List of Transfers
Player To/From Date Price
Aart-Willem Starre Bought "Visi Po Viena" 10/19/2015 $ 11 000
Dariusz Zienkiewicz Sold A WildCats 7/20/2016 $ 1 000
Dangiras Zamauskas Sold A.R.C.A. 3/5/2019 $ 80 000
Denis Leloup Sold Abdihd 7/19/2014 $ 2 000
Matthew Davila Bought aequipa 9/4/2015 $ 156 100
Sergio Cervantes Bought Aiolikos BC 11/22/2015 $ 3 000
Juan Zumaran Sold Aismalibar C.B. 1/8/2015 $ 15 000
Riccardo Melazzini Bought Almería de Saúl 2/7/2016 $ 204 000
Matas Jurkuvėnas Bought Alter Dream 10/12/2018 $ 102 000
Luis Olivar Bought Altos elfos 12/4/2019 $ 2 000
Orazio Vidè Sold Andria Celtics 10/7/2018 $ 41 000
Gualtiero Vireca Bought AngelTeam 8/20/2014 $ 156 000
Rodrigo Chilindrón Bought AnWiLPoLaNd 1/4/2015 $ 7 755
Guillaume Olivier Sold aragua de barcelona 2/16/2015 $ 5 000
Bruno Trincas Bought Atlantic Sailors 7/11/2014 $ 1 000
Lionel Perret Bought ATLTruth II 1/21/2016 $ 79 800
Tudor Stoica Bought Atomics 11/13/2015 $ 2 000
Cãlin Drãgut Bought B.C Steaua Bucuresti 7/22/2014 $ 5 000
Nick Nielson Bought Barco city 6/5/2016 $ 65 000
Mantas Brovkinas Bought BC ,,Šventas gralis“ 10/12/2018 $ 1 000
Soo-Hyun Lee Bought BC Autistico 12/13/2015 $ 100 000
Aldukas Butrymas Sold BC Bloosa 10/22/2015 $ 36 000
Ignacy Młodzianowski Bought BC Dzidzia 5/6/2016 $ 75 000
Lucretiu David Bought BC Grankulla 3/20/2019 $ 50 000
Józef Łabenda Bought BC Kibiras 9/19/2016 $ 21 000
Przemek Głąb Bought BC Lulas 7/24/2014 $ 50 000
Przemek Głąb Sold BC Mamutai 8/9/2014 $ 5 000
Vinis Suražinskas Bought bc mansfild 1/30/2016 $ 1 000
Mauro Romig Bought BC Nagomar United 1/24/2016 $ 55 555
Giuseppe Di Palma Sold BC Rezervas 6/11/2016 $ 29 000
Nikos Tzavelas Bought BC SPEEDY 8/24/2015 $ 102 000
Gintaras Sugintas Bought BC Tritaskis 9/14/2015 $ 2 000
Gerardus Vandenbrande Bought Beerschot AC 1/11/2020 $ 1 000
Alfredo Toro Bought Bence All Star 1/21/2020 $ 40 000
Rainer Scheit Bought Bence All Star 10/16/2014 $ 5 000
Zlatko Laharnar Bought bestofplayers 7/22/2016 $ 83 300
Karol Muszyński Bought BİRZOLA 9/14/2014 $ 44 000
Achilleas Nikolaou Bought BIZIM PAOK 1926 2/28/2016 $ 2 000
Jerzy Krych Bought Bizony z NYSY 1/6/2015 $ 88 000
Jürgen Kettich Bought BK Ezerkrasta basketbols 9/13/2017 $ 10 000
Włodzimierz Kabić Bought Blood Roses 4/6/2018 $ 5 500
Zbigniew Kiszewski Bought Blue Jays87 2/2/2015 $ 1 000
Fernando Forn Pertejo Bought Boll Basket Team 11/29/2015 $ 120 000
Włodzimierz Klepacz Sold Bombasticos 1/27/2015 $ 35 000
David Elleman Bought Bombeiros Firefighters 10/17/2018 $ 1 000
Feliks Brochocki Bought Booly 9/18/2015 $ 39 900
