List of Transfers
Player To/From Date Price
David Michaud Sold #RipCity 10/5/2020 $ 50 000
Paolo Pavone Bought ABC RUSSIAN VODKA 2/18/2021 $ 3 000
David Castro Bought Angelinos 8/15/2023 $ 300 000
Dariusz Białko Bought Anwil Broniszew 9/17/2020 $ 1 000
José Hankins Sold Anwil Roti 3/17/2022 $ 30 000
Paolo Pavone Sold aSaLet SK 4/23/2021 $ 47 000
Michaël Bonhomme Sold Asociatia de Tineret ONIX 6/15/2021 $ 676 300
Francesco Cantarelli Sold Auburn BC 2/11/2021 $ 100 000
Eric Evans Sold Basket Martini 7/28/2021 $ 100 000
Dvir Uziel Sold Batuko 7/24/2021 $ 208 100
Jesper Toompere Bought BC Fishers 4/12/2021 $ 4 000
Eric Evans Bought BC Kolu Vikings 6/27/2021 $ 24 000
Adam Feeney Bought BC Kolu Vikings 6/27/2021 $ 3 000
Alexander Hahn Sold BC Pantin 6/22/2021 $ 110 000
Victor Peck Sold BC Rezervas 10/14/2021 $ 312 200
Leonard Mellucci Sold bc vulcan 4/5/2021 $ 120 000
Leonard Mellucci Bought BCMich 9/6/2020 $ 65 000
Ioannis Mpaxevanidis Bought Belkars 6/7/2022 $ 358 300
Aviad Ishman Bought Caesar 1982 7/9/2021 $ 5 000
Filomeno Arenas Sold CEI TOLEDO 5/3/2023 $ 699 999
Marko Vincek Sold CHOLO MENA 5/3/2023 $ 1 040 400
Aviad Ishman Sold Club Estudiantes de Concordia 9/26/2021 $ 21 000
Cong Runjin Bought Coffee Junkies 6/24/2021 $ 3 000
Giancarlo Matta Sold Cortes S.C. 7/24/2021 $ 120 000
David Jarratt Bought craze full 12/24/2021 $ 408 000
Miika Salmisto Bought Delta 9 8/16/2021 $ 154 100
Don Hankins Bought dunarea oinacu 10/13/2020 $ 10 000
Ermis Palomparinis Bought ELEYSINA BC 10/11/2020 $ 1 000
Cvetko Funa Sold Eseseraje 11/20/2020 $ 90 000
Carlo Baldisserotto Bought ETRL BC 9/4/2020 $ 35 000
Ranko Novaković Bought Ezoterija 9/4/2020 $ 62 500
Baran Pehlivan Sold ferentina 2/22/2022 $ 20 000
Clayton Givens Sold Finance Wizards 3/25/2021 $ 81 600
Hubert Jackson Sold Flashover 12/22/2020 $ 1 000
Martitz Enatarriaga Bought Florida university 7/26/2021 $ 13 000
Rabah Benbaizid Bought Free Agent 8/11/2023 $ 270 900
Lukas Gronsky Bought Free Agent 2/24/2022 $ 964 400
Marko Vincek Bought Free Agent 2/19/2022 $ 963 200
Enoch Finney Bought Free Agent 12/24/2021 $ 315 000
Conrad Rosemeier Bought Free Agent 11/4/2021 $ 72 800
Kong Yiu Yu Bought Free Agent 9/15/2021 $ 101 630
Alexander Hahn Bought Free Agent 5/5/2021 $ 71 700
Moises Turner Bought Free Agent 2/13/2021 $ 672 400
Sandro Marcos Bought Free Agent 9/4/2020 $ 87 300
Ranko Novaković Sold Green White Death 11/2/2020 $ 72 900
Adam Fanakis Bought Hellsinki Hoopheads 4/15/2021 $ 4 000
Kong Yiu Yu Sold Hong Kong Dreams 1/22/2022 $ 30 000
Sadibou Diakhoumpa Sold KK Roze zlato 5/30/2021 $ 37 000
Michaël Bonhomme Bought KK Rudeš 1995 4/16/2021 $ 519 600
