List of Transfers
Player To/From Date Price
Thang Ðinh Sold 辽宁衡润飞豹 7/1/2010 $ 1 000
Mikko Saaristo Bought 說對 9/26/2011 $ 1 000 000
Newton Pomeroy Sold 波士顿半兽人 9/29/2017 $ 2 000
Donovan Tighe Bought 太陽最溫暖 12/12/2016 $ 1 000
Lu Mingfeng Bought 天山队 4/29/2009 $ 1 000
Jeremiah Seman Sold 哈尔滨巴黎 3/30/2008 $ 3 000
Forest Shanahan Sold 卡温 11/9/2011 $ 306 000
Dante Areff Sold 凉亭坳小学女子篮球队 7/17/2010 $ 21 000
Alfonso Céspedes Bought 全亚洲最强布老虎 1/12/2013 $ 413 800
Reg Sutton Bought שניאור 11/27/2008 $ 1 000
Adrian Shortall Bought מכבי תל אביב1 7/28/2012 $ 1 356 000
Josh Dowd Sold Питтсбург Пингвинс 6/9/2012 $ 906 800
Gilad Danieli Sold КК Ђија ИН 4/27/2009 $ 250 000
Cheng Guangan Sold Бесни Цветићи 4/29/2009 $ 25 000
Dimos Pelekoudis Bought Π.Γ.Ν.Π 8/31/2011 $ 1 000
Ruben McLeod Bought Zira atletich 10/13/2016 $ 30 000
Claudio Pampanin Bought ZfreeSyria 9/27/2018 $ 407 000
Selemea Kirk Bought Zazzocalypse 5/6/2015 $ 1 000
Amos Banks Sold Youtuberos 8/25/2020 $ 8 000
Omar Arthur Sold yakıcı 12/10/2011 $ 390 000
Neale Talipeau Sold XtrAdTeam 4/5/2017 $ 4 000
Jurjen Wijma Bought Xixón Supersonics 4/4/2008 $ 10 000
Liang Huaizheng Sold Xillia 2/25/2012 $ 1 275 000
Stephen Jankowski Sold Xeftilaikos 5/24/2014 $ 265 500
Pierluigi Guasti Bought Willows Wannabes 10/9/2017 $ 12 000
Lonny Nunes Bought Willows Wannabes 5/23/2015 $ 1 000
Marshall Granger Bought Widzew Łódz 1/8/2015 $ 17 000
Chanh Nguyên Bought West Island Tigers 10/31/2012 $ 7 000
Tawera Wedderburn Bought waterford demons 11/20/2008 $ 1 000
Michael Donald Sold Warlords565 3/30/2019 $ 10 000
Royce Raines Bought WA ALL STARS 12/22/2009 $ 2 080 800
Ernie Subhedar Sold volevo aprire un sushi bar 1/21/2011 $ 1 500
Jonatan Urbaniec Bought Vloclavia 4/7/2010 $ 2 000
Ludovic Mottin Sold Virtus Sblinder 1/18/2009 $ 200 000
Marcos Osma Bought vilanova del valllesD5D 1/19/2009 $ 102 000
Dwayne Marlow Sold Viimsi Knicks 4/23/2018 $ 15 000
Gerd Zero Bought Vic Rebels 9/3/2011 $ 1 378 700
Arturs Rukeris Sold VfL Hameln 1849 e.V 11/4/2018 $ 900 000
Tony Wills Sold Venados 10/11/2014 $ 1 000
Scott Kyle Sold Vancouver Tigers 4/26/2009 $ 25 000
Maciej Kuman Bought vagancias 1/23/2011 $ 1 612 700
Clyde Ó Cuileann Sold UTA ARAD 3/1/2014 $ 107 900
Yakov Chadin Sold USC Cognac 2/3/2019 $ 1 000
Willie Spruill Sold Usas 2 Basketbol 8/28/2008 $ 100 000
Björn Larsson Sold United Minions 3/22/2011 $ 2 295 000
Patrick Hogan Bought Ulysses Crew 8/12/2009 $ 3 000
Ed Franks Sold Ultra Nuggets 9/2/2007 $ 46 000
Isileli Wooders Sold Újpest Raptorz 11/11/2008 $ 48 800
Slawomir Jurczykowski Sold U.S. Arbor 5/20/2012 $ 199 300
Timothy Parrish Bought Typhoooon 12/4/2008 $ 26 000
Liang Huaizheng Bought Tryfiliakos 10/28/2011 $ 1 775 000
Ted Parrott Sold Trümmerbruch 12/19/2009 $ 1 056 500
Gilad Danieli Bought Torrejon Bulls 8/19/2008 $ 102 000
Yiftach Chaim Sold Tornado TeaM 2/11/2012 $ 2 040 000
Silvijus Žuras Bought Tommy II 1/10/2015 $ 10 000
Bud Cawley Sold Tokitas 8/15/2008 $ 2 000
Durk Renaud Sold Tirona Basket Bc 8/25/2012 $ 853 800
Erinaldo Pacheco Sold Tirana Split 4/2/2011 $ 1 500 000
