List of Transfers
Player To/From Date Price
Anthony Travis Sold 3eHuT 10/30/2017 $ 1 000
George Dobbins Sold alabama red roosters 2/14/2015 $ 29 000
Piotr Kauf Sold Alytaus Alytus 9/29/2008 $ 204 000
Qu Fuchong Sold AS Naincom 4/29/2015 $ 153 000
Porter Joyner Bought Balchan United 12/10/2016 $ 520 200
Anthony Taylor Sold barcelonat 12/8/2008 $ 69 600
Niklas Raus Bought Baskets Munich 11/18/2007 $ 36 000
Moisés Corona Sold BC AiR Alert 7/13/2012 $ 530 700
Ron Anderson Bought BC Funikulierius 11/15/2019 $ 306 000
Jess Ayers Bought BC Hornpub 10/1/2021 $ 69 000
Shannon Mitchell Sold BC Rulezzz 9/11/2009 $ 1 000
Emiliusz Halabis Sold BC Tienen 6/7/2020 $ 799 999
Slawomir Hodurek Bought BCDPR 11/18/2012 $ 197 700
Robert Mullen Sold Bombeiros Firefighters™ 2/27/2023 $ 26 000
Józef Jachym Bought Brasilia Celtics 7/20/2010 $ 1 530 000
Norbert Lindner Sold BSC Ērgļi 3/29/2024 $ 270 800
Ramonas Bastakys Sold Būs jau labi 2/18/2009 $ 3 000
Carlo Columbano Bought BVSC 1/17/2012 $ 338 100
Robert Castellanos Sold Caerbannog Bunnies 2/9/2023 $ 9 000
Eldon Delacruz Sold Cb. Calandracas 10/4/2021 $ 1 000
Leonardo Larios Bought Cercle sans Pierre 3/26/2021 $ 306 000
Florian Barkhaus Bought Chapeleiros 7/14/2012 $ 11 000
Hakan Ezgü Sold Coosur Real Betis 6/7/2020 $ 486 900
Dominick Chester Sold Cosmic Flowers 4/17/2009 $ 69 200
Luis Traller Sold Cove Convicts 7/25/2010 $ 51 000
Ramonas Bastakys Bought Darbėnų "Darba" 11/22/2007 $ 50 000
Ralph Eaton Sold Demon Dogs 2/6/2017 $ 104 100
Fabio Leonardis Bought Duisburg 1/9/2024 $ 500 000
Michael Kessler Sold East Bay Tigers 12/19/2021 $ 26 000
Leonard Abbott Bought Emmeric Order of Saint George 11/21/2022 $ 728 300
Froilan Lamayo Bought evilerki 9/16/2012 $ 312 200
Robby Noble Bought Free Agent 11/11/2022 $ 312 200
Emiliusz Halabis Bought Free Agent 4/26/2020 $ 789 700
Hakan Ezgü Bought Free Agent 4/25/2020 $ 500 000
Troy Jett Bought Free Agent 10/20/2017 $ 1 038 600
Guillermo Agüero Bought Free Agent 12/24/2009 $ 921 800
Kevin Cockrell Sold G.O.A.T.D1CEDE 5/9/2010 $ 41 000
Tommy Crilly Bought Gladiatorzyy 9/19/2015 $ 125 000
Yu Weiping Bought H C A 1/5/2012 $ 1 000
Carroll Callaway Sold Hannover Underdogs 7/26/2018 $ 171 100
Libero Elba Bought Hop Team 10/19/2014 $ 324 900
Florian Barkhaus Sold Inzago Jazz II 4/29/2015 $ 306 700
Danny Hairston Sold KD35KB24 5/9/2008 $ 6 000
Danny Hairston Sold KD35KB24 5/9/2008 $ 6 000
Jack Snider Sold Kentucky WildcatsA2702C 11/30/2012 $ 725 000
Robert Warner Sold Kitakyushu 1/12/2024 $ 368 518
Les Giles Bought KKS Bydgostia 4/20/2018 $ 500 900
Przemysław Duchna Sold Koterskie Szerszenie 8/29/2009 $ 15 000
Fabio Leonardis Sold Krakovia Blazers 3/10/2024 $ 255 000
William Beckman Sold L.A. Beatles 12/26/2009 $ 344 500
Tracy Lynn Bought la mano de frank 2/25/2025 $ 366 100
Dan Tabor Bought La Marque Cougars 2/5/2015 $ 468 200
Giovanni Aimetti Bought Lks CouldShowders 12/17/2012 $ 53 200
George Dobbins Bought los constipados 12/29/2014 $ 250 000
