List of Transfers
Player To/From Date Price
William Prelle Bought Leith StrayCats 10/16/2024 $ 1 000
Salvatore Salatelli Bought RealCedro 2/9/2024 $ 1 000
Lluís Pizarro Bought Huskies BBC 12/26/2023 $ 1 000
Dwayne Dowling Bought Dua Lipa 8/27/2023 $ 1 000
Jorge Aldasoro Bought Belgrano Magic 8/24/2023 $ 1 000
Nenad Dabić Bought GM Hawks 8/2/2023 $ 1 000
Hermonas Kubekas Bought BC Obsidianas 11/7/2022 $ 1 000
Ralf Pelludat Sold Sin Determinar C.B. 9/18/2024 $ 2 000
Eusebi Tobella Sold Varela Team 3/7/2024 $ 2 000
Silas Oblistil Bought Aachener Quickie Fockers 8/9/2023 $ 2 000
José Guadalupe Bátiz Sold Anapa 7/11/2023 $ 2 000
Ceyhun Erkoç Sold portmasters 2/18/2025 $ 4 000
Jorge Aldasoro Sold Puerto Real 3/2/2024 $ 10 000
Nicolas Fouques Bought QUIMPER cornouaille BC 8/31/2023 $ 11 000
Miljan Perić Sold SN Atlantique 2/8/2023 $ 11 000
Vidginas Rolofas Bought SC BWS 8/23/2022 $ 12 000
Miquel Prior Sold Jugulators 11/6/2022 $ 13 000
Sebastiano Pozzoli Bought Basket Azulejero 8/24/2022 $ 13 000
Xavier Gelpi Sold Lokomotiv Bcn 9/19/2024 $ 23 000
Antti Lavikka Bought Espoo Seals 8/22/2022 $ 23 000
Wilhelm-Leo Hüsken-Jantze Bought FearS1 All Stars 9/19/2024 $ 26 000
Antonio Laufen Sold Bicton Bombers 6/2/2024 $ 28 000
Serafino Zancoghi Bought Mad Lizards 8/22/2022 $ 31 000
José Guadalupe Bátiz Bought The Machete team 8/22/2022 $ 34 000
Antonio Laufen Bought lentinis 2/29/2024 $ 39 000
Benito Barlati Bought Predatori 9/18/2024 $ 42 000
Ryan Griffith Bought Varese Templars 9/17/2024 $ 51 000
Miljan Perić Bought Zero to Mastery 8/25/2022 $ 51 000
Darrick Poe Sold Jugulators 6/2/2024 $ 53 200
Darrick Poe Bought Risers 2/23/2024 $ 62 500
Juan Elizabelar Sold CB Elite 8/24/2023 $ 70 000
Nicolas Fouques Sold Strokes 31 2/28/2024 $ 71 400
Cong Nguyên Bought Bc”Klipatoriai” II 2/26/2025 $ 75 000
Fernando Alzamora Sold Keep the faith 5/18/2023 $ 76 600
Aavo Viru Bought Free Agent 8/25/2022 $ 90 400
Ordoño Axeitos Sold West Side --- ŠF 11/30/2023 $ 122 400
Sebastiano Pozzoli Sold DarkNight38 9/22/2024 $ 132 600
Serafinas Jukavičius Sold Plungės Olimpas 8/24/2023 $ 145 700
Ceyhun Erkoç Bought Nike Zgorzelec 2/25/2024 $ 163 200
Serafinas Jukavičius Bought Pécs Pandas 2/1/2023 $ 184 100
Jon Hogue Sold tribuni 8/27/2023 $ 199 999
Lan Nguyên Bought West Ham 9/19/2024 $ 200 000
Régis Cluzel Bought Valentins Team 8/24/2023 $ 204 000
Jon Hogue Bought Club Campo Pinos 2/5/2023 $ 208 100
Ralf Pelludat Bought Space Invaders 1/27/2023 $ 222 900
Svätozár Košovský Bought BC Vilniaus Statyba 9/19/2024 $ 243 000
Francesco Baroncini Bought Vavar Rivers 6/11/2024 $ 244 300
Cosme Ors Sold Aguere Shooting Stars 6/13/2024 $ 255 000
Francesco Baroncini Sold fc majista 9/18/2024 $ 287 700
Delio Merzoni Bought HBA Märsky 12/23/2024 $ 358 100
Donny Page Sold Bc Kä2sn 8/27/2023 $ 386 600
Dello Morales Bought Tommicat Cats 6/4/2024 $ 408 000
Chan Sui Ki Bought wilddave 2/15/2025 $ 411 500
Vidginas Rolofas Sold BC Ginkgo 9/3/2023 $ 424 600
Joaquín Jurado Bought Costa Tropical 8/24/2023 $ 495 500
Antti Lavikka Sold BagattiRossi Fognano 8/24/2023 $ 500 000
Aavo Viru Sold Capunag basket 9/23/2024 $ 505 600
Donny Page Bought Trailblazee 7/8/2023 $ 510 000
Serafino Zancoghi Sold PioBove 8/27/2023 $ 530 700
Dwayne Dowling Sold TheOthers 2/20/2025 $ 612 000
Total Sales: $ 4 469 099
Total Purchases: $ 4 422 600
Transfer Balance: $ 46 499