Aleix Villatreses Bought Timakiños 4/10/2008 $ 10 000
Ron Wills Sold Tijeras team 8/26/2020 $ 2 000
Mauras Žardeckas Bought Tide of Fire 4/18/2012 $ 306 100
Lowell Waugh Sold TheKenShow 4/29/2015 $ 1 485 800
Durk Renaud Bought TheKenShow 6/2/2012 $ 675 000
Kristijan Ognjankovski Sold TheBlueDragons 10/15/2011 $ 714 000
Ye Tingwei Sold The Winnerz 6/27/2019 $ 364 200
Rory Duggan Bought The Nuts 8/1/2012 $ 1 000
Jurjen Wijma Sold the great eff 8/13/2008 $ 765 000
Matej Presterel Sold The Cockers 8/18/2008 $ 1 000
Mykola Protsenko Sold The Clutchers 11/4/2015 $ 2 000
Lopeti Harding Sold The castors Band 8/15/2014 $ 40 000
Marcos Allenby Bought The Bumchums 6/6/2009 $ 11 000
Ignazio Costella Bought The Bad Piggies 8/4/2008 $ 2 000
Tiziano Del Castello Bought Terron Team 7/31/2008 $ 1 000
Nick Rayner Sold terastiousp 5/20/2012 $ 1 000
Scott Kyle Bought TeamPongCo 1/28/2009 $ 6 000
Tracy McCabe Bought Team Solo Weed 2/5/2016 $ 5 000
Galen Cockman Bought Team Defeated 4/18/2010 $ 1 000
Piero Natoli Bought Tazmania Devils 3/1/2014 $ 29 000
Gurudeep Rajendran Sold Tassie Lakers 6/28/2018 $ 1 000 000
Lin Yongliang Bought Tartu Lokomotiiv 10/25/2015 $ 71 400
Ferencas Pugacauskas Bought tart ülikool rock 10/13/2010 $ 72 700
Alex Burne Sold Taivaan Bango 9/26/2010 $ 2 750 000
Barnett Swancutt Bought Széchényi Egyetem Győr 9/21/2017 $ 100 000
Janne Metsi Bought Svjetlost Brod 8/19/2012 $ 150 000
Hugh Harris Bought Surfin' Birds 3/6/2010 $ 1 499 100
Clayton Dunstan Bought SundayBallers 6/4/2009 $ 1 000
Luca Ruggieri Sold Studders 9/29/2008 $ 400 000
Kudret Tamu Bought Stormz 10/20/2015 $ 90 000
Heath Hentschel Sold Storm Eagles 8/22/2010 $ 2 000
Oskar Dubiel Sold Stoned Pimps 9/1/2009 $ 1 600 000
Nolan Prince Sold Sternchenhüter 4/14/2008 $ 56 400
Karl McKensey Sold Steaua no es potable 11/9/2008 $ 70 700
Yiftach Chaim Bought Sršni Písek 12/7/2011 $ 3 150 000
Wally Brubaker Bought Sputnik BC 9/7/2016 $ 50 000
João Caio Sold Sparta Białobłoty725 10/15/2011 $ 777 777
Keith Anderson Bought Sovereign Weatherlights 4/23/2014 $ 60 000
Fernando Lomba Bought SouthAfrikanners 9/17/2009 $ 24 000
Josh Dowd Bought somakandakram7FB 4/10/2010 $ 3 000 000
Ling Erda Sold Socmels Bologna 4/29/2015 $ 108 400
Roberts Vinkelis Sold Smelly Cats 6/28/2011 $ 1 623 800
Dondon Evacitas Sold Smar2 8/14/2009 $ 2 250 000
Joaquim Fabião Sold Slytherin 1/21/2012 $ 685 000
Rãzvan Marcu Bought Skybee Gray 7/31/2008 $ 10 000
Silvijus Žuras Bought skorpai 6/15/2009 $ 1 533 873
Pi Griffiths Bought Skip To My Lou 11/27/2008 $ 1 000
Wes Franson Bought sisong 9/18/2009 $ 1 000
Aakar Jalajamani Sold Silales Grederiai 4/20/2013 $ 143 500
Kevin McInerny Bought Showtime Milicic 1/7/2015 $ 50 000
Petrakis Mplekos Bought sheeps BC 10/2/2017 $ 1 000
Edgar Moore Bought Sharks 13 8/15/2008 $ 50 000
Peter Richardson Bought SFERIC TERRASSA BASKET CLUB854 7/21/2015 $ 25 000
Keith Anderson Sold Seba Utd. 7/5/2014 $ 1 000
Tom Flint Bought Screaming Eagles 7/5/2010 $ 19 345
Thomas Maslin Sold sciabola team 4/29/2015 $ 2 000
Bonifacio Escofet Bought Schorchias team 8/3/2008 $ 13 000
