List of Transfers
Player To/From Date Price
Yip Khek Leng Sold Fc Jelgava 5/25/2011 $ 1 000
Yiorgos Gerardakis Sold Šubravcai 6/14/2011 $ 50 000
Yiorgos Gerardakis Bought La Ribera Wildcats 5/30/2011 $ 4 000
Yiorgos Polichronopoulos Bought aris9764 4/23/2010 $ 36 000
Voldemars Vilters Sold MKS Posnania 8/2/2011 $ 2 000
Voldemars Vilters Bought Rodents of Unusual Size 6/18/2011 $ 80 000
Tunç Petek Bought Rhynos 11/5/2011 $ 54 200
Sung Jian Yi Sold Kuldre SuperSonics 5/18/2010 $ 20 000
Stanisław Sternal Sold Szolnoki parketta szaggatók 8/2/2011 $ 16 000
Stanisław Sternal Bought Rosario Central Carc 5/17/2011 $ 41 000
Rodolfh Ritaga Sold 3 and DC34 6/13/2011 $ 50 000
Rodolfh Ritaga Bought Golde State Warriors 5/30/2011 $ 8 000
Renats Banis Sold Megi Ts 8/2/2011 $ 150 000
Renats Banis Bought Free Agent 5/17/2011 $ 124 500
Rafael Perucha Bought mastropierosones 6/5/2010 $ 10 000
Preston Bond Sold bcquantum 8/31/2012 $ 728 300
Preston Bond Bought Kk Rakičan 5/16/2012 $ 581 400
Pericle Rossi Bought KOBE BRYANT 8&24 6/16/2011 $ 300 000
Paolo Pritoni Sold david160213 6/9/2012 $ 52 100
Paolo Pritoni Bought 龙腾四海 11/5/2011 $ 91 800
Oleg Staglicic Bought 我手好冷 4/12/2010 $ 100 000
Mui Chi hua Sold EA7 Crushers 5/18/2012 $ 1 000
Morgan Heirman Sold Galoise 11/20/2011 $ 2 000
Morgan Heirman Bought BC Phoenix 8/5/2011 $ 1 000
Meni Shalit Bought Buzzer Friedritz 5/30/2011 $ 10 000
Matej Ivančić Bought BC DRUZBA 4/14/2010 $ 102 000
Marlowe Simpas Sold BC Rapid Bucuresti 6/9/2012 $ 300 000
Marlowe Simpas Bought HazTheSpaz21 1/3/2012 $ 200 000
Leung Joi Seng Bought Free Agent 8/11/2011 $ 152 900
Leung Yat hung Sold Bangcock Strokers 5/25/2011 $ 1 000
Kuno Randala Bought Tartu Bock 4/13/2010 $ 1 000
Kuk Kwan Jit Bought SEHeat 7/28/2011 $ 122 400
Kostas Eleftherakis Bought MBCA 9/2/2012 $ 357 000
Konstantin Engstler-Weißenbach Sold Kakarikiz 6/4/2011 $ 47 000
Konstantin Engstler-Weißenbach Bought Sagaland 5/23/2011 $ 4 000
Kleovoulos Matsaggos Sold Málaga CB 8/2/2011 $ 11 000
Kleovoulos Matsaggos Bought Rosario Central Carc 5/17/2011 $ 2 000
Karol Dubovický Sold Executive Branch 8/2/2011 $ 3 000
Karol Dubovický Bought Bk Masters 5/23/2011 $ 3 000
Jasenko Božac Sold JumperGoGoGo 3/3/2012 $ 3 000
Jasenko Božac Bought Gressboy 5/13/2011 $ 3 000
Jadilson Sabino Bought Chicago Stars 2/8/2012 $ 610 000
Huang Pung Sung Sold LeiTing 5/4/2012 $ 2 000
Huang Pung Sung Bought 米奇QQ 2/17/2012 $ 15 000
Ha Liran Sold Wingzz 5/28/2011 $ 1 000
Ha Liran Bought 樵湖岭野猪队 5/14/2011 $ 1 000
Gu Enxing Sold ritinha 6/13/2011 $ 300 000
Gu Enxing Bought North Eagles 5/17/2011 $ 264 000
Gilles Martineau Sold Monségur CLB 11/3/2011 $ 11 000
Gilles Martineau Bought North Carolina Tar Heels 7/29/2011 $ 2 000
Douglas Armando Nicasio Sold The Tasmanian Devils 11/4/2011 $ 161 400
Douglas Armando Nicasio Bought casba 7/28/2011 $ 269 600
Diego Echebarri Sold SAMANTHA BASKET 5/28/2012 $ 1 000
Diego Echebarri Bought RolyPolies 6/1/2011 $ 15 000
Crispin Kiser Bought aris9764 4/23/2010 $ 96 100
Clayton Hollis Sold Pallaso de fira 8/2/2011 $ 4 000
Clayton Hollis Bought New York Chunks 5/24/2011 $ 51 000
Chung Pei zhi Sold Lecheros 8/2/2011 $ 26 000
Chow Kit Loong Sold 堅尼地城喪聰 5/17/2012 $ 1 000
Choi Kim Chuan Sold plunges olimpass 2/8/2012 $ 102 000
Cheung Jinn Sold ArmaDi Gins 9/10/2012 $ 204 000
Charlie Madison Bought Alaska Alphas 5/13/2011 $ 2 000
Askhat Amangali Bought Барсы Атырау 4/13/2010 $ 173 400
Ahmet Onur Arguç Bought broklyn nets 4/23/2010 $ 21 000
Total Sales: $ 2 250 800
Total Purchases: $ 3 909 300
Transfer Balance: $ -1 658 500