478 online at 09:37:08
List of Transfers
Player To/From Date Price
David Posch Bought ,,ULTRAS,, 9/17/2011 $ 98 600
Alfons Claassens Bought 14 heroes in a bag 6/30/2012 $ 97 300
Marc Marchand Sold 18 Inches of NO 10/7/2014 $ 2 000
Edmondo Famiglietti Sold AC Clippers 10/7/2011 $ 1 000
Ernst Cottier Sold Académicos 3/6/2013 $ 40 000
Georgiy Reznichenko Sold Anchorage Whitebears 7/21/2012 $ 125 000
Crispiniano Bober Bought Annapolis Lightning 9/16/2011 $ 5 000
David Posch Sold AS Bolimar 5/17/2012 $ 30 000
Aurimantas Dimitrijevas Sold aslankral 9/3/2013 $ 50 000
Sandro Correia Sold AstoriaBydgoszcz2002 6/4/2013 $ 1 000
Georgiy Reznichenko Bought athlos 2/28/2012 $ 200 000
Plácido Gago Sold ATLMPG 4/17/2015 $ 574 700
Xavier Zelaye Bought Aulla Chemists 11/1/2011 $ 66 400
Wan Hou Sheng Bought BC Hupsinia 9/20/2012 $ 5 600
Reinaldo Unas Bought --BK Ārciems-- 7/8/2013 $ 19 000
Jérémy Duprêt Bought bk heroes 4/29/2015 $ 310 800
Natan Solano Sold BLACK POWER 4/16/2012 $ 200 000
Reinaldo Unas Sold blohi 12/18/2014 $ 850 000
Romeo Mosso Bought Bologna FC 1909 11/8/2015 $ 1 104 300
Du Wenjiang Bought Boston Brigade 4/25/2015 $ 90 000
Nicola Previzi Sold Carabineri 2/23/2015 $ 400 000
Jan Palk Sold CB Osasuna 7/3/2013 $ 146 400
Alfons Claassens Sold chestersa 3/7/2013 $ 55 000
Alberto Roldán Bought Circus Glatt-Brügge 7/16/2012 $ 318 500
Róbert Megyei Bought Ciudad de Rosario 2/23/2012 $ 31 000
João Aparecido Neto Sold Cleveland Kings5A4 12/28/2013 $ 40 000
Tulio Farias Sold Coke Dope Crack Smack 2/9/2012 $ 1 000
César Alvárez Sold ComtradeTeam 9/3/2013 $ 100 000
He Kam Wah Sold Crazy Hamsters 1/19/2014 $ 102 800
Edy Abbas Sold Cypliai 11/27/2012 $ 300 000
Jackson Habeck Bought DarkWolf B.C 10/4/2011 $ 83 300
Vincenzo Zamperini Bought Delta Tau Kai 8/18/2016 $ 1 459 000
Dennis Obergfell Sold Diablos Moscow 9/15/2015 $ 408 000
Jeremy Vilchez Bought Dragon 123 7/30/2013 $ 36 000
Kevin Assinder Bought Dziady Zielonka 11/2/2011 $ 204 000
Kléber Belmonte Sold Ebliarmy Souljas 5/21/2012 $ 38 600
Diego Santisteban Sold Empire Of None 6/8/2012 $ 56 200
Lukas Tremesberger Sold EOM44C 5/25/2012 $ 256 100
Etienne Olthuis Bought FcPortoPT794 5/13/2012 $ 200 000
Diego Santisteban Bought Figame Team 5/22/2012 $ 19 000
Pranys Pivovarovs Sold Fk Rastamanai 12/12/2016 $ 175 000
Alexander Kobold Bought Forsete-NEY 9/17/2011 $ 98 600
Glen Blackmon Bought Free Agent 4/15/2015 $ 586 200
Hipolito Guzmán Alfarache Bought Free Agent 2/23/2012 $ 93 200