Jessie Koutrakos Bought 4/14/2016 $ 58 000
Tony Wills Bought Scan_ 5/26/2014 $ 59 000
Salésio Roraima Sold SanCraft 5/12/2012 $ 326 400
Bonifacio Escofet Sold Sanciu Vetra 8/7/2008 $ 17 000
Kevin McInerny Sold San.Antonio.Spurs 5/1/2015 $ 10 000
Primitivo Ribera Bought San Petasburgo 11/20/2008 $ 1 000
Cameron Rodrigues Sold Salmantica 3/30/2019 $ 8 000
José Frink Sold S&A 299 2/5/2020 $ 2 918 800
Patrick Neal Sold Rydog 7/31/2013 $ 843 700
Neil Tambyraja Sold Rydog 10/20/2012 $ 850 000
Maciej Kuman Sold Rydog 8/27/2011 $ 1 100 000
Humberto Guzmán Sold RURA PENTHE 11/18/2012 $ 147 600
Lothar Demaret Sold ROSONERO 12/4/2010 $ 1 050 000
Bronislovas Dabrukas Bought Rockford 12/22/2013 $ 7 000
Ralph Searle Sold ROCA 3 11/20/2008 $ 1 000
Alfredo Ybarra Muñoz Bought Rivas Baloncesto 8/14/2008 $ 22 000
Carl Halliday Bought Rio Grande Valley Vipers 8/1/2015 $ 81 600
Spektras Gomolickas Sold rinoilbagnino 10/3/2010 $ 2 601 000
Victor Stewart Sold rimmers 6/22/2017 $ 3 495 800
Matej Presterel Bought Richmond Carters 4/15/2008 $ 4 000
Benton Langlands Bought Reykjavik Raptors 9/1/2011 $ 1 000 000
Marcinas Pikulis Sold Red-White Hunters 2/5/2020 $ 10 000
Dylan Scoggins Sold Red Devilsss 10/27/2013 $ 541 400
Boyd Heath Sold Red Admirals 8/26/2020 $ 100 000
Eddie Storer Sold Real Salas Basket1F6 11/19/2008 $ 2 000
Geoff Bellard Sold Real madrid bcc0F7 8/9/2008 $ 7 000
Tawera Wedderburn Sold Ravens 2/15/2009 $ 1 000
Benoît Dème Sold Ratxeados182 7/8/2011 $ 612 000
Willie Spruill Bought RareCandy 8/14/2008 $ 26 000
Aditya Khare Sold Rammstein S.A. 8/15/2014 $ 1 314 900
Umar El Othmani Bought Railers Trailers 6/8/2013 $ 50 000
Dilermando de Lamare Bought R&R Martis filii 1/20/2011 $ 487 626
Vincent Schloffer Bought Purple people eaters 9/18/2008 $ 27 000
Benjamin Duvernois Bought Prykarpattia 9/28/2011 $ 703 700
Janis Joninš Bought Prusaku ordas 8/18/2008 $ 66 666
Colby Berrigan Bought Pirates Crew 9/25/2017 $ 99 000
Hugh Harris Sold Piaski Yellow Hornets 4/2/2010 $ 1 352 000
Xavier Montgomery Sold Phx Warriors 8/2/2008 $ 51 000
Michael Fyfe Bought Phitshane Molopo Pigeons 4/30/2015 $ 100 000
Marcinas Pikulis Bought Phantoms Braunschweig 6/28/2019 $ 99 099
Giordano Aspesi Sold Petteam 4/16/2008 $ 1 000
Daniels Stulpinš Bought Pessac Tigers 3/14/2014 $ 200 000
Xavier Rodger Bought Perth pythons 11/26/2011 $ 270 900
Billy Lane Bought Perth Panthers 10/27/2008 $ 2 000
Erinaldo Pacheco Bought Perogrullos 12/15/2010 $ 1 273 500
Ted Parrott Bought Peñarol B.C 11/2/2009 $ 1 728 570
Joaquim Fabião Bought Peacemakers 1/1/2012 $ 675 000
Tika Garvey Sold Partychan de aquí al lado 4/23/2018 $ 45 000
Shaheem Tshabalala Sold Parabellum 7/6/2011 $ 343 100
Clint Thomas Bought paok-eyosmou 5/13/2011 $ 78 400
Evaristo Bradinilis Sold Pallonisgonfiati 10/31/2008 $ 600 000
Evaristo Bradinilis Bought Padova Team 7/5/2008 $ 364 200
Marcus Zoller Sold Pacers de Nantes 8/18/2015 $ 3 000
Aditya Khare Bought Ostrali 6/15/2013 $ 2 200 000
Gerd Zero Sold Ostragodos 8/13/2013 $ 520 200
Primitivo Ribera Sold OSOARE FC 11/25/2008 $ 6 000