Kalvis Irklis Bought BORBA B.C. 11/5/2019 $ 7 000
Michal Pšenička Bought Boston Patriots 10/26/2015 $ 100 000
Damian Kwiatkowski Bought Both teams played hard 7/27/2014 $ 18 736
Fabien Riou Bought Boudougar Basket Club 11/11/2015 $ 11 000
Dangiras Zamauskas Bought Buenos Aires Jaguars 1/11/2019 $ 60 000
Roberto Valero Martínez Bought buzos 7/8/2015 $ 10 000
Alfonso Beron Bought C.A.BETO 3/7/2016 $ 1 000
Mauro Romig Sold Cabezitas locas 2/12/2016 $ 15 000
Attilio Negrini Bought Caiossi68 9/18/2015 $ 10 000
Dewayne Hopkins Bought Camilo básquet 5/2/2019 $ 7 000
Jeremy Robinson Bought Camilo básquet 5/2/2019 $ 4 000
Paweł Ciborski Sold cappi77 11/2/2019 $ 14 000
Paul Mangelsdorff Bought Carlaxity 5/14/2017 $ 102 000
Paulo Esteban Dolce Bought Carroñeros de Mármol 7/11/2014 $ 20 000
Lionel Perret Sold Castello Stars 2/9/2016 $ 11 000
Patrick Ovindo Bought Cebu Jets 11/24/2014 $ 150 000
Mirosław Czaniecki Sold Chapeleiros 2/7/2016 $ 224 400
Tadeusz Podjacki Bought Charleking City 9/4/2015 $ 99 999
Czesław Gierak Sold Chi-Raq Bulliez 12/24/2014 $ 12 000
Miguel Agüeras Bought Chomiczówka II 1/11/2016 $ 9 999
Jakub Budzisz Bought Chomiczówka´s Boys 3/27/2016 $ 12 000
Tadas Trusevicius Bought chris7REDS 9/4/2016 $ 21 000
Mauro Juerga Sold ChuBag 5/8/2015 $ 7 000
Tomasz Pieczka Bought CKS Chotomów 2/5/2015 $ 10 000
Krzysztof Ciupa Bought Cortes S.C. 1/9/2015 $ 10 000
Przemysław Martyka Bought crveni gusari 2/9/2016 $ 100 000
Juan Zumaran Bought C-SAI 12/7/2014 $ 120 000
Vladimir Radić Bought Cubas Bubas 9/4/2015 $ 50 000
Matt Parker Bought Czarni Słupsk# 11/10/2015 $ 72 900
Thabo Theron Bought Czv07 4/30/2016 $ 1 000
Czesław Gierak Bought DaleSanLore 7/11/2014 $ 45 000
Theo Coronado Bought Delmarva Vampirez 12/20/2017 $ 1 000
Eef Eerkes Sold Dereg Bet Jets 10/7/2018 $ 31 000
Vajnislau Praharevich Sold Detroit Pistons I 12/10/2014 $ 73 700
Polinikis Manologlou Bought Diamantes 3/13/2016 $ 2 000
Xie Caijian Bought Diavoli Rossi Valtaro 2/8/2018 $ 44 000
Mauro Bonvicino Bought Dinner Time Dobus 3/13/2019 $ 200 000
Marco Ramaccioni Sold DummyAccount 8/5/2014 $ 60 600
Ohan Isahakyan Bought dunarea oinacu 11/5/2019 $ 13 000
Ivan Silva Sold Durex9999 1/30/2020 $ 5 000
Oskar Nieckarz Bought El de mi señor 12/7/2014 $ 67 400
Krzysztof Ciupa Sold Elefanti eleganti 1/21/2015 $ 3 000
Jay Branch Bought Entente_Illkirch 10/10/2014 $ 22 000
Rolf Schittke Bought Entente_Illkirch 10/10/2014 $ 60 000
Hursit Çavlan Bought Enveriyant BC 12/10/2014 $ 15 000
Braid Nõmmiste Bought Enygma Lakers 7/11/2014 $ 10 000
