List of Transfers
Player To/From Date Price
Teófilo Ciaurriz Sold "Zalgiris" Team 1/20/2016 $ 150 000
Paul Bertram Sauer Bought *Chicago Bulls* 5/21/2016 $ 44 000
Alexandre Ménard Sold .Olympiacos. 1/11/2010 $ 70 000
Ivan Nemaric Sold 0PEL VECTRA 2.0 CD 1/8/2010 $ 71 000
Christopher Lynn Sold 100 Stress 11/23/2012 $ 918 000
Tomasz Wiaderny Bought 21 Nations Army 10/7/2014 $ 676 300
Boris Spasic Bought 47komando 5/31/2013 $ 380 000
Aivars Rausis Bought 9.cehs 1/26/2010 $ 175 000
Milan Bogićević Sold aberteam 6/20/2023 $ 1 000
Maik Kück Bought Abiejų Tautų Respublika 3/23/2022 $ 2 000
Dragoslav Vracević Sold Abz Juniors Rockers 12/15/2009 $ 3 000
Sejfo Guzina Sold Academy Chargers 12/14/2013 $ 50 000
Vincenc Katić Sold AIAS BC 5/21/2013 $ 457 000
René Tlsták Bought Aismalibar C.B. 3/18/2011 $ 430 800
Vlastimil Böhm Sold Alkalinos 4/15/2011 $ 350 000
Igor Labus Sold Allstar-Teams 4/12/2013 $ 300 000
Marçal Cònsul Bought Amarrategui Blues 1/1/2012 $ 1 000
Leonas Liužinas Bought Amnesia Haze 1/2/2010 $ 30 000
Živko Cvorovic Sold Andels 10/10/2015 $ 97 000
Daniel Żyła Sold Angelcinja2 1/1/2013 $ 600 000
Vladimir Olovyanishnikov Bought antarès 5/21/2023 $ 65 400
Ivan Vujaklija Sold Apple Gusta 7/20/2010 $ 3 000
Calvin Buffel Bought Ardour 3/27/2011 $ 76 600
Dragan Babić Sold Arlong Fanboys 8/23/2023 $ 250 000
Simone Bencivenghi Bought Artena Town Pirates 11/12/2012 $ 197 400
Jorge Manuel Cistenas Sold Ashdod Green Dogs 11/6/2019 $ 2 000
Guillermo Urruela Bought Auditore Blades 5/15/2012 $ 32 000
Dejan Boškov Sold autistid 8/12/2011 $ 300 000
Acar Yola Sold AvanGuard 11/7/2015 $ 350 000
Ciriaco Beyer Sold avos club 11/9/2014 $ 859 000
Sílvio Sabino Bought AX Cherinkas 5/20/2010 $ 57 200
Abercrombie MacCraw Sold Axt16 3/2/2012 $ 30 000
Pavlo Voloshin Sold b.c amarousiou 5/9/2014 $ 350 000
Thomas Salter Sold B.C Barcelona 1/29/2010 $ 100 000
Eusebio Svagelj Bought baiar munik 4/26/2012 $ 116 000
Rain Laanelepp Sold BALERS COOL 7/19/2010 $ 1 000 000
Antti Kosola Bought Ballergirls 11/10/2018 $ 311 600
Vicenç Careta Sold ball-pro 8/14/2022 $ 765 000
Felipe Guil Sold Baloonn 9/2/2019 $ 71 400
Al Block Bought Bamberg Gladiators 11/9/2023 $ 53 200
Fynn Sommerhäuser Bought Basket Bellheim 7/18/2019 $ 5 000
Néstor Elí Botero Bought BAXS 7/27/2014 $ 11 000
Xue Binghao Sold BBKING 9/9/2011 $ 300 000
Julio Guido Sold BbVgg Montreux/ BS 1/1/2025 $ 5 000
Kamenko Novičić Bought BC "Hakeriai" 10/5/2024 $ 424 600
Marko Radinović Bought BC Bukuljci 5/16/2014 $ 80 000
Bogusz Pieróg Sold BC Craiova 4/19/2011 $ 650 000
Raniero Stame Sold BC Diamonds1FE 9/29/2012 $ 300 000
Pravdomil Mlýnek Sold BC DuKart2 12/30/2012 $ 550 000
András Dombóvári Bought BC Durkan 7/30/2014 $ 38 000
Mehmet Sultan Sold BC Eindhoven 9/17/2016 $ 850 000
Mecius Guižauskas Bought BC Funikulierius 9/27/2014 $ 11 000
Mariss Cauna Sold BC Gazuotas Pienas 4/27/2015 $ 150 000
Varis Žvirbis Sold BC HALLERS 4/3/2010 $ 450 000
Svein Hamborg Bought BC Hessen 2/9/2011 $ 799 000
Nikola Bacanović Sold BC Kauno Žalgiris.F3CF03 11/5/2009 $ 1 000
Mirko Stojaković Sold BC Kauno Žalgiris.F3CF03 11/5/2009 $ 1 000
Jovan Dugajlija Sold BC Kislo Zelje 1/23/2013 $ 1 000
Francesco Moana Bought BC Kobakäpp 7/20/2010 $ 867 000
Lucjusz Kielt Sold BC Kocovina 3/8/2010 $ 100 000
Simone Bencivenghi Sold BC Monarchs 11/23/2012 $ 800 000
Alejandro Navarro Malta Sold BC Nomads 9/25/2010 $ 318 500
Goran Kolaković Sold BC Pajumets 11/2/2009 $ 3 500
Živan Mrkajić Sold BC Pakruojis 3/10/2020 $ 2 000
Viktor Gorkusha Sold BC Pirut 9/11/2016 $ 796 100
Jean-Gabriel Monget Bought BC Puuks 2/28/2024 $ 310 300
Petar Jelkić Sold BC RIMAVICIAI 3/11/2010 $ 50 000
Dragan Bidžic Bought BC Ronningen 8/15/2012 $ 259 800
Przemysław Woliński Sold bc sajba 1/29/2013 $ 900 000
Vlastimír Kalenský Bought BC Starobahno 10/15/2009 $ 124 900
Lev Cheremkhin Bought BC Swag 7/26/2014 $ 274 700
Juan Ricardo Lizaranzu Bought Bc Teodor 4/16/2011 $ 279 000
Miguel Machado Bought BC Vool 6/16/2010 $ 812 100
Hari Stojkoski Sold BC Winners50C 11/24/2015 $ 204 000
Bernard Zupin Sold Bc Žalgiris Kaunas 2/22/2012 $ 25 000
Boanerjes Maquiran Sold Beaters Nr.1 11/29/2023 $ 255 000
Ignacio Urquía Sold Bench-warmers 6/17/2010 $ 396 000
Ander Totorikagoena Bought Berenguer Dalmau 8/26/2014 $ 25 000
Mario Leprini Bought Bergamo Warriors 3/14/2010 $ 102 000