Tully Braithwaite Sold Opole 4/26/2014 $ 94 600
Hairil Zamri bin Che Mat Bought Onalaska Octopi 5/9/2015 $ 1 000
Ludovic Mottin Bought Olympic Mélo 12/4/2008 $ 83 200
Benton Langlands Sold OLOGGO e.V. 1/17/2012 $ 795 100
Antonio Villazán Bought Olimpia Montegrotto 10/13/2010 $ 1 000
Dilermando de Lamare Sold Oleastrum 3/22/2011 $ 700 000
Luke Wooley Sold NutHuggers 10/11/2014 $ 20 000
Brent Degas Bought Nuclear Blast 8/11/2013 $ 1 020 000
Silvijus Žuras Sold Nuclear Blast 2/28/2010 $ 5 202 000
Abel Ramírez Bought Notre Dame Fighting Irish 9/16/2011 $ 466 700
Evgenios Marantidis Bought no tolerance 12/23/2014 $ 93 700
Çagtug Sevan Bought No Good News 9/29/2012 $ 275 000
Martin Fuller Sold Night City Renegades 2/3/2019 $ 35 000
Geraldo Skywalker Bought New Mexico Storms 8/28/2009 $ 1 000
Herschel Farmer Bought new jersey2 7/13/2017 $ 153 000
Chiu Choong Kuan Bought New GeneratioN HK 4/19/2010 $ 2 964 676
Dwayne Thompson Sold Nervian Fantastic 6/24/2009 $ 640 000
Humberto Guzmán Bought Neapolikos BC 11/9/2012 $ 331 400
Clyde Ó Cuileann Sold nclubCA3 12/1/2012 $ 170 000
Giordano Aspesi Bought NavyArmy 4/1/2008 $ 1 000
João Caio Bought Mushroom Power 10/1/2011 $ 510 000
Samuel Áreas Sold Municipal Puente Alto 1/13/2011 $ 782 400
Gino Adduci Bought Mugiwara Kaizokudan 5/5/2016 $ 15 000
Rocky Needham Sold MKS Kataryna 4/5/2017 $ 1 000
Omar Arthur Bought MKF Team 11/2/2011 $ 255 000
Nick dela Cruz Bought Mix Steel Shorts 6/2/2013 $ 3 000
Tommy Allison Sold Missouri_ Tigers 5/17/2012 $ 153 400
Chiu Choong Kuan Sold Minsk Alabama 5/29/2010 $ 3 222 500
Kirill Khrapov Sold milans academy 3/24/2012 $ 400 000
Adelmo Cutuneguieta Bought meslai 8/6/2008 $ 1 000
Skaisgirdas Urniežis Bought meslai 8/6/2008 $ 1 000
Manuel Trindade Bought Melbourne Croatia 4/7/2010 $ 3 000
Lee Zezheng Bought measly 4/30/2009 $ 2 000
Billy Lane Sold McFalafels 11/16/2008 $ 1 000
Mark Runciman Sold Mayhem 9/28/2013 $ 382 600
Marcos Allenby Sold Matinhos AABM 8/12/2009 $ 250 000
Barrett Manning Sold Masone Prisoners 5/2/2009 $ 1 060 000
Juan Gallegos Bought Manpiii 4/1/2008 $ 6 000
Edgar Moore Sold MalaManera 11/2/2008 $ 358 900
Tomas Perera Sold majastic293 12/10/2015 $ 3 500 000
Çagtug Sevan Sold Majami Hit 11/25/2012 $ 17 000
Vilmo Fagundes Bought Magnofit Gussing Knights 10/21/2015 $ 50 000
Odell Stover Bought MaDayNe 4/29/2009 $ 1 000
Werner Efinger Sold Luka Magic949D1962D 8/27/2011 $ 746 500
Dudley Simons Bought Louisville Magic 5/5/2009 $ 1 000
Juan Gallegos Sold Los Tanques 8/2/2008 $ 2 000
Yakov Chadin Bought Los Ratones 7/2/2018 $ 10 000
Eddie Storer Bought Los Angeles Lakers LDLA 10/27/2008 $ 5 000
Boyd Heath Bought Los Angeles Lakers LDLA 10/27/2008 $ 61 200
Kristijan Ognjankovski Bought Lipova Hawks 10/5/2011 $ 640 000
Kostas Ntolkas Bought Lima Pawa 3/1/2012 $ 2 000 000
Ricky Jackson Bought Les Chèvres 1/19/2015 $ 10 000
Jackie Wishart Sold Legion Maisona 8/26/2008 $ 5 000
Michael Fyfe Sold Leghem Spurs 6/8/2015 $ 255 000
Tully Braithwaite Bought lebanons 9/27/2012 $ 1 768 700