Cezary Grzebski Sold es-es 1/11/2020 $ 1 000
Rainer Scheit Sold EVOSMOS BLACK SHEEP 12/10/2014 $ 14 400
Karl Daucys Bought F.o.k 5/14/2017 $ 50 000
Manuel Arenas Bought FADSP 11/14/2019 $ 1 000
Władysław Blachnicki Sold Fantomi 12/21/2014 $ 1 000
Kevin MacSweeney Bought FC Bielany 11/29/2015 $ 33 333
Jonas Lefèbvre Bought FC Crocodiles 12/21/2014 $ 100 000
Spartaco Gagna Bought ferentina 1/21/2016 $ 88 200
Mateusz Wojsiat Bought Ferrara basket club 11/15/2015 $ 1 000
Audronius Skarupskis Bought FIBA United 2/12/2015 $ 43 000
Demetrius Lake Bought Flapjackels 1/12/2015 $ 20 000
Hugo Libor Sold Flowresta Vandals 10/13/2014 $ 2 500
Fang Xuanliang Bought Free Agent 5/22/2019 $ 41 280
Alexander Andreev Bought Free Agent 5/2/2019 $ 64 490
Paweł Ciborski Bought Free Agent 1/11/2019 $ 88 500
Edoardo Plebani Bought Free Agent 2/22/2018 $ 37 200
Lukas Nababan Bought Free Agent 2/20/2018 $ 47 200
Marçal Parull Bought Free Agent 2/19/2018 $ 75 870
Filimonas Farakopoulos Bought Free Agent 2/19/2018 $ 72 210
Mikhael Monforte Bought Free Agent 2/19/2018 $ 72 790
Gregori Clarés Bought Free Agent 2/8/2018 $ 109 580
Bartomeu Sugranyes Bought Free Agent 1/10/2018 $ 180 940
Nick Simms Bought Free Agent 12/21/2017 $ 90 490
Ossie Cross Bought Free Agent 12/20/2017 $ 104 780
Eivydas Budvydas Bought Free Agent 12/11/2016 $ 65 590
Cittapara Satish Bought Free Agent 1/21/2016 $ 55 920
Cleo Anderson Bought Free Agent 1/14/2016 $ 56 310
Philippe Viardot Bought Gaiļi 12/21/2014 $ 137 800
Filippo Mughini Sold Gaiteros Zulianos 8/30/2016 $ 80 000
Filippo Mughini Bought Galaxie 500 3/26/2016 $ 99 900
Trent Newsome Bought Galiza Celtics 12/23/2015 $ 1 000
Zbigniew Szlachcic Bought Galzenberger TEAM 10/4/2015 $ 75 000
Ritvalds Kupcs Bought GD Marte 7/2/2018 $ 45 000
Leopoldo Cordeiro Bought GD Parque Luso 2/19/2018 $ 10 000
Hakan Güven Sold Gecsomania 12/1/2014 $ 2 000
Emil Broda Sold Gecsomania 12/1/2014 $ 1 000
Ramon Romero Sold Gelveños por el mundo 12/8/2016 $ 306 000
Waldemar Latański Sold Giocassa 11/1/2019 $ 2 000
Virxilio Patiño Sold Gli sgranocchieri 1/2/2018 $ 54 800
Álvaro De Meza Bought Gli spritz 7/8/2015 $ 80 000
Kelly Jackson Bought Golden SW 1/12/2015 $ 3 000
David Legin Sold GRANDE INVERNO 11/18/2015 $ 5 005
Rocco Aquilone Sold Higlanders 8/30/2016 $ 20 000
Janne Untolahti Bought hilariushiiri 2/22/2016 $ 1 000
William Fiorella Bought HornetsBologna2023 2/7/2016 $ 2 000
Csaba Virág Bought huudebaba 9/18/2015 $ 1 000
Rolf Schittke Sold Hylians Team 2/6/2015 $ 7 000
