385 online at 15:53:52
List of Transfers
Player To/From Date Price
Fernando Jorge Andrea Bought 3.bjss 6/28/2010 $ 324 900
Jorge Varro Sold A.E.K NBA 3/27/2012 $ 9 000
Justo Lizana Lezana Bought Achilleas bc 3/15/2012 $ 220 000
Markos Zacharioudakis Bought aek99 5/8/2010 $ 387 000
Jeremy Reeves Bought Afuegalpitu de Riosa 7/2/2011 $ 200 000
Carlos Revuelta Bought Air Rebels 2/8/2012 $ 285 600
Marcelo Vignoli Bought Almendras 12/23/2013 $ 1 000
Lloyd Rinehart Bought AMZ 4/16/2011 $ 970 100
Lee da Silva Sold Animal Limena 8/20/2011 $ 520 200
Mathurin Castelain Bought April Shepards 4/13/2011 $ 1 061 300
Kirco Conevski Bought Arash Szczecin 11/16/2014 $ 104 100
Rastko Krcmar Sold aris v 11/20/2010 $ 175 000
Iñaki Romero Sold Arizona Desert Storm 3/27/2013 $ 12 000
Keith Pena Sold asd monte gemma 3/2/2010 $ 10 000
Tomasz Zabawa Bought Athletic Ballers 8/29/2013 $ 1 000
Albert Małkowski Bought Athletic Maremma 8/20/2014 $ 149 000
Milan Smolić Sold Atlético Portugal 10/20/2012 $ 216 600
Ploutarchos Mpanasopoulos Sold Avatars Fighters 4/16/2011 $ 150 000
Franklin Barclay Sold AZS Jarosław 3/2/2010 $ 2 000
Polinikis Louvaris Bought B.C. MILTIADES Salonika 9/29/2013 $ 1 000
James Matthew Sold badalona team 10/25/2010 $ 250 000
Šimun Murat Sold BC HawkEye 1/9/2012 $ 100 000
Krzysztof Plebanek Bought BC Koldunai 8/27/2014 $ 124 900
Jeroen Hoël Sold BC Nouvier 4/12/2011 $ 235 000
Alan Roi Bought BC Vesse 5/2/2010 $ 21 000
Ollie Trout Sold BDSPA076 5/17/2012 $ 62 800
Iñaki Romero Bought Belgrade Crows 12/2/2012 $ 45 000
Gino Quisquo Sold Benalua 3/2/2010 $ 1 000
Vico Rammelmayr Bought Benedy Bulls 1/10/2012 $ 122 400
Soireba Nianghane Bought Bessoncourt Huskies 7/7/2010 $ 200 000
Wacław Harazin Bought BK Bathgate 5/19/2010 $ 163 200
Jorge Varro Bought BK Gočovo 1/17/2012 $ 18 000
Giuseppe Paccassoni Sold Bobone il Cinghialotto 2/9/2012 $ 150 000
Ferenc Krisztin Bought Borsod Celtics 5/20/2012 $ 20 000
Mathurin Castelain Sold Bray Bucks 6/6/2012 $ 624 300
Bernard Kessler Sold buffalds of safa 11/25/2011 $ 76 600
Alfonso Trillo Salazar Sold C.A Boca Juniors 6/8/2010 $ 162 500
Victoriano Úrculo Sold Cartaboșul Bacău 4/19/2011 $ 311 000
Andriy Atelkin Sold Centralne Biurko Antykorupcyjne 10/20/2012 $ 52 100
Zekerijah Ðušic Sold CEVO 7/5/2010 $ 867 000
Russell Hawes Sold chicago netsBAA 7/31/2010 $ 26 000
Markos Zacharioudakis Sold Chicharrones CB 7/16/2010 $ 331 600
Betzalel Gershon Sold Cibona99 12/6/2010 $ 204 000
Paolo Zizzoli Sold Circle City Cyclones 3/30/2013 $ 45 000
Vilim Bičanić Bought Cokół Miedzychód 8/28/2010 $ 254 700
Ed Pate Sold Consull 7/9/2010 $ 325 000
Justo Lizana Lezana Sold Croissant 8/24/2012 $ 62 500
Jesher Truelen Sold Danville Dans 1/20/2011 $ 1 000