Mauricio Skywalker Bought learks 8/17/2009 $ 1 000
Theodor Laas Sold Lawrence Park Panthers 8/27/2011 $ 1 976 800
Jason Laga'aia Sold Las Palmeras C.B. 8/26/2020 $ 2 000
Diego Jofre Sold Lanus FC3D3 8/26/2008 $ 84 100
Ronan Contant Bought LaGuardiaRoja 10/27/2008 $ 104 100
Janis Joninš Sold Lachy Machy 10/20/2008 $ 159 300
Liviu Alecu Sold Laachi 6/19/2013 $ 106 200
Cédric Fiquet Bought KYRA ATOMIC 12/24/2014 $ 40 000
Marco Wheen Bought Krivbassbasket 1/15/2011 $ 5 000
Chris Osterman Sold Kragujevac Raptors-i 11/15/2011 $ 50 000
Aakar Jalajamani Bought Koopasaurus 4/12/2014 $ 2 000
Diedrich Bryn Sold Koenigsclass 2/8/2016 $ 104 100
Fortunato D’Annibale Bought Knicks N Y 9/28/2011 $ 751 800
Marco Wheen Sold KKLV 5/25/2011 $ 4 000
Mal Taylor Sold KK Texas 4/5/2017 $ 76 600
Lex Francart Bought KK PropastB4A 8/24/2012 $ 45 000
Clyde Ó Cuileann Bought KK POBREŽJE :) 10/27/2012 $ 500 000
Alejo Hipólito Sold KK Mladost Sarajevo 10/2/2011 $ 914 900
Björn Larsson Bought KK Mika5B5 12/3/2010 $ 2 836 900
Paris Washer Sold KK Lodevad Looderdajad 7/28/2012 $ 15 800
Mark Runciman Bought Kk Lazarevac1389D10 7/30/2013 $ 250 000
Marshall Granger Sold KK Funjare sa Adica 4/29/2015 $ 42 000
Gene Cornes Bought KK Dobravica 11/7/2011 $ 25 000
Taylor Little Bought kingsgrove lions 5/5/2009 $ 1 000
Iginio Reiter Bought KikSEB3 4/9/2008 $ 1 000
Mitchell Pearshouse Bought Kiappas Team 10/6/2011 $ 394 400
Jonathan Bedenham Sold KHS Pikelos 8/25/2010 $ 3 000 000
David Shapira Bought keops 6/8/2009 $ 97 878
Plínio Couto Costa Sold Kean 9/17/2011 $ 2 000 000
Otoniel Otoni Bought KARASAY BC 6/30/2018 $ 5 000
Evgenios Marantidis Sold KANaryagucu 1/6/2015 $ 90 000
Dominik Boruszak Sold K.K.Krkani 5/10/2010 $ 11 000
Rob McNamara Bought Izmir Cavaliers 6/1/2013 $ 6 000
Rubén Geltru Bought Izmir aslanlar 8/28/2011 $ 265 500
Carl Halliday Sold İspinozlar 11/1/2015 $ 16 000
Luca Bleve Sold Iron Dukes 1/29/2009 $ 75 000
Carl Rosa Sold IQ Under Room Temp 8/15/2014 $ 466 400
Walker Carroll Sold Inazuma Japón 12/3/2008 $ 178 600
José Leonardo Casas Bought Immoral Monkeys 6/28/2009 $ 1 378 492
Ollie Atherton Sold Il Tarzanello 10/9/2014 $ 974 700
Phillip Cocksedge Bought IGutz 10/14/2008 $ 372 828
Duc Nguyên Sold Ice Veterans 2/6/2013 $ 400 000
Beno Škufca Bought I Veterani di Kappa 11/28/2008 $ 732 632
Leveni Lugsdin Sold I Marsigliesi Basket 4/7/2008 $ 208 100
Ákos Bódis Bought i bitorzoli 7/21/2012 $ 750 000
Elliott Watton Sold Houston Bear 8/25/2020 $ 23 000
Ferencas Pugacauskas Sold Here For Beer 9/4/2011 $ 4 000
Samuel Áreas Bought Hawks CFC 8/12/2009 $ 2 500 000
Marcos Osma Sold Harellend Globetrotters 3/22/2009 $ 125 000
Brent Degas Bought Hapoel Naan 5/18/2014 $ 500 000
Claus Querido Bought Hamm Wolf Pack 6/14/2013 $ 1 224 000
Thijs Torbeyns Bought Haastrecht Furies 4/9/2008 $ 1 000
Barnett Swancutt Sold Gsquad 4/23/2018 $ 1 000
Leonardo Aleixo Bought GS Clube 3/17/2009 $ 2 000
Dimitris Kourkoulis Bought Gród Elbląg 3/13/2013 $ 6 000
Pierluigi Guasti Sold Grøa Allstars II 11/25/2017 $ 213 500
Forest Shanahan Bought Gowies splash 9/2/2011 $ 550 000
