List of Transfers
Player To/From Date Price
Damianos Kalvos Sold #MaSs# 8/24/2024 $ 205 000
Chen Yonghu Sold 209’s MostWanted 4/19/2022 $ 255 000
Muhterem Mihri Sold AFSINCE SK 11/2/2011 $ 111 600
Thimo Hainrich Sold Ahwell KK 12/10/2011 $ 40 000
Giannino Ferlaino Sold Aimbotters 7/11/2015 $ 254 700
Silvestre Codina Bought Alecksandro 1/7/2022 $ 521 400
Wang Po Keung Sold Alianza Devils 10/16/2022 $ 450 000
Barnabás Gál Sold Aljalakers 9/19/2013 $ 680 000
Domonkos Tóth Sold AnaheimDucks 1/21/2012 $ 93 700
Áron Lajtos Sold anfieldisback 9/13/2011 $ 8 000
András Mezõs Sold anfieldisback 7/21/2011 $ 7 500
Rading Soldevilla Bought Arctic Monkeys 8/5/2015 $ 919 300
Idipodas Voulgarakis Bought Aris BC komakos 10/3/2013 $ 41 000
Kelemen Jován Sold ASPK 8/17/2022 $ 1 000
Laisvitas Navagruckis Sold AZeteS 1/17/2015 $ 51 000
Attila Csertõi Sold baobab team 1/13/2013 $ 199 500
Balázs Penoff Sold Basurtuko Izargorri 9/6/2021 $ 350 000
Tibor Tihor Sold BC Cahors 6/1/2012 $ 15 000
Krisztián Oláh Sold BC Puterdajad 9/18/2013 $ 553 400
Juan Montalvo Sold BC Vilniaus Rytas 8/27/2011 $ 130 000
Juan Carlos Anido Sold BC Vilniaus Statyba 7/11/2015 $ 270 600
Valery Strelin Bought Beitar-Barcelona-DB 8/24/2011 $ 153 000
Domonkos Tóth Bought Békéscsaba Mentők 8/14/2011 $ 16 000
Leng Rujing Sold Bersekers 9/26/2014 $ 290 800
Muhterem Mihri Bought beşiktaş opet 5/24/2011 $ 99 000
Xoán Murillo Sold Bexley Baskets 3/1/2014 $ 183 600
Csongor Varjas Sold Béziers BC 8/26/2020 $ 31 000
Dennis Blöh Bought bfsdbfsd 9/26/2013 $ 451 200
Zsolt Pápay Sold BK "Vipers" 9/3/2011 $ 50 000
Taavi Jõgeda Sold Bluehouse Misfits 9/4/2017 $ 800 100
Lertsun Barrenetxea Sold Braga SuperSonics 3/1/2014 $ 145 700
László Böcz Sold Budai Bikák 10/20/2019 $ 44 000
Rafael Claveria Sold Chicago Bulls97 2/18/2012 $ 200 000
José Ramón Calders Bought Cobras Kraitt 9/11/2024 $ 612 000
Emre Kiral Sold Corntucky Mildcats 3/7/2025 $ 125 000
Adlef Hirschler Sold Cosplex 8/29/2022 $ 600 000
Zakhar Ryzhkov Sold Csapy Basketball 1/11/2012 $ 37 000
Adlef Hirschler Bought Das Imperium 8/24/2021 $ 1 224 000
Márk Bene Sold Denver Heats 8/6/2015 $ 25 000
Nándor Takács Sold Detroit Wolverines 8/17/2022 $ 1 000
Arthur Carver Bought DMavs 11/3/2024 $ 71 200
Hassan Rashid Bought Donar 6/14/2013 $ 364 200
Moris Monzita Bought Double Zero 9/18/2014 $ 7 000
Eser Içmez Sold Drakula 6/12/2021 $ 306 000
Tadek Balikowski Bought Dzikie TaDziki 4/11/2021 $ 1 568 600
Johnny Banghöj Sold Edeno Uno 8/9/2020 $ 85 000
