List of Transfers
Player To/From Date Price
Olegs Cimbulis Sold 陨落者 3/6/2020 $ 350 000
José Manuel Mulet Sold 阿傻歸來 II 12/22/2020 $ 23 000
Sergio De la Casa Sold 西營盤喪龍 7/7/2011 $ 70 000
Luis Cabello Sold 茗茶点香 7/13/2013 $ 15 000
Mariusz Balcerowiak Bought 老襯 5/13/2019 $ 338 100
Javier Nieto Sold 翎羽儿 9/1/2009 $ 7 000
Li Anxing Bought 济南趵突泉 4/13/2017 $ 1 000
Mauro Román Villarreal Sold 東方 2/12/2013 $ 156 100
Huang Tien Yao Sold 我是一隻豬喔喔 11/19/2017 $ 50 000
Lourenzo Aranga Sold 围城 8/4/2016 $ 14 200
Ireneusz Koszycki Bought 南斯拉夫 11/22/2015 $ 3 000
Jaumantas Šinkariovas Sold 华南虎 7/7/2011 $ 70 700
Abel Deblore Sold מכבי בית חשמונאי 6/24/2013 $ 12 000
Vernon Swanson Sold Столица деревень 9/3/2012 $ 113 100
Borko Ranković Sold Наварени Астронаути 9/15/2017 $ 1 000
Ugo Peila Sold БК НИВА 5/12/2009 $ 51 000
Kostakis Zigos Bought εκδικητές 2 1/3/2010 $ 7 000
Arnoldas Matuolis Sold Zvejai 3/29/2018 $ 35 000
Lúcio Regedor Bought Zuzuteam 1/22/2012 $ 45 000
Ryszard Kryger Sold Ziomy Ż 12/10/2013 $ 90 000
Joffrey Deschamps Bought Zali balti 2/19/2012 $ 200 000
Kosta Petrović Bought Zāles ēdāji 3/30/2018 $ 530 700
Sergio De la Casa Bought Zafra Lions 2/20/2011 $ 265 500
Mitchell Pearshouse Sold zadar08 2/27/2012 $ 357 000
Massimiliano Bidoglia Sold Zadar Celtics 10/1/2018 $ 1 404 600
Corrado Mastrototaro Bought YUN Ville 1/22/2015 $ 15 000
Aled Barnes Sold YSRTALL 6/25/2019 $ 108 400
Wilmer Sattler Bought youtube3244585 7/23/2017 $ 150 000
Thomas Drouhin Sold Yılmaz Ülker60C 4/13/2012 $ 15 600
Colin Harstad Sold Yeahh II 12/14/2016 $ 183 300
Choi Zhi Cheng Sold xXLoneStarStateXx 2/24/2016 $ 468 200
Van Houle Bought xorafa-4- 7/9/2021 $ 100 000
Stojan Šimek Sold xorafa-4- 10/11/2017 $ 90 400
Iliyan Mihaylov Sold WTKAnwilWloclawek 9/21/2012 $ 132 800
Jaumantas Šinkariovas Bought WORLD ALL STARS 5/30/2009 $ 42 000
Andi Aschauer Sold Wolves Team 9/17/2013 $ 100 000
Marco Noguès Sold Wild Pumas 12/11/2015 $ 450 000
Xoel Viqueira Sold Wigan Carpenters 9/18/2013 $ 51 000
Árpád Cserba Sold White Walker Fan Club 3/20/2018 $ 250 000
Emil Tzanev Bought Where Eagles DareD1D 5/27/2012 $ 153 000
Aiurdi Magunagoikoetxea Sold Warriors Koper 9/28/2012 $ 300 000
Hugo Francisco Alcubilla Sold War Boyz 4/4/2011 $ 100 100
Wawrzyniec Wypniewski Bought Wallens Bulls 5/19/2017 $ 350 000
Zheng Kuan Ying Bought Wade County 5/5/2017 $ 7 000
Romano Plameras Sold VVINGGG 3/29/2011 $ 51 000
Giuseppe Rigoli Bought voutirostopsomimou 10/28/2009 $ 500 000
Morgan Aubert Sold vörös ördögök1949 9/25/2012 $ 302 000
Graziano Alvisi Sold Voodoo people 1/15/2013 $ 62 500
Nebojša Đinđić Sold virtus maurizio 11/2/2013 $ 50 000
Todd Bowling Bought Virtus Barbanella 12/13/2013 $ 19 000
Richárd Arnold Sold Virtus Barbanella 8/1/2013 $ 200 000
Zdeněk Mareš Sold Villanelle 6/29/2015 $ 300 000
Wendell Nugent Sold VILLAGE 5 5/26/2014 $ 153 000
Tõnis Parve Sold Viking Gdynia 4/11/2014 $ 1 000
Yohan Turpin Sold Veyrier Wailers 2/15/2020 $ 1 000
Luis Miguel Caunedo Sold Várnegyed Tornaklub 2/15/2012 $ 60 000
Antti Nironen Bought VALENCIA PEOPLES 7/20/2016 $ 204 000
Gederts Cimmermanis Sold Urmummas 4/27/2014 $ 4 000
Pablo Bajo Bought unseen 4/8/2014 $ 126 500
Feng Kunxian Sold Union Vecinal de La Plata 2/1/2014 $ 11 000
Justino Page Sold Undertakers NBA 8/17/2021 $ 52 100
Hu Chunde Sold UBB Rico II 12/14/2016 $ 170 000
Mirko Molena Bought Tsunami Buceo 5/21/2016 $ 10 000
Slobodan Cankovic Bought TSK2010 3/18/2012 $ 114 500
Frédéric Le Mouellic Sold Trolls--sixtysixers 2/16/2016 $ 306 000
Frederico Alvim Bought tregohiu 9/6/2009 $ 66 400
Cai Chong Boon Bought Trap Soul 11/3/2015 $ 100 000
Vissarionas Garidakis Sold Town Center 7/6/2011 $ 118 400
Timo Torp Sold Tourrets b.c 9/22/2018 $ 500 000
Juan Ignacio Delcarte Sold Toronto Towers 11/17/2021 $ 16 000
Garifallos Glinos Bought tom y jerry 2/16/2014 $ 51 000
Aiurdi Magunagoikoetxea Bought tom y jerry 9/16/2012 $ 199 000
Celal Mahrem Sold Tirastemos Voltamapolos 1/15/2017 $ 888 100