Kenneth Easter Bought Free Agent 9/28/2011 $ 126 700
Aurimantas Dimitrijevas Bought G.O.A.T.D1CEDE 8/25/2013 $ 204 000
Oscar Muñoz Ybarra Bought Gladiators di Roma 9/17/2011 $ 21 000
Paulo Ricardo Portinari Sold Głuchów Rockets 12/3/2012 $ 2 000
Szymon Duszkiewicz Sold goldencavitewarriors 8/17/2016 $ 25 000
Xavier Zelaye Sold GUCKUPU SEMENDERS 2/17/2012 $ 80 000
Agafonas Gušcenkovas Sold guibing 6/29/2012 $ 295 800
Róbert Megyei Sold Hajnówka 3/9/2012 $ 75 000
Stanisław Rawiak Bought Hamburg Albatrosses 8/31/2013 $ 164 400
Ákos Gorbói Sold Haraszti Whiteskins 2/10/2015 $ 320 000
Jeremy Vilchez Sold HellasVerona 8/9/2013 $ 30 000
Xavante Trombetas Sold Hercules Sao Fernando 10/11/2011 $ 4 000
Valmir da Guia Sold Holy Corfu 11/9/2011 $ 27 000
Niels Christian Skinderholm Sold Itä-Helsingin Jokerit 6/27/2016 $ 987 550
Etienne Olthuis Sold Jay Larranaga 8/23/2012 $ 85 000
Albertas Suratkevicius Sold Johor Southern Tiger 8/21/2013 $ 85 000
Ernst Cottier Bought Juanito Caminante 12/30/2012 $ 62 300
Stanisław Rawiak Sold Jugoplastika 88 11/27/2013 $ 250 000
Reza Gunawan Sold Juzna Bosna 2/26/2012 $ 1 000
Albertas Suratkevicius Bought Kansas Lakers Team 7/9/2013 $ 138 100
Alberto Roldán Sold KGRAY 7/9/2013 $ 153 000
Szymon Duszkiewicz Bought KK Anwil Włocławek S.A.F05 11/3/2015 $ 204 000
Domagoj Bobetko Bought KK EBŠ 6/29/2012 $ 51 000
Francesco Lulli Sold Kk Mašala 2/26/2016 $ 100 000
César Alvárez Bought KK Roela 8/7/2013 $ 53 300
Fábio Lima Bought kk rudar 1978 9/20/2012 $ 4 000
Marcin Łabuzek Bought KK Sefovi Lavovi 7/19/2015 $ 200 000
Aleksander Osiadły Bought KKS Ostrołęka 5/10/2015 $ 50 000
Irio Chaves Jr. Sold Lainate Beach 2/26/2012 $ 5 000
Ákos Gorbói Bought Lavrio Miners 11/19/2014 $ 150 000
José Manoel Palocci Sold LE KARTEL LUSSOIS 2/14/2012 $ 1 000
Radiy Klushantsev Sold Lokomotiv2020 10/17/2017 $ 575 300
Mario Alfredo Posse Bought Loriot 3/6/2012 $ 212 300
He Kam Wah Bought Los Llaneros FC 10/17/2013 $ 312 200
Karol Stolecki Sold -Los Spurs- 2/26/2012 $ 195 000
Joaquín Galán Sold LOS TORBULENTOS 7/24/2015 $ 2 000
Oscar Muñoz Ybarra Sold Mladenovac 11/5/2011 $ 2 000
Kevin Assinder Sold Młodzi Wilcy 5/5/2012 $ 86 800
Jan Palk Bought Morifuenla 8/21/2012 $ 260 000
Théo Labesse Bought Mûrs-Erigné 10/21/2017 $ 1 240 700
Nicola Previzi Bought naguti2 12/28/2014 $ 395 800
Hipolito Guzmán Alfarache Sold Nakurwiacze 6/4/2013 $ 55 000
Roberto Izidio Neto Sold Naxos 3/2/2012 $ 6 000
