List of Transfers
Player To/From Date Price
Zigmantas Cesnikas Bought G2 Esports 12/31/2008 $ 20 000
Leif Kristiansen Bought Jeløy Warriors 12/31/2008 $ 30 000
Gaetano Sciortino Bought BC Exit 1/4/2009 $ 100 000
Zigmantas Cesnikas Sold Magicant 1/31/2009 $ 70 000
Stan Gest Bought msb15 2/8/2009 $ 150 000
Jesús Ángel Tello Sold los anzeles clippers 2/11/2009 $ 2 000
Iván Amieva Sold Mexapia 3/14/2009 $ 1 000
Ricardo Calzada Sold Electrones 3/14/2009 $ 12 000
Lastarri Baztarrika Bought Nos robaron hasta el reloj. 3/17/2009 $ 230 000
Jorge Álvarez Sold 10inch Vertical 3/22/2009 $ 17 000
Alejandro Izutarregui Sold ShanghaiSharks 3/22/2009 $ 3 000
Cosme Parejo Sold Brgy. Ginebra Kings 3/22/2009 $ 1 000
Stan Gest Sold U.D.Playa San Juan 9/2/2009 $ 150 000
Catulo Sanmartiño Sold Sor Quisquillo 9/11/2009 $ 100 000
Gaetano Sciortino Sold São Luis Bull Dogs 9/11/2009 $ 250 000
Nicolas Duprez Bought Varena 9/12/2009 $ 650 000
Pedro Pontejos Sold Man City BallersA8E 10/5/2009 $ 100 000
Carles Corbella Sold Atletico Balbettante 10/12/2009 $ 1 000
Danilo Nismal Bought Leyte Binagol Blenders 11/9/2009 $ 500 000
Lastarri Baztarrika Sold Liverpool FCB 12/6/2009 $ 250 000
José Manuel Álvarez Sold Night Dragons 12/6/2009 $ 19 000
Leif Kristiansen Sold BcMaouw 12/10/2009 $ 1 000
Diego Ezmir Sold KK VODICE766 2/13/2010 $ 400 000
Campio Abalde Sold Grotarze BC 2/13/2010 $ 44 000
Sergio Uclés Sold deanbar 2/13/2010 $ 60 000
Rafael Villaño Sold Indiana Pacers 5 2/13/2010 $ 260 200
Brian Swanwick Bought BC Bizonas 2/20/2010 $ 717 400
Amândio Peralta Bought YES! 3/2/2010 $ 5 000
Danilo Nismal Sold Pioneer Hotshots 6/25/2010 $ 450 000
Javier Lanuza Conesa Sold Black Mambas094406CBC64A 6/29/2010 $ 8 000
Acoidan Valdayo Sold A.S. Virreyes 7/18/2010 $ 81 600
Joan Carles Vallllo Bought C.B. Doramas 11/19/2010 $ 600 000
Ceferí Pomar Sold Dirty Monsters 11/22/2010 $ 100 000
Hugo Compains Sold Mauros aetos 12/2/2010 $ 100 000
Brian Swanwick Sold BC Ekranas - "ADRIA" 7/25/2011 $ 350 000
Norbert Wolf Bought Lappeenrannan NMKY 8/8/2011 $ 270 900
Fernando Cerain Sold Roosa Flamingo 8/30/2011 $ 425 000
Lauro da Reza Bought Free Agent 8/31/2011 $ 381 600
Amândio Peralta Sold İstanbul City 9/3/2011 $ 2 000
Lauro da Reza Sold KıNgS of MeTaL 11/3/2011 $ 303 300
Hélder Patrício Bought Cobra24 11/29/2011 $ 102 000
Helmuts Kodolinš Bought TeamYS 12/20/2011 $ 153 500
Norbert Wolf Sold five by ostia 2/6/2012 $ 142 800
Lyuben Yanakiev Bought Ahil Heat 2/9/2012 $ 1 000
Joan Carles Vallllo Sold windows7 2/10/2012 $ 151 300
Nicolas Duprez Sold Colina Lakers 2/12/2012 $ 70 000
Galiano Croppo Bought Outeiro All Stars 5/20/2012 $ 493 600