Guido Deidda Bought I peggiori in campo 7/11/2014 $ 30 000
Taylor Mayer Bought I Volt 2/21/2019 $ 50 000
Earle Redman Bought I Volt 2/21/2019 $ 25 000
Coré Jiménez Orozco Bought I.B.D.I.M. 2022 4/15/2016 $ 20 000
Lukas Nababan Sold In the middle of nowhere 6/10/2018 $ 13 000
José María Miret Bought In the middle of nowhere 2/8/2016 $ 51 000
Lorenzo Della Marchina Bought Instituto Linares 11/30/2017 $ 50 000
Edgar Davis Bought ionia 4/24/2015 $ 110 000
Miloud Ferhat Bought Iraklis Blue Devils 12/11/2015 $ 11 000
Alexander Andreev Sold Irun Bulls 11/2/2019 $ 1 000
Jarosław Piłsudski Bought IT Dievai ir Demonai 4/8/2018 $ 1 000
Dan Lopez Bought JA Miami 11/9/2019 $ 53 200
Paulo Esteban Dolce Sold Jammers 8/9/2014 $ 24 000
Jan Marmol Bought Jarosław BC 8/15/2014 $ 1 000
Max Quesnel Bought jk704 1/29/2016 $ 2 000
Gurdunfo Achás Bought Joaçaba Raptors 8/10/2014 $ 90 000
Orazio Vidè Bought Joško Gvardiol team 11/14/2017 $ 135 600
Jay Starr Bought Kentucky River 7/12/2014 $ 5 000
Jordan Subileau Bought Ketterät Gasellit 8/1/2017 $ 400 000
Emanuel Smolinski Sold Kispest Punishers 2/9/2015 $ 15 000
Darko Luketić Bought KK Bronx819 10/17/2018 $ 1 000
Massimiliano Arnesi Bought KK NolSeptyni 11/14/2017 $ 250 000
Daniel Wasilewski Bought KK Slam Dunk 10/26/2015 $ 50 000
Guido Deidda Sold KKS Rybnik 10/16/2014 $ 1 000
Juozas Delnikas Sold Kokateam 9/15/2017 $ 1 000
Hakan Güven Bought KRLEV 10/15/2014 $ 15 000
Jonas Lefèbvre Sold kulebule 1/7/2015 $ 15 001
Aldukas Butrymas Bought La Banda Roja 9/23/2015 $ 49 000
Roman Tomsia Bought LA Plazma 2/2/2015 $ 1 000
Ignacy Młodzianowski Sold Landsknechts 2/26/2017 $ 30 000
Erik Ida Bought Lasiandra black hawks 12/31/2015 $ 37 500
Ramon Romero Bought Lasnamäe Fc 9/19/2016 $ 31 000
Peteris Živeds Bought Latgola BK 9/20/2015 $ 1 000
Przemysław Martyka Sold Latvala 5/18/2016 $ 60 000
Ryszard Piktel Sold Lefki 1/6/2015 $ 3 000
Ryszard Piktel Bought Lefki 12/24/2014 $ 3 600
Hugo Libor Bought Les Armateurs Grecs de Monaco 9/7/2014 $ 70 000
Giorgio Casablanca Bought Les oursons 8/6/2014 $ 1 000
Edgar Davis Sold Les Remparts 5/8/2015 $ 55 400
Włodzimierz Klepacz Bought les-sanglants 1/5/2015 $ 13 000
Henryk Wiciński Bought levadia heat 1/9/2015 $ 1 000
Patrick Ovindo Sold LiftForTSwift 12/21/2014 $ 38 000
Imre Probocskai Sold LiftForTSwift 12/21/2014 $ 2 000
Marcus Roch Bought Linkenheimer Linkers 1/28/2015 $ 2 000
Spartaco Gagna Sold Los Aguafiestas 2/23/2017 $ 250 000
Matthew Davila Sold Los Angeles Anwil 9/15/2015 $ 52 100
Robert Piętak Bought -Los Plastikos- 1/12/2018 $ 1 000