Marko Srdanov Sold Berlin Street Style 2/8/2015 $ 235 000
Győző Vereckei Sold bersa team 2/28/2021 $ 636 800
Prospero Mazziotta Bought Besançon BC 3/6/2020 $ 510 000
Dragan Golocorbin Bought besni psi 8/2/2018 $ 731 800
Atanasije Stojadinov Bought besni psi 7/26/2012 $ 4 000
Alexandre Ménard Bought Bestias FC 12/23/2009 $ 13 000
Alessio Mozzanica Sold Betis Basketball 1/22/2010 $ 114 500
Damian Siewert Sold BİG CROW 12/16/2017 $ 25 000
Liu Xiaoyun Sold BİG CROW 12/16/2017 $ 55 000
Ákos Sallai Bought BİG CROW 2/1/2013 $ 3 000
Peter Duven Sold Big Z 12/8/2011 $ 2 250 000
Benhur de Tocantins Sold BK GAK 11/24/2015 $ 350 000
Mariss Cauna Bought BK Latvian 2/12/2015 $ 1 000
Dušan Zákostelecký Bought BK LIONS Jindřichův Hradec 2/12/2015 $ 1 000
Ander Totorikagoena Sold BK Saldus/Pata Timber 9/26/2014 $ 150 000
Vlastimil Böhm Bought BK Tučapy Giants 3/27/2011 $ 143 800
Jovan Elezović Sold BK zemsegas vēji 4/21/2018 $ 75 000
Paulín Gorrite Bought BKBoston 5/18/2010 $ 367 200
Kristijonas Pabrežas Sold Blekeri 1/24/2010 $ 100 000
Ferruccio Fagioli Bought Bosnian Spartacus 7/28/2023 $ 166 100
Fernando Nogueira Sold Boudougar Basket Club 5/24/2010 $ 150 000
Nemanja Baković Sold Brårvikingene 9/2/2019 $ 37 000
Liaugaudas Supakovas Sold Bratonci 3/18/2010 $ 52 100
Yong-Hoon Son Bought BrokenValentine 4/9/2010 $ 50 000
Boanerjes Maquiran Bought BU Terriers 11/10/2023 $ 156 100
Aníbal Castelo Bought Buccaneers 2K3 6/25/2024 $ 51 000
Matteo Tibaldi Bought Buccies Team 9/29/2011 $ 104 100
Aleš Hřiba Sold Buda City Pugs 7/5/2016 $ 1 173 000
Rãzvan Cismaru Sold Bull5t 2/12/2013 $ 250 000
Jorge Ruiz Capelo Bought Bullsers 4/24/2010 $ 112 900
Mario Alberto Videla Bought C.A. Castillo 2/1/2023 $ 68 200
Elõd Flammer Bought Caciques de Trujillo 6/1/2014 $ 239 500
Aivis Korzans Bought Caffarella Basket 2/24/2024 $ 2 000
Juan Guillermo Zaldibar Sold CallOfDutyBallers 6/2/2010 $ 104 100
Konrad Repa Sold Calm Belgs 1/27/2010 $ 300 000
Goran Radaković Bought CaluireSC 5/12/2012 $ 488 000
Stojko Grubić Bought Camel Warriors 12/19/2009 $ 10 000
Vladimir Olovyanishnikov Sold Campagnola Jazz 9/5/2023 $ 39 000
Yu Lap Vu Bought CampoLeony 8/22/2017 $ 326 400
Ali Salim El-Bashir Sold Captain Rapas BC 3/19/2020 $ 104 100
Manolo Menéndez Sold Capybara B.C. 1/24/2010 $ 82 325
Vladan Grmuša Sold carots wizards 11/9/2009 $ 1 000
Fan Kaiguang Sold Casa de Papel 6/26/2016 $ 185 000
Miguel Moralejo Bought Castalia CB 9/11/2011 $ 106 200
Alen Mal Bought Castle in the Sky 3/2/2013 $ 265 500
Zhai Wenrong Bought CBMassamá 1/2/2010 $ 44 000
Damian Siewert Bought CBWORLD 9/23/2016 $ 684 400
Leandro Melmik Bought Centro Blanco y Negro 4/8/2020 $ 3 000
Artur Maroszek Bought Centrostal Tęcza Kielce 10/26/2009 $ 43 000
Marko Vujanić Sold Cerenumutcemre 8/23/2011 $ 1 000
Goran Borković Sold Cerenumutcemre 8/23/2011 $ 1 000
Rinus De Baere Sold Chelsea The Blues 11/3/2012 $ 980 000
Jean-Gabriel Monget Sold Choupi Titans 8/24/2024 $ 318 500
Daniel Calaf Bought Cicely Squad 12/12/2011 $ 132 600
Esteban Pereira Bought Club Atletico Esparta 5/7/2010 $ 53 200
Jorge Manuel Cistenas Bought Club Baloncesto Cebada 7/17/2019 $ 2 000
Julio Ernesto Sancricca Sold Club Sportivo Ballester 1/19/2020 $ 204 000
Radoslav Bošković Sold Colonels 8/21/2014 $ 95 000
Florenz Willig Bought CornFarmers 7/25/2012 $ 242 800
Daniel López Sold CORVINIANA 7/21/2012 $ 875 000
Nebojša Dimitrić Sold COSMOS TIGERS 4/3/2018 $ 1 000
Alfredo Marco Di Carlofelice Sold covid abuser 12/9/2010 $ 700 000
Marijan Lukić Sold Cross0ver 11/9/2009 $ 120 000
Marko Srdanov Bought Crvena Zv3zda 11/15/2014 $ 33 000
Varis Žvirbis Bought cules de sant adria 3/11/2010 $ 287 000
Tzachi Zehavi Bought Czo 2/16/2011 $ 5 600
Daniel Valencia Sold Daidoji Harriers 6/28/2010 $ 420 000
Kévin Michels Bought DANNATI S RETORUN 8/30/2019 $ 296 700
Waldemar Maska Bought Dark Matter 3/2/2024 $ 1 000
Valter Danilson Bought Dark Stalkers 5/2/2011 $ 788 500
Pepelu Botí Bought DarkNight38 12/20/2011 $ 104 100
Akis Prinianakis Sold Debussys Darts 1/27/2021 $ 100 000
Sławomir Kaca Sold Debussys Darts 1/27/2021 $ 25 000
Luis Enrique Jiménez Sold Defensores de Isengard 2/10/2025 $ 796 100
Tomo Zurovac Sold Detroit Moose 3/31/2021 $ 1 000
Cornel Borcea Bought Đevde 11/7/2015 $ 219 200
Eusebio Svagelj Sold diar 5/8/2012 $ 102 000
Russell Sullivan Bought DIDI-UNITED 8/3/2014 $ 234 600