Kam Jin Ming Bought El Chapulín Colorados 12/1/2014 $ 742 900
Viktor Csollány Sold Entrecampos 1/15/2019 $ 290 800
Zalán Göröcs Sold Forgot to Warm-up II 12/9/2019 $ 1 000
Clemente Pau Bought Free Agent 6/21/2023 $ 430 700
Nigel Barigou Bought Free Agent 6/21/2023 $ 114 100
Dominik Bakša Bought Free Agent 8/13/2021 $ 1 591 900
Blodin Siliqi Bought Free Agent 8/12/2020 $ 2 122 500
Balázs Penoff Bought Free Agent 1/12/2019 $ 3 218 300
Deng Yu Wei Bought Free Agent 1/9/2019 $ 3 189 900
Abdelbari Chouba Bought Free Agent 10/20/2017 $ 2 274 600
Eser Içmez Bought Free Agent 10/20/2017 $ 230 200
Simone Trucillo Bought Free Agent 5/25/2016 $ 2 004 200
Siregan Nikoghosyan Bought Free Agent 11/30/2011 $ 298 800
Huo Chuanqing Bought Free Agent 9/13/2011 $ 216 800
Michal Žitník Bought Free Agent 8/17/2011 $ 159 200
Dong Chaokang Sold Frogs team 4/25/2022 $ 150 000
Lars Guserl Sold Guate Beasts 7/5/2011 $ 14 000
Krisztián Oláh Bought Gunner KC 3/31/2012 $ 176 800
Tibor Matolcsy Sold HaiKou City Arena 5/30/2021 $ 8 000
Giannino Ferlaino Bought HLJ ICEMAN 1/4/2014 $ 416 200
Kristoffer Carigara Bought hpoel tel aviv 3/31/2014 $ 520 200
Antonio Alessio Sold Impies 4/2/2012 $ 83 300
Tibor Kú Sold İnanna 11/24/2014 $ 5 000
Bogdan Felecan Sold independiente de san giorg 3/20/2012 $ 85 000
Szabolcs Paulik Sold İstanbul Warriors 7/3/2018 $ 15 000
Róbert Mincza Sold Jēkabpils Lūši 8/11/2024 $ 304 200
Aladár Bodnár Sold jk704 11/2/2014 $ 1 000
Albert Wieloch Sold Joaçaba Raptors 1/13/2015 $ 358 900
Juan Carlos Anido Bought jurbarkas dream 1/13/2015 $ 212 300
Tibor Kárpáthy Sold Juventud V.C 11/20/2011 $ 72 900
Filomen Wielebiński Sold K.K. Žepče 10/2/2014 $ 280 000
Diogenis Fotiadis Sold Kaktusy 7/28/2023 $ 23 000
János Csák Sold KASTILLAO-TEAM 8/10/2020 $ 130 000
Hassan Rashid Sold Kék sasok 9/17/2013 $ 245 000
Wang Po Keung Bought Kırmızı Kara 11/21/2020 $ 1 114 500
Kam Jin Ming Sold KK Belgrade Storm 7/11/2015 $ 502 300
Yiorgos Alpous Sold KK Ihan-Dobravica II 12/22/2020 $ 86 800
Igor Arsović Sold KK Lahomno 7/10/2011 $ 300 000
Zoltán Áder Sold KK Noa Zagreb 8/16/2019 $ 300 000
Martí López Bought KK Pajton_production 6/12/2013 $ 350 000
Leng Rujing Bought KK Partizan BgdAF2 7/22/2014 $ 282 000
Rading Soldevilla Sold KK Vukovi s Vratnika560 1/30/2016 $ 1 020 000
Damianos Kalvos Bought kk zte II 1/12/2024 $ 289 100
Ábel Bohács Sold Klusums pirms vētras 1/4/2025 $ 16 000
Dominik Bakša Sold Knights of Autumn 1/15/2024 $ 552 300