Beniamin Just Bought -Los Plastikos- 1/2/2017 $ 1 000
Roman Gołębiewski Bought -Los Plastikos- 1/2/2017 $ 1 000
Ivan Silva Bought Los Sapos de Guanajuato 1/8/2020 $ 5 000
José María Miret Sold Luanda Lakers 4/7/2016 $ 10 000
Jan Wacławski Bought Magic Gortat Team 9/4/2014 $ 26 000
Marco Ramaccioni Bought Magic Zone 青训营 7/24/2014 $ 50 000
João Carlos Simas Bought Malabon Sais 2/13/2015 $ 100 000
Nacho Villavedón Bought Maories de Badalona 9/20/2015 $ 1 000
Emanuel Smolinski Bought MeoTeam 12/24/2014 $ 50 000
Juan Mischener Bought Metaloplastika 4/24/2015 $ 40 000
Jerko Klišanic Bought milano lion 7/6/2015 $ 100 000
Ed Tillman Bought Milwaukee Chalkidas B.C. 4/24/2015 $ 150 000
Mikuláš Komanický Bought Minnesota cads 5/16/2016 $ 1 000
Francie Cullen Bought Mision Arriba B.B.C. 11/27/2017 $ 350 000
Ant Bilgiç Sold Mistrzowie Betów 9/7/2015 $ 121 000
Gualtiero Vireca Sold Mistrzowie Betów 8/28/2014 $ 122 400
Per Höging Bought MLK allstars 9/14/2015 $ 1 000
Giuseppe Buscarinu Bought modena spurs 10/26/2015 $ 3 000
Lo Chao Tong Bought moshava finests 2/8/2015 $ 7 000
Cédric Baras Bought MUC 72ers 1/11/2020 $ 2 000
Korbinian Luttmer Sold mut basket 1/21/2016 $ 265 500
Jakub Dolat Bought Nabil B.C 7/14/2019 $ 100 000
Vojin Petrone Bought NAUJIEJI RUSAI 7/10/2018 $ 199 999
Jogaila Lauckus Bought NAUJIEJI RUSAI 2/5/2015 $ 9 999
Castejón Viana Bought New York Thugs 2/9/2015 $ 125 000
Gerard Ganczarek Bought North Eagles 8/16/2014 $ 1 000
Kevin MacSweeney Sold Norwich Beagles 1/15/2016 $ 10 000
Devin Connelly Bought Nowhere Jazzmatazz 1/2/2018 $ 450 000
Alfredo Toro Sold Ohio Nuts 2/20/2020 $ 5 000
Toni Griver Bought Oldschool bc. 10/17/2018 $ 19 000
Marek Koguciuk Bought olympiakos29 2/28/2016 $ 1 000
Maigurs Neilands Bought onolulu 4/11/2017 $ 59 000
Ben Oyaert Bought Ostensche Clippers 1/29/2016 $ 2 000
Ohan Isahakyan Sold Pal i Gol 3/12/2020 $ 31 000
Peter Wergetis Bought Palermitana Academy 12/4/2019 $ 150 000
Gary Paguio Bought Palermitana Canestri 4/5/2017 $ 120 000
Giuseppe Di Palma Bought Panathinaikosbc. 3/7/2016 $ 3 000
Ciro Martini Bought PAOK B.T. 4/5/2016 $ 2 000
Christoforos Ellinaras Bought Papiros B.C 3/8/2020 $ 60 000
Sebastián Cadorna Bought Paponi Team130 11/9/2019 $ 1 000
Rauni Rae Bought Paraugueiros Ourense BBC 2/8/2018 $ 89 000
Ingmar Tamm Bought Pärnu Ahvid 2/21/2020 $ 51 000
Jason Houck Bought Partizan2 8/26/2014 $ 10 000
Feng Youying Bought Patalavaca Bulls 11/21/2019 $ 132 600
Italo Bisegna Bought Pazzi e scatenati 3/13/2016 $ 1 000
Denis Leloup Bought pijos tramposos 7/11/2014 $ 78 200