Barton Melmeth Sold GoldenStateReds 1/19/2011 $ 800 000
Dylan Scoggins Bought Gnarlys knights 8/1/2013 $ 408 000
Salésio Roraima Bought GMA Team 4/28/2012 $ 500 000
Sam Holden Bought Glonojad Bydgoszcz 2/22/2016 $ 5 000
Gerald Marselus Sold GlobalniTrotlni 8/15/2014 $ 555 555
Cornelius Easley Sold GlobalniTrotlni 7/28/2012 $ 555 555
Fortunato D’Annibale Sold Ghosts/// 10/15/2011 $ 902 100
Mikko Saaristo Sold Ghosts/// 10/15/2011 $ 902 100
Alex Burne Bought Geoffrey the giraffe 9/1/2010 $ 1 560 600
Ling Erda Bought Geniai 1/9/2015 $ 180 000
Otoniel Otoni Sold Galaxian 4/2/2019 $ 4 000
Tully Braithwaite Bought Freo Anchors 2/26/2014 $ 120 000
Benjamin Duvernois Sold Freitag 10/15/2011 $ 867 000
Larry Jess Bought Free Agent 6/28/2019 $ 130 800
Arturs Rukeris Bought Free Agent 9/27/2018 $ 247 700
Cameron Rodrigues Bought Free Agent 7/5/2018 $ 94 400
Tika Garvey Bought Free Agent 9/21/2017 $ 127 100
Mal Taylor Bought Free Agent 10/15/2016 $ 199 900
Andre Brooking Bought Free Agent 10/13/2016 $ 162 500
Neale Talipeau Bought Free Agent 9/17/2016 $ 113 090
Song Yucheng Bought Free Agent 5/5/2016 $ 142 800
Josh Grant Bought Free Agent 4/14/2016 $ 85 770
Lowell Waugh Bought Free Agent 1/7/2015 $ 1 250 000
Ward Thomson Bought Free Agent 5/24/2012 $ 222 700
Shaheem Tshabalala Bought Free Agent 5/18/2011 $ 250 000
Roman Jaanus Bought Free Agent 5/12/2011 $ 2 883 600
Werner Efinger Bought Free Agent 8/26/2010 $ 1 350 000
Plínio Couto Costa Bought Free Agent 5/1/2009 $ 1 887 000
King Streeter Bought Free Agent 3/19/2009 $ 845 000
Mauras Žardeckas Sold Florence Centaurs 5/12/2012 $ 137 800
Jonathan Bedenham Bought Flaming Lamborghini 3/26/2010 $ 3 872 800
Todd Hooks Bought FJ Dragon 5/4/2009 $ 1 000
Tony Betts Sold Fenerbahçe. 8/27/2020 $ 2 000
Daniel Edwards Sold FC Niezakapiory 9/30/2012 $ 416 200
Lorenzo Leombruno Sold Fc Młodzi 8/17/2010 $ 2 310 200
Lionel Webster Sold FC Leno 2014 4/5/2014 $ 79 100
Mürsit Aktan Sold fc jakomäki 5/12/2012 $ 302 500
Aakar Jalajamani Bought excalibur99 11/18/2012 $ 500 000
Art Bowden Sold Etonic Akeem 8/26/2020 $ 2 000
José Leonardo Casas Sold Etereos 3/23/2010 $ 2 000 000
Rocky Needham Bought ETBU Tigers 8/7/2015 $ 51 000
Carlos Diniz Bought Equipa das Maçãs 8/8/2008 $ 1 000
Duc Nguyên Bought endorine1C0 9/26/2012 $ 233 100
Phillip Cocksedge Sold Elephantusi 11/21/2008 $ 293 500
Song Yucheng Sold Elan Boucalais 5/14/2016 $ 325 000
Stephen Jankowski Bought El Latigo 12/30/2013 $ 324 900
Ahmad Tharmini bin Mohd Hanifa Bought Ekdikites 8/3/2013 $ 50 000
Colby Berrigan Sold Eaton Boomers 4/23/2018 $ 1 000
Kingsley Knight Sold Düzce Basketbol 1/22/2015 $ 11 100
Clyde Ó Cuileann Bought DUTTs 12/21/2013 $ 3 000
James Haydock Bought Dunking Devils 7/2/2018 $ 4 400
Rãzvan Marcu Sold Dudis Vikings 8/9/2008 $ 1 000
Mitchell Pearshouse Sold Drunk Donkeys 1/21/2012 $ 500 000
Mauricio Lowndes Bought DrinkBoys 1/9/2015 $ 99 999
Alfredo Esterripa Sold Downtown Celtics 1/19/2010 $ 1 698 000
Herman Sherman Bought Doveton 9/11/2009 $ 1 000
Astijus Dzis Sold Dornbirn LionsAFF 9/15/2009 $ 150 000