Dušan Banjevic Sold Dinamo Bekam 1/27/2021 $ 1 000
Patrick Mahieu Sold Dinamo Nikeas 4/3/2018 $ 350 000
Isidor Perović Sold Dino Basketball Club Valencia 11/7/2023 $ 15 000
René Tlsták Sold DRTHC 4/18/2011 $ 920 900
Šime Handanagić Sold Dublin Shamrocks 7/14/2012 $ 550 000
Burt Donasco Bought dvorana tivoli 9/10/2013 $ 50 000
Nemanja Baković Bought Dzikie TaDziki 2/3/2019 $ 133 400
Larry Osunde Sold EasyTeam 4/20/2012 $ 312 200
Nemanja Ðukić Sold EatersD86 2/18/2015 $ 6 000
Vitaut Ladonia Sold Edge Mountaineers 1/28/2010 $ 400 000
Vedran Avramovic Bought Edimburgh Vamps 11/15/2012 $ 530 400
Vojin Cakar Sold El chiringuitoBE4 7/18/2017 $ 25 000
Artur Maroszek Sold El Lobo-Lu Jujeño 11/23/2009 $ 81 600
Srboljub Višković Sold Escartinos 11/7/2023 $ 371 500
Ignacio Urquía Bought Estopra CB 3/31/2010 $ 312 200
Bennie Ivan Samson Sold Estudiantiles2 12/9/2011 $ 850 000
Nassim Bin-Sulaiman Bought falku 7/2/2024 $ 233 500
Miljan Kneževic Sold Faruzs Warriors 4/12/2013 $ 520 200
Daniel Calaf Sold FC Bayern Baskets259 6/6/2012 $ 500 000
Milan Pekić Bought Fc Bródno 3/23/2022 $ 169 200
Kalle Måseide Sold FC dialga 8/24/2024 $ 250 000
Ma Yuming Sold FC Gamberetto 7/25/2014 $ 400 000
Akis Prinianakis Bought FENERBAHÇE 26 5/15/2020 $ 221 000
Henryk Sinkiewicz Sold Fenerpisliği 4/16/2010 $ 306 000
Relja Šakota Bought Feniks BP 11/25/2012 $ 5 000
Nigel Hadlee Bought Fernee boys 1/22/2010 $ 105 000
Abílio Correia Bought Ffeppola 1/20/2019 $ 1 383 300
Svetomir Milivojević Sold Fiercekitties 7/14/2019 $ 300 000
Taras Palchikov Sold fireteam1DE 4/12/2010 $ 67 800
Hümér Komlósi Sold FK “Šturmas” 3/16/2011 $ 10 000
Radosław Szymik Sold Flamengo162 8/2/2010 $ 20 000
Héctor Arias Bought flaming warriors 10/16/2009 $ 122 400
Mario Alberto Videla Sold Flying penguins 6/26/2023 $ 54 300
Alban Calmet Bought Françaissss 11/23/2012 $ 408 100
Luis Enrique Jiménez Bought Free Agent 8/29/2024 $ 689 500
Nitzan Shelach Bought Free Agent 6/17/2023 $ 586 600
Slobodan Janjušević Bought Free Agent 3/17/2022 $ 750 000
Isidoros Kiprakis Bought Free Agent 4/4/2018 $ 1 126 600
Dionisis Tsokas Bought Free Agent 2/24/2018 $ 1 008 200
Jason Barrie Bought Free Agent 7/15/2017 $ 47 000
Lukas Gassner Bought Free Agent 7/6/2016 $ 1 201 400
Vladislav Polshin Bought Free Agent 7/6/2016 $ 1 390 600
Viktor Gorkusha Bought Free Agent 6/2/2016 $ 828 400
Benhur de Tocantins Bought Free Agent 2/25/2015 $ 329 300
Giampaolo Cazzani Bought Free Agent 12/8/2011 $ 876 500
Bennie Ivan Samson Bought Free Agent 7/20/2011 $ 335 000
Raniero Stame Bought Free Agent 5/25/2011 $ 634 700
Peter Duven Bought Free Agent 4/20/2011 $ 717 100
Gaber Pohleven Bought Free Agent 3/23/2011 $ 890 300
Clement Hindermann Bought Free Agent 9/1/2010 $ 714 000
Juan Cosco Bought Free Agent 8/25/2010 $ 549 800
Daniel López Bought Freestylers 10/16/2010 $ 530 700
Raits Ernestsons Bought frozeninmetal9C6 5/15/2012 $ 85 600
Gabriel Galvany Bought Fuenla Magics 1/19/2017 $ 6 000
Matteo Arcese Sold Fundação Esteves 5/21/2016 $ 200 000
Laza Matović Sold Fundación CB Granada 5/6/2019 $ 750 000
José Fernando Vanegas Sold Gacela BBC 9/17/2013 $ 300 000
Fernando Nogueira Bought Galaticus 12/27/2009 $ 33 000
Cezaris Meštaras Bought GALVIJAI 9/27/2011 $ 2 000
Igor Ristić Sold Gammelstad kropz 5/20/2011 $ 765 000
Bane Mijajlović Sold Gandza Team 8/26/2012 $ 100 000
Filip Miškić Sold Gang Green 1/11/2019 $ 1 400 000
Šime Handanagić Bought GAREAULOUPS 6/10/2012 $ 367 000
Joaquín Morales Bought Garrobos 3/13/2019 $ 6 000
Attila Dibáczy Bought Gatorrs 10/28/2011 $ 454 000
Frederic Torrents Sold GattiMatti 10/15/2010 $ 400 000
Lukas Gassner Sold Georgetawn 9/19/2016 $ 1 950 000
Rodrigo Aprea Bought Gerardiana 6/28/2011 $ 4 000
Kurszán Ballai Sold Gerlai Foxes 4/27/2016 $ 950 000
Lenos Tachmatzidis Bought ggwpjrjneb 9/5/2014 $ 350 000
Nai Zhongnan Bought ghari spurs 10/19/2013 $ 243 000
Koo Fei Weng Bought Giganci Wrocław 4/27/2014 $ 61 600
Srecko Pušić Bought Ginnheim Timberwolves 2/29/2016 $ 700 600
Paolo Mattei Sold Giouxtas 1/5/2010 $ 50 000
Slobodan Damjanov Sold GLTUStars 1/31/2023 $ 350 000
Waldemar Maska Sold Gobliny 1/1/2025 $ 1 000
Osmo Rautelin Bought Golden Village Warriors 2/10/2015 $ 28 000
Konrad Repa Bought Gorgan Basket 1/21/2010 $ 70 400
Marino Carloni Bought Greiti Vėžliukai 7/10/2016 $ 81 000
Anthony Fontaine Sold Guerreros de Miranda2BD 3/18/2021 $ 850 000