Rossend Carbones Sold Dzigubugule 5/23/2012 $ 122 400
Kamel Aouati Bought Free Agent 5/24/2012 $ 371 100
Hélder Patrício Sold BK Quali 5/31/2012 $ 122 400
Kasper Poolma Bought Free Agent 6/20/2012 $ 459 900
Helmuts Kodolinš Sold BK Vikingi 6/21/2012 $ 86 000
Xilberte Falagueiro Sold LAMETLLA 6/25/2012 $ 100 000
Ray Thomas Bought BK Niggativ 8/4/2012 $ 170 000
Ray Thomas Sold Limassol Flying Donkeys 8/20/2012 $ 120 000
Konrad Turek Bought Salipota Supersonics 10/11/2012 $ 142 800
Sergio Pidal Sold Suisse 212 10/14/2012 $ 178 600
Axel Mir López Bought C.B. Sargeators 10/23/2012 $ 15 000
Pedro Laín Valenzuela Sold 旗帜 11/30/2012 $ 488 200
Galiano Croppo Sold eynesil köselispor 12/5/2012 $ 350 000
Sansón Romero Gordillo Sold KS Falubaz 12/5/2012 $ 104 100
Glauco Passarini Bought Free Agent 12/5/2012 $ 991 800
Enrique Elguea Sold Α.Ο.Γαλατσίου 12/8/2012 $ 150 000
Emilio Knothe Bought Who knows 12/10/2012 $ 69 200
Stratos Katakouzinos Bought گلابي كاران ناكجا آباد 1/14/2013 $ 364 200
Stratos Katakouzinos Sold Red Star Belgrade 2/3/2013 $ 286 300
Konrad Turek Sold Molesti 2/3/2013 $ 206 700
Kaling Illindala Bought Free Agent 2/7/2013 $ 54 100
Liviu Doroftei Bought CS CLUB 2/11/2013 $ 231 700
Emilio Knothe Sold Black Widdows 3/1/2013 $ 40 000
Kaling Illindala Sold Escaths Farmers 4/26/2013 $ 4 000
Noah Wölfle Bought Abastos 76ers 5/9/2013 $ 200 000
Noah Wölfle Sold AEK BC 2007932 6/4/2013 $ 34 400
Kasper Poolma Sold Cypliai 6/9/2013 $ 303 300
Berker Varlilar Bought C.B. Lucero 6/10/2013 $ 15 000
Adrijan Nabergoj Bought Red Devils Cracow 6/12/2013 $ 220 000
Cristiano Begonha Bought odesa united 6/21/2013 $ 150 000
Kamel Aouati Sold Hapoel kapufiot 6/26/2013 $ 156 100
Kent Nolen Bought Michigan Blasters 7/17/2013 $ 138 400
Adrijan Nabergoj Sold maccabi hunter haifa- 11/14/2013 $ 69 300
Kent Nolen Sold ikai 11/16/2013 $ 61 200
Elmer Romo Bought Jim Bardetts 1/1/2014 $ 75 900
Ken Ponte Bought SportingPortici 1/1/2014 $ 108 400
Javier César Villanova Sold Chicago Hedgehogs 2/27/2014 $ 15 000
Liviu Doroftei Sold MLK allstars 3/2/2014 $ 93 500
Elmer Romo Sold .Calulegua. 3/14/2014 $ 153 000
Cristiano Begonha Sold Munich Lakeshow 3/17/2014 $ 125 000
Slobodan Muhić Bought team tondelli 3/25/2014 $ 600 000
Manolo Escarramad Sold Made In Poland II 5/1/2014 $ 306 000
Joan Pere Vall De Vilaramó Bought Lullaby 5/1/2014 $ 35 000
Gundar de la Maza Bought CB Caen 5/3/2014 $ 497 000
Art Watson Bought CEP Termens 5/28/2014 $ 43 000
Glauco Passarini Sold Napoli e dintorni 9/3/2014 $ 400 000
Gundar de la Maza Sold La Pelada 9/3/2014 $ 159 300
Lyuben Yanakiev Sold Thugnificent Starks 9/3/2014 $ 500 000