Antoni Winiarczyk Bought tierri 12/18/2015 $ 114 900
Fabià Codol Sold Thunders Gramenet 1/10/2013 $ 132 600
Víctor Ortiz el Viejo Bought TheSearchers 5/1/2010 $ 183 600
Mecislovas Benesevicius Bought TheRunners 6/19/2009 $ 91 800
Jérôme Lallement Sold The Wookiee 3/10/2012 $ 102 000
Rombout van Baal Bought The Shaqs 6/9/2013 $ 23 450
Ivo Gaupp Bought The Moles 6/28/2013 $ 11 000
Ákos Petró Sold The LA Lions 2/16/2016 $ 153 000
Raúl Guiliz Bought The LA Lions 6/17/2012 $ 233 100
Olivier Delapierre Sold The Hugos 2/16/2016 $ 200 000
Grgo Ferjanc Sold The Holy Spirit 8/29/2016 $ 150 000
Àlex Bastida Sold The Force 7/4/2021 $ 2 000
Makar Muzykin Sold The Condors 3/9/2018 $ 450 000
Mariusz Balcerowiak Sold Tesla Berlin 6/25/2019 $ 318 500
Janis Veikšans Bought Tergeste 2011 9/12/2012 $ 156 100
Damiano Scavazzini Bought Templars Bregano8FF 8/29/2010 $ 255 000
Víctor Ortiz el Viejo Sold TeamBossMaN 7/18/2010 $ 30 000
Marco Noguès Bought team94 7/4/2015 $ 61 000
Alfonso Olivares Sold Team Jean Bon 1/12/2010 $ 60 000
Agostinho Moura Bought team godos 8/1/2009 $ 29 000
Frankie Cloud Sold Team Garance junior 8/17/2021 $ 22 000
Kevin Buckingham Sold TBteam 6/25/2019 $ 100 000
Viktor Gaál Bought Taveiras 6/11/2014 $ 218 500
Enrico Pelloni Sold Tartu hooplejad 2/8/2009 $ 20 000
Niklavs Dubults Bought tarraco82 8/10/2013 $ 148 000
Ábrahám Boros Bought TAIPANI 4/10/2016 $ 122 400
Thomas Drouhin Bought TahaGüner 3/15/2012 $ 2 000
Jorge Fernando Pérez Sold Szegedi Medvék 12/1/2015 $ 259 300
Tomas Naujokaitis Bought Syndra City 6/30/2013 $ 90 400
Antoni Winiarczyk Sold Swyt fc 2/16/2016 $ 101 000
Mauro Román Villarreal Bought Swamprats 9/21/2012 $ 204 000
Khaldoun Abdouche Sold SuncityBulls 6/25/2019 $ 171 600
Marc Baradad Bought sunce 5/15/2016 $ 102 000
Ambrósio Costa Sold strongers 2/13/2011 $ 35 000
Wilmer Sattler Sold STIPE TO THE MOON 9/15/2017 $ 5 000
Konrad Patora Sold Stella Rosa di Belgrado 9/7/2012 $ 50 000
Mao Yunchao Sold stelarosa BC 3/20/2016 $ 179 700
Hugues Coutand Sold starina novak 5/23/2022 $ 163 200
Delfí Rafí Sold Star Starachowice 9/11/2009 $ 13 000
Sui Yunhan Bought Stalowka Wola 3/9/2022 $ 99 000
Alberto Carlos Boyé Sold Ssaassaa 6/24/2013 $ 250 000
Parmenion Xilouris Bought sporting mitcell 2/12/2018 $ 69 500
Ron Brown Sold Spoiled 9/2/2015 $ 40 000
Jamal Hamila Bought SPCOC Basket 9/8/2008 $ 50 000
Konrad Patora Bought Spartansi 6/30/2012 $ 60 200
Danijel Sladoljev Bought Spalatos 10/26/2011 $ 20 000
Gaizka Fernández Granados Sold Sons of Anarchy 11/17/2021 $ 3 000
Nemanja Bisercić Sold Sonics BC 5/24/2022 $ 100 000
Raúl Guiliz Sold Sokol Šlapanice 8/23/2012 $ 200 000
Garifallos Glinos Sold sofronije 6/17/2014 $ 19 000
Mirko Resti Sold SM93 3/25/2013 $ 100 000
Velcho Penev Bought Sleeping Turtles 2/8/2015 $ 71 000
Jeff Menetetter Sold Slashers 5.0 5/28/2013 $ 102 000
Elmars Dermans Sold Skytrons 1/6/2018 $ 510 000
Gustaw Banaszyk Sold skyfly913 4/24/2010 $ 50 000
Amadeu Jardí Sold SKS Gwardia 1948 4/12/2018 $ 4 000
Sui Yunhan Sold Skaliotes Crew 7/29/2022 $ 80 000
Daniel Pérez Sold Skafiskafnjak Svemirci 6/29/2013 $ 57 400
Attila Bolgár Bought Širvintų Ginklai 4/1/2018 $ 200 000
Shao Fubang Sold Simbotics 9/27/2014 $ 88 600
Szymon Cierocki Bought Silesian Suns 7/10/2011 $ 260 200
Wiesław Dymanowski Sold SIG StrasbourgD7F 7/29/2012 $ 6 000
Song Lida Sold shumanists bini 6/29/2012 $ 52 100
Ottavio Malfitano Bought Shiftz Team 1/7/2009 $ 1 000
Aldopaolo Nardinocchi Bought Shanks Basket 8/23/2012 $ 110 000
Kostadin Stojaković Sold Shanghai Loco People 2/9/2018 $ 500 000
Ugo Peila Bought Sevilla la Nueva 2/5/2009 $ 91 800
Heikki Heilala Sold Serwety 12/17/2019 $ 663 000
Margo Karikas Sold Scorpions Mld 11/17/2021 $ 183 000
Granville Gilbert Sold Scorpiones 4/14/2020 $ 530 700
Anderson Salmond Sold ŠBK Handlová 1/28/2015 $ 3 000
Vladimir Avdienko Bought sarpsarpsarpsarp 7/12/2015 $ 299 000
Giovanbattista Del Piero Sold Şaplak Warriors 8/28/2013 $ 1 000
