List of Transfers
Player To/From Date Price
Jorge Sáenz Soto Bought Real Perciò 9/29/2009 $ 344 400
Aurélien Pateau Bought Reaperz 10/2/2009 $ 2 000
Grégory Rambeau Bought 420 Blazers 10/17/2009 $ 2 000
Herminio Hermo Bought Trotame los Globbers 11/21/2009 $ 140 900
Julius Ibarreta Sold Los Dalton 12/2/2009 $ 4 500
Juan Víctor Bayón Mohino Bought C.D. Castillo 12/4/2009 $ 55 400
Pep Pons Bought laasgalaktiikas 12/4/2009 $ 81 000
Toto Haveria Sold Fapanathinaikos 12/13/2009 $ 8 000
Vincent Jude Feliprada Sold Medusa Snakers 12/15/2009 $ 1 000
Nigell Molon Sold kimouu 12/20/2009 $ 5 000
Andrea Rossini Bought Karlovac 212 1/3/2010 $ 5 000
Stan Sewell Bought TKK Skarpa Katarzynki Toruń 2/18/2010 $ 351 800
Herminio Hermo Sold ČEZ BASKETBAL NYMBURK 3/4/2010 $ 200 000
Hannu Markko Bought Bocatay 3/6/2010 $ 125 000
Brent Mcgill Bought Chelmsford Lions 3/8/2010 $ 216 100
Juan Víctor Bayón Mohino Sold The walking zed 3/14/2010 $ 55 400
Gerry Redondo Sold Yellow Sun 3/31/2010 $ 16 000
Ramon Aldo Intoy Sold LDLC 4/2/2010 $ 19 000
Pancho dela Torre Sold Kauno"Statyba" 5/11/2010 $ 41 000
Fernando Minetti Bought Polenteam 5/14/2010 $ 5 000
Miguel Zeballos Bought For Free 5/16/2010 $ 100 000
Felixberto Calanoga Sold Iligan Magistic Falls 7/4/2010 $ 104 100
Miguel Zeballos Sold Ijui Kangaroos 7/4/2010 $ 41 000
Kerim Kahveci Bought Neapolis 7/30/2010 $ 28 000
Stan Sewell Sold CLT Neers 8/5/2010 $ 153 000
Grégory Rambeau Sold lakers971 8/8/2010 $ 2 000
Polinikis Kalampokas Bought Θησεας B.C 8/10/2010 $ 37 000
Lai Cunliang Bought Free Agent 8/19/2010 $ 202 600
Kerim Kahveci Sold Maccountry 8/22/2010 $ 71 400
Fernando Minetti Sold kk sc.jurij 8/22/2010 $ 50 000
Taucius Mažikas Bought BC Jurbarkas 10/11/2010 $ 93 600
Rading Sanglay Sold Brooklyn BagelsDCF 10/11/2010 $ 400 000
Polinikis Kalampokas Sold Los Angeles Lejkers 10/22/2010 $ 150 000
Charles Cartigny Bought CrouzeixBC 10/26/2010 $ 233 500
Dennis Mabilog Sold Little Rock Ballers 11/30/2010 $ 1 000
Hannu Markko Sold slapping 12/24/2010 $ 50 000
Eladio Daradar Sold Saporro Flyers 12/27/2010 $ 22 000
Clodualdo Huyo Sold Helix Telcom Heat 1/14/2011 $ 10 000
Alan Clifford Deen Sold 汽车城 1/14/2011 $ 37 000
Fabian Crema Bought anzopolis 1/17/2011 $ 777 300
Martí Casellas Bought 臺南純種豬肉 1/22/2011 $ 1 000
Martí Casellas Sold Linxe 3/17/2011 $ 15 000
Michael Jalandra Sold BK Silvas BUKI 3/22/2011 $ 400 000
Matija Štefulj Bought Gernika Basurdeak 3/24/2011 $ 336 100
Rodolfo Tare Sold The Freaks5EF 4/18/2011 $ 450 000
Ritz Daculan Sold TIMKO 4/27/2011 $ 23 000
Allen Lopez Sold VILLAGE 5 5/22/2011 $ 10 000
Eftichis Kapoyiannopoulos Bought NTALTONS 6/9/2011 $ 102 000