Jorge Lucas Carretel Sold Olaria Blue Chiefs 11/11/2011 $ 2 000
Lázaro Gianini Sold Olympique Beaulieu 3/25/2012 $ 15 000
Edy Abbas Bought Ordenados todos podemos 6/5/2012 $ 255 000
Claudinho Leal Vaz Sold Palestra Itália 1/13/2016 $ 9 000
Sube Qulan Bought Pallacanestro GIL 2012 1/10/2016 $ 233 500
Poomsak Mali Bought PAO 1999 8/28/2013 $ 176 100
Joaquín Galán Bought Pavel Team 2/15/2015 $ 150 000
Lamar Mcmillan Bought Pensacola Blue Jays 9/16/2011 $ 60 000
Reza Gunawan Bought Phobos Stars Diamond 9/16/2011 $ 1 000
Agafonas Gušcenkovas Bought Puertito de Güímar 5/21/2012 $ 96 500
Benedetto Corbo Bought Pythagoras B.C. 11/2/2014 $ 95 000
Karol Stolecki Bought quema redes 2/18/2012 $ 204 000
Niels Christian Skinderholm Bought RIOLUSITANGRA 5/25/2016 $ 1 499 999
Marc Marchand Bought Saint-Pi 5/31/2014 $ 300 000
Viktor Veselov Bought Salvem as Lulas 3/29/2014 $ 70 000
Javier Tamés Bought San Antonio Pus 2/23/2015 $ 699 999
Nikita Guterman Bought Schwarz 10/29/2014 $ 21 000
Damiano Pizzichemi Bought SF fan 11/30/2012 $ 135 000
Romukas Kulvaitis Bought Slarol 4/18/2017 $ 699 999
Javier Tamés Sold Stalin_Street_2 4/23/2015 $ 364 200
Thiago Marciano Sold SUPERSIMO 8/27/2013 $ 600 000
Viktor Veselov Sold Syngas 10/7/2014 $ 1 000
Tadeusz Bachniak Bought Tanqueros del zulia 8/24/2013 $ 212 300
Mario Alfredo Posse Sold TAPA COM TERRA 5/8/2012 $ 132 600
Julien Roy Bought tekiteam 3/29/2014 $ 11 000
Dennis Obergfell Bought TELLININ, F.C 7/4/2015 $ 193 200
Marcin Łabuzek Sold the ChemodanDD1 11/10/2015 $ 510 000
Poomsak Mali Sold The Floridians 9/6/2013 $ 52 100
Aleksander Osiadły Sold The Untouchables 9/17/2015 $ 150 000
Otávio Maia Costa Sold tiger sharks 9/6/2013 $ 1 000
Domagoj Bobetko Sold Tomorrowlad 6/4/2013 $ 118 400
Radiy Klushantsev Bought Tsouka Rovers 8/2/2016 $ 380 000
Santiago Cotes Sold uragani 5/24/2012 $ 72 900
Otávio Maia Costa Bought Vilnius Villains 7/9/2013 $ 40 000
Tadeusz Bachniak Sold Visionaries 9/6/2013 $ 50 000
Irio Chaves Jr. Bought Volcom 10/4/2011 $ 21 000
Pranys Pivovarovs Bought Wroclaw Trail Blazers 1/15/2016 $ 700 000
Santiago Cotes Bought Wroclaw Trail Blazers 11/12/2011 $ 176 800
Antônio Carlos Pinho Sold Xokolateros 8/12/2013 $ 50 000
Leo Galeazzi Bought zantebc 10/3/2013 $ 208 300
Damiano Pizzichemi Sold ZBalta 10/7/2014 $ 1 000
Lukas Tremesberger Bought 答案 3/22/2012 $ 259 300
Total Sales: $ 9 530 450
Total Purchases: $ 15 874 597
Transfer Balance: $ -6 344 147