List of Transfers
Player To/From Date Price
Alpay Koç Şen Şakrak LG 1/5/2013 $ 1 000
Carlos Salvador Baniher Bought T.G.T. 2/1/2013 $ 74 400
Chow Sing Bought Free Agent 1/24/2013 $ 216 600
Danys Kaukas Sold THE HOLLOW MEN 4/25/2013 $ 1 000
Danys Kaukas Bought CSPbonat 1/24/2013 $ 41 000
Filimonas Panagiaris Bought DoctorKill 3/29/2013 $ 114 300
Gigi Sikharulidze Bought Jerries 6/4/2013 $ 281 700
Krisztián Podmaniczky Bought The Beasts(N.G.) 4/25/2013 $ 153 600
Ksawery Stankiewicz Sold The Second Sons 1/11/2013 $ 306 000
Ksawery Stankiewicz Bought MCMZ 1/2/2013 $ 280 000
Manuel Navarro Ros Bought CB.Sitgesteam 1/11/2013 $ 1 000
Nate Frederick Bought WierWolves 1/12/2013 $ 1 000
Oscar Alférez Bought c.p fray albino 1/12/2013 $ 37 000
Quentin Oudart Bought Santos Stingrays 2/16/2013 $ 166 000
Total Sales: $ 307 000
Total Purchases: $ 1 366 600
Transfer Balance: $ -1 059 600