Joonas Ursin Bought Poudereux Maristas 5/28/2018 $ 325 000
Stanisław Kilan Sold Providencia leones 11/2/2019 $ 1 000
Stanisław Bodys Bought Puccela 7/1/2015 $ 81 600
Ernest Smoktunowicz Bought QuenchaTeam 7/28/2015 $ 1 000
Linus Martinsson Sold Raguviskiai 2/9/2015 $ 10 100
David Cobo Bought Real Boston Celtics 10/21/2015 $ 2 000
Klementín Kopasný Bought Real Kuko 9/19/2015 $ 1 000
Matas Jurkuvėnas Sold reims champagne basket 11/1/2019 $ 12 000
Pavlos Markopoulos Bought Retro Heat 11/8/2019 $ 7 000
Miguel Nowak Bought river fighters 1988 11/13/2015 $ 3 000
Mauro Bonvicino Sold Romanian Bulls 7/6/2019 $ 395 500
Alain Reveillon Bought Rompehoyos12 9/13/2017 $ 55 000
Virxilio Patiño Bought Rompehoyos12 9/13/2017 $ 100 000
Cesare Simari Bought Rottweilery Choceń 2/8/2016 $ 1 000
Khalifa Seydi Bought Rummed 12/20/2018 $ 150 000
Sędziwoj Jaroszczak Bought Ruta First 4/11/2017 $ 6 000
Dawid Dron Bought Sao Raiders 11/29/2015 $ 1 000
Vajnislau Praharevich Bought sarzahv 7/20/2014 $ 130 000
Baldo Deidda Bought Sassari2 9/7/2014 $ 2 500
Mieczysław Dziama Bought ScalabrineBoys 12/24/2014 $ 70 000
Giorgio Leprini Bought SerCondore Basket 9/13/2017 $ 132 600
Dan Lopez Sold Shadownight 2/19/2020 $ 33 000
Mario Azañón Bought Shake and Bake 3/7/2016 $ 2 000
Bartosz Stopka Bought Shala-Mamba 9/1/2014 $ 5 000
Jakub Ułamek Bought Shipcore Gdańsk 11/24/2014 $ 10 000
Ljubo Daničić Bought Šiaulių kariai 3/26/2016 $ 25 000
Rocco Aquilone Bought Sicily Basketball 6/5/2016 $ 40 000
Ignacio Aguilar Bought Silesia Nowy Dwór 2/22/2016 $ 1 000
Ataman Hashimov Bought Silesian Suns 1/24/2016 $ 55 000
Wolf Feldkampp Bought Sinera BC 4/11/2017 $ 60 000
William Ivy Bought small mangos 8/22/2014 $ 1 000
Valentí Pinar Bought SMB Hismanal 1/12/2016 $ 2 000
Mauro Juerga Bought Solo Shadows 2/5/2015 $ 68 100
Korbinian Luttmer Bought Sparkdef 7/11/2014 $ 50 000
Eduardo García Bought Sporting de Portugal 11/14/2017 $ 106 000
Mantas Takažauskas Bought sportino2018 7/1/2015 $ 199 999
Grzegorz Szajnowski Bought Stalówka 1938 11/15/2015 $ 5 000
Zenon Miroński Bought Stalówka 1938 11/15/2015 $ 1 000
Salvátor Štepán Bought StarScream 11/10/2019 $ 95 600
Ant Bilgiç Bought Stellina 7/24/2015 $ 102 000
Nélson Sampaio Sold Studienka 9/4/2014 $ 10 000
Rod Reeves Bought Stumbras BC 2/7/2016 $ 30 000
Jorge Patablanca Bought Sudvabalis 2/7/2016 $ 8 000
Nélson Sampaio Bought Svetovalci 8/26/2014 $ 75 000
Boguchwał Przysowa Bought Swoosh37 10/4/2015 $ 1 000
Fausto Pappalardo Bought SybTe@m 8/6/2014 $ 240 500
Vojin Petrone Sold Szolnoki Másnaposok 10/7/2018 $ 150 000
