List of Transfers
Player To/From Date Price
Alp Eren Küçük Sold 🏀 Maccabi FOX Tel Aviv 🏀 1/2/2017 $ 70 000
John Giordano Bought abersquad 9/11/2016 $ 100 000
Charlie Russell-Lee Bought Acheode 12/29/2013 $ 30 000
Antonio Zunzunegui Sold Adamantino Basket 12/4/2015 $ 821 800
David Jara Sold Additional Points 5/3/2014 $ 39 000
Benny Kullenhall Bought alphabet roosters 11/30/2012 $ 2 000
Florentin Pestre Sold ancuks 8/30/2012 $ 41 000
Francesco Fornaciari Bought Anjos Brancos 12/4/2015 $ 10 000
Eduard Iacher Bought Aragón Egg-Touchers C.B. 9/21/2018 $ 5 000
Alfredo Galligo Bought Audax Pistoia 12/5/2015 $ 20 000
Carlos Manuel Basto Sold Baby Santos 12/7/2013 $ 41 000
Gerry Hussani Sold Backside 8/30/2012 $ 100 000
Benny Kullenhall Sold Ballenas Campeonas de AcuaGym 2/18/2013 $ 50 000
Jean-Pierre Henocq Sold BC Jonava 12/4/2015 $ 11 000
Mieczysław Trzepałka Sold BC Klipata 9/19/2018 $ 92 000
Tõnu Luige Sold BC Šauliai 1/21/2013 $ 61 200
Massimo Derosi Sold Beaver Kings 1/14/2022 $ 200 000
Antonio Zunzunegui Bought Berlin Street Style 5/30/2015 $ 600 000
Nicolas Narcy Bought Bourges Frogs 5/4/2014 $ 104 700
Eloi Gondar Bought C.B. MORISCOS 6/13/2013 $ 246 400
Clemente Aires Bought Cayendo y 3/11/2014 $ 395 000
Tomas Falkling Sold Cebu Orcas 7/2/2021 $ 1 020 000
Lino Novexil Sold Celestino Gomes Basket 9/2/2012 $ 50 000
Will Garrison Bought Chacho Team 9/13/2020 $ 699 999
Alain Abitbol Sold Chicago Megastars 9/7/2016 $ 12 000
Stéphane Garcia Sold Club Baloncesto Cebada 10/16/2021 $ 304 200
Andrzej Królicki Sold Colorado Mountains 6/10/2013 $ 6 000
Eloi Gondar Sold Cubas Bubas 3/9/2014 $ 552 300
Mieczysław Trzepałka Bought Cyborgs 9/26/2017 $ 1 250 000
Marius Da Silva Sold Daltoni 9/18/2018 $ 1 020 000
Ruan Kuanxin Bought Đevde 9/21/2018 $ 750 000
John Giordano Sold Dolphins Basket Riccione 12/29/2016 $ 130 000
Moti Telem Bought Dream Team B-B 4/25/2012 $ 323 000
Florian Faurie Sold Dynamo Badgers 8/9/2012 $ 1 000
Emmanuel Alphonsine Sold Dziesięciny D-fense 8/12/2012 $ 12 000
Henrik Hansson Bought EB33 11/1/2012 $ 345 827
Nicky de Souza Sold Elbflorenz Supernova II 9/7/2014 $ 204 000
Abdelazziz Berrada Sold Elefanti eleganti 3/7/2013 $ 7 000
Bogdan Banaszkiewicz Sold Element Bulls 12/4/2015 $ 585 900
Marius Da Silva Bought Eltee Academy 9/13/2016 $ 250 000
Jani Korjus Sold Eyhnaren 12/4/2015 $ 6 000
Karol Lietz Sold Ezel'in İntikamı 12/4/2015 $ 507 800
Guillaume Estèbe Sold FC_Kosiv 1/5/2012 $ 19 800
Tomas Falkling Bought FLYu3n 9/21/2018 $ 288 888
Kadir Sadberk Bought Free Agent 9/22/2018 $ 69 200
Giorgio Sebastiani Bought Free Agent 9/22/2018 $ 48 840
Scott Sergeant Bought Free Agent 9/21/2018 $ 44 280
Piotr Skawina Bought Free Agent 9/27/2017 $ 1 925 400
Marius Zahm Bought Free Agent 2/5/2015 $ 148 590
Leonides Astorga Bought Free Agent 12/5/2013 $ 221 140
Nicky de Souza Bought Free Agent 11/21/2013 $ 477 600
David Ibern Bought Free Agent 2/8/2012 $ 130 520
Heith Rickard Sold Gli gnomi col mortaio 6/10/2013 $ 40 000
David Ibern Sold Gobios 8/30/2012 $ 41 000
Bao Liang Sold Grim Rippers 9/7/2016 $ 1 352 600
Guo Huat Seng Sold Grizzlies 6/13/2013 $ 15 800
Clemente Aires Sold Guerreros del Infierno 9/7/2014 $ 300 000
Lech Skórzewski Sold Hanjin 12/4/2015 $ 442 300
Cédric Berlioz Bought Iguanes 2/19/2012 $ 50 000
Sébastien Hénaut Sold IncrediBullz 8/18/2012 $ 47 000
Facundo Espejel Sold Jakarta Warriors II 9/7/2016 $ 564 500
Fernando Fonseca Sold Jambon Mogettes 9/14/2016 $ 1 000
Ruan Kuanxin Sold Jessze Team 4/2/2020 $ 1 500 000
Martín Robledo Bought kavadents rojano 1/10/2012 $ 55 400
Erben Kooiker Sold KDneoEnons 5/2/2013 $ 50 000
Andrzej Królicki Bought kietakaktašikniai 11/2/2012 $ 5 000