Mitar Baljković Sold Haarlemm sK 6/20/2023 $ 187 900
Pasquale Calandra Sold hacı mehmet team 2/17/2010 $ 300 000
Al Block Sold Hapoel Naan 12/15/2023 $ 94 400
Kalle Måseide Bought Hawk790 2/23/2024 $ 299 300
Kurszán Ballai Bought Highball BC 3/28/2016 $ 378 600
Saša Šimin Bought Hladilnica 3/11/2011 $ 717 400
Cristian Galarraga Bought HolyWarRules0BC 11/12/2009 $ 12 000
Romuald Porada Bought home israel 1/24/2015 $ 140 000
Teófilo Ciaurriz Bought Hoopstars BC 11/16/2014 $ 281 500
Boyd Appleby Sold HopesAndDreams 1/17/2010 $ 85 000
Manolo Menéndez Bought Hopkins Royals 1/15/2010 $ 4 000
Julio Guido Bought Hyper-parasitoides 2/20/2024 $ 25 000
František Šupka Sold I Magici di Orlando 2/23/2015 $ 416 200
Heldur Palk Bought I.C.I. BC 7/22/2012 $ 564 500
Alejandro Navarro Malta Bought INEF CORUÑA 12/1/2009 $ 164 100
Omar Camps Bought Instituto Pedagógico 4/4/2010 $ 459 100
Filip Schreiber Bought Inustion 8/25/2014 $ 4 000
Shalev Meria Sold IOLC 3/7/2010 $ 50 000
Gedutis Kiškis Sold Iraqi Ballers 11/12/2014 $ 50 000
Abercrombie MacCraw Bought Irn Bru Bogglers 1/2/2012 $ 2 000
František Šupka Bought Iserlohn Rockets 11/16/2014 $ 323 000
Li Pun Meo Sold Izmir Jammers 10/12/2013 $ 408 000
Paulis Jaliūnas Bought J.A.V. 7/19/2019 $ 438 000
Rãzvan Cismaru Bought Jammers 11/21/2012 $ 123 700
Mile Avdalović Sold Jarmina NetsEBD 11/9/2013 $ 700 000
Antonni Jesena Bought Jhons 11/4/2009 $ 6 000
Song Yuanzhuo Bought Jigsaw Team 10/15/2009 $ 91 800
Lauri Carlsson Sold JK69ER 1/20/2010 $ 153 000
Tyrone Miller Bought JLBlazer 1/31/2023 $ 671 900
Antonio Napoleone Bought JLBlazer 1/25/2010 $ 63 500
Jovan Pjanović Sold JMR677 7/18/2023 $ 60 000
Micha Brönimann Bought Joe Club 12/9/2010 $ 593 700
Frédéric Lenoble Sold Juuru KK 3/6/2020 $ 102 000
Panayiotis Mpatirakis Sold KAE PIERIKOS 5/11/2012 $ 300 000
Bratislav Veselinović Sold KakiDoki SK 11/1/2019 $ 150 000
Miljan Kneževic Bought Kaksi Tornia 11/24/2012 $ 459 000
Konrad Haupting Bought Kaksi Tornia 11/17/2012 $ 550 000
Fabian Stüwer Sold Kanes 11/24/2009 $ 28 000
Eleftherios Tsiamakis Bought Kapliadančiai 2/4/2024 $ 27 000
Trajko Vlastimirović Sold Karditsa B.C. 1/27/2011 $ 15 000
Frederic Torrents Bought Karwia Pizdons 4/17/2010 $ 353 000
Fernando Menezes Sold Kawaguchi Werewolves 5/8/2012 $ 500 000
Saša Šimin Sold KbelleyBD1 1/15/2012 $ 705 000
Mladen Vršnik Bought KD Proteus 6/25/2017 $ 14 000
Tomo Jablan Bought KIDISPOR 9/19/2020 $ 227 800
Zoran Ilić Sold Killer Whales26A 2/8/2011 $ 150 000
Daniel Valencia Bought kingtheworld 6/13/2010 $ 54 300
Sławomir Kaca Bought Kırım Tatarları BC 8/14/2019 $ 239 500
Kristijonas Pabrežas Bought kirstukai 1/21/2010 $ 2 000
Kévin Michels Sold KK ALIJA 1/15/2020 $ 520 200
Miladin Cetojevic Bought KK Balkanik 12/27/2009 $ 102 000
Vladan Jovanović Sold KK BANE 12/4/2009 $ 5 000
Vitaut Ladonia Bought KK Bascetball clinic 12/17/2009 $ 102 000
Zlatan Bijedić Bought KK Beles 1 6/30/2017 $ 1 000
Vukašin Babalj Bought KK Leskovac 2/28/2020 $ 95 300
Milan Mladenović Sold KK Lisac 4/24/2018 $ 1 000
Ferdynand Turbiarz Bought KK Mątwiaki 11/6/2009 $ 14 000
Russell Sullivan Sold kk Novo mesto 1 8/23/2014 $ 800 000
Zülfikar Seçmen Sold KK Osvetnici 11/7/2023 $ 250 000
Rajko Radovanović Bought KK Partizan Beograd...20A293 5/7/2015 $ 5 000
Radovan Kokotovic Bought KK Sixt Primorska 3/5/2020 $ 26 000
Petar Jelkić Bought KK Stella Rossa 2/2/2010 $ 27 000
Dejan Boškov Bought KK Takovo 3/13/2011 $ 312 200
Lenos Tachmatzidis Sold KK VELES 13 10/30/2014 $ 450 000
Miloš Bogdanović Sold KK Zalgiris United 11/6/2012 $ 25 000
Zhai Wenrong Sold KK Zvezda Preljina 1/24/2010 $ 80 000
Felipe Guil Bought KnocKout675 7/15/2018 $ 557 400
Vitan Savernik Bought Kobe4Win 9/27/2011 $ 362 200
Róbert Dombi Bought Kolcic breg 11/23/2009 $ 62 300
Ðurica Majstorović Sold Koroniarze 4/21/2011 $ 1 000
Gavrilo Vasiljević Bought Košarkaški Klub Vojvodina 6/22/2016 $ 5 000
Pepelu Botí Sold KostinekKoule 2/28/2012 $ 200 000
Francesco Moana Sold Koukeliakos 9/26/2011 $ 700 000
Kristijan Grubić Bought koukoubagies 3/29/2020 $ 155 800
Henryk Sinkiewicz Bought KS Ujeścisko Gdańsk 1/26/2010 $ 137 200
Srecko Pušić Sold Kutaisi Jazz 5/14/2016 $ 950 000
Osmo Rautelin Sold La Plata Basquet 5/18/2015 $ 385 000
Tarik Süleymanoglu Bought LA Star 10/3/2016 $ 367 200
Jiang Rongfeng Sold Laachi 5/15/2014 $ 110 600