Mikuláš Komanický Sold Talk & Text Phonepals 5/25/2016 $ 3 000
Juozas Delnikas Bought TeamNastio 5/16/2016 $ 20 000
Jakub Dolat Sold Tenerife Bulls 11/1/2019 $ 8 000
Zlatko Laharnar Sold Tercer Tiempo 8/30/2016 $ 5 000
Francie Cullen Sold The Debauchery Tea 10/7/2018 $ 102 000
Karl Daucys Sold The Debauchery Tea 9/15/2017 $ 11 000
Riccardo Melazzini Sold The DonJuans 9/18/2016 $ 85 000
Zahid Amirbayov Bought The Lazy Ones 1/28/2016 $ 85 000
Siro Grobas Bought The Spurs 9/1/2014 $ 10 000
Zvjezdan Mujčinović Bought The Untouchables 2/7/2015 $ 2 000
Óscar Guercolata Bought The vilEliminators 2/5/2015 $ 25 000
Milan Dozet Bought TheBigHoney 9/23/2015 $ 1 000
Siro Grobas Sold Tikves 2015 10/16/2014 $ 6 000
Jason Houck Sold Tikves 2015 10/16/2014 $ 6 000
Rodrigo Chilindrón Sold Tinos2019 1/11/2015 $ 5 000
Bartosz Pakoca Bought Tommy II 1/24/2016 $ 2 000
Eef Eerkes Bought Totwart 4/5/2018 $ 165 000
Justino Baganha Sold Tourtouille 27ers 6/17/2015 $ 23 000
Fausto Pappalardo Sold Trambakouliakos 8/16/2014 $ 104 100
Romén Muñoz Díaz Bought UDAvila 2/12/2015 $ 2 000
Arunas Koniukovas Bought VendeTTa69 7/10/2018 $ 2 000
Philippe Viardot Sold VlRGlNIA 1/7/2015 $ 22 000
Andrea Melato Bought W1cked 9/4/2015 $ 25 000
David Legin Bought Wake Forest College 9/16/2015 $ 123 456
Jordan Greffe Bought Warriors Urban 9/15/2016 $ 9 600
Mariusz Jachacz Bought Warsaw Witchers 11/15/2015 $ 20 000
Dan Gaines Bought Westfield Rocks 11/29/2015 $ 1 000
Jan Strózynski Bought Wiedźmini 7/1/2015 $ 16 000
Jan Maryška Bought Wild Wasps 7/11/2014 $ 1 000
Bogusław Jarmołowicz Sold Wolf Dogs 12/10/2014 $ 1 000
Jordan Subileau Sold Xalastra 9/15/2017 $ 51 000
Ataman Hashimov Sold Xalki 2/7/2016 $ 11 000
Matt Parker Sold Xalki 2/7/2016 $ 31 000
Wiesław Iwko Bought XAPKIB BALLER'S 8/8/2018 $ 2 000
Amadeusz Jedut Bought Yamatai Huskies 2/14/2016 $ 1 000
Wiesław Kocik Sold YSRTALL 9/18/2016 $ 102 000
Guillaume Olivier Bought Zbikoo Team 1/20/2015 $ 5 000
Linus Martinsson Bought zetor 1/28/2015 $ 2 000
Nikos Tzavelas Sold Zvezda Crvena 9/7/2015 $ 132 900
Imre Probocskai Bought Софрино 12/7/2014 $ 45 000
Olivier Payet Bought הפועל כוסילמלם 11/11/2015 $ 42 000
Jarosław Kaganowicz Bought 原灬来 9/19/2016 $ 25 000
Fang Xuanliang Sold 大潮 10/31/2019 $ 1 000
Ed Tillman Sold 异常不太好奇 5/8/2015 $ 2 000
Justino Baganha Bought 津航明星联队 4/24/2015 $ 179 600
João Carlos Simas Sold 米米樂 7/8/2015 $ 80 000
Álvaro De Meza Sold 雪山突兀 8/25/2015 $ 12 000
Total Sales: $ 3 743 406
Total Purchases: $ 12 313 580
Transfer Balance: $ -8 570 174