoitz Valenciaga Ros Bought Free Agent 6/5/2013 $ 281 600
Giorgio Finelli Bought Homály Star 6/5/2013 $ 2 000
Carlo Furbatto Sold Kanizsa Ants 6/27/2013 $ 224 400
Alberto Jesús López Rojas Sold Trispalve Veliava 6/27/2013 $ 124 700
Augustin Zamfirescu Bought GOOD KOLLER 7/4/2013 $ 106 200
Lucio Treccani Bought Dziksony 9/1/2013 $ 153 000
Marcus Jones Bought Free Agent 9/18/2013 $ 191 400
Bertalan Bor Bought Spanisch Cylons 9/19/2013 $ 86 800
So Sung Man Bought Los Partidores de Caras B.B.C 9/19/2013 $ 28 000
Dimitar Palpurin Sold Бања лука Силвербакс 9/22/2013 $ 1 000
Iban Iturburu Sold Dements Sabadell 9/25/2013 $ 1 000
Giorgio Finelli Sold La force tranquille 10/20/2013 $ 32 000
Bertalan Bor Sold BASKET_Kwidzyn 11/8/2013 $ 164 400
So Sung Man Sold Skriaudėjai 11/8/2013 $ 250 000
Márcio Lagos Bought Teamcruz 11/13/2013 $ 324 900
Ricardo Cedeño Bought KK Crvena Zvezda Basket 11/13/2013 $ 224 400
Lucio Treccani Sold Εξάστερος 11/19/2013 $ 210 000
William Staels Sold KB AlbiJr 11/19/2013 $ 101 000
Augustin Zamfirescu Sold KK Ardor 11/19/2013 $ 295 800
Lukáš Slamka Bought Free Agent 11/20/2013 $ 424 600
Flávio Conde Bought AteLaVarOCestoEVindima 11/21/2013 $ 1 000
Elvinas Butvydas Bought Hustlers 11/27/2013 $ 81 600
Amadou Diagne Bought black mamba 1 11/28/2013 $ 15 000
Amadou Diagne Sold roroline 12/26/2013 $ 21 000
Ricardo Cedeño Sold Los Kings 12/26/2013 $ 300 000
Juan Lacalle Rubio Sold Warsaw Mutants 1/4/2014 $ 11 000
Lukáš Slamka Sold Asfaltiamo 1/4/2014 $ 326 400
Luís Oliveira Bought CMN 1/5/2014 $ 124 700
Umberto Pizzinutti Bought Makulets 1/7/2014 $ 11 000
Pasqual Pla Sold Tazzoo Wroclaw 2/15/2014 $ 380 000
Timothy Civa Bought From Georgia 3/5/2014 $ 240 000
Umberto Pizzinutti Sold Restart 3/8/2014 $ 5 000
Isais Caro Contreras Sold Los Bergas 3/8/2014 $ 183 600
Selmo Monjaraz Sold Western Islanders 3/8/2014 $ 2 000
Oli Georgiev Bought as far rabat 3/12/2014 $ 158 700
Egoitz Valenciaga Ros Sold Pantraccone 3/25/2014 $ 500 000
Oli Georgiev Sold Pelister Bitola 3/25/2014 $ 150 000
Saygin Koçar Bought Pierun Błyskawica 3/26/2014 $ 165 800
Adrià Montes Bought C.B Arenys de munt 3/26/2014 $ 4 000
Marcin Teper Bought KK Olive 3/26/2014 $ 148 700
Kas Goldschmitz Bought Reading All-Stars 3/26/2014 $ 13 000
Larry Childs Bought Milladoiro Pangolins 3/26/2014 $ 5 000
Luís Oliveira Sold WeaDeKimika 3/29/2014 $ 120 000
Horatiu Stan Bought Black Warriors 4/12/2014 $ 1 000
Elvinas Butvydas Sold Kench Eaters 6/7/2014 $ 102 000
Saygin Koçar Sold RodrigoreTeam 6/7/2014 $ 181 400
Timothy Civa Sold vagancias 6/7/2014 $ 318 500
Kleanthis Cholas Bought Volara BC 6/12/2014 $ 4 000
José Gasol Bought Pacharotti 9/1/2014 $ 2 500
Terry Lisu Bought 集合出发 9/3/2014 $ 102 000
Dimitris Trampoukos Bought The Rinnengans 9/4/2014 $ 25 001
Damian Whitaker Bought Raseiniu "Eskalada" 9/7/2014 $ 75 001
Martinš Kalnberzs Bought le bal des quenelles 9/18/2014 $ 180 000
Juan Rodríguez Bought Marhababa 9/18/2014 $ 115 115
Paolo Montanari Bought NY Kicks 9/20/2014 $ 80 000
Tonko Sandalić Bought Bljesak 9/22/2014 $ 111 111
Randy Hopper Bought Zeii 10/1/2014 $ 250 000
Avelino Fiori Bought Courts FC 10/16/2014 $ 50 000
Ugur Özdal Bought Enveriyant BC 11/13/2014 $ 159 000
Hadriano Val Sold Dragões de Ouro 11/23/2014 $ 15 001
Stefano Bertola Bought Jarka Ruus 12/16/2014 $ 125 001
Pedro Narganes Sold Dziesięciny D-fense 12/31/2014 $ 1 000
Guillermo Cellórico Bought 富拉尔基人 1/9/2015 $ 200 000
Avelino Fiori Sold Kelvins team 1/18/2015 $ 10 000
Wade William Bought Des Moines Convicts 1/22/2015 $ 100 000
Orlando Lacara Bought Byczki 2/18/2015 $ 500 000
Gürsoy Kaya Bought Goldsborough II 4/14/2015 $ 654 321
Total Sales: $ 27 910 816
Total Purchases: $ 25 719 520
Transfer Balance: $ 2 191 296