Ken Ponte Sold Santiago del Estero BBC 9/3/2014 $ 84 800
Ignacy Marczyk Bought Flobots BDG 11/25/2014 $ 29 700
Nicanor Nuñez Bought AGUADA PASION Y GLORIA 11/25/2014 $ 1 000
Slobodan Muhić Sold San Most Silver Stars 25 11/27/2014 $ 900 000
Francisco Javier Fernández Bought PAOK. B.C.C 12/4/2014 $ 15 000
Art Watson Sold Two Steps From Heaven 12/8/2014 $ 3 000
Xosé Guantes Bought Cai cb 1/22/2015 $ 16 000
Sergio Martínez Bought Rompehuitos 1/22/2015 $ 10 000
Nicanor Nuñez Sold Buzzlegums 1/25/2015 $ 60 000
Jakub Wituski Bought KK Picikato 5/2/2015 $ 400 000
Jairo Abreu Bought Bayern wandezock 5/2/2015 $ 920 200
Sergio Martínez Sold MyteamTURGII 5/8/2015 $ 153 000
Xosé Guantes Sold The Defenders 5/20/2015 $ 400 000
Leopoldo Finestre Sold KiT_Pruszków 5/20/2015 $ 25 000
Dondon Orejana Bought algajate meeskond 5/22/2015 $ 106 200
Wiktor Zubrzycki Bought Gunners FC Arsenal 5/25/2015 $ 260 200
Francisco Javier Fernández Sold PanathinaikosB.C. 5/29/2015 $ 1 000
David Barceló Bought DaleSanLore 7/11/2015 $ 190 000
Aleksander Borys Bought Paris Saint Germain Basket 10/26/2015 $ 647 400
Paulo Sabater Sold Barco city 10/31/2015 $ 1 000
Ignacy Marczyk Sold BC Teneniai 10/31/2015 $ 9 000
David Barceló Sold Azory Bands 11/3/2015 $ 60 000
Bartelmi Iguiñaga Bought The Defenders 12/12/2015 $ 390 000
Götz Falko Vorportner Bought RCL Basket 2/19/2016 $ 100 000
Wiktor Zubrzycki Sold galaktikuk 2/21/2016 $ 1 000
Ignacio Tomás Bought Pozeiro Basket 3/3/2016 $ 250 000
Manuel Izco Sold geniusshawn 3/11/2016 $ 3 000
Luís Gutiérrez Gasset Sold geniusshawn 3/11/2016 $ 4 000
Baltazar Wolanin Bought Ankh Morpork Zaubberer 3/13/2016 $ 586 900
Bartelmi Iguiñaga Sold Võrumaa 3/16/2016 $ 86 800
Jordi Òdena Bought BC Great Sneakers 5/17/2016 $ 612 000
Jakub Wituski Sold liday 5/26/2016 $ 10 000
Cemcan Gökberk Bought OKC Bydgoszcz 5/30/2016 $ 124 900
Baltazar Wolanin Sold FC Bidule Pornichet 5/30/2016 $ 561 000
Richard Garibay Bought B.C. Wrocław 6/1/2016 $ 937 700
Ignacio Tomás Sold LH Galaxy 6/3/2016 $ 425 000
Young-Ho Kang Bought newtonfo BC 6/13/2016 $ 936 400
Cemcan Gökberk Sold Los Baldoseros 8/12/2016 $ 85 000
Jairo Abreu Sold Buzzerbeater Masters 8/28/2016 $ 663 000
Gabriel Mosse Bought paokia 9/30/2016 $ 500 000
Jordi Òdena Sold Arrapaho Bøler 11/17/2016 $ 400 000
Bajram Idrizi Bought Les Chèvres 12/7/2016 $ 373 500
Rodrigo Nájera Bought Los Bocianos 12/16/2016 $ 317 900
Antonio Urruchi Sold kk biorinac 12/31/2016 $ 2 000
Xerardo Arteixo Sold Evergreen Xenos 12/31/2016 $ 53 200
Alberto Tabuenca Bought Žalvarinis Kalavijas 1/1/2017 $ 50 000
Óscar Caballón Sold Chucladores 1/15/2017 $ 1 000
Rahal Tamimi Bought Miguels Boys 1/27/2017 $ 100 000