Vern Hutton Bought Dirk Nomisski 10/25/2014 $ 25 000
Lex Francart Sold Dinamo Cagliari 9/29/2012 $ 194 700
Jack Long Sold diego garcia de paredes team 8/27/2020 $ 31 000
Alfonso Céspedes Sold Deportivo Saprissa 3/9/2013 $ 367 200
Mykola Protsenko Bought Deportivo Roca 10/25/2015 $ 56 600
Stephen Cuthbert Bought Dead Men B.C. 1/19/2015 $ 10 000
Tully Braithwaite Sold DCs United 5/18/2013 $ 1 480 500
Ronan Contant Sold CORRUPTION KILLERS 11/14/2008 $ 171 800
Lionel Webster Bought Coffs Harbour Pirates 1/8/2014 $ 331 400
Clyde Ó Cuileann Coburg Sinners 11/24/2012 $ 250 000
Diego Jofre Bought Club Baloncesto Jose 8/17/2008 $ 2 000
Eric Trilles Bought Clochards 12/24/2014 $ 40 000
Miquel Barategui Sold Ciudad de Villa Mitre 7/27/2008 $ 5 000
Antonio Villazán Sold Chupa-Chups Club 1/31/2011 $ 18 000
Daugotas Gincbergas Sold Chicago "Bulls" 11/28/2010 $ 2 900 000
Michel Sugden Sold CF Villanovence 4/14/2008 $ 1 000
King Streeter Sold Cerebral Assassins 1/13/2011 $ 764 220
Mohd Rizalruddin Ladzim Bought cbarbitre 12/23/2013 $ 15 000
Martín Zúñiga Monroy Bought CB Osasuna 3/9/2013 $ 30 000
James Haydock Sold Catalan Ghost6B6 3/30/2019 $ 2 000
Herschel Farmer Sold Carlton Mavericks 9/9/2017 $ 33 000
Rubén Geltru Sold Canaries 9/29/2011 $ 117 600
Vincent Schloffer Sold CADEROCHA 10/19/2008 $ 91 800
Diedrich Bryn Bought C.Pulcino S.S. 8/17/2015 $ 50 000
Jude Yray Bought C.B. Pablenín 10/18/2017 $ 33 000
Steven Bray Sold Butler University 4/23/2018 $ 1 000
Bluey Blandford Bought Bunnies 7/25/2015 $ 31 000
Patrick Neal Bought Bulls.. 2/9/2012 $ 2 000 000
Benoît Dème Bought BullDawgs69 2/11/2011 $ 386 600
Neil Tambyraja Bought Buchloe 75ers 8/29/2012 $ 802 000
Roberts Vinkelis Bought BTLL 5/1/2011 $ 1 239 000
Stephen Cuthbert Sold bruteForce1997 4/29/2015 $ 1 000
Ricky Jackson Sold bruteForce1997 4/29/2015 $ 1 000
Brent Degas Sold BrisvegasSpurs 7/5/2014 $ 159 300
Liviu Alecu Bought Braga Basquete 6/4/2013 $ 102 000
Ward Thomson Sold Boston Hammers 7/24/2012 $ 350 000
Ollie Atherton Bought Bossy 6/22/2013 $ 456 400
Harsana Dey Bought Bombers4Lyf 6/6/2020 $ 1 000
Miquel Barategui Bought BodomDragons 4/23/2008 $ 1 000
Tomáš Leštanský Sold Blade of darkness 5/18/2013 $ 247 400
Janne Metsi Sold Black White Dam 9/25/2012 $ 400 000
Geraldinho Skywalker Bought black salt 1/17/2011 $ 3 000
Quincas Pinho Souza Bought Black Riders 11/19/2016 $ 93 700
Roman Jaanus Sold Black Jaguars 9/10/2011 $ 2 976 900
Claudio Pampanin Sold BK Skrējējs 2/3/2019 $ 217 100
Ken Ryan Sold BK Genyus 4/22/2009 $ 106 200
Shannon Moon Bought Big Horn Sheep 6/20/2015 $ 1 000
Aleix Villatreses Sold BG Göttingen 5/26/2008 $ 2 000
Beno Škufca Sold bcsp 2/22/2009 $ 510 000
Phuoc Trân Sold BC Vizovice Plums 8/25/2020 $ 4 000
Xavier Rodger Sold BC Triple Double 4/24/2012 $ 204 000
Michael Carnes Bought Bc Temeš 6/10/2013 $ 10 000
Franck Brasier Bought BC Taikliau 6/9/2013 $ 1 000
Slawomir Jurczykowski Bought BC Renaissance 5/10/2012 $ 153 000
Kirill Khrapov Bought BC Rakvere Munapead 3/8/2012 $ 570 000
Astijus Dzis Bought Bc Pučiū Valdovai 9/11/2009 $ 29 000
