113 online at 03:15:06
List of Transfers
Player To/From Date Price
Alejandro Soljancik Sold D.Doğuş 10/24/2021 $ 904 100
Tom Guerrero Sold 7asteros 7/17/2021 $ 1 000
Policarpio Ayoroa Bought Free Agent 6/3/2021 $ 51 800
Heliodoro Mori Bought Free Agent 6/2/2021 $ 816 000
Breno Napurí Bought Free Agent 6/2/2021 $ 572 800
Moisey Kondukov Bought the big black balls 4/4/2021 $ 227 400
Arturo Ninapaytán Sold K. K. Sakalai 10/19/2020 $ 14 000
Alejandro Soljancik Bought The Fast G 10/12/2020 $ 100 000
Ángel Gaitán Sold Chuchinis BC 9/23/2020 $ 83 100
Paweł Krawczynski Bought Lima Raptors 9/11/2020 $ 159 300
Marco Antonio Gaitán Castro Sold US DAGGERS 9/7/2020 $ 689 900
Eugenio Oñates Sold Iron Dogs 6/17/2020 $ 183 300
Teodocio Acencio Sold Lima Sickers 4/13/2020 $ 1 040 400
Ángel Gaitán Bought Lima Sickers 4/9/2020 $ 127 600
Antauro Pumayauli Bought Club Internacional 3/7/2020 $ 1 000
Tom Stausholm Bought Ota Boca Juniors 3/5/2020 $ 5 200
Betto Nolasco Sold Walla Magic 2/29/2020 $ 9 000
Jeremías Magallanes Sold Lima Sickers 2/1/2020 $ 300 000
Víctor Hugo Galindo Sold uzhiu 11/25/2019 $ 58 600
Luis Alberto Vergara Sold Sepja 11/21/2019 $ 50 000
Dario Stepić Bought Los Baldoseros 11/21/2019 $ 60 000
Teodocio Acencio Bought The Fast G 10/27/2019 $ 160 000
Wiesław Kusmider Bought Free Agent 9/5/2019 $ 462 900
Borysas Vitkevicius Sold бк александриец 8/27/2019 $ 312 200
Valdo Berredo Bought Paletstars Alkmaar 8/27/2019 $ 5 000
Savvas Sakkias Bought JK69ER 8/27/2019 $ 216 600
Wiktor Wojtysiak Bought Cosplex 8/25/2019 $ 106 200
Borivoj Dinjar Bought Granitman OÜ 8/25/2019 $ 6 000
Lorenzo Camacho Sold Medikquizers 8/17/2019 $ 100 000
Pedro Bendezú Sold Life Styles 7/29/2019 $ 71 700
Seymen Ötügen Sold tomspurs 5/20/2019 $ 206 800
Lorenzo Camacho Bought Divos668 5/17/2019 $ 1 000
Rossano Nannoni Sold La Canoa 5/15/2019 $ 200 000
Pedro Bendezú Bought Alianza Lima 5/9/2019 $ 75 000
Borysas Vitkevicius Bought El 236 5/5/2019 $ 306 000
Wilson da Costa Sold J.A.V. 4/3/2019 $ 162 500
Simeón Zánkiz Sold Above the Rim 4/3/2019 $ 510 000
Paul-Marlin Goldfuß Bought Free Agent 2/14/2019 $ 122 600
Jorge Alberto Iñaki Sold Virtus Cremona 2/8/2019 $ 25 000
Nazario Uribe Sold SMPCB 2/8/2019 $ 1 000
Rossano Nannoni Bought B.C.MagicStars Ploieşti 1/31/2019 $ 387 800
Seymen Ötügen Bought Free Agent 1/31/2019 $ 206 200
Felix Weinstein Bought Free Agent 12/5/2018 $ 263 700
Benedicto Cataneo Sold Los Malditos de Surquillo88E 12/3/2018 $ 371 500
William Poma Sold TSakoTuM 10/26/2018 $ 500 000
Stanisław Wojtasik Bought Escuela Militar 10/13/2018 $ 1 122 000
Mario Tonelli Bought The Fast G 10/9/2018 $ 300 000
Gaspar Godoy Sold Kaletas 10/1/2018 $ 1 114 200
Wilson da Costa Bought real-lima 8/28/2018 $ 350 000
Frank Lazarus Bought Disaster United 7/28/2018 $ 99 999
Manuel Fernández Duran Bought Energie Team 7/28/2018 $ 106 200
Julinho Ambrósio Bought Holy Pirates 7/8/2018 $ 153 000
Miron Gureev Bought sajkokiler 6/23/2018 $ 561 000
Ervydas Keibus Bought Free Agent 6/23/2018 $ 85 200
Nemesio Erazo Sold LATHYRIS B.C. 4/21/2018 $ 29 000
Benedicto Cataneo Bought SMPCB 1/16/2018 $ 7 000
Alejandro Chacón Sold puntoxpunto 8/29/2008 $ 2 000
Marcelino Carriquiry Sold BB couac 7/25/2008 $ 9 000
Moisés Arias Sold Xculr Blazers 7/25/2008 $ 3 000
Vicente Pisconte Sold D-Eagle 2/2/2008 $ 41 000
Ricardo Cervela Bought Oliete SuperSonics 12/29/2007 $ 1 000
Sergio Grasso Bought Nättraby TrailBlazers 12/27/2007 $ 61 200
Total Sales: $ 6 992 300
Total Purchases: $ 7 286 699
Transfer Balance: $ -294 399