List of Transfers
Player To/From Date Price
Duncan Rankin Bought Springfield Spartans 5/10/2014 $ 776 800
Takatomi Miyagi Bought Caldense2D7 2/19/2010 $ 450 000
Raymond Augustine Sold The GamersB74 9/30/2010 $ 444 444
Vicente Lara Bought BC Bastia 1/12/2014 $ 428 400
Abdelhak Tebba Bought bercolone 10/16/2012 $ 408 000
Roberto Alonso Bought Red East Devils 11/12/2013 $ 367 200
Timót Takátsy Bought bonuis 2/4/2012 $ 357 000
Duane Conley Sold starbbg 10/1/2010 $ 306 000
Milton Woody Bought Standart Academy 9/27/2014 $ 300 000
Hung Illman Bought Levski Plovdiv 4/5/2013 $ 300 000
Billy Stevens Sold Imperial Union 9/30/2010 $ 250 000
Abdelhak Tebba Sold Atlético Bilbao CBB 11/13/2013 $ 221 000
Manny Vargas KS Jayhawks 2/12/2014 $ 200 000
Evgeny Khripun Bought paixtarades4E0 6/26/2013 $ 200 000
Lorenzo Ellington Sold Pampa Salty 7/21/2008 $ 200 000
Francesco Lovison Sold tribuni 5/7/2014 $ 169 200
Alfredo Melo Vieira Sold Sport Club do Recife 6/16/2009 $ 164 400
Alfredo Melo Vieira Bought GGZÃO 6/22/2008 $ 161 900
Ernad Guzina Bought Партизан Београд09F 9/2/2014 $ 156 100
Manny Vargas Bought BC rePUBlic 2/4/2014 $ 153 000
Alan Denise Marchadesch Bought Manahan 8/31/2014 $ 150 000
Hung Illman Sold 密尔沃基雄鹿队 5/13/2014 $ 140 900
Reginald Suelan Bought doomsdays 1/22/2013 $ 126 000
Adrián Montiel Bought The Wetes 6/8/2013 $ 120 000
Fortunato Riccio Sold sky2999 3/12/2013 $ 106 200
Helmut Ottlau Bought MeisterGaravel 6/14/2013 $ 95 000
Yun Xiaoyuan Sold GD Setúbal 4/7/2013 $ 85 000
Reginald Suelan Sold Philly SixersD6E 2/9/2014 $ 81 600
Torgva Nakashidze Sold The Sens 10/18/2008 $ 81 600
Eduard Suravnev Bought te clasico 5/10/2014 $ 80 000
Homer Davis Sold 魔球联队 1/24/2014 $ 80 000
Yun Xiaoyuan Bought Basildon BC 1/19/2013 $ 78 200
Gonzalo Verdugo Sold New State Rockets 2/2/2013 $ 55 400
Chris McMiller Sold Zebras and Kangaroos 9/29/2010 $ 50 000
Gonzalo Verdugo Bought Krezjole 1/26/2013 $ 43 000
Dwayne Henson Bought SKS Mali Psotnicy Papy Smerfa 8/31/2012 $ 30 000
Arron Molina Bought my name is why 12/17/2011 $ 30 000
John Meyers Bought Las Vegas ScorpionsB3D 5/3/2011 $ 30 000
Fernando Gabriel Quintana Sold Allendale Kings 3/5/2013 $ 26 000
Koenraad Verdin Bought _BaTMaN_ 6/20/2008 $ 26 000
Erno Telin Bought GINGINHAS BASKET 6/10/2008 $ 25 000
Takatomi Miyagi Sold Apple Gusta 9/29/2010 $ 23 333
Fernando Gabriel Quintana Bought SPO Rouen Métropole0B0 2/8/2013 $ 20 000
Marko Dominić Bought The Mook Salads 3/28/2013 $ 19 000
Torgva Nakashidze Bought Vipers Grande 6/12/2008 $ 17 000
Ruben Durán Bought OLIMPIA Union 6/12/2008 $ 16 000
Michel Ramond Bought Dung Basket 6/12/2008 $ 11 000
Sašo Kejžar Bought 华夏飞龙篮球队 3/22/2013 $ 10 000
Mikko Metsäheimo Bought Ihmisten Palloilijat 5/31/2008 $ 10 000
Steve Doe Sold Fearless Warriors 6/20/2013 $ 9 000
Leonardus Pijl Bought Game o T 12/19/2011 $ 8 000
Luke Hodges Sold Asian Domination OG 9/30/2010 $ 8 000
Stanisław Durma Bought The Best StreetBallers! 8/31/2014 $ 7 500
Marcus Stockhammer Bought Blackwolves 12/18/2011 $ 7 000
Dave McNair Sold Meridiano VV079 2/2/2013 $ 5 600
Leon Champion Sold Lebron-team 1/22/2014 $ 5 000
Vuk Doroslovacki Bought NGC1976 2/8/2013 $ 5 000
Marek Fojtík Bought Považská Bystrica 6/10/2008 $ 5 000
Charley Fountain Sold Manavgat07 2/15/2014 $ 4 000
Rolland Schulz Sold 兽血沸腾 4/8/2013 $ 4 000
Arron Molina Sold CB Rabadense 1/21/2013 $ 4 000
Luis Segura Bought Lukoil-ES6DA 6/21/2008 $ 4 000
Sidney Johnson Sold Colina Lakers 9/29/2010 $ 3 000
Luis Segura Sold BELAS COWBOYS 7/21/2008 $ 3 000
Nate Crowley Sold Zebras and Kangaroos 4/4/2012 $ 2 000
Rick McIntyre Sold WookieSauce 4/8/2013 $ 1 500
Leonardus Pijl Sold Lappeenrannan NMKY 3/25/2013 $ 1 500
Vuk Doroslovacki Sold 99Tc.Bulls 3/12/2013 $ 1 200
David Spinks Sold Papucice 5/13/2014 $ 1 000
Bo Fortner Sold San Francisco Warriors 4/7/2013 $ 1 000
Gustavo Miner Sold Thunder Bolt 77 1/26/2013 $ 1 000
Oscar Spoonmore Sold Circle City Cyclones 9/30/2010 $ 1 000
Ruben Durán Sold KK Rudar Breza 9/29/2010 $ 1 000
Ade Kelly Sold Baloncesto Torrelodones 7/21/2008 $ 1 000
Chris Bergmann Sold Milano Public Enemies42D 6/15/2008 $ 1 000
Llibert Arànega Bought sticazzi 6/14/2008 $ 1 000
Joaquín Pardo Bought D.K.V. Juventud 6/9/2008 $ 1 000
Luís Alves Bought NBA97 6/6/2008 $ 1 000
Total Sales: $ 2 543 877
Total Purchases: $ 5 034 100
Transfer Balance: $ -2 490 223