Anders Leijonmo Sold Đevde 1/9/2012 $ 63 800
Antonio Oña Vivar Bought Drop Bear United 4/14/2013 $ 117 100
Dante Mugnai Bought Dsquared2Milano 8/28/2010 $ 22 000
Iago Cures Bought Duistado 8/28/2014 $ 31 000
Stewart Valenzuela Bought Elverde 8/19/2014 $ 204 000
Dragan Mihaylov Bought EOM44C 8/23/2010 $ 1 000
Reuben Taytayon Sold EvaE 2/26/2010 $ 1 000
Bruno Soncin Sold faetano 10/13/2010 $ 160 000
Soireba Nianghane Sold FC donularia 8/16/2010 $ 306 000
Zbigniew Barszczak Bought FCCV 11/13/2014 $ 286 300
Francisco Orquín Bought Fekete Főnixek KK 6/21/2012 $ 83 700
Ulisses Skywalker Bought Feras Team 5/3/2011 $ 1 000
Reinaldo Jurubaíba Bought Flamengo-JPA 5/3/2011 $ 1 000
Sandy Golden Bought Floren Team 8/24/2010 $ 408 000
Bruno Soncin Bought Flying Pink Unicorns 8/28/2010 $ 54 300
Sandy Golden Sold Fodasticos 4/12/2011 $ 300 000
Anthony Minette Sold Fodasticos 4/12/2011 $ 200 000
Wacław Harazin Sold Fortitudo Terracina 7/2/2010 $ 175 000
Sylvester Mayes Sold Frankfurt Pirates 3/2/2010 $ 1 000
Sócrates Camarguinho Bought Free Agent 11/8/2012 $ 270 900
Milan Smolić Bought Free Agent 6/13/2012 $ 294 600
Patrik Mikkola Bought Free Agent 6/13/2012 $ 135 100
Elia Signorelli Bought Free Agent 12/14/2011 $ 138 700
Diego Moliner Bought Free Agent 5/26/2011 $ 1 358 200
Artur Marinho Bought Free Agent 1/27/2011 $ 255 000
Jeroen Hoël Bought Free Agent 12/8/2010 $ 269 800
Víctor Lavalle Bought Free Agent 11/30/2010 $ 204 000
Anthony Minette Bought Free Agent 10/27/2010 $ 293 500
Zekerijah Ðušic Bought Free Agent 4/27/2010 $ 805 400
Damien Bénéteau Bought grand bordeaux 12/19/2012 $ 34 000
Fabio Zavalloni Bought GreenStars 11/10/2011 $ 100 000
Massimo Galassi Bought Gucci Gang 8/29/2013 $ 3 000
Loïc Burtin Bought Guergue Elite Basket Club 5/3/2011 $ 1 000
Tyson Conrad Bought Heartless Angels1BF 11/17/2010 $ 336 100
Fabio Marinangeli Bought Hospi Rockets 3/17/2010 $ 204 000
Tyson Conrad Sold Ice In Our Veins 5/6/2011 $ 750 000
Ludovic Léonard Bought JLBD 4/1/2013 $ 300 000
Kenneth Eze Sold Joga Bonito 11/4/2011 $ 12 000
Šimun Murat Bought johanboss 11/1/2011 $ 149 400
Esko Kankkonen Bought K.K.P. 6/25/2012 $ 14 000
Yakov Sheptitskiy Sold kingfisher 1/7/2012 $ 130 200
Kazimierz Luks Bought kings31 11/10/2014 $ 408 000
Iván Angulo Bought KK Crvena Zvezda Skopje 2/13/2012 $ 285 600
Ignacio Yepes Sold KK Dorcol7B1 9/17/2010 $ 108 400
José Magdaleno Becerril Sold kobe938 8/11/2011 $ 1 000
Paco Ituño Bought Kompozitori 4/21/2010 $ 102 000
Alan Tanner Bought Kozacy z Wybrzeza 12/17/2012 $ 25 000
Mario Rodrigo Cabra Bought Krakožhia 9/3/2014 $ 50 000
Benny Dekel Bought KT Pennelli Cinghiale 12/30/2012 $ 10 000
Jimmy Cleary Sold La Decima Legion 11/13/2014 $ 144 900
Giuseppe Paccassoni Bought LA Lukes 8/23/2011 $ 250 000