Gabriel Mosse Sold Kamares Parou BC 2/27/2017 $ 153 000
Amadeu Ilurdoz Sold Stoned Pimps 2/27/2017 $ 4 778 800
Bajram Idrizi Sold Rush Them 3/2/2017 $ 150 000
Juozas Sakalnykas Bought Asymmetrical Explosion 3/5/2017 $ 1 213 800
Anderson Ginap Bought Mothmen 3/6/2017 $ 1 346 600
Mikhail Bosyakov Bought Athlétic Union Basket 3/8/2017 $ 459 000
Biel Muñoz Sold les 300 3/17/2017 $ 156 100
Alberto Tabuenca Sold M7 Eighters 4/2/2017 $ 1 500
Francesco Pincella Bought Orlęta Łuków363 5/14/2017 $ 899 000
Young-Ho Kang Sold Duczki Ducks 5/17/2017 $ 51 100
Oriol Muñoz Sold K-Monettis 7/11/2017 $ 10 000
Salvador Soleto Bought Kauno Stumbrai537 7/23/2017 $ 326 700
Rodrigo Nájera Sold Goon Squad 8/16/2017 $ 11 000
Mikhail Bosyakov Sold Mascaraque C.B. 9/23/2017 $ 100 001
Anderson Ginap Sold BC Aravete Pullid 12/12/2017 $ 306 000
Francesco Pincella Sold OlympiakosB.C. 12/12/2017 $ 255 000
Salvador Soleto Sold Selanik 12/12/2017 $ 75 000
Juozas Sakalnykas Sold Auklytes 12/12/2017 $ 306 000
Karp Mishurov Bought Kolonials 12/28/2017 $ 78 200
Alexis Tsironis Bought Pae United 1/1/2018 $ 360 000
Andy Jack Bought Zizoufatatsou 1/4/2018 $ 190 000
Karp Mishurov Sold Detroit Wolverines 3/23/2018 $ 156 100
Alexis Tsironis Sold Smidrai 3/29/2018 $ 142 800
Dobrociech Niemira Bought Olympiakos Volou BC 4/25/2018 $ 399 999
Salvatore Pinelli Bought Free Agent 4/26/2018 $ 433 100
Götz Falko Vorportner Sold rotselaar pro 7/17/2018 $ 1 351 600
Halcón Toro Calderón Bought Poseidonas Karpathou 7/30/2018 $ 491 000
Nikos Ftenidis Bought Rose City Raccoons 10/31/2018 $ 1 082 600
Andy Jack Sold Drakula 1/22/2019 $ 1 000
Francisco soto Sold Bahçelievler Basket 1/27/2019 $ 350 000
César Nevers Bought -INVICTUS- 1/31/2019 $ 590 000
Rahal Tamimi Sold Amicale Liers Basket 0706 5/5/2019 $ 2 500 000
Naum Vasipov Bought BC Katyusha 5/19/2019 $ 2 122 500
Frederic Gràcia Sold Maranahar 5/23/2019 $ 1 000
Álvaro Villajane Sold dalosmadár 8/18/2019 $ 390 300
Percival Ongpin Bought Bimbilins 8/21/2019 $ 424 100
Salvatore Pinelli Sold Phoenix Moons 8/24/2019 $ 1 000
César Nevers Sold Žvėrys 11/2/2019 $ 108 400
Mike Leal Bought BC Griss Dor 1/2/2020 $ 500 000
Halcón Toro Calderón Sold Castello Stars 2/9/2020 $ 100 000
Igor Klisiewicz Bought P.Faliro bc 2/26/2020 $ 99 000
Javier Santiesteban Sold El Quinto B. C. 3/1/2020 $ 1 000
Jamelão Carioca Bought Free Agent 4/1/2020 $ 294 600
Naum Vasipov Sold SaungHninPwint 5/2/2020 $ 2 000 000
Igor Klisiewicz Sold Cucucu 2008 5/30/2020 $ 15 000
Jamelão Carioca Sold Caméléon Verdun 5/30/2020 $ 200 000
Noboru Murayama Bought Tira piedras de ocla 6/5/2020 $ 1 013 800
