List of Transfers
Player To/From Date Price
Albert Josep Uría Sold quiloteam 3/26/2009 $ 497 000
Albert Josep Uría Bought NY Dominant 1/7/2009 $ 306 000
Alex Mattesini Sold Just Do Heat 11/3/2007 $ 1 000
Alvin Christa Bought Barcelona Magic 12/10/2008 $ 150 000
Andrea Rodini Sold R&R Martis filii 10/21/2013 $ 1 000
Artemio Barilla Sold mhtnlk 1/10/2009 $ 41 000
Arturo Sarnataro Sold Miami HeaT Bc 2011 4/17/2009 $ 49 000
Benito Romanato Sold Crezinator 9/22/2007 $ 1 000
Bepo Kašelić Sold Stroppiellese 8/5/2009 $ 1 000
Bepo Kašelić Bought pobuzje 4/14/2009 $ 3 000
Carlo Chiaverotti Sold Soaring Bulldogs 3/17/2009 $ 1 000
Cataldo Femoni Sold arizona bulls 10/5/2007 $ 1 000
Davide Carlacchiani Sold Englands Giants 1/10/2014 $ 212 300
Edmondo Caracchini Sold BC Beyne 4/17/2009 $ 15 000
Emanuel Bajželj Bought Golden State Montarioso 10/9/2008 $ 108 000
Enzo Gonçalves Sold San Gennaros Spurs 4/17/2009 $ 79 800
Enzo Gonçalves Bought Real Vimodrone 1/13/2009 $ 100 000
Gabrielis Liuksas Bought Lichtenstein Magics 4/14/2009 $ 1 000
Gandolfo Tallo Sold mundus if 11/3/2007 $ 1 000
Giovanni Battista Zanchetta Sold the big black balls 9/22/2007 $ 1 000
Giuseppe Pileri Sold ALOÑA-MENDICB6C11 3/17/2009 $ 6 150
Ibraheem Dajani Bought lebanons 1/6/2014 $ 1 000
Ivan Ilijevski Bought quiloteam 6/25/2009 $ 30 000
James Pagan Bought Super Sonics 12/29/2013 $ 1 000
José Bustos Fermoso Bought LLION C.F. 1/13/2014 $ 1 500
José Vicente Reinares Bought Aballardes 5/15/2009 $ 19 000
Juan José Soto Aguilar Bought The G.O.A.T. 1/5/2014 $ 2 000
Kurtis Lee Bought Kentucky WildcatsA2702C 1/13/2009 $ 50 000
Lester Odell Sold Shamrock Saints 11/5/2013 $ 10 300
Lester Odell Bought LakersSHOW 6/29/2013 $ 10 000
Marino Vinaccia Sold AX EA7 Milano 8/5/2009 $ 300 000
Massimiliano Calisti Sold MODENA BASKET 12/25/2008 $ 5 000
Maurilio Filippa Sold Sericicola F.C. 8/5/2009 $ 400 000
Morgan Ardistio Sold Dellaqua 3/26/2009 $ 12 000
Oneir Fu Bought Rakuzam 1/5/2014 $ 1 000
Oral Yücel Bought San Giuseppe Energy 8/4/2009 $ 132 600
Putvinas Ludanavicius Sold Monkey Monastic 12/28/2013 $ 166 500
Putvinas Ludanavicius Bought Bc Nikel 6/27/2013 $ 10 000
Redas Narakas Sold Mauritanian 1/1/2014 $ 200 000
Redas Narakas Bought DrugDealers 6/27/2013 $ 50 000
Salvatore Monaco Vito Sold BC Kauno Stumbras84B 12/13/2008 $ 16 000
Sergey Kazankov Sold LOS GANGBANG 8/5/2009 $ 296 700
Sergey Kazankov Bought quiloteam 7/3/2009 $ 275 000
Simos Paterakis Bought ΕΞΩΤΙΚΑ ΓΙΑΝΝΙΤΣΑ 1/6/2014 $ 2 000
So Kok Sin Sold TheLegendTeam 6/25/2009 $ 1 000
So Kok Sin Bought KK Pajton_production 5/14/2009 $ 11 000
Tiziano De Dominici Sold matelica celtics 9/27/2007 $ 2 000
Tomi Ojaluoma Sold Clermont Shårks 12/28/2013 $ 312 200
Tomi Ojaluoma Bought Åbo Väktares 7/1/2013 $ 83 300
Total Sales: $ 2 629 950
Total Purchases: $ 1 347 400
Transfer Balance: $ 1 282 550