Wighlasen Boulkaria Bought Team Answer3 6/13/2011 $ 300 000
Kevin Berghofer Bought Oympiakos 6/16/2011 $ 44 000
Pini Azrieli Bought Free Agent 6/16/2011 $ 75 900
Eftichis Kapoyiannopoulos Sold Brisbane Bastards 6/16/2011 $ 204 000
Iasonas Thanopoulos Bought 老骥 6/17/2011 $ 68 200
Ninia Archvadze Bought Black Stallion 6/18/2011 $ 12 000
Ilmari Ferm Bought Carranque 6/18/2011 $ 30 000
Wu Xiaoguang Bought 晟励 6/23/2011 $ 23 000
João Benedito Pellegrini Bought Connecticut Revolution 6/23/2011 $ 30 000
Kevin Berghofer Sold Maccabi Barcelona BC 6/24/2011 $ 71 400
Pini Azrieli Sold Utah Coffee 6/24/2011 $ 110 000
Iasonas Thanopoulos Sold αο γαλατσιου 6/24/2011 $ 400 000
Juan Carlos Ortega Molina Bought Mani Rock Rivers 6/25/2011 $ 56 200
Bernát Bengyik Bought FCG-38 6/25/2011 $ 100 000
Milan Karanovic Bought Tepesiaki 2 6/25/2011 $ 104 100
Miguel Vázquez Bought Nie Podeszło 6/25/2011 $ 153 000
Ninia Archvadze Sold Foinikas kato apostolon 6/26/2011 $ 49 000
Martin Lučivianský Bought Leupricones 6/29/2011 $ 2 000
Ilmari Ferm Sold Monza Lions 6/29/2011 $ 50 000
João Benedito Pellegrini Sold Beşiktaş FC 7/1/2011 $ 50 000
Miguel Vázquez Sold CARBONEROS BBC 7/2/2011 $ 200 000
Gintaras Nechajevas Bought Hoops Nation 7/3/2011 $ 55 000
Gilles Loos Bought les manchots 7/4/2011 $ 312 200
Milan Karanovic Sold Showboll 7/5/2011 $ 150 000
Bernát Bengyik Sold geckosarebest 7/5/2011 $ 10 000
Tomi Klockare Bought Free Agent 7/5/2011 $ 113 400
Lai Cunliang Sold FC matt 7/7/2011 $ 142 800
Wu Xiaoguang Sold KK Bonaci 7/10/2011 $ 60 000
Gintaras Nechajevas Sold nbachampions 7/10/2011 $ 62 500
Oscar Valero Jiménez Bought Sheikz 7/11/2011 $ 256 900
Jorge Sáenz Soto Sold CLB09 7/12/2011 $ 205 000
Taucius Mažikas Sold trbovci 7/12/2011 $ 200 000
Grégory Jaillet Bought Free Agent 7/13/2011 $ 404 500
Martin Lučivianský Sold Cienkie Bolki 7/16/2011 $ 32 000
Juan Carlos Ortega Molina Sold Folgado Lakers 7/25/2011 $ 58 300
Oscar Valero Jiménez Sold Grad Skopje 7/25/2011 $ 500 000
Alejandro Roca Bought Burlesques 7/26/2011 $ 51 000
Leonel Ernesto Solari Bought Free Agent 7/28/2011 $ 88 600
Tomi Klockare Sold DTNO CITY 7/29/2011 $ 112 200
Pep Pons Sold 黃家 7/29/2011 $ 206 700
Prince William Tare Sold Polya 7/31/2011 $ 53 200
Avraham Prossner Bought ThuG Lifes 8/3/2011 $ 72 900
Sergio Zaniboni Bought Constructeam 8/5/2011 $ 106 200
Brent Mcgill Sold acp28 8/6/2011 $ 260 200
Michael Estorninos Sold KK Svinjska polovica 8/8/2011 $ 500 000
Junya Hirose Bought Free Agent 8/10/2011 $ 331 600
Theo Riley Lucero Sold AB Hawks 8/14/2011 $ 75 000
Juan Giúdice Bought Vamos Equipo 8/17/2011 $ 90 000
Sergio Zaniboni Sold Madrid Gipsy Kings 8/22/2011 $ 100 000