Nassim Bin-Sulaiman Sold Laguna Bay Mantarays 9/16/2024 $ 200 000
Miladin Cetojevic Sold Lazkopat FC 4/6/2010 $ 154 800
Vladimir Timić Sold lbjkobe 2/11/2020 $ 434 300
Song Yuanzhuo Sold LEGIA SKARŻYSKO 6/14/2010 $ 1 000 000
Jan Sitaniapesy Bought Legia Warriors 3/23/2022 $ 3 000
Abel Moñiz Bought Leicester Corinthians 6/30/2012 $ 51 000
Bartlomiej Fedak Bought Lembach 5/24/2012 $ 276 400
Julio Ernesto Sancricca Bought les pistons digitales 8/23/2019 $ 287 700
Iginio Rudian Sold Les Tifosi parisiens 2/8/2011 $ 700 000
Mário Cruz Sold Letci 5/18/2010 $ 370 000
Zülfikar Seçmen Bought Lida Sharks 9/2/2023 $ 216 600
Vavřinec Uhrovic Sold livanovich 3/28/2014 $ 300 000
Svetoje Šarić Bought Livnicari 6/23/2023 $ 424 600
Nikola Savić Sold Lockdown Defenders 2/26/2015 $ 1 000
Yong-Hoon Son Sold Locus Rybnik 5/5/2010 $ 300 000
Mario Leprini Sold Los Andes 6/8/2010 $ 112 200
Marcos Vallines Bought Los Angeles Stingers 8/17/2012 $ 250 000
Spiros Xiros Sold Los Angeles Things 9/2/2013 $ 150 000
Alen Mal Sold Los Perros Desamparadeños 8/16/2013 $ 700 000
Ádám Kávai Sold Los Solfamidas 7/29/2011 $ 5 000
Juan Guillermo Zaldibar Bought los stepway 3/6/2010 $ 187 700
Zdeněk Walenta Sold Luck Way 10/12/2013 $ 357 000
Nigel Hadlee Sold M.D.M.A 1/25/2010 $ 359 000
Murat Bin-Najjar Bought Maccabi Neve ur 7/26/2012 $ 2 000
Marcos Vallines Sold Maccabi Tel Aviv BC 9/22/2012 $ 400 000
Boban Bojović Sold maccabi tlvE4A0C8115ECC 9/2/2013 $ 280 600
Christopher Lynn Bought MAERSK PILIPINAS 11/7/2012 $ 287 700
Juan Fuentes Sold Magic Gdynia 4/3/2010 $ 124 700
Néstor Elí Botero Sold Magic_Ryonan 8/21/2014 $ 85 000
Urbano Neda Bought MagicFriends 9/27/2011 $ 2 000
Željko Drageljević Sold Malabon Raiders 8/4/2015 $ 250 000
Radosław Szymik Bought Malaga de Unicaja 4/30/2010 $ 42 000
Acar Yola Bought Malavan Of Anzali Free Zone 4/29/2015 $ 204 000
Tommy Joe Thomas Bought Malinowka 1/12/2017 $ 106 200
Andreu Miguel Bought Maristas Infantil 10/31/2010 $ 70 000
Sílvio Sabino Sold Marmitenhos 7/28/2010 $ 36 000
Ivan Nemaric Bought MAS BOSS 1/1/2010 $ 5 000
Matteo Tibaldi Sold Matematika 10/28/2011 $ 427 000
Santo Montefiori Bought Maya Team 4/14/2019 $ 693 600
Marko Radinović Sold MBK Devínska Nová Ves 7/23/2014 $ 300 000
Fan Kaiguang Bought Melenkale 3/18/2016 $ 12 000
Marc-Alexandre Lefébure Bought Mens Sana Siena 11/20/2014 $ 583 800
Gennady Zelinskiy Sold Messi The Master 7/14/2012 $ 700 000
Marko Babić Bought MetaBasket 5/13/2017 $ 418 000
Panayiotis Mpatirakis Bought Methystakes 12/21/2011 $ 168 900
Romuald Porada Sold MI TEAM 7/11/2015 $ 183 600
Vitan Savernik Sold MIAMI BOYZ 12/24/2011 $ 453 400
Jorge Ruiz Capelo Sold MichaelAngelo 5/23/2010 $ 250 000
Rajo Lekovic Sold Mighty Woefuls 5/5/2014 $ 176 800
Krzysztof Kinalski Sold Millonarios Basket Club 12/15/2023 $ 510 000
Paolo Mattei Bought MiTo Ciciambuledu 10/21/2009 $ 56 600
Romain Lambert Sold MKS Doral Nysa Kłodzko 3/9/2010 $ 90 000
Juan Ricardo Lizaranzu Sold MKS Lubin 6/24/2011 $ 850 000
Brane Saveljic Bought MM kilersi 8/1/2018 $ 1 000
Dimitrij Toshovski Sold Moncalieri Cowboys 11/6/2010 $ 1 000
Koo Fei Weng Sold MonikeR 6/1/2014 $ 384 005
Mecius Guižauskas Sold MonstarsCE 3/24/2015 $ 102 000
Igor Darmanović Sold Monteverde Academy 7/14/2019 $ 50 000
Alessio Mozzanica Bought Montsegur Chatares 1/10/2010 $ 52 100
Milan Živkov Sold mosbyteam123 10/19/2009 $ 1 000
Nemanja Matković Sold MozeWodeczki? 8/30/2013 $ 1 000
Giovanni Talmelli Bought Mucsfa Farmers 1/15/2012 $ 780 400
Slobodan Janjušević Sold Mugiwara 76ers 6/8/2022 $ 884 400
Brana Aleksić Sold My Entire Team Sucks 3/23/2022 $ 1 000
Giovanni Campestrini Bought Myrtilos 7/26/2012 $ 2 000
Győző Vereckei Bought naviglio pavese 3/27/2020 $ 828 400
Brane Saveljic Sold NDK 6/8/2019 $ 100 000
Ali Salim El-Bashir Bought NDP 2/13/2020 $ 56 200
Lev Cheremkhin Sold Nevarėnų Nevarėnai 9/22/2014 $ 600 000
Andrija Komljenović Sold New Avengers 2/15/2015 $ 5 000
Abílio Correia Sold NICE BALL 7/15/2019 $ 1 144 500
Tzachi Zehavi Sold Niemyte Jeże188 2/22/2011 $ 150 000
Tomasz Wiaderny Sold NISSA Eagles 11/13/2014 $ 925 000
Marc-Alexandre Lefébure Sold Nobodys Team 1/24/2015 $ 500 000
Vetcislavas Mencevicius Sold Oakland State 6/11/2016 $ 260 200
Gabriel Galvany Sold Okapi Aalstar 9/30/2017 $ 1 000
Benny Danielsson Bought Oldies 7/20/2012 $ 280 800
