List of Transfers
Player To/From Date Price
Enrique Menseguez Bought 50 nudos 8/30/2009 $ 1 000
Oguz Can Bahar Bought Edirnespor 4/30/2009 $ 1 000
Floran Rippe Bought SWALLOS 4/30/2009 $ 1 000
Norbert Sypien Bought Confex Poznań 3/24/2009 $ 1 000
Matthias Engmann Bought Diavoli di Rivoli 3/18/2009 $ 1 000
Raúl Hernández Sold Pagari 1/12/2009 $ 1 000
Manuel Jiménez de Parga Sold Promos 8/25/2008 $ 1 000
Arwin Cnossen Bought lollopallot 4/1/2008 $ 1 000
Raúl Pla Bernal Bought kuestaLTD 8/15/2008 $ 3 000
Pedro Rafael Lozano Hernando Sold Suncity bulls 5/13/2008 $ 3 000
Pedro Piernas Sold 99ersD08410 4/1/2008 $ 3 000
Vefik Mahfi Bought BK Jelgava Hill 3/23/2009 $ 4 000
David García de Caceres Sold Lebre 4/1/2008 $ 4 000
Clark Barajas Bought ManDinka Warriors 2/27/2009 $ 5 000
Quintí Cassella Sold Vasilitsi 9/7/2008 $ 5 000
Valente Babaredo Sold RealTeam 7/28/2008 $ 5 000
Lennart Viira Bought BC Dolce 6/22/2008 $ 5 000
Clark Barajas Sold The borderlines 3/4/2009 $ 7 000
Argelich Casamartí fssagarra 3/1/2009 $ 9 000
Ramón Alcázar Sold testimoni-della-porra 9/14/2009 $ 10 000
Enrique Menseguez Sold Flleida 9/3/2009 $ 10 000
Eduardo López Cano Bought Brujos de Guayama 6/25/2009 $ 20 000
Rodis Kourkoulos Bought KALLISTI BULLS 3/23/2009 $ 20 600
Helgo Kicherer Bought Citybaskets 5/11/2008 $ 21 000
Gustavo Omar Díaz Bought MENDOXINAS CREW 9/1/2009 $ 30 000
Vito Balares Sold The borderlines 3/2/2009 $ 30 000
Sergio Villayuste Sold koras 3/24/2009 $ 31 000
Eduardo López Cano Sold Svo Thunder 7/15/2009 $ 33 000
Ramón Alcázar Bought Fantasmikos 7/26/2009 $ 35 000
Rodis Kourkoulos Sold ZARAGOZA GLOBERS 3/29/2009 $ 43 000
Michał Pastusiak Bought Oreks 6/25/2009 $ 52 100
Christophe Chaigneau Bought CanteraBC 6/18/2008 $ 55 400
Miguel Urrutia Sold CB Rabadense 4/1/2008 $ 71 000
Vefik Mahfi Sold NovumBdg 4/17/2009 $ 72 900
Mario Alberto Fuster Medina Sold pellazza milano 4/1/2008 $ 86 800
Josep Oromí Bought Barça Regal 8/17/2008 $ 100 000
Filomeno Salinas Sold mambo 13 6/21/2009 $ 106 200
Pablo Martínez Berro Sold Cincinnati royals5C9A77 3/24/2009 $ 110 600
Matthias Engmann Sold ¿Me han robado la cuenta? 5/7/2009 $ 114 100
Juan Delas Bought Omegna Basket 24 9/8/2009 $ 132 600
Chen Hanwei Bought SaoNima 10/23/2009 $ 150 000
Alexandre Montcada Sold Skindestructables 3/6/2009 $ 190 000
Telémaco Bea Bought Fanfarria C.B. 9/2/2009 $ 204 100
Ferran Satorra Sold Minenapolis 9/7/2009 $ 208 100
Jorge Alvir Sold Muszyna Bulls 5/19/2009 $ 208 100
Oscar Uriszar Sold BC TAPKĖ 3/24/2009 $ 212 300
Arnes Sandžić Bought Eaisen 7/25/2009 $ 250 000
Ricardo Mangado Sold ¿Me han robado la cuenta? 4/2/2009 $ 250 000
Mauro Sello Bought kury jedwabiste 2/25/2010 $ 253 500
Guglielmo Del Brocco Sold PKS WALENDIA 7/27/2009 $ 255 000
Admir Horoz Bought 福建英华 10/24/2009 $ 265 500
Guglielmo Del Brocco Bought Kalhaus de Alhandra 4/13/2009 $ 279 600
Juan Delas Sold J Ballers 10/21/2009 $ 282 000
Nate Hamm Bought Tikore Dolphins 8/19/2009 $ 300 000
Serafín Xul Sold ¿Me han robado la cuenta? 3/15/2009 $ 300 000
Ferran Satorra Bought Vilabertran 2/27/2009 $ 300 000
Antonio Rozas Sold Arcos 5/8/2008 $ 300 000
Eduardo Gil Alvarado Sold Bestias BC 5/2/2009 $ 316 200
David Beaudoin Bought Olympic Mélo 8/31/2008 $ 375 000
Raúl Fuentes Sold tiger sharks 7/30/2009 $ 400 000
Renan Ercan Bought AstroBasket Valdemoro 3/28/2009 $ 400 200
Filipe Olivais Bought Unitrial Basket Clube 3/15/2009 $ 459 000
Pablo Martínez Berro fssagarra 3/21/2009 $ 500 900
Lan Chonghu Bought 淡定从容 7/28/2009 $ 541 400
Carlos Martínez de Felipe Sold Tokitas 9/14/2008 $ 600 000
Alberto Zapata Sold BlackRockWhale 7/28/2009 $ 630 000
Renan Ercan Sold Big thunder 10/21/2009 $ 650 000
Carlos Arriazu Bought SPRINGAN 10/22/2009 $ 700 000
Filipe Olivais Sold TopG squad 10/14/2009 $ 750 000
Vaggos Pitsikoulakis Bought Auksinis Avinas 10/18/2009 $ 800 000
Francesc Bové Sold Raptory 9/22/2009 $ 1 250 000
Total Sales: $ 7 549 300
Total Purchases: $ 5 768 000
Transfer Balance: $ 1 781 300