Laimonas Ektis Sold Samo me pitaj 11/17/2021 $ 12 000
Mario Manasseri Bought samanara 12/30/2016 $ 30 000
Xuan Trân Bought Saint-Pierre Papangz 4/12/2020 $ 122 400
Henoc Cadena Sold Sacramento Monarchs 11/12/2015 $ 1 000
Fergus Vinson Bought S.T.A.T. 3/9/2019 $ 253 600
William Ballerini Sold S.S. Monza 2019 3/4/2019 $ 500 000
Oleg Mozhzherin Sold S.F 29-team 2/9/2018 $ 1 515 600
Horst Liebhart Sold RoodWit 2/9/2018 $ 520 200
Tamir Lichtenstein Sold Robe di Kappa Torino 5/20/2016 $ 571 200
José Matute Llera Sold Roanne 11/17/2021 $ 464 400
Chai Guizhong Bought Rio Grande Valley Vipers 6/29/2019 $ 295 800
Miroslaw Lagwa Sold RGUNS 3/11/2009 $ 27 000
Ignacio Murcia Sold Retro b.c. 3/31/2010 $ 1 000
Ramón Martínez Sold reims champagne basket 8/14/2013 $ 3 000
Miguel Barro Sold Redimentes 6/14/2013 $ 1 000
Mario Ormaondo Red Royalty 2 7/7/2011 $ 400 000
Octavio Morinigo Sold Red Lake HurricaneZ 2/22/2012 $ 108 400
Elio Di Rosa Sold RebentaXanfras 1/18/2014 $ 250 000
Tomo Nikić Bought Real Madrid27 1/12/2013 $ 30 000
Álvaro González Calderón Sold Real Madrid Santa Cruz 4/8/2014 $ 500 000
Robert Schweers Sold Real Betis BaloncestoFA7 3/29/2009 $ 51 000
Tomo Nikić Sold RaSaAv 3/25/2013 $ 2 000
Marc Baradad Sold Rajakylä Wild Cats 11/19/2017 $ 500 000
Arkadiusz Siekiera Bought Raiders TEAM 11/14/2014 $ 14 000
Feliks Toborowicz Sold Radomir Measures 10/1/2019 $ 216 600
Alejandro Díaz de Vargas Sold QC Monarchs 9/7/2011 $ 150 000
Hilco Pirnay Bought Qart Hadast 12/3/2012 $ 200 000
Graziano Alvisi Bought Purrex 12/21/2012 $ 50 000
Sigutis Baniulis Bought PUCELANOAIRLINESCENTER 10/6/2013 $ 49 000
Rodolfo Márquez Sold Prosto Team 1/28/2014 $ 168 200
Colin Harstad Bought Pornography 9/1/2016 $ 80 000
Giuseppe Certosino Sold Poradci 3/9/2015 $ 100 000
Timo Torp Bought Pontiakos B.C. 8/5/2018 $ 520 200
Zhou Bangjian Bought Polisportiva Selva Campagna 10/3/2014 $ 5 000
Francesco Feola Bought Platone369 4/3/2011 $ 228 500
Ábrahám Boros Sold Pithsamai 6/26/2016 $ 384 600
To Wen Qiang Sold Pippens Team 8/10/2013 $ 600 000
Kalmer Raun Sold Pink Pig 2/2/2009 $ 55 400
Sirijus Pranckevicius Bought Pilaites Bebrai 11/5/2009 $ 550 000
Iliyan Mihaylov Bought PIGASOS 7/18/2012 $ 130 000
Chen Segal Sold Phantoms Oberkirch 1/10/2012 $ 250 000
Anderson Salmond Bought Pereg KK 10/1/2014 $ 22 000
Klaudiusz Drętwus Bought Pepitos B.C. 10/30/2011 $ 11 000
Paul Triggs Sold Peo Team 9/20/2017 $ 1 463 200
Manfred Oetterich Bought PDFAlliance 1/11/2009 $ 72 300
Przemysław Wołoszyk Bought Patryk Team 9/28/2012 $ 6 000
Alberto Chaperón Sold Patisonki 8/6/2021 $ 159 300
Endre Hidasi Sold Partizan Superstarsi 11/11/2009 $ 364 200
Wiesław Dymanowski Bought Paris Partizan 6/2/2012 $ 5 000
Darius Jurinić Bought Paraponiarides 12/26/2019 $ 1 500 000
Néstor Homero Bertoni Bought Pappabanda 1/23/2015 $ 1 000
Ricardo Rosa Bought Papasta Baloncesto 2/27/2016 $ 100 000
Jason Mac Gabhann Bought PAOK BC 2007 7/3/2013 $ 102 000
José Luis Cella Bought PANATHINAIKOS BC 2022 4/17/2016 $ 102 000
Amritadrava Gupta Sold P.F.C.crevalcore.... 6/25/2019 $ 150 000
Darius Jurinić Sold ÖzcanHalıKilimYıkama 12/17/2020 $ 1 122 000
Breixo Dios Sold Ovoque BC 1/13/2022 $ 477 600
José Javier Argandoña Sold Oukraniko Gluko 5/4/2016 $ 60 000
Albino Soto Sold Orléans Spartiates 6/12/2013 $ 42 000
Santiago Valiente Sold ORLANDO★MAGIC 11/17/2021 $ 1 000
Ryszard Kryger Bought Orlando Magic IIII880321D8AA8A2453B5 9/14/2013 $ 1 000
Xairo Beiro Sold OLYMPIAKOSG7 6/29/2015 $ 221 000
José Manuel Mulet Bought Olympiacos B.C. 5/17/2020 $ 200 000
Andi Aschauer Bought Olodum de Bahia 12/21/2012 $ 46 000
Giuseppe Rigoli Sold Olimpia Uruguay 11/7/2009 $ 500 000
Boško Vasić Sold Old Game 9/2/2015 $ 510 000
Kalil Ibn-Anwar Bought Oakland Oaks 12/19/2020 $ 87 000
Francisco Alberti Sold Nüdo 3/31/2017 $ 714 000
Gerard Revenga Bought Nový Jičín - Planá 4/9/2016 $ 140 900
Loong Ling hui Bought Nový Jičín - Planá 4/9/2016 $ 23 000
Farhad Haddadi Bought Novgorod Hooligans 1/31/2014 $ 135 600