Bernard Bałamut Bought Kırım 6/24/2013 $ 20 000
Yiorgos Kotsalos Sold KK Nadrogirani dabrovi 12/4/2015 $ 4 000
Arsenije Marojević Sold KK Semedraž 2/5/2012 $ 35 000
Jacek Ziemlewski Bought Kolacici 1/11/2012 $ 22 000
Gerry Hussani Bought La Banda degli Onest 1/3/2012 $ 265 000
Erben Kooiker Bought Lainers/Bauska 3/30/2013 $ 40 000
Jani Korjus Bought LaJy 1/28/2015 $ 5 000
Galen Taylor Sold Lamiplasteros Utd. 12/29/2016 $ 221 000
Jean Quillien Sold Langston Knights 8/20/2018 $ 50 000
Yiorgos Kotsalos Bought Lannisters 3/13/2014 $ 1 000
Özkan Burgaç Bought Lapseki Spor 9/11/2016 $ 999 999
Yago Mínguez Tahona Sold Las Palmeras C.B. 9/19/2018 $ 1 000
Moti Telem Sold leones verdes 9/2/2012 $ 260 200
Alexander Štrbo Bought Levice Shelss 12/4/2015 $ 21 000
Galen Taylor Bought Liaupsiukai 9/11/2016 $ 156 100
Carlos Manuel Basto Bought Loureiro Lakers 6/13/2013 $ 15 000
Damien Jacquemet Sold madstyle 6/14/2013 $ 937 700
Alp Eren Küçük Bought Mars.Assassin 9/11/2016 $ 60 000
Bao Liang Bought Mega Malaysians 12/4/2015 $ 1 200 000
Gennaro Siveri Bought Minù2019 5/5/2014 $ 2 000
Arsenije Marojević Bought MSKT 1/11/2012 $ 27 000
Pekka Saikkonen Bought Nakamurakaralamasha 11/3/2012 $ 1 000
Alexander Štrbo Sold NashingBalls66F 9/14/2016 $ 1 000
Yago Mínguez Tahona Bought Pedrintxi B.C. 9/14/2016 $ 40 000
Leonides Astorga Sold -Pelohis- 5/3/2014 $ 308 300
Naël Manceau Sold pijos tramposos 9/24/2017 $ 5 000
Alfredo Galligo Sold Poudereux Maristas 9/7/2016 $ 135 300
Jacek Ziemlewski Sold prasineiro 2/21/2012 $ 30 000
Bernard Bałamut Sold Puerto Real 12/3/2013 $ 150 000
Eduardo Nogueira Bought Real Clube Setubalense 11/30/2012 $ 3 000
Gennaro Siveri Sold Red Vintage 12/4/2015 $ 1 000
Facundo Espejel Bought Redecesio Spurs 12/5/2015 $ 792 800
Charlie Russell-Lee Sold Ringbreakers 12/4/2015 $ 4 000
Lino Novexil Bought Rinse FM 5/6/2012 $ 60 000
Nicolas Narcy Sold Rose Valley Thorns 1/27/2015 $ 150 000
Thore Silbertaler Sold RunDogDurant 9/14/2016 $ 742 900
Eduardo Nogueira Sold San Frasburgo Sailers 11/23/2013 $ 18 000
Tõnu Luige Bought Selja Seljass 11/30/2012 $ 1 000
Martín Robledo Sold Sereď Warriors 2/8/2012 $ 170 000
Jérôme Duvivier Sold Shamrock BC 11/26/2019 $ 714 000
Adriano Santoro Sold Sociedad Deportiva Avilés 9/19/2018 $ 3 000
Cédric Guillaume Sold Sosnowiec Miners 1/14/2012 $ 101 000
Lech Skórzewski Bought Sparta HC 6/6/2015 $ 690 000
Fernando Fonseca Bought Spurs WOB 12/5/2015 $ 20 000
David Jara Bought Street Wolfs 12/29/2013 $ 31 000
Heith Rickard Bought Super Minions 11/2/2012 $ 42 000
Thore Silbertaler Bought Swag Squad 12/5/2015 $ 923 200
Piotr Skawina Sold Team Fusio 9/20/2018 $ 687 200
Laurent Potelle Sold Teammorvan 12/4/2015 $ 1 000
Adriano Santoro Bought The Hot Shots 6/29/2017 $ 40 000
Cédric Berlioz Sold Thunderstorms 4/27/2012 $ 72 900
Karol Lietz Bought Tojuplastica 1/24/2015 $ 450 000
Bogdan Banaszkiewicz Bought trakya universty 6/6/2015 $ 500 000
Florian Blandin Sold Wall of Voodoo 1/18/2012 $ 2 000
Ludovic Sévère Sold Wilton Wonders 5/30/2015 $ 3 121 200
Laurent Philippe Sold Wisconsin Grizzly Squirrels 4/23/2012 $ 254 700
Massimo Derosi Bought Yalta Bulls 9/20/2018 $ 600 000
Dvir Limor Bought yellow hell 11/3/2012 $ 2 000
Rachid Benzekri Sold YzzY 1/23/2015 $ 1 500 000
Özkan Burgaç Sold Zaporozhye Cossacks 9/20/2018 $ 1 176 000
Florentin Pestre Bought Zietek Team 1/15/2012 $ 125 600
Will Garrison Sold ΕLEFSIS OMEGA 10/16/2021 $ 106 200
Henrik Hansson Sold ΠΗΓΑΣΟΣ ΑΛΙΜΟΥ 12/3/2012 $ 250 000
Guo Huat Seng Bought 夢想 11/30/2012 $ 2 000
Francesco Fornaciari Sold 永不放弃De心 9/7/2016 $ 16 000
Total Sales: $ 21 548 800
Total Purchases: $ 15 754 483
Transfer Balance: $ 5 794 317