Patrick Mahieu Bought Olimpia Betonia 9/27/2016 $ 1 738 000
Prospero Mazziotta Sold Olimpia Satu Mare 6/14/2023 $ 61 500
Radoslav Erić Sold Olix 6/24/2012 $ 53 200
Ilija Bihorac Sold Olympiakos Volou BC 6/12/2020 $ 25 000
Elõd Flammer Sold Olympic Fribourg 7/14/2014 $ 450 000
Alban Calmet Sold Orange Cat 3/2/2013 $ 714 000
Kai-Jürgen Nieroth Sold ORC ORGANIZATION 1/11/2010 $ 25 000
Ákos Sallai Sold orkiestra 3/3/2013 $ 50 000
Erik Friaglia Bought Osaspolares 11/11/2009 $ 51 000
Pavlo Voloshin Bought Ostragodos 12/22/2013 $ 73 700
Niclas Katzhammer Sold Panthers95 1/23/2016 $ 400 000
Igor Labus Bought Paranormal Investigators 2/1/2013 $ 46 000
Marçal Cònsul Sold Parni Valjak 1/22/2012 $ 78 000
Babacar Sall Bought Pastaga Boys 7/26/2015 $ 3 000
Frédéric Lenoble Bought Patzitzifiakos B.C. 2/18/2020 $ 85 700
Krzysztof Kinalski Bought Payro 5/21/2023 $ 614 300
Ivan Vasičák Bought Pécs Pandas 3/26/2020 $ 1 000
Fabian Stüwer Bought Pécs Phoenix 11/9/2009 $ 10 000
Sanel Mandolesi Sold PeHa 1/23/2012 $ 155 000
Florenz Willig Sold Pelister Bitola 8/10/2012 $ 195 000
Benny Danielsson Sold PEN 15 8/7/2012 $ 750 000
Kristjan Laanes Bought Pep cest le feu 1/9/2010 $ 20 000
Przemysław Woliński Bought Peristeri Lakers 1/6/2013 $ 351 800
Alfredo Marco Di Carlofelice Bought petersburg 9/25/2010 $ 663 000
Relja Šakota Sold PFCKK Partizan 1/6/2013 $ 50 000
Luka Merdžan Sold Phoenix Tears 4/27/2011 $ 1 000
Lluís Pastoret Bought Picholos Mens 10/16/2009 $ 10 000
Vavřinec Uhrovic Bought Piltrafas. 10/27/2013 $ 173 400
German Baranov Bought PITSOUMAN 8/17/2013 $ 204 000
Xavier Alfeche Sold PL Pride 10/24/2010 $ 400 000
Ilija Kustudić Sold Plastika OG 3/30/2010 $ 350 000
Ciriaco Beyer Bought plateaus 9/23/2014 $ 612 000
Ferruccio Fagioli Sold platino 12/15/2023 $ 178 600
Reginaldo Trancoso Sold Playstation4 3/4/2013 $ 350 000
Marko Bajić Sold Plobitrons 5/24/2023 $ 1 000
Petar Brcanski Sold Plobitrons 5/24/2023 $ 1 000
Ernaut Etxaurren Sold Podivuhodny Kedluben 3/18/2011 $ 600 000
Jochen Hochhold Sold Poljoprivrednici 3/24/2015 $ 100 000
Paulis Jaliūnas Sold poncs defensor 2/22/2020 $ 50 000
Pravdomil Mlýnek Bought Portugal Telecom 11/17/2012 $ 261 400
Sanel Teinović Sold PowerfluA70 7/11/2019 $ 125 000
Erik Friaglia Sold Ppppfff 12/14/2009 $ 153 000
Fernando Menezes Bought Prahran Jaguars 4/20/2012 $ 329 100
Miguel Machado Sold Profit team 9/4/2010 $ 700 000
Igor Drinić Sold ProRunner 10/31/2014 $ 119 800
Shalev Meria Bought ptsuei rabeynu 1/31/2010 $ 10 000
Borko Bajcetić Sold Puigmirol lapislázuli 7/4/2016 $ 650 000
Gennady Zelinskiy Bought Punchers 5/22/2012 $ 171 400
Miguel Moralejo Sold Punta Gorda Basquetbol 12/20/2011 $ 331 600
Zlatan Bijedić Sold Pupilly Team 12/5/2018 $ 50 000
Antonio Napoleone Sold pyros ao 6/8/2010 $ 100 000
Jochen Hochhold Bought qhdgzjb 11/13/2014 $ 5 000
Giovanni Talmelli Sold Queen City Bullies 9/29/2012 $ 680 000
Omar Camps Sold qutaisi lakers 10/9/2010 $ 450 000
German Baranov Sold r0is team 12/20/2013 $ 450 000
Bernard Zupin Bought radenska creativ 12/19/2011 $ 1 000
Zilindlova Maswanhise Bought ragama 1/14/2010 $ 80 000
Kristjan Laanes Sold RaPo bk 1/12/2010 $ 100 000
Nikola Ždrnja Sold Rasking Pockets 1/31/2023 $ 204 000
Larry Osunde Bought Ratas de Alcantarilla 5/16/2011 $ 600 500
Cornel Borcea Sold Ratzinger Z 1/28/2016 $ 824 600
Rodoljub Radulović Sold Real Boston Celtics 8/8/2014 $ 80 000
Pavle Marković Sold Real Margit 3/28/2010 $ 3 000
Milan Pekić Sold recan 8/23/2023 $ 400 000
Reginaldo Trancoso Bought Red Devils 22 1/31/2013 $ 102 000
Indra Putra bin Rozi Bought Red Star Bayswater 5/15/2016 $ 33 400
Goran Radaković Sold ReWolves 9/28/2012 $ 765 000
Jason Barrie Sold Reykjavik sport Clube442 12/3/2017 $ 104 100
Zdeněk Walenta Bought Rhode Island Rams 9/13/2013 $ 102 000
Xavier Alfeche Bought RINOCERONTES 1/29/2010 $ 648 800
Xue Binghao Bought Rio de Janeiro Rockets Nuggets 5/20/2011 $ 83 300
Gergely Tomkovics Sold Rockets de izcalli 10/6/2014 $ 675 000
Narsutis Dackevicius Sold Rocketship 3/2/2015 $ 169 200
Vetcislavas Mencevicius Bought Röhrsdorf Baskets 10/4/2014 $ 525 000
Paulín Gorrite Sold Ruben Carvalho 7/16/2010 $ 550 000
Jacques Cornelie Bought RUSTAVIS DINAMO 12/10/2015 $ 176 100
Sanel Mandolesi Bought S.Giovanni XXIII Basket 12/15/2011 $ 50 000
Luigi Antonio Brogna Sold Sagesse Achrafieh 10/31/2012 $ 800 000