Rafael Arroyal Bought Noganamosna 8/29/2009 $ 99 000
Francisco Intriago Sold Nightcrawlers 3/8/2009 $ 2 000
Rong Quan Van Bought Niewazne 7/9/2019 $ 204 000
Ladislav Janoštiak Sold Nidos Meskos 11/4/2015 $ 106 200
Michael Samson Sold New York Knicks|NYK 11/13/2020 $ 80 000
Oliver Wilk Bought New State Rockets 5/21/2016 $ 130 000
Stéphane Fétiveau Bought Nebulosa del Águila 9/1/2016 $ 204 000
Lin Qunzhong Bought Neapolikos BC 5/19/2017 $ 700 000
Cai Chong Boon Sold mutos bt 12/1/2015 $ 408 000
Rafael Arroyal Sold murdera boys 7/7/2011 $ 51 000
Francisco Alberti Bought MT KING 3/12/2017 $ 352 600
Wawrzyniec Wypniewski Sold mRAVI tRNSKO Zagreb 9/25/2017 $ 80 000
Morgan Aubert Bought Motina 3/12/2012 $ 408 000
Artemio Ciullo Bought Morena Basket 12/7/2021 $ 39 000
Andrej Španjić Sold ۩Moonwalk۩ 1/30/2013 $ 500 000
Jaroslav Vencl Bought Monza Lions 9/10/2022 $ 120 000
Kalil Ibn-Anwar Sold Montreal Squirrel 4/16/2021 $ 5 000
Elio Di Rosa Bought Monas Lisas 12/10/2013 $ 100 000
Mirko Molena Sold Mof State Squizzes 8/23/2016 $ 100 000
Francesco Feola Sold moca Coqui 7/5/2011 $ 191 200
Micky Avital Sold mlekci 4/7/2012 $ 23 456
Veljko Baković Sold MKA Basketball 4/9/2017 $ 300 000
Lukas Istace Bought Minnesota Tiberwolves 2/2/2013 $ 151 000
Swen Vaalma Bought Mini Pelicans Janow 5/11/2012 $ 53 200
Gianfranco Rizzi Bought Milwaukee Dumpers 3/9/2013 $ 122 050
Ron Brown Bought Miltu Fabrikas 10/3/2014 $ 12 000
Viktor Gaál Sold milnuevenoventayuno 9/27/2014 $ 208 100
Justino Page Bought Migty Towers Zielona Góra 3/5/2021 $ 81 400
Agapitos Fatseas Bought Miami Rabbits 12/28/2014 $ 12 000
Joaquín Salvador Cacique Bought Miami * Heat 4/2/2009 $ 32 000
Mario Billanti Bought Métro Stars 9/1/2016 $ 150 000
Nemanja Bisercić Bought Metallni Sklop 12/19/2021 $ 153 000
José Luis Cella Sold MerryJane 5/24/2016 $ 114 300
Kostadin Stojaković Bought melons 1/16/2018 $ 507 800
Richárd Arnold Bought melons 7/13/2013 $ 142 800
Jeremy Dustin Pasion Bought Mega Malaysians 10/4/2016 $ 255 000
Mao Yunchao Bought Medusa Leipzig 3/3/2016 $ 187 000
Olegs Cimbulis Bought Mawens 1/28/2020 $ 63 800
Rodolfo Márquez Bought MARSELL BASKET 12/13/2013 $ 100 000
Mihail Minkov Bought manneken pis 7/24/2016 $ 254 200
Damiano Scavazzini Sold Malone 7/6/2011 $ 79 800
Roger Gala Sold Majiapu Foulers 7/21/2014 $ 120 000
Zhang Deen Bought Magnific 1/25/2009 $ 20 000
Luis Cabello Bought Magata Classics 6/28/2013 $ 2 000
Alcide Musini Sold Madonijas Libīši 1/28/2014 $ 51 000
Micky Avital Bought maccabi8 3/14/2012 $ 2 000
Renzo Di Renzo Bought Maccabi homos shel thina 1/31/2010 $ 26 000
Roberto Izquierdo Bought Macarrillas Chechenos 6/29/2013 $ 4 000
Kosta Petrović Sold M BASKET 5/17/2019 $ 10 000
Xoel Viqueira Bought LuffyLand Angels 8/25/2013 $ 65 000
Zhou Bangjian Sold LUDDI 1/19/2015 $ 55 400
Árpád Cserba Bought LosAsh 1/9/2018 $ 312 200
Boško Vasić Bought LOS IMPLACABLES 7/9/2015 $ 129 000
Clayton Ellis Bought Los GansoS 10/12/2019 $ 100 000
Per Kvinnesland Sold Los Desatascadores 1/13/2013 $ 191 700
Sirijus Pranckevicius Sold Los caracoles del goce 7/5/2011 $ 154 800
Manfred Oetterich Sold Lorne Malvo 10/29/2010 $ 250 000
Aled Barnes Bought Looping 3/9/2019 $ 115 600
Pedro Plaza Bought loobootna 10/26/2016 $ 306 000
Renzo Di Renzo Sold London Bucksss 3/9/2010 $ 50 000
Parmenion Xilouris Sold Liverpool Celtics B.C. 3/20/2018 $ 70 600
Camillo Altarocca Sold LisbonTigers 12/10/2013 $ 200 000
Ladislav Janoštiak Bought Lions City137 8/30/2015 $ 30 000
Daniel Coma Sold Lion999 8/22/2010 $ 200 000
Salvador Valente Bought Linguini warriors 7/18/2013 $ 11 000
Romano Plameras Bought LH Galaxy 1/27/2011 $ 127 600
Elroy Boyle Sold levadia heat 11/15/2019 $ 1 100 000
Santiago Valenzuela Trillo Sold Les Andres 4/6/2011 $ 66 200
Enrique Vivaldo Sold LeeSiTsin II 4/23/2022 $ 204 000
Florian Kirschfink Bought Las Vegas Ballers 2/1/2013 $ 40 000
Armando Garro Sold Las Palmeras C.B. 6/29/2015 $ 1 000