Alan Tanner Sold LASA's Celtic 3/27/2013 $ 3 000
Franciszek Studzinski Sold Lavrio BC 12/10/2010 $ 159 300
Samuel Bishop Sold Leões da Cartaxeira 7/4/2010 $ 183 600
Bryant Reynoso Bought Les Tifosi parisiens 7/5/2010 $ 1 200 000
Thibault Laclau Bought Loputajad 6/8/2010 $ 100 000
Lev Podolny Bought Los Andes 10/9/2010 $ 20 000
Tsang Tung Duy Sold LOS Cinanders 7/5/2010 $ 102 000
Victoriano Úrculo Bought los fede estrellas 11/17/2010 $ 550 000
Casey Vail Sold Los Mambo Kingz 1/27/2011 $ 263 200
Marcel Laurent Bought LSD 11/19/2013 $ 2 000
Yakov Sheptitskiy Bought Luggo BC 9/18/2011 $ 25 000
Vilim Bičanić Sold Luka Magic 2/23/2011 $ 153 000
Ignacio Yepes Bought MACCABI KIRYAT YAM B.C 8/13/2010 $ 96 100
Stacy Palmer Sold magljvina2011 5/19/2011 $ 468 200
Edelberto Calero Sold MANU SPURS 10/10/2010 $ 57 800
Giovanni Palmieri Bought Marco14 9/27/2013 $ 1 000
Wayne Guinn Bought Marvel Defenders 12/24/2013 $ 2 000
Alejandro Cruzat Bought MastodontesBasket 7/9/2010 $ 1 000
Marinko Potočnjak Sold MDB 6/30/2010 $ 216 600
Cody Ivy Bought meatys monsters 7/21/2010 $ 1 000
Manase Monaghan Bought Melbourne Allstars 9/9/2011 $ 2 500
Bertrand Voisin Sold Miami Panthers 3/24/2012 $ 51 000
Diego Moliner Sold Milky Brothers 5/23/2012 $ 700 000
Atilla Ütük Bought Mistrzowie Betów 8/28/2014 $ 12 000
Paco Ituño Sold molina basketBA4A3F 5/20/2010 $ 250 000
Rodrigo Silva Sold Montreal Habitants 7/5/2010 $ 7 000
Guillem Ferrer Sold Mözs Magic 2/27/2012 $ 94 400
Ionut Chirea Bought Mts King 10/21/2013 $ 660 000
Guillem Ferrer Bought mussoles 9/18/2011 $ 145 000
Chance Powell Bought N.M Basketball Team 12/24/2013 $ 10 000
Pourya Haddadzadeh Sold Nenver Duggets 11/13/2014 $ 30 000
Russell Hawes Bought Newton Warriors 7/20/2010 $ 2 000
Sava Ljubojevic Sold noFrks 11/17/2010 $ 663 000
Bryant Reynoso Sold Nonloso 4/16/2011 $ 600 000
Joseph Kent Sold Nyos 4/27/2010 $ 750 000
Franciszek Studzinski Bought Oakland Tigers 7/7/2010 $ 142 800
Artur Marinho Sold OKK Mix 4/23/2011 $ 306 000
Alessandro Principi Bought Orlandina Basket srl 9/27/2013 $ 3 000
Marco Leo Bought Orlandina Basket srl 9/27/2013 $ 1 000
Víctor Lavalle Sold Ottawa Gang 4/12/2011 $ 200 000
Patryk Dogiel Bought Papasta Baloncesto 12/23/2013 $ 3 000
Juha Aalto Bought PelicansPT 9/29/2014 $ 61 200
Chow Yong Kwan Bought Pilen BK 3/6/2013 $ 100 000
Casey Vail Polarbears 11/17/2010 $ 319 000
Eric Bégin Sold Pornos Pythons 2/26/2010 $ 35 000
Eyüp Can Özdinç Bought Portias 9/27/2013 $ 10 000
Ploutarchos Mpanasopoulos Bought PSI DAWGS 2/19/2011 $ 208 100
Travis Zuniga Sold Qrdx de Vzla 5/16/2010 $ 208 100
Pourya Haddadzadeh Bought Quack Attack 9/10/2014 $ 76 600
Fabio Zavalloni Sold Quintanas team II 3/1/2012 $ 94 000