Ambrus Szélesi Sold korsan37 8/18/2011 $ 25 000
Kálmán Bagaméri Sold Krezjole 9/18/2013 $ 366 100
Jakub Bugajczyk Bought Kryvbas 1/17/2013 $ 361 000
Tadek Balikowski Sold KS Golden Grizzlies 11/10/2023 $ 312 200
Ármin Geller Sold LA Clippers Paul 5/22/2012 $ 7 000
Siregan Nikoghosyan Sold Lakers 12 9/19/2013 $ 230 000
Humberto Sánchez Lakers75 9/19/2013 $ 216 900
Laisvitas Navagruckis Lakers75 9/19/2013 $ 101 400
Martí López Lakers75 9/18/2013 $ 149 700
Juku Vana Sold Lapuan korikoirat 10/28/2012 $ 180 000
Bogdan Felecan Bought Las Fierbinti 6/13/2011 $ 124 000
Juan Montalvo Bought Lenovo mecanico 5/30/2011 $ 133 000
Humberto Sánchez Sold LooneyTunes Squad 6/25/2014 $ 210 000
Jakub Bugajczyk Sold Los Halcones Galacticos 3/17/2013 $ 420 000
Géza Színes Sold LOS KASZANOS 3/4/2012 $ 1 000
Kristoffer Carigara Sold maccabi marihuana 12/7/2016 $ 520 000
Yiorgos Alpous Bought Mai Mai 5/14/2017 $ 185 000
Gu Huaijiang Sold Mean Ducks 3/19/2013 $ 280 600
Oriol Soler Bought Menkoko C.B 10/17/2019 $ 2 872 100
Martí López Sold MerryJane 3/7/2014 $ 150 000
Konrád Csirik Sold Miracle KK 11/7/2011 $ 15 000
Mihály Bethlen Sold Mohágytő SE 12/20/2024 $ 6 000
Valery Strelin Sold mohammad2200 2/13/2013 $ 300 000
Rafael Claveria Bought Moigné 11/4/2011 $ 102 000
Silvestre Codina Sold MUFCXZ516 4/22/2023 $ 377 400
Petr Mikhaylov Sold Naprzód Zielonki 3/4/2014 $ 220 000
Petr Mikhaylov Bought natachillas 9/24/2013 $ 220 000
Charlie Stout Bought New Rochelle Huguenots 6/23/2011 $ 10 000
Gökhan Vacid Bought OLYMPIACOS BASKETBALL CLUB.4CD9BC 7/10/2011 $ 220 100
Oriol Soler Sold Oversea 3/9/2021 $ 1 877 100
Simone Trucillo Sold ÖzcanHalıKilimYıkama 2/22/2017 $ 619 700
Márton Sárkány Sold Parowozy Jarocin 3/14/2013 $ 4 000
Emil Hostisóczki Sold Pattogó Vizilovak 1/16/2013 $ 2 000
Filomen Wielebiński Bought Pivasik 9/19/2013 $ 450 000
Alessandro Molino Sold Posty 4/4/2015 $ 400 000
Huo Chuanqing Sold Riclub 3/19/2013 $ 480 000
Dean Thurman Bought Rose City Raccoons 9/29/2013 $ 108 400
Dong Chaokang Bought SAIHEIIO 1/4/2018 $ 437 600
Chen Yonghu Bought SAIHEIIO 1/4/2018 $ 612 000
Xoán Murillo Bought salesianosamorir 9/19/2013 $ 180 200
Balázs Kun Sold Sandecja NS 8/23/2015 $ 5 000
Alessandro Nini Bought sbg flash1FA 2/21/2016 $ 1 500 000
Domonkos Ködöböcz Sold Seirin High 11/7/2011 $ 50 000
Dávid Ábrahám Sold seminola 7/28/2023 $ 26 000
Kenéz Kardos Sold Shaolin Narcos 3/7/2013 $ 1 000
Attila Petrovics Sold SickWolf Team 5/27/2021 $ 5 000