Niklavs Dubults Sold Lapseki Spor 12/10/2013 $ 156 100
Jans Ytsma Sold Lapseki Spor 12/10/2013 $ 200 000
Abel Deblore Bought Landerneau Cougars 6/8/2013 $ 1 000
Carlos Esteva Bought Lala Shooting Stars 2/16/2018 $ 150 000
Arnoldas Matuolis Bought LakersSlo 2/15/2018 $ 36 000
Javor Selak Bought Lakers Showtime 11/10/2017 $ 742 900
Nicola Mora Bought La Vasella 12/27/2009 $ 74 400
Daniel Coma Bought La rams 10/20/2009 $ 416 200
Agapitos Fatseas Sold LA Lakers 154 6/29/2015 $ 159 300
Khaldoun Abdouche Bought La chubacarba 3/19/2019 $ 291 400
Luigi Monni Bought Kucinja 6/27/2019 $ 180 000
Joffrey Deschamps Sold KTE-Kisokos 3/7/2012 $ 350 000
Apolonio Arnado Sold Krompir 11/18/2021 $ 1 000
Miguel Velloso Sold krallar klubu 4/12/2016 $ 40 600
Javier Villaruel Sold Koumparoi 1/10/2009 $ 124 900
Choi Zhi Cheng Bought KonG&Blakeeeeeeeeeee 12/10/2015 $ 700 000
Jean-Philippe Manges Bought Kobes Boys 9/24/2017 $ 575 000
Matthew Kline Bought Knights of the Blood Oath 4/21/2012 $ 140 000
Mitchell Pearshouse Bought Knicks Flavour 2/11/2012 $ 250 000
Argirakis Mpampaliotis Bought kleinmein 10/12/2014 $ 2 000
Ray Burkinshaw Sold Klaipedos Pilstukas 3/31/2017 $ 200 000
Celal Mahrem Bought Klaipėdos "BC Partizan" 12/18/2016 $ 662 600
Gianfranco Rizzi Sold Klaipeda BC 5/25/2013 $ 203 000
Van Houle Sold Kk77 10/7/2021 $ 100 000
Nicola Mora Sold kk.Crvena Zvezda 11/4/2010 $ 100 000
Ruslan Galitsky Sold kk S.A.R.S 9/2/2015 $ 344 300
Mecislovas Benesevicius Sold KK Rakvere 11/10/2009 $ 300 400
Jordi Granell Sold KK Raeküla 1/10/2009 $ 66 500
Ambrósio Costa Bought KK ORLANDO MAGIC 1/15/2011 $ 50 000
Fergus Vinson Sold KK Nadrogirani dabrovi 3/31/2019 $ 102 000
Feng Kunxian Bought KK Knez Mislav 12/17/2013 $ 5 000
Jordi Espasande Sold KK Jurassic world 8/4/2016 $ 2 000
Shao Fubang Bought KK Hipodrom 3/13/2012 $ 132 600
Niran Ziv Bought kings of the north 1/29/2014 $ 50 000
Juan Miguel Urtaran Bought KıNgS of MeTaL 11/29/2012 $ 257 100
Juan Miguel Urtaran Sold KillerBirds 2/16/2013 $ 357 000
Imre Görbe Bought Killer Crossover 1/16/2009 $ 200 000
Ivo Gaupp Sold Kavala Den Haag 9/17/2013 $ 6 000
Rombout van Baal Sold Kaulons 6/29/2013 $ 100 000
Nikos Charitidis Sold Kato Kamila BC 12/2/2012 $ 21 000
Vissarionas Garidakis Bought kao dramas 3/14/2010 $ 153 000
Heikki Heilala Bought Kangasalan KoriKissat 11/16/2019 $ 624 300
Chai Guizhong Sold kaliman 10/6/2019 $ 953 200
Alexandre Holin Sold K.K. Bačvice 2/15/2012 $ 84 000
Tomas Naujokaitis Sold Juskyes 1/28/2014 $ 81 600
Marcos Gorráez Sold Juggernero 11/30/2012 $ 503 500
Renan Tidalgo Bought Juanito Caminante 1/25/2015 $ 127 600
Joxe Mari Etxebarria Sold Jordan Nerviano Basket 1/10/2009 $ 153 000
Ottavio Malfitano Sold Jaygon 6/17/2009 $ 1 000
Sean Altman Bought Jasindon 9/25/2012 $ 23 000
Ricardo Malca Bought Jambon Mogettes 6/3/2013 $ 97 600
Laisvunas Bagdonovicius Bought Jakoben Kulübü 1/22/2014 $ 100 000
Alexandre Holin Bought jah wolves 8/21/2011 $ 187 300
Marcos Batista Plantier Bought IronKillers 3/15/2018 $ 2 599 000
Mario Ormaondo Sold Insetto 9/25/2012 $ 108 400
Hugues Coutand Bought Ingaunia 12/29/2021 $ 140 000
Darko Savić Bought IncredibleS 4/4/2012 $ 20 000
Stéphane Fétiveau Sold In the middle of nowhere 12/11/2016 $ 100 000
Santi Martí Sold Imposters 3/25/2013 $ 1 000
Sean Altman Sold hupuhuren 12/2/2012 $ 9 000
Alcide Musini Bought hucestecb 12/16/2013 $ 55 400
Emil Tzanev Sold HotDodgers 6/17/2012 $ 162 500
Nikolaos Varvatos Bought Hoopsters BC 1/25/2022 $ 159 300
Amritadrava Gupta Bought HOMO-sapiens 3/28/2019 $ 102 000
Luigi Maria Gulino Bought High Up Flights 2/2/2014 $ 83 300
Carlos Esteva Sold Heywood Big Dogs 6/3/2018 $ 600 000
Waldemar Silva Bought herkies bucks 4/8/2018 $ 500 000
Roberto Izquierdo Sold Helsinki Seagulls 8/13/2013 $ 5 000
Andrea Mozzon Sold Hellsinki Hoopheads 11/25/2017 $ 400 000
Burhan Oder Bought HellsBells 9/4/2012 $ 159 300
Wendell Nugent Bought Hartbrecker Neustrelitz 4/13/2014 $ 83 100