Ambjørn Gjervoldstad Bought OMI B.C. 8/22/2011 $ 99 999
Alexander Meshchankin Bought Amaryllis 8/27/2011 $ 255 000
Juan Giúdice Sold StreetBasketMK 8/28/2011 $ 122 400
Charles Cartigny Sold University of Michigan 9/2/2011 $ 338 100
Marco Baldoni Bought Free Agent 9/8/2011 $ 305 400
Alejandro Roca Sold D.Naukets 9/11/2011 $ 20 000
Alexander Meshchankin Sold Golden State Warriors 307EE01D 9/20/2011 $ 204 000
Ambjørn Gjervoldstad Sold Granulado 10/18/2011 $ 200 000
Jordan Ducado Sold PLC 7 11/10/2011 $ 1 000
Cristiano Strazzari Bought 低調 11/14/2011 $ 800 000
Leonard Pineda Sold Sleeping Legion 11/19/2011 $ 102 000
Junya Hirose Sold Ganassa 11/30/2011 $ 351 800
Matija Štefulj Sold Jay Larranaga 12/3/2011 $ 290 000
Arian Connor Maximus Bought obb 12/7/2011 $ 600 000
János Kulka Bought BosTon BisLis 12/19/2011 $ 728 900
Grégory Jaillet Sold 4m3 1/21/2012 $ 510 000
Mile Muštra Bought Bc LaRive 1/22/2012 $ 500 000
Leonel Ernesto Solari Sold Ice In Our Veins 2/13/2012 $ 22 000
Lister Buyco Sold the green devil 2/16/2012 $ 500 000
Arian Connor Maximus Sold Kinky Koalas 2/27/2012 $ 600 000
Marco Baldoni Sold 神教小旋风之渣灰 11/15/2012 $ 42 000
Wighlasen Boulkaria Sold Melbourne City Dragons 11/15/2012 $ 71 400
Fabian Crema Sold Pécs Knicksquad 11/18/2012 $ 100 000
John Patrick Capada Sold Baskt Catarroja 11/18/2012 $ 1 000
Avraham Prossner Sold CA Rilhac 11/18/2012 $ 10 000
Chen Faqi Sold The_Brewmasters 11/18/2012 $ 1 000
Darrell Tejano Sold Roma Wildcats 11/18/2012 $ 2 000
Inno Cañonio Sold fc Maccabi Electra Tel Aviv 11/21/2012 $ 1 000
Marco Polo Enriquez Sold Horsens Kasuars 11/21/2012 $ 1 000
Gilles Loos Sold PAOKATOXIS 11/21/2012 $ 200 000
Vincentas Peldius Bought Gariunai 6/25/2015 $ 11 000
Claudio Cascio Bought Free Agent 6/25/2015 $ 165 800
Jonatas Peregrino Bought Tsouka Rovers 6/26/2015 $ 50 000
Samuel Rowan Sold iraklis 44 8/7/2015 $ 10 000
Ivan Zečević Bought galaxy team 91E90 8/15/2015 $ 221 000
Ty O'Donald Bought Green Capital 8/15/2015 $ 234 800
Quintin Golling Bought Bella Ciao 8/15/2015 $ 75 000
Jakub Redlarski Bought Sileesiaa Vrooclaav 8/29/2015 $ 24 000
Roberto Lasalde Bought Jugoplastika_ 8/29/2015 $ 75 000
Leandro Popoca Bought LA Stallions 9/4/2015 $ 1 000
Anselmo Gago Bought The Rinnengans 9/5/2015 $ 1 000
Bryan Dockery Bought San Antonio Gladiators 9/5/2015 $ 1 000
Waldemar Parol Bought T.K.S.Toruń 9/5/2015 $ 1 000
Salvador Vidal Ramírez Bought Las Vacas y las Ovejas S.T. 9/6/2015 $ 1 000
Goran Brnović Bought Larisa buckets 9/7/2015 $ 10 000
Quintin Golling Sold Wolves Team 12/18/2015 $ 50 000
Total Sales: $ 9 952 400
Total Purchases: $ 10 281 299
Transfer Balance: $ -328 899