List of Transfers
Player To/From Date Price
Abdelazim Thami Bought Barça lúnic 8/20/2016 $ 421 000
Agustín Lazarde Sold Yuckville Cass 7/29/2018 $ 1 000
Agustín Pedraza Sold valdepeñas F.C 10/2/2017 $ 4 000
Akis Venetis Sold Recife Kaeté 5/21/2015 $ 60 200
Akis Venetis Bought Ktulu 1/12/2015 $ 100 400
Alberto Villa Bought Manchester United19529722980EB50AF972 3/5/2011 $ 182 200
Alex Güáqueta Sold Power Electronics OAAKA 10/27/2018 $ 204 000
Alex Caraballo Bought Real Monte Piedad 5/31/2011 $ 110 000
Andrés Alonso Bought CANTAURA 3/17/2016 $ 500 000
Baco Maric Bought Real Monte Piedad 5/17/2011 $ 115 000
Benito Albarrán Sold Oko B2B 11/25/2019 $ 2 019 500
Carlos Alberto Lozada Sold 24Lakers 7/18/2016 $ 19 000
Carlos Andrés Gil Sold Frogmonsters 3/6/2018 $ 1 738 000
Chung Yuhao Bought The Nuts 5/8/2015 $ 353 300
Cristofer Bahamón Sold Gladiadores 9/12/2016 $ 18 000
Demetrio Finotti Bought Galactical 3/9/2011 $ 86 800
Donato Bastidas Sold TheAbsoluteTeam 3/16/2017 $ 1 000
Elio Ávila Sold Tree Runners 9/5/2016 $ 79 600
Elio Ávila Bought Demons Black 2/18/2016 $ 300 000
Enrique Lasso Sold Los Gigantes de Villa Granada 4/17/2018 $ 234 800
Folke Off Bought Rose City Raccoons 8/20/2016 $ 510 000
Fouad Louridi Sold Polish Stars 1/10/2015 $ 155 800
Fouad Jouidiari Sold Red Miners 6/3/2014 $ 168 000
Fouad Louridi Bought Diamond Valsesia 9/10/2013 $ 350 000
Fouad Jouidiari Bought XxDrink TeamxX 7/25/2013 $ 222 222
Fulgencio Olmedo López Bought The Neophytes 3/6/2011 $ 79 600
Gelsomino Cucco Bought Newton Heath LYR941 4/20/2011 $ 424 600
Géza Leindler Bought TeamBS 3/22/2011 $ 215 000
Herman Moreland Bought Golden State Blazzers 3/5/2011 $ 20 000
Honorio Calvo Sold Saint-Sulpice Basket 11/12/2015 $ 2 500
Huang Zongnan Sold Fighting Berlin 10/21/2014 $ 199 000
Huang Zongnan Bought Gsquad 8/6/2013 $ 430 000
Humberto Bello Sold LOS IMPLACABLES 5/13/2019 $ 300 000
Janusz Libecki Sold liverpool forever 12/18/2015 $ 1 415 900
Janusz Libecki Bought Helado Oscuro 5/6/2015 $ 764 000
Jeremías Navarro Sold Nostromo 1/7/2015 $ 228 900
Jeremías Navarro Bought 健康攻防 6/1/2014 $ 445 400
Jesús Goncalvez Sold Continental Parque Clube1B2 3/25/2017 $ 4 000
Joaquín Castro Sold Bad warriors 4/22/2011 $ 50 000
Joel Borgui Bought VikingosE1E 4/14/2018 $ 2 000
John Albright Bought Puff_Puff_Pass 12/18/2019 $ 1 500 000
Juan Luis Daza Sold Chrono Trigger 2/21/2018 $ 663 000
Julián Murillo Sold Llaneros del Guarico 8/19/2019 $ 539 000
Julius Mosanga Sold Batinari 2/2/2016 $ 17 000
Julius Mosanga Bought 灌南二郎神 5/10/2015 $ 204 000
Lavrentij Organdziev Sold 中国古拳法 6/30/2014 $ 54 100
Lavrentij Organdziev Bought Seattle 42ers 4/9/2014 $ 127 400
Lázaro Pérez Sold CBWORLD 12/8/2016 $ 102 000
Leandro Jaramillo Sold Barroca B. C. 2/12/2019 $ 18 000
Lorenzo Karam Sold #Bobry Bytom# 8/12/2015 $ 4 000
Markos Savakis Bought Real Monte Piedad 5/6/2011 $ 350 000
Michele Cardinale Sold AvocadoBurgers 7/19/2014 $ 58 100
Michele Cardinale Bought Bethnal Green Erks 6/6/2014 $ 85 700
Muratcan Palatekin Sold Júcar CB 10/8/2014 $ 95 600
Muratcan Palatekin Bought Croz 04 7/6/2014 $ 84 600
Nelson Stannard Bought matt1998 3/14/2011 $ 1 000
Neo Ying Jia Sold BC Afganistanas 3/19/2015 $ 311 400
Neo Ying Jia Bought platino 10/19/2014 $ 248 600
Olexiy Kovalenko Bought Jolly Elephants 3/19/2017 $ 1 300 000
Orlando Petit Sold Llaneros del Guarico 8/19/2019 $ 4 000
Pablo Olives Sold Seattle Superchonis 3/22/2015 $ 265 500
Pablo Olives Bought BC_Saar_18 1/17/2014 $ 600 000
Ramunas Nomgaudis Bought Iligan Pride 1/11/2015 $ 500 000
Salvatore Zambrano Sold Red-Tigers 8/21/2017 $ 1 000
Severiano Feijó Sold Chrono Trigger 2/2/2016 $ 1 689 500
Thilo Widdig Sold KK "Telšiai" 3/16/2015 $ 444 500
Thilo Widdig Bought Burdur BC 11/21/2013 $ 620 200
Vladimir Nuñez Sold CBWORLD 12/8/2016 $ 4 000
Wei Shuangliang Bought In Your Faceee 10/8/2014 $ 108 400
Wu An Ping Bought Svemirski Kosarkasi 10/25/2016 $ 779 999
Total Sales: $ 11 173 900
Total Purchases: $ 12 141 421
Transfer Balance: $ -967 521