Avia Tamir Bought hapoel achizvi 7/4/2014 $ 35 000
Xavi Cazorla Sold Haljala NGU 11/18/2021 $ 2 000
Igor Boa Morte Sold HAHA001 2/15/2020 $ 2 000
Albino Soto Bought Grizzlies FOR LIFE66 3/4/2013 $ 149 999
Hu Chunde Bought Greenspirit bc 11/13/2016 $ 255 000
Tõnis Parve Bought Green Street Huligans 1/29/2014 $ 33 333
Pascual Sena Bought Green Modens 4/17/2015 $ 46 000
Valentim Farol Sold Gravelines DK 3/4/2013 $ 250 000
Burhan Oder Sold Goncasteam 9/24/2012 $ 194 700
Xuan Trân Sold Gold Nuggets 8/14/2020 $ 100 000
Mario Billanti Sold Glonojad Bydgoszcz 10/15/2016 $ 80 000
Sigutis Baniulis Sold Gladiators di Roma 12/13/2013 $ 5 000
Nikos Charitidis Bought Georges friends 8/18/2012 $ 47 000
Erlis Kabashi Bought Gelişim Koleji 3/29/2012 $ 100 000
Giovanbattista Del Piero Bought gat pus 7/9/2013 $ 11 000
Ljubivoje Miškić Bought Gangsterzy z Białowieży 2/16/2022 $ 106 200
Parla Nermin Sold Funky Dunkers 9/5/2022 $ 90 000
Gederts Cimmermanis Bought From Georgia 4/20/2014 $ 12 000
Gürdal Enginsu Bought Free Agent 5/25/2022 $ 267 900
Khaled Hadj Bought Free Agent 5/25/2022 $ 144 600
Granville Gilbert Bought Free Agent 1/9/2020 $ 204 600
Elroy Boyle Bought Free Agent 6/26/2019 $ 820 400
Jim Roberts Bought Free Agent 11/8/2018 $ 469 000
William Ballerini Bought Free Agent 10/5/2018 $ 148 400
Makar Muzykin Bought Free Agent 2/16/2018 $ 299 400
Kostas Vrekousis Bought Free Agent 2/14/2018 $ 67 600
John Adam Bought Free Agent 1/11/2018 $ 276 410
Massimiliano Bidoglia Bought Free Agent 11/24/2017 $ 900 000
Clemence Spivey Bought Free Agent 11/17/2017 $ 561 000
Oleg Mozhzherin Bought Free Agent 9/22/2017 $ 700 000
Elmars Dermans Bought Free Agent 9/21/2017 $ 306 000
Andrea Mozzon Bought Free Agent 9/21/2017 $ 214 000
Huang Tien Yao Bought Free Agent 7/7/2017 $ 43 900
Kevin Buckingham Bought Free Agent 5/10/2017 $ 422 500
Tony Franklin Bought Free Agent 1/21/2017 $ 728 300
Paul Triggs Bought Free Agent 2/18/2016 $ 48 200
Tamir Lichtenstein Bought Free Agent 2/17/2016 $ 179 900
Alberto Carlos Boyé Bought Free Agent 2/14/2013 $ 130 590
Bogumił Czerniewski Bought Free Agent 1/30/2013 $ 303 100
Matteo Emmanuele Bought Free Agent 10/3/2012 $ 186 620
Claudio Sciarabba Bought Free Agent 9/27/2012 $ 133 200
Per Kvinnesland Bought Free Agent 8/22/2012 $ 145 910
Alejandro Díaz de Vargas Bought Free Agent 7/21/2011 $ 130 000
Jorge Martí Bought Free Agent 11/11/2009 $ 971 000
Andrea Negroni Sold frascaro lakers 4/24/2010 $ 50 000
Juan Nicomedes Sold franjevci 5/21/2009 $ 40 000
Luigi Maria Gulino Sold Fortitudo Pallacanestro Bologna 7/12/2014 $ 2 000
Bogumił Czerniewski Sold FORST_CANTÙ 5/25/2016 $ 150 000
Thierry Jacobitz Bought Flying Dragon 08 11/22/2009 $ 100 000
Lin Qunzhong Sold Flug Feld 7/3/2017 $ 1 150 000
Rong Quan Van Sold Floripa Golden Warriors 11/15/2019 $ 31 000
Song Lida Bought Florida Merkez 5/16/2012 $ 15 000
Frederico Alvim Sold Fırtına Bergirleri 1/26/2010 $ 200 000
Danijel Sladoljev Sold Fire Enze 2/15/2012 $ 13 000
Jim Roberts Sold Fiorenza 6/25/2019 $ 662 600
Xairo Beiro Bought Filósofos 5/29/2015 $ 193 500
Pere Fernández Sold FerroTEAM 11/17/2021 $ 175 300
Matthew Kline Sold Fenerbull 7/17/2012 $ 166 500
Jimmy Lesieur Bought Fenerbahçem02 9/25/2017 $ 250 000
Zdravko Budanović Sold FENERBAHÇE(fb) 8/30/2016 $ 765 000
Kostakis Zigos Sold Fenerbahçe FB146 7/4/2010 $ 30 000
Laisvunas Bagdonovicius Sold FENERBAHÇE 26 4/20/2014 $ 153 000
Imre Görbe Sold FCBorsuk 10/23/2009 $ 500 000
Daniil Dukachev Bought FCB BARSTYCIAI 1/30/2014 $ 123 000
Ernest Coll Sold FC.rustavi 9/24/2014 $ 110 000
Salvador Valente Sold FC Crocodiles 8/13/2013 $ 30 000
Miroslaw Lagwa Bought FC columbia 1/7/2009 $ 200 000
Jimmy Lesieur Sold FasTeam 2/19/2018 $ 40 000
Todd Bowling Sold fasoli 1/28/2014 $ 156 100
Dávid Kubatov Sold Ezoterija 7/6/2011 $ 228 700
Darko Savić Sold Expert Napoli 5/29/2012 $ 32 000
Javor Selak Sold Évora Basket Clube 1/6/2018 $ 700 000
Toncek Sivec Bought Everton17 7/10/2011 $ 650 000