Ambrus Szabó Sold San Felipe Rockets 7/6/2021 $ 100 000
Juan Cosco Sold San Francisco Miners 4/16/2012 $ 192 600
Thodoris Farasios Sold Sant Mateu 7/14/2014 $ 52 100
Bogumił Rojewski Sold SANTA ELENA MONTEVIDEO 1/19/2020 $ 255 000
Mário Cruz Bought SantAnna Red Wings 10/14/2009 $ 131 200
Luka Labus Sold Sanxia Hawks 3/23/2022 $ 1 000
Nai Zhongnan Sold São José City Basketball 12/13/2013 $ 500 000
Mahyar Peyrovani Bought sardroud 7/27/2023 $ 26 000
Matteo Arcese Sarlatani 3/13/2016 $ 275 000
Giovanni Talmelli Sarlatani 5/14/2012 $ 885 000
Daniel Calaf Sarlatani 4/13/2012 $ 398 200
Ivan Vujaklija Sarlatani 7/8/2010 $ 10 000
Antonio Napoleone Sarlatani 4/6/2010 $ 300 000
Leonas Liužinas Sarlatani 1/20/2010 $ 41 000
Boris Spasic Sold Sbumbers 3/2/2014 $ 300 000
Pasquale Calandra Bought Scappati di casa 1/16/2010 $ 50 000
Isidoros Kiprakis Sold Scarrupati 2.0 6/18/2018 $ 1 500 000
Heldur Palk Sold Sdrogo Team 9/22/2012 $ 950 000
David MacKinney Sold secundarios f. c. 4/6/2010 $ 62 500
Kai-Jürgen Nieroth Bought Seirin High Kuroko0A5B77DEDCF6 11/2/2009 $ 53 200
Aleš Hřiba Bought Selangor Warriors 2/27/2016 $ 1 020 000
Frédéric Floc’h Bought Selangor Warriors 2/27/2016 $ 574 700
Vladimir Timić Bought Sepolno Bucks 5/8/2019 $ 510 000
Cédric Amosse Bought Sid & Co 6/16/2017 $ 552 300
Lauri Carlsson Bought Siilinjärvi Vipers 11/25/2009 $ 33 000
Jean-Marc Duru Sold Silales Grederiai 4/19/2013 $ 100 000
Vedran Avramovic Sold Sirvan 4/21/2013 $ 336 600
Radiša Marčetić Sold Sixers Nation 6/25/2016 $ 1 000
Gavrilo Vasiljević Sold sks starogard 1/15/2017 $ 130 000
Isaac Kappl Bought Skytrons 7/18/2019 $ 6 000
Bogusz Pieróg Bought Śląsk Wrocław 2/21/2011 $ 622 200
Dragan Bidžic Sold Slezská bouře2C5 8/31/2012 $ 785 000
José Fernando Vanegas Bought SNIPERZZ 6/4/2013 $ 300 000
Mile Ivanović Sold Snow Blizzards 1/15/2016 $ 150 000
José Ramón Capons Bought Soco Celtics 5/20/2015 $ 664 600
Jacques Cornelie Sold Sokol Vršovice 3/25/2016 $ 550 000
Calvin Buffel Sold SorealcrewA82 5/14/2011 $ 300 000
Ernaut Etxaurren Bought Sparta Białobłoty725 10/26/2010 $ 290 000
Dušan Jorgacević Sold Spartizan 1/17/2013 $ 46 000
Raits Ernestsons Sold Spileo FC 6/29/2012 $ 150 000
Augusto Conceição Sold Spuriņš 1/9/2010 $ 100 000
Ming Hongbiao Bought Srna 7/17/2010 $ 394 400
Radovan Kokotovic Sold Srpski Niksic 7/29/2022 $ 100 000
Luigi Antonio Brogna Bought St. Pauli Pirates 9/29/2012 $ 338 100
Bata Košutić Bought Steelers Basketball Club 6/25/2024 $ 1 000
Sam Eason Bought steviebs hawks 7/12/2012 $ 204 000
Bratislav Veselinović Bought Stockholm Steelers 8/14/2019 $ 50 000
Filip Miškić Bought Stoned Pimps 6/26/2018 $ 1 149 200
Zilindlova Maswanhise Sold Storm Eagles 4/13/2010 $ 26 000
Konrad Haupting Sold StreetBallersSeattle 5/24/2013 $ 450 000
Marko Sladojević Bought STUDENT VA 2/15/2015 $ 12 000
Anthony Fontaine Bought sutoteam 6/12/2020 $ 924 900
Živko Bunjevčević Sold swiniokoty 5/24/2023 $ 25 000
Boyd Appleby Bought Sydney Dragons 11/10/2009 $ 66 100
Bogumił Rojewski Bought Synbios Force 9/10/2019 $ 424 600
Liaugaudas Supakovas Bought T!TTL3RS 1/24/2010 $ 54 300
Daniel Żyła Bought Tadeoo Club 9/22/2012 $ 375 300
Giuseppe Chiossi Bought takimia 6/30/2010 $ 510 000
Jova Zdravković Sold Tal Aviv Lions 10/14/2009 $ 2 000
Rain Laanelepp Bought Tammekaprogamerid 7/10/2010 $ 530 700
Isaac Kappl Sold Team Keope 3/19/2020 $ 5 000
Micha Brönimann Sold team zero 3/23/2011 $ 1 250 000
Li Pun Meo Bought TEAMAZ 9/10/2013 $ 197 800
Mehmet Sultan Bought Team-Peartree 5/16/2016 $ 995 300
Alessandro La Rocca Bought Tedoschi? 11/29/2015 $ 9 000
Hari Stojkoski Bought Ten Magpies 8/3/2015 $ 54 200
Gabriel Relvas Bought Tenerife Bulls 9/17/2016 $ 858 500
Matteo Arcese Bought The Brainer 11/27/2015 $ 13 600
Branimir Krstić Sold The Coziest 7/12/2018 $ 450 000
Vicenç Careta Bought The Dirty Cheetahs 3/19/2022 $ 806 900
Fynn Sommerhäuser Sold The Hot Shots 1/17/2021 $ 12 000
Vincenc Katić Bought The MånstarsAE7 1/31/2013 $ 271 500
Liu Xiaoyun Bought The No Sensers 9/23/2016 $ 663 000
Gaber Pohleven Sold The Orion Hills Astronomers 4/30/2011 $ 1 000 000
Augusto Conceição Bought The Radiators 1/3/2010 $ 22 000
Stenver Veske Bought The Vippers 10/3/2012 $ 294 400
Frédéric Floc’h Sold The Wall 6/1/2016 $ 1 500 000
Ming Hongbiao Sold the winners 3/18/2011 $ 400 000
Juan Fuentes Bought THEBABESTEAM 1/24/2010 $ 24 000