Timoti McGuigan Sold BC Piñeiro 6/22/2017 $ 4 161 600
Cornelius Easley Bought BC Pidav Prunt 5/14/2012 $ 450 700
Mitch Reeves Bought bc nepatinka 9/26/2017 $ 20 000
Larry Jess Sold BC Kėdainiai 2/5/2020 $ 60 400
Spektras Gomolickas Bought BC Kauno Stumbras84B 3/1/2010 $ 4 250 000
Gino Adduci Sold BC KAPITULIATORIAI 5/14/2016 $ 1 000
Vatan Vakur Sold bc joffendoller 7/4/2011 $ 9 000
Theodor Laas Bought BC Humanoidid 7/19/2011 $ 2 500 000
Donovan Tighe Sold BC Callux 4/5/2017 $ 139 000
Alejo Hipólito Bought Batangas BladesBD2 9/14/2011 $ 674 300
Alfredo Ybarra Muñoz Sold Basket Martini 8/22/2008 $ 76 600
Vern Hutton Sold Basket León 1/6/2015 $ 39 000
Luca Ruggieri Bought Basket Coi 8/19/2008 $ 31 000
Royce Raines Sold Banta Squad 3/26/2010 $ 3 000 000
Luca Bleve Bought banco s.stefano 11/27/2008 $ 10 000
Adrian Shortall Sold Ballistica BK 5/21/2013 $ 1 399 990
Claus Querido Sold baku magic 8/15/2014 $ 1 144 500
Steven Bray Bought Badem bc 9/26/2017 $ 49 999
Kostas Ntolkas Sold B.C. Globetrotters 5/18/2012 $ 2 000 000
Gerald Marselus Bought Azizili 4/21/2014 $ 402 300
Emile Imbabi Bought Awesome^.- 4/13/2016 $ 10 000
Vaughan Velaphi Bought Awesome^.- 8/5/2015 $ 1 000
Tomáš Leštanský Bought Awesome^.- 4/21/2013 $ 14 000
Daniel Edwards Bought Aussie Pride 5/22/2012 $ 400 000
Dante Areff Bought AUS LIONS 7/6/2010 $ 24 545
Mürsit Aktan Bought Atlyginimai vokeliuose 2/10/2012 $ 1 020 000
Josh Grant Sold Atletico Balbettante 4/5/2017 $ 51 000
Eric Trilles Sold AsVELLE 1/6/2015 $ 2 000
Quincas Pinho Souza Sold Aston Birra BBC 12/8/2016 $ 54 300
Vilmo Fagundes Sold ASMATS 10/31/2015 $ 5 600
Lothar Demaret Bought Arvo 9/30/2010 $ 1 020 000
Chris Bazeley Sold antons 8/18/2007 $ 10 000
Jason Thomas Bought Angelcinja2 4/7/2010 $ 1 000
Brent Degas Sold Anadolu Efes SK 11/10/2013 $ 1 734 000
Abel Ramírez Sold amit united 10/8/2011 $ 600 000
Danny Folkes Sold Ambrosteam 4/18/2008 $ 198 600
Lin Yongliang Sold Alpacas of Hate 11/1/2015 $ 29 000
Ronald Surgeon Sold Alliens 4/5/2017 $ 1 000
Andre Brooking Sold Alliens 4/5/2017 $ 3 000
Ákos Bódis Sold algorithm_art 9/25/2012 $ 850 000
Ahmad Tharmini bin Mohd Hanifa Sold alexandros 11/17/2013 $ 129 000
Lorenzo Leombruno Bought Alcoxete Suns 6/2/2010 $ 3 221 827
Mathew Tuckey Bought Albert heat 2/21/2016 $ 1 000
Alfredo Esterripa Bought Aerocows 1/9/2010 $ 1 600 000
Fernando Lomba Sold aek prevezhs 12/18/2009 $ 1 000
Barton Melmeth Bought Adelaide DJays 10/11/2010 $ 300 000
Vatan Vakur Bought Adelaide Air-time 5/4/2011 $ 35 000
Tomas Perera Bought Adelaide Airbornes 2.0 10/18/2014 $ 2 040 000
Timothy Parrish Sold Academy Alius 12/26/2008 $ 50 000
Daugotas Gincbergas Bought 8i765576rtfk 10/3/2010 $ 3 714 500
Cédric Fiquet Sold 89ers 1/6/2015 $ 11 000
Oskar Dubiel Bought 5sek BC 7/2/2009 $ 889 900
Rob McNamara Sold 19 Fenerbahçe 8/10/2013 $ 10 000
Mauricio Lowndes Sold ***EMIGRANTI*** 2/14/2015 $ 138 400
David Shapira Sold 🏀 BC Viiratsi 🏀 7/1/2009 $ 156 100
Total Sales: $ 116 939 197
Total Purchases: $ 102 200 815
Transfer Balance: $ 14 738 382