Nebojša Đinđić Bought Ethereal1 8/11/2013 $ 28 000
Aleksander Szymczuk Bought Establisher 6/2/2017 $ 29 000
Borko Ranković Bought Erişte bacaklar 7/5/2017 $ 156 100
Zhang Deen Sold Enygma Lakers 6/22/2009 $ 1 000
Yohan Turpin Bought Els Groguets 11/18/2019 $ 106 200
Slobodan Albijanić Sold Elmshorn Flames 2/1/2014 $ 28 000
Mirko Resti Bought El Paular 2/16/2013 $ 90 000
Joaquín Salvador Cacique Sold El Madridismo 6/12/2009 $ 65 000
Néstor Homero Bertoni Sold Edirnespor 2/23/2015 $ 85 000
Avia Tamir Sold edinova deca 9/24/2014 $ 153 000
Jeremy Dustin Pasion Sold Edge Spurs 12/14/2016 $ 170 000
José Javier Argandoña Bought Ebliarmy Souljas 3/21/2016 $ 80 000
Velcho Penev Sold EARTHBOUND IMMORTALS 4/27/2015 $ 83 300
Parla Nermin Bought dunarea oinacu 1/12/2022 $ 100 000
Àngel Josep Salamanca Bought Dugave2019 4/12/2020 $ 10 000
Jorge Martí Sold Dresden Lions 7/6/2011 $ 1 008 200
Thierry Jacobitz Sold Dortmund Bucks 1 1/2/2010 $ 156 100
Jérôme Lallement Bought Donkey Squad 2/5/2012 $ 108 400
Slobodan Albijanić Bought Dolhpins 12/19/2013 $ 15 000
Fabià Codol Bought DMoledores 12/7/2012 $ 106 200
Endre Hidasi Bought Dinamo wcülőke 1/7/2009 $ 180 000
Adrián Mihál Bought Destroyerz 6/24/2018 $ 180 000
Ray Burkinshaw Bought Destinu Petrala 10/8/2016 $ 315 000
Minas Papaikonomou Sold Debussys Darts 7/19/2016 $ 212 300
Giuseppe Certosino Bought De Pantera 10/3/2014 $ 5 000
Erlis Kabashi Sold Dark Souls 6/21/2012 $ 194 500
Hugo Francisco Alcubilla Bought Dallas Wings Team 1/20/2011 $ 30 000
Daniel Pérez Bought D.S. killers 3/6/2013 $ 50 000
Renan Tidalgo Sold D.C. Bengals 3/31/2015 $ 156 100
Dávid Kubatov Bought Cunit 3/16/2009 $ 45 000
Stamen Draganov Sold CskHeinz 2/15/2012 $ 6 000
Adrián Príncipe Sold CRF Flamengo 11/12/2015 $ 1 000
Camillo Altarocca Bought Corsairs 8/10/2013 $ 52 100
Argirakis Mpampaliotis Sold Conilaso 1/19/2015 $ 80 000
Janka Magirka Sold con fuego y con valor 4/9/2013 $ 51 000
Vernon Swanson Bought comback 6/2/2012 $ 78 200
Lukas Istace Sold Colombes 2/16/2013 $ 151 000
Daniil Dukachev Sold Club Sportivo Bahiense1F6 6/11/2014 $ 400 000
Arkadiusz Siekiera Sold Cleveland Swagaliers 12/25/2014 $ 90 000
Rafael Arrufat Sold CLAUDIOSAFA 6/22/2009 $ 23 000
Pablo Bajo Sold Ciborro Basket 9/24/2014 $ 160 000
Jorge Fernando Pérez Bought Chicago sur Isere 9/5/2015 $ 318 500
Jeff Menetetter Bought Chicago Starz 4/7/2013 $ 62 300
Pol Folguera Sold Chicago Bulls Brasil 11/10/2014 $ 4 600
Kostas Vrekousis Sold Chelsea Włocławek 4/28/2018 $ 85 000
Hilco Pirnay Sold Chaoses 2/12/2013 $ 200 000
Enrico Pelloni Bought Cercle Quercy Lomagne 1/8/2009 $ 1 000
Janka Magirka Bought CB Traca i mocador7E2 2/26/2013 $ 63 800
Clemence Spivey Sold cb pratE78 1/18/2018 $ 714 000
Agostinho Moura Sold CB Països Catalans 10/19/2009 $ 183 000
Rasmus Gangkofner Sold Carlaxity 9/22/2017 $ 2 550 000
Attila Klemencz Sold Carámbanos 3/9/2015 $ 50 000
Constantino Molina Blanco Sold Carabassó 12/1/2015 $ 520 201
Vladimir Avdienko Sold Carabassó 12/1/2015 $ 88 601
Víctor Guebide Sold Canicas II 11/18/2021 $ 224 800
Pier Ugo Martone Bought Burgau Dragons 7/28/2018 $ 221 400
Zdeněk Mareš Bought Bulllls 9/28/2014 $ 109 900
Feliks Toborowicz Bought BullDawgs69 5/20/2019 $ 250 000
Ysidro Herrera Sold Bulgoty 11/18/2021 $ 636 800
Olaf Wilkanowski Bought Budai Bikák 12/16/2016 $ 600 000
Jason Mac Gabhann Sold BTLL 7/12/2013 $ 102 000
Anatoly Dityatin Sold Broliai Saunuoliai ™ 1/16/2021 $ 51 000
Mariano Biarnés Bought BrisvegasSpurs 6/22/2012 $ 122 400
Swen Vaalma Sold Brisighella Neutron 8/21/2012 $ 140 000
Ernest Coll Bought Braga SuperSonics 6/15/2014 $ 153 000
Margo Karikas Bought Boogie Down Generals 8/14/2021 $ 187 300
Octavio Morinigo Bought bolonijos virtus 7/10/2011 $ 318 500
Frankie Cloud Bought Bluegrass Nationals 7/3/2021 $ 5 000
Attila Klemencz Bought Blue Pandas 1/23/2015 $ 23 000
Niran Ziv Sold BlackStars 6/11/2014 $ 156 100
Gustaw Banaszyk Bought Black Ragra 12/3/2009 $ 80 000