Thodoris Farasios Bought Thiva Suns 5/12/2014 $ 64 100
Svetoje Šarić Sold tiburcio 12/15/2023 $ 318 500
Borko Bajcetić Bought tigersi 5/3/2016 $ 159 300
Iginio Rudian Bought Tijana 8/4/2010 $ 414 600
Boban Bojović Bought timo2gud 5/29/2013 $ 161 100
Aivars Rausis Sold Tirona Basket Bc 3/10/2010 $ 250 000
Héctor Arias Sold tirosecco 7/9/2010 $ 600 000
Viljam Pullinen Bought Toffihopartáci II 11/22/2022 $ 306 000
Stenver Veske Sold Tokyo Stars 11/6/2012 $ 469 200
José Ramón Capons Sold Too Cool 7/9/2015 $ 800 000
Svein Hamborg Sold Toronto Celtics 3/12/2011 $ 1 000 000
Jean-Marc Duru Bought Toruńskie Anioły (w upadłości likwidacyj 3/2/2013 $ 124 900
Radovan Pajković Sold trashtalk18 12/20/2020 $ 1 000
Tyrone Miller Sold Trico B.C 6/20/2023 $ 632 200
Paja Janićević Sold TRIGLAVSKA 7/15/2010 $ 65 000
Ambrus Szabó Bought Tropical All-Stars 2/11/2020 $ 542 900
Abramo Parusso Bought Tune Squad 6/6/2010 $ 112 200
Santo Montefiori Sold Tupkashti_surca 3/19/2020 $ 500 000
Antti Kosola Sold Twice556 1/31/2019 $ 308 800
Narvydas Builis Sold u squadrone 11/29/2009 $ 120 000
Rinus De Baere Bought Uberlândia Red Lobsters 8/31/2012 $ 541 400
Milorad Gavrilović Sold Ultra Nuggets 12/16/2009 $ 85 000
Ferdynand Turbiarz Sold Umbriel 12/2/2009 $ 36 000
Abramo Parusso Sold Unibasket Lanciano 6/29/2010 $ 260 200
Nitzan Shelach Sold Union Klaffer 11/3/2023 $ 750 000
Benjamin Vigreux Bought United Bastards 2/23/2024 $ 561 000
Clement Hindermann Sold Ural basket 2/21/2011 $ 700 000
Dionisis Tsokas Sold US Breizh Korser 9/14/2019 $ 104 100
Vladislav Polshin Sold USF4578A 9/26/2016 $ 2 000 000
Filip Schreiber Sold Utah Mammoths 9/29/2014 $ 90 000
Stojko Grubić Sold València BC 6/24/2010 $ 150 000
Sam Eason Sold VALLE HERMOSO 8/29/2012 $ 650 000
Jakub Ponížil Sold Vancity Legends 8/21/2012 $ 5 000
Romain Lambert Bought Vantaa Sharks 1/24/2010 $ 51 000
Nenad Lazetić Sold Varuteam 11/1/2009 $ 35 000
Radovan Bokan Sold Vasp Heat 11/2/2009 $ 1 000
Bartlomiej Fedak Sold Vatag 6/16/2012 $ 550 000
Narvydas Builis Bought Veisieju Kailiniai 11/17/2009 $ 57 400
Ma Yuming Bought Vesala Basket 5/25/2014 $ 68 400
Giampaolo Cazzani Sold Villanos 4/11/2012 $ 950 000
Niclas Katzhammer Bought Virtus Pallacanestro Gorle 8/15/2015 $ 510 000
David MacKinney Bought Waid Jazz 1/9/2010 $ 20 000
Valter Danilson Sold walid 1/18/2012 $ 500 000
Vlastimír Kalenský Sold walkingdead 1/29/2010 $ 260 200
Esteban Pereira Sold WB Lesko 5/17/2010 $ 168 400
Lucjusz Kielt Bought West Coast Gunners 1/20/2010 $ 59 000
Benjamin Vigreux Sold West Melbourne AllStars 8/24/2024 $ 780 700
Leonas Liužinas Sold Whalers 1/23/2010 $ 40 000
Thomas Salter Bought Wheaton Mastodons 1/17/2010 $ 30 000
Nestor Marković Sold Wild Wolves 6/21/2024 $ 25 000
Bojan Colovic Sold Wrocławskie Szczury 2/27/2020 $ 1 500 000
Atanasije Stojadinov Sold XxDrink TeamxX 8/26/2012 $ 15 000
Narsutis Dackevicius Bought yarden8shahar8 2/12/2015 $ 26 000
Kosta Buric Sold Yarra Glen Camels 6/14/2017 $ 950 000
Róbert Dombi Sold YITJA 12/30/2009 $ 15 000
Gedutis Kiškis Bought ypcius real 8/26/2014 $ 4 000
Viljam Pullinen Sold Zaporozhye Cossacks 7/18/2023 $ 150 000
Dejan Milosavljević Sold Zaragoza Rock Basket 6/27/2017 $ 1 000
Gergely Tomkovics Bought ZELENOGRAD BULLS 9/5/2014 $ 371 500
Spiros Xiros Bought Zion Fc 6/2/2013 $ 110 600
Giuseppe Chiossi Sold Ε.Λ.Π.Ι.Σ 8/25/2010 $ 850 000
Attila Dibáczy Sold Καλαμαριά Μ.Σ. 5/20/2012 $ 650 000
Andreu Miguel Sold БК "Vtorchermet-EKB" 2/8/2011 $ 100 000
Mile Milic Bought Дражини Клинци 3/4/2013 $ 226 700
Mirjan Malbašić Sold Камарати Бор 8/24/2018 $ 400 000
Jovan Radojičić Sold Партизан Београд09F 12/14/2013 $ 75 000
Vukašin Babalj Sold Србија Хофмански 2/7/2024 $ 250 000
Siniša Lončar Sold Србија Хофмански 2/23/2015 $ 1 000
Mile Milic Sold پرسپوليس مشهد 4/21/2013 $ 350 000
Taras Palchikov Bought 中二大魔導 2/24/2010 $ 3 000
Sanel Teinović Bought 來一杯紅茶 10/24/2018 $ 156 000
Jiang Rongfeng Bought 峰之刃 12/22/2013 $ 4 000
Pera Batina Sold 断翅翱翔 11/6/2012 $ 25 000
Lluís Pastoret Sold 星夜 12/25/2009 $ 5 000
Cristian Galarraga Sold 熱水 5/21/2010 $ 97 120
Rajko Radovanović Sold 玫瑰花园 7/3/2015 $ 150 000
Mladen Vršnik Sold 老襯 4/21/2022 $ 1 000
Guillermo Urruela Sold 零秒I绝杀 11/6/2012 $ 80 000
Alessandro La Rocca Sold 高玛纳 2/27/2016 $ 135 600
Total Sales: $ 108 454 750
Total Purchases: $ 76 108 800
Transfer Balance: $ 32 345 950