Sava Ljubojevic Bought Real Margit 7/4/2010 $ 742 900
Stacy Palmer Bought rileys 4/21/2010 $ 22 000
Peter Cline Sold RockAir Energy 8/24/2012 $ 5 000
Elia Signorelli Sold Rojiblancos Basket 3/31/2012 $ 183 900
Vico Rammelmayr Sold Saint ansgar 3/24/2012 $ 130 200
Iván Angulo Sold Shalana 4/6/2012 $ 275 000
Betzalel Gershon Bought sherabri 10/9/2010 $ 200 000
Luca Vittorini Bought Siemce 8/26/2010 $ 45 000
Christiaan Horré Bought Sint-Pieters Devils 12/23/2013 $ 1 000
Nathaniel Brewer Sold Skindestructables 11/13/2014 $ 2 000
Urban Forštner Bought Skorpion Raiders 8/29/2013 $ 14 499
Francisco Faille Bought Skorpion Raiders 8/29/2013 $ 13 499
James Matthew Bought Sonics97 5/1/2010 $ 81 600
Andriy Atelkin Bought Sparrows BC 5/21/2012 $ 43 000
Warren Hurd Sold Spearmint Rhinos 8/26/2010 $ 400 000
Gary Marks Sold SPURS OF CS7 8/31/2010 $ 90 400
Casey Vail Bought STLBombers 7/10/2010 $ 318 500
Rodrigo Silva Bought Stromp Stars 4/2/2010 $ 41 000
Carlos Revuelta Sold Super Estrelas 4/19/2012 $ 200 000
Thibault Laclau Sold superSquad 7/5/2010 $ 10 000
Argirakis Krasakis Bought Szombathelyi Brigád 9/27/2013 $ 15 000
Francis Stubbs Sold Tabuenca 11/13/2014 $ 150 000
Fabio Marinangeli Sold Tapicernia Gniewkowo 4/24/2010 $ 292 100
Dante Mugnai Sold The klaw snapperz 9/15/2010 $ 92 200
Anders Leijonmo Bought The Mighty Pheasants 11/22/2011 $ 52 100
Rodney Holton Sold Thracians Bacau 7/4/2010 $ 102 000
Egidio Arbeláez Sold Tired Turtles 5/8/2010 $ 208 100
Aca Trobok Bought Tobdzije 9/20/2013 $ 30 000
Alan Roi Sold Toronton Smart Gilas 5/5/2010 $ 357 000
Francisco Orquín Sold Tsuru Grullas 8/11/2012 $ 5 000
Bertrand Voisin Bought Utah StateAE4 2/18/2012 $ 106 200
Paolo Zizzoli Bought Val Padana Spurs 12/11/2012 $ 50 000
Jeremy Reeves Sold Wayne County Superchargers 2/9/2012 $ 130 000
Alfonso Trillo Salazar Bought Weiss Alcázar 5/1/2010 $ 50 000
Rastko Krcmar Bought Westsiders 10/17/2010 $ 200 000
Nenad Ratković Bought WhoDey 6/5/2012 $ 843 500
Waldemar Pudlewski Bought Wysoki Ekipa 11/9/2012 $ 550 000
Marinko Potočnjak Bought X Japan 4/18/2010 $ 148 000
Mikey Edwards Sold Zasmangerai 5/11/2010 $ 104 100
Fernando Jorge Andrea Sold Α.ΟΤΕΡΨΙΘΕΑΣ ΓΛΥΦΑΔΑΣ 7/5/2010 $ 410 000
Johnny Hensley Sold ΑΡΤΑ 2/26/2010 $ 27 000
Bartłomiej Ochot Bought ΚΌΡΙΝΘΟΣ B.C. 8/28/2014 $ 1 000
Pietro Antonio Belloni Bought ΠΑΝΝΑΞΙΑΚΟΣ 8/27/2014 $ 1 000
Lloyd Rinehart Sold Πυρσός BC 11/6/2012 $ 351 800
Luca Vittorini Sold 伊悅爱之火 10/8/2010 $ 100 000
Tsang Tung Duy Bought 將來是少女時代 2/26/2010 $ 60 000
Jonathan Martel Sold 帝国锦衣卫 3/7/2013 $ 50 000
Ferenc Krisztin Sold 我是电工 6/16/2012 $ 30 000
Al Anders Sold 白热王朝 4/6/2014 $ 6 000
Total Sales: $ 16 642 500
Total Purchases: $ 19 245 998
Transfer Balance: $ -2 603 498