Giancarlo Matta Bought Le slip Français 6/9/2021 $ 42 000
Patryk Napłoszek Bought Les renards de Mions 5/2/2022 $ 60 000
Patryk Napłoszek Sold LosPotiños21 5/15/2022 $ 52 100
Torben Opstrup Bought Maccabi Tel Aviv BC 8/17/2023 $ 530 400
Bruno Câmara Bought Mad Hatters 11/16/2020 $ 4 000
Yu Jun Da Sold Mai Mai 4/8/2021 $ 3 000
David Jarratt Sold Mamba LT 1/13/2022 $ 200 000
Todd Winston Sold Melbourne Hornets 1/25/2021 $ 370 000
Adam Feeney Sold Mniszek Boguszow-gorce 7/29/2022 $ 42 000
Lin Yunjiang Sold MSELMJR 4/15/2021 $ 575 000
Moises Turner Sold Náutico 4/5/2021 $ 900 000
Boris Krústev Bought NoAguantoLaJuerga 1/12/2022 $ 723 800
Lukas Gronsky Sold Oberthur Ducks 5/3/2023 $ 994 600
Wu Yew Tuck Sold Otepää Grizzlies 10/31/2021 $ 1 300 000
Don Hankins Sold Ottawa Storm 12/8/2020 $ 2 000
Ermis Palomparinis Pittsburgh Peacocks 11/19/2020 $ 1 000
Miika Salmisto Sold PołamańcyZkrwiIkości 7/16/2022 $ 80 000
Boris Krústev Sold polpharma stg 2/8/2022 $ 759 000
Jesús Valiente Negrón Bought Pueyrredón BB 10/2/2020 $ 3 000
Conrad Rosemeier Sold RIOLUSITANGRA 12/31/2021 $ 70 000
Wu Yew Tuck Bought Rocketship 8/4/2021 $ 1 100 000
Helmut Tabak Bought SCAB63 9/4/2020 $ 51 000
Yu Jun Da Bought Seattle Supervisors 2/17/2021 $ 8 000
Dávid Kövesfalvi Bought SlamDank Strawberry Marshmallow 11/19/2020 $ 1 000
Franciszek Uchman Bought Stavian77 1/13/2021 $ 5 000
Witold Cepowski Sold Steel Hawks 6/12/2021 $ 50 000
Tommie Batts Sold Stómas II 12/21/2020 $ 45 000
Homer Ellsworth Sold Taichung City BC 4/21/2022 $ 102 000
Carlo Baldisserotto Sold Tambo Wolves 11/2/2020 $ 18 000
Daniel Baril Sold TarTeam 9/16/2020 $ 51 000
Lin Yunjiang Bought Team Quende II 11/27/2020 $ 106 200
Helmut Tabak Sold The DreamPioneers 11/12/2020 $ 40 000
Jesper Toompere Sold The Hague Warriors 5/8/2021 $ 9 000
Yakut Arslan Bought Thrace United 9/5/2023 $ 510 000
Cvetko Funa Bought Titan C.D. Baloncesto 9/6/2020 $ 90 400
Filomeno Arenas Bought Tok Tok 7/1/2021 $ 561 000
Keith Pagan Sold Trailblazers United 4/5/2021 $ 40 000
William Leroux Bought U.B. Bridgeburners 11/11/2020 $ 5 000
Joey Sutton Sold U.K Nuggets 10/8/2020 $ 1 000
Sadibou Diakhoumpa Bought UO Fecamp 10/28/2020 $ 5 000
Francesco Cantarelli Bought Vavar Rivers 9/5/2020 $ 33 000
Homer Ellsworth Bought VB United 5/5/2021 $ 4 000
Witold Cepowski Bought Venomous Scorpions 4/24/2021 $ 104 100
Baran Pehlivan Bought Villanelle 1/19/2022 $ 15 000
Todd Winston Bought Waipahu Fighting Cocks 11/26/2020 $ 416 000
Cong Runjin Sold 强煎的蛋 4/21/2022 $ 4 000
Antonio Sannazuro Bought 无人之地 8/14/2023 $ 408 000
Dvir Uziel Bought 雷神大帝 12/2/2020 $ 105 200
Total Sales: $ 9 675 199
Total Purchases: $ 10 383 930
Transfer Balance: $ -708 731