Ricardo Rosa Sold BKP UMB SKP Slavia 6/12/2016 $ 1 200 000
Corrado Mastrototaro Sold BK Slavia Týnec n/L 3/31/2015 $ 150 000
To Wen Qiang Bought BK sever 5 2/16/2013 $ 468 200
Gerard Revenga Sold BK Geilordi 7/23/2016 $ 104 100
Abel Montserrat Bought Bizkaia Team 9/3/2008 $ 102 000
Mario Manasseri Sold bitolamkbc 2/25/2017 $ 102 000
Ricardo Malca Sold Bistrica Bucks 6/24/2013 $ 71 400
Pier Ugo Martone Sold Biancorossi 5/17/2019 $ 1 000
Stamen Draganov Bought Best Five 1/30/2012 $ 11 000
Grgo Ferjanc Bought Bee tsee vee tsee 5/17/2016 $ 153 000
Juan Ignacio Delcarte Bought Bé e e 2/24/2018 $ 13 000
Veljko Baković Bought BC-Haudenäbeh 3/6/2017 $ 227 900
Ireneusz Koszycki Sold BC-Haudenäbeh 3/18/2016 $ 120 000
Aldopaolo Nardinocchi Sold Bc unilex 9/22/2012 $ 196 900
Mariano Biarnés Sold BC STRATOVARIUS 01 9/15/2012 $ 212 300
Ákos Petró Bought BC Réveil 10/27/2015 $ 101 600
Antti Nironen Sold BC Puukäed 9/3/2016 $ 204 000
Frédéric Le Mouellic Bought BC Penta Xau 12/15/2015 $ 500 000
Oliver Wilk Sold BC Nokia Networks 12/11/2016 $ 102 000
Henoc Cadena Bought BC Mintis Vilnius 6/11/2014 $ 7 000
Szymon Cierocki Sold BC Michel 3/7/2012 $ 104 200
Toncek Sivec Sold BC Michel 3/7/2012 $ 260 200
Pere Cantarell Sold Bc Kuressaare Tarvas 12/11/2008 $ 3 000
Luis Miguel Caunedo Bought Bc Kukeseen 7/11/2011 $ 180 000
Robert Schweers Bought BC Berlino 1/7/2009 $ 72 900
Marcos Batista Plantier Sold BC Astra 12/20/2019 $ 1 500 000
Pascual Sena Sold BC aligators 7/5/2015 $ 169 069
Sigis Uleris Bought BC Albatrosai 9/3/2008 $ 10 000
Laimonas Ektis Bought BC "Rokynė" 12/9/2016 $ 191 100
Michael Samson Bought BBC Meutsel 9/19/2020 $ 130 000
Farhad Haddadi Sold bbc ballerz 8/24/2014 $ 86 500
Víctor Guebide Bought Basket Rebels 6/26/2019 $ 120 000
Tony Franklin Sold Baseliners9E5 4/9/2017 $ 757 800
Waldemar Silva Sold BARON ROJO 7/18/2018 $ 124 900
Ramón Martínez Bought banqueros 8/2/2013 $ 3 000
Luigi Monni Sold Balkanski 11/15/2019 $ 81 600
Florian Kirschfink Sold Balkanski 2/19/2013 $ 108 400
Stojan Šimek Bought Bahamas Moneygrubers 9/22/2017 $ 61 200
Lúcio Regedor Sold Aveleda Devils 2/10/2012 $ 70 000
Anatoly Dityatin Bought Aurora BC 12/19/2020 $ 50 000
Pedro Plaza Sold AToTheD 12/11/2016 $ 264 800
Andrea Negroni Bought assalto frontale 3/5/2010 $ 109 200
Claudi Bauzà Sold ASOC.ATLETICA ARGENTINOS JUNIORS 2/8/2012 $ 30 000
José Sala Sold ASBrestBasket 3/29/2009 $ 3 000
Mihail Minkov Sold As Milano 10/23/2016 $ 150 000
Rasmus Gangkofner Bought Armurs Team 10/24/2015 $ 12 000
Zdravko Budanović Bought Arctic Highlanders 6/20/2016 $ 907 800
John Adam Sold Anwil squad 2/9/2018 $ 275 000
Claudio Sciarabba Sold Angels Dragons of Tammabuku2B8 12/2/2012 $ 112 200
Matteo Emmanuele Sold angeles lakers 2.0 12/2/2012 $ 85 000
Olaf Wilkanowski Sold All-Stars Lakers 2/22/2017 $ 468 200
Alessandro Beretta Bought ALiEn SpaceChimps 9/3/2008 $ 30 000
Kalmer Raun Bought Alice In Chains 1/8/2009 $ 71 400
Constantino Molina Blanco Bought Aliança Futebol Clube de Gandra 9/4/2015 $ 550 000
Ruslan Galitsky Bought Alfacinhas 4/10/2015 $ 102 600
Guntademaro Celayanda Sold Alfa One 10/27/2018 $ 100 000
Miguel Velloso Bought Alcatel 3/2/2016 $ 6 000
Ysidro Herrera Bought Alameda Ring 10/12/2019 $ 550 000
Chen Segal Bought Akelarre 9/20/2011 $ 32 000
Valentim Farol Bought AH Bombers 1/14/2013 $ 180 000
Andrej Španjić Bought AG Veka 9/27/2012 $ 599 999
Igor Boa Morte Bought aequipa 12/22/2019 $ 80 000
Janis Veikšans Sold Abbeddi gatti 9/21/2012 $ 183 300
Jans Ytsma Bought a croissant 8/3/2013 $ 86 800
Jean-Philippe Manges Sold 19Ž44 1/9/2018 $ 459 000
Sergi Mercader Sold 1924 Astoria Bydgoszcz 2/15/2012 $ 153 000
Olivier Delapierre Bought 05,08.1995 10/30/2015 $ 72 100
Minas Papaikonomou Bought ✭ Cowboys Nation ✭ 5/21/2016 $ 54 300
Horst Liebhart Bought _FK CRVENA ZVEZDA_ 1/17/2018 $ 480 000
Javier Palacios Sold 🏀 BC Viiratsi 🏀 11/1/2009 $ 500 000
Total Sales: $ 61 985 627
Total Purchases: $ 49 879 561
Transfer Balance: $ 12 106 066