Luis Traller Bought Los spurs de llacer 9/26/2008 $ 306 000
Gerald Scruggs Bought Maccabi Tel Aviv _ yossi 7/5/2011 $ 612 000
Paul Jones Bought Magia Celta BBC 10/2/2021 $ 208 100
Greg Nadeau Sold MallasDavericks 3/10/2025 $ 159 300
Weng Dongxiang Sold Malvin 13 9/1/2012 $ 500 000
Stuart Major Sold Markham Nighthawks 8/6/2021 $ 255 000
Erich Hill Bought Mascaraque C.B. 3/16/2024 $ 500 000
Stuart Major Bought Matarin pojat 3/25/2021 $ 700 000
Bernard Shoemaker Bought ۩Moonwalk۩ 12/11/2018 $ 714 000
Pierre-Francois Brière Sold Naujanu kiemas 11/21/2007 $ 3 000
Sam Beaver Bought Neutron Stars 4/6/2019 $ 200 000
Piotr Kauf Bought Oak Leafs Wroclaw 11/18/2007 $ 100 000
Jacobo Piola Sold Olimpia Salo 11/25/2007 $ 10 000
Markus Esquivel Sold Orosi Raiders 1/17/2012 $ 1 000 000
Niklas Raus Sold p.k.n 12/23/2008 $ 28 000
Marcelino López Sold PHA warrior 11/4/2008 $ 200 000
Saša Žepina Bought Phoenix Tears 2/11/2009 $ 541 400
Millard Quick Sold pigmeu 1/17/2012 $ 4 000
Qu Fuchong Bought Pinoy Bulls UTD 10/23/2013 $ 400 000
Alejandro Cagigas Bought poncs defensor 4/21/2013 $ 563 400
Wilson Batts Sold Pongos 76ers 7/4/2010 $ 50 000
Luo Qunwei Sold Port St. Lucie Pelicans 7/18/2010 $ 1 172 000
David Popayán Sold Pub Adan 9/23/2008 $ 164 700
Przemysław Duchna Bought Raining 3s Gang 12/13/2008 $ 150 000
Joseph Huntley Bought Rallies 9/21/2015 $ 424 600
Bill Leng Sold Rivendell Wolverines 3/20/2017 $ 1 000
Józef Jachym Sold Rondônia Knights Basketball 7/5/2011 $ 700 000
Weng Dongxiang Bought Rustburg Kings 5/13/2012 $ 586 600
Dewey Delacruz Bought Rydnosiukai 3/11/2015 $ 700 000
Tommy Crilly Sold Saskatchewan Spartans 5/8/2016 $ 2 000
Freddy Crosby Sold Saxony-Kings 2/8/2009 $ 510 000
Simon Mendez Sold Seattle Supersonicss 9/23/2008 $ 208 100
Alejandro Cagigas Sold SoloAirBall 10/20/2013 $ 424 600
Rusto Sudžum Bought Stamouliakos Agriniou BC 12/9/2014 $ 2 000
Leonard Abbott Sold StrengthTeam 6/10/2024 $ 100 000
Libero Elba Sold Striesen Urbanics 4/29/2015 $ 433 800
Robert Warner Bought Taichung City BC 11/17/2022 $ 600 000
Elroy Thompson Sold The Ostriches 12/1/2023 $ 1 000
John Pfeiffer Sold The Thunderr 10/4/2021 $ 2 000
Norbert Lindner Bought TheBambiTooFurius 1/8/2024 $ 395 400
Miguel Lappin Bought Tira piedras de ocla 4/21/2014 $ 459 000
Miguel Lappin Sold Tirana Split 10/26/2014 $ 364 200
Américo Grimaldo Sold TORRENTAN 2/16/2010 $ 32 000
Laurent Gent Bought Turtle_man 4/9/2024 $ 305 300
Delio Scarfone Bought Vieja Guardia 4/30/2015 $ 459 000
Justin Russo Sold Vinitos a gogo 9/28/2013 $ 25 000
Jeb Dawkins Bought walcu 2/26/2020 $ 809 300
Yu Weiping Sold Warszawskie Bibeloty 4/28/2012 $ 6 000
Charles Arevalo Sold Wolvies 12/11/2022 $ 36 000
Thad Perdue Sold Wysoki Ekipa 12/19/2021 $ 100 000
Jed Wesley Sold Yeet Elite 10/26/2017 $ 255 000
Slawomir Hodurek Sold 邁阿密熱火隊 5/15/2013 $ 76 900
Dewey Delacruz Sold 鬼斗七星 7/27/2016 $ 700 000
Total Sales: $ 12 597 717
Total Purchases: $ 20 292 200
Transfer Balance: $ -7 694 483