Vincenzo De Florio Bought Santamaria Team 6/16/2020 $ 100 000
Stanislas Lachance Bought Univerzitet 7/12/2020 $ 40 000
Àlex Miralles Sold Liepa Mavs 7/15/2020 $ 102 000
Guido Naranco Sold Bourguignon 10/27/2020 $ 2 000
Tomás Troya Lopez-Sor Sold Entrecampos 12/13/2020 $ 742 900
Noboru Murayama Sold C.B. Nans 12/13/2020 $ 600 000
José Lama Cuevas Bought Ponitki Sokoły 12/19/2020 $ 424 600
Evgeny Plavnikov Bought Uyuni mineros 12/19/2020 $ 6 000
Tobías do Barro Sold Fi.Lan.Ti Ps 1/2/2021 $ 10 000
Stanislas Lachance Sold cobras de varennes 7/2/2021 $ 100 000
Filip Piskorski Bought Zepter Śląsk Wrocław 7/5/2021 $ 150 000
Stelvio Bova Bought Free Agent 11/3/2021 $ 715 100
Diego Quintans Bought Аризона Дрим 11/4/2021 $ 348 300
Vincenzo De Florio Sold Barbarian OAE 11/7/2021 $ 1 000
Florencio Pequeno Sold PunkDunkTeam 1/8/2022 $ 550 000
Tin Shian ying Bought Real Lupita 1/16/2022 $ 260 200
Stelvio Bova Sold MozelosCity 3/13/2022 $ 333 100
Antonio Rosales Sold Kauno Vandenys 4/14/2022 $ 320 000
Malik Mane Bought Los Tumularios 4/21/2022 $ 330 000
Malik Mane Sold YoguR de PlaTaNo 6/9/2022 $ 22 000
Diego Quintans Sold Bosnian Tigers 6/9/2022 $ 80 700
Tin Shian ying Sold Totwart 6/9/2022 $ 12 000
César Pobersnik Bought Neco Red Devils 8/2/2022 $ 2 000
Hernán Solano Bought Boilers25 8/8/2022 $ 100 000
Antonio Iturbide Sold Viña CB 11/4/2022 $ 2 000
Pere Verea Sold La Estación 11/7/2022 $ 350 000
Scott Akhtar Bought Arcos 11/8/2022 $ 60 000
Diogo Costa Bought Os Anxos Pozas 1/29/2023 $ 690 000
César Pobersnik Sold Flévillle BC 3/20/2023 $ 156 100
Odell Colby Bought Inter Hanušovce 8/25/2023 $ 212 300
Romén Gavilán Bought Roanne 8/29/2023 $ 1 082 600
Xesús Ozores Rey Sold BC Naks 12/1/2023 $ 2 000
Marcelo Oliergues Sold LA Wet Nights 1/19/2024 $ 600 000
Jörgen Vana Bought Zapivo 1/22/2024 $ 109 000
Diogo Costa Sold sonolenga 3/3/2024 $ 350 000
Luis Campoamor Sold LUDDI 4/3/2024 $ 1 000
Scott Akhtar Sold Folgado Lakers 4/3/2024 $ 3 000
Genaro Mauri Alarcon Bought Baro baktalo 4/17/2024 $ 147 900
Uda bin Aldean Bought B0st0n 4/18/2024 $ 2 000
Genís Tasies Sold Lost Players 7/3/2024 $ 153 000
Jörgen Vana Sold BC Jäneda 7/3/2024 $ 150 000
Andrzej Okoń Bought SOFIA PACERS 7/13/2024 $ 60 000
Ignacio Parrado Bought Skawinka 11/8/2024 $ 470 000
Odell Colby Sold Munich Pandas 11/11/2024 $ 3 000
Andrzej Okoń Sold Re di Copa 11/11/2024 $ 12 000
Román Velázquez Sold OCHC 11/13/2024 $ 3 200
Genaro Mauri Alarcon Sold Merihas 11/14/2024 $ 50 000
Diego Mateos Bought Free Agent 11/14/2024 $ 25 290
Diego Mateos Sold DSK Team II 1/31/2025 $ 23 000
Total Sales: $ 31 057 501
Total Purchases: $ 34 891 789
Transfer Balance: $ -3 834 288