Moris Monzita Sold Siilinjärvi Knights 9/9/2016 $ 183 600
Ago Kalev Bought Silver Soldiers 7/26/2023 $ 612 000
Dean Thurman Sold Skellefteå Rivermen 6/17/2018 $ 312 953
Antonio Alessio Bought skysunny 11/10/2011 $ 150 000
Jakab Szolcsánszki Sold Slegar Baskets 5/11/2019 $ 5 000
Deng Yu Wei Sold Slug Bugs 10/23/2019 $ 1 459 200
Yosyp Kostenko Sold Spartak Mura 12/14/2023 $ 1 000
Alfian Agustiono Bought Spartan 300 7/15/2015 $ 714 000
Albert Wieloch Bought srxrb 7/14/2014 $ 722 000
Máté Olexik Sold Star Starachowice 8/17/2022 $ 1 000
Abdelbari Chouba Sold Streetfame 11/24/2020 $ 400 000
Juku Vana Bought Stylers 1/29/2012 $ 168 800
Laisvitas Navagruckis Bought SubSonics 5/24/2011 $ 416 200
Igor Arsović Bought SuperSoinics 6/30/2011 $ 87 000
Tunca Mihri Bought Svol_VIK 5/23/2021 $ 1 224 000
András Árok Sold Széchényi Egyetem Győr 5/30/2020 $ 1 000
Johnny Banghöj Bought szöke_ciklonok 5/31/2020 $ 357 000
Tunca Mihri Sold Telički 8/27/2021 $ 665 400
Laborc Gaskó Sold Texas Holdem Team 9/2/2016 $ 170 000
Novak Milojevski Bought The Mighty Bisons 11/24/2023 $ 930 000
Konstantin Kamburov Sold The Shaqs 12/7/2012 $ 1 000
Miklós Bartal Sold The Shaqs 12/7/2012 $ 1 000
Théo Raguet Bought Tinto Cola 2/4/2017 $ 2 900 000
Emre Kiral Bought Tsoutsoureli 12/17/2024 $ 2 000
Alessandro Molino Bought usoam athismons 3/19/2014 $ 472 200
Taavi Jõgeda Bought VALLE HERMOSO 7/22/2015 $ 1 260 600
Miklós Szanyi Sold Vanessa Pineapples 8/20/2024 $ 210 000
Roland Salamon Sold Vilafranca Celtics 8/23/2015 $ 9 001
Dennis Blöh Sold Villanova CB 6/6/2014 $ 232 000
Humberto Sánchez Bought Virtus Rats 1/9/2013 $ 344 300
Michal Žitník Sold Wanderers BBC 9/18/2013 $ 768 200
Alfian Agustiono Sold xXxApsilimasxXx 1/30/2016 $ 700 000
Charlie Stout Sold Yamaaha2023 9/7/2011 $ 15 000
Théo Raguet Sold zoa 1/9/2019 $ 600 000
Zoltán Áder Bought ZYLEX Esports 6/26/2015 $ 108 300
Idipodas Voulgarakis Sold ΣΙΜΩΝΙΔΗΣ ΚΕΑΣ 3/25/2018 $ 208 100
Lertsun Barrenetxea Bought גחי גחי 9/22/2013 $ 122 600
Gu Huaijiang Bought 中原鼎 12/28/2011 $ 26 000
Krisztián Zsombok Sold 印第安纳遛马队 12/14/2024 $ 124 100
Zakhar Ryzhkov Bought 奧奥奥兰多 7/2/2011 $ 42 000
Gökhan Vacid Sold 泰山高中 12/7/2011 $ 238 200
Alessandro Nini Sold 洗脚城 5/4/2016 $ 1 200 000
Krisztián Jadlóczky Sold 淮上闲人 9/18/2013 $ 2 000
Diogenis Fotiadis Bought 热血篮球 8/11/2019 $ 166 600
Blodin Siliqi Sold 雷霆子怒 6/25/2022 $ 200 000
Total Sales: $ 26 242 554
Total Purchases: $ 44 344 100
Transfer Balance: $ -18 101 546