List of Transfers
Player To/From Date Price
Paulo Tenente Sold 阿九 3/2/2012 $ 22 000
Luis Bendala Galán Sold 逆天队 12/22/2010 $ 1 000
Lin Xiankun Bought 江西豆瓣酱 9/6/2015 $ 1 000
Curt Halkeff Bought Veterani 4/4/2008 $ 1 000
Florentino Pérez Ruiz Sold Vásárosnaményi Verebek 4/20/2009 $ 5 000
Vincentis Dževerakas Bought Utah Coffee 3/7/2013 $ 5 000
Apolinario Piñoi Sold tyttöt 9/10/2010 $ 2 000
Andrea Paniccia Sold tyto dublerei 9/9/2012 $ 500 000
Syçel Thaqi Bought Trabzonspor MP 3/24/2013 $ 49 000
Pier Carlo Stefanutti Bought Toads Squibbolo 1/6/2014 $ 61 500
Jérémy Gernigon Bought The Rookie 12/25/2010 $ 2 000
Francisco Blanch Sold The New Saints 12/23/2010 $ 1 531 600
Julián Guirao Bought Tekkens 8/20/2008 $ 1 000
Balbino Uía Sold Techasas :D 10/24/2009 $ 561 000
Dien Nguyên Bought Tampa Magic 3/15/2013 $ 6 000
Pedro Guzmán Bought Tallinnn88 9/26/2012 $ 61 200
Salvador Escabia Sold T.D.R 9/21/2008 $ 25 000
Chema Tirol Sold supku 7/8/2012 $ 343 400
Diego Álvarez Sold Star Traffic 3/29/2009 $ 268 100
Hasan Koldas Bought sQyLaNdB90 4/19/2014 $ 108 400
Marcin Sobesto Bought Snaker P.O. 1/3/2015 $ 450 000
Jordan Vincent Sold Slf Spurs 8/15/2015 $ 1 000
Tolga Segmen Bought SkunkS 7/12/2012 $ 3 000
Anfós Creus Bought SK Telecom T1 8/5/2012 $ 1 539 500
Mike Descamps Bought silver dogs 3/17/2013 $ 63 800
Aliomo Molins Bought SF Team 8/13/2015 $ 70 000
Ding Weikai Bought Senj Guners 5/11/2012 $ 225 500
Ludovic Domin Bought Seattle Sonics 3/17/2013 $ 11 000
Guillem Melchor Sold Scrap Heap Low Posters 7/1/2008 $ 1 000
Chen Xianlei Bought SCQ 9/23/2014 $ 922 190
Chan Peng Heong Sold Scarsons 8/29/2015 $ 106 200
Fernando Gúnuz Sold sballatissimi 7/1/2008 $ 5 000
Jacobus Dorenberg Bought Sarkkis Donk 6/28/2008 $ 75 000
Marc-Antoine Canon Bought Santong Kabayo 11/7/2012 $ 340 000
Kévin Cluzel Bought San Martin Team 1/12/2016 $ 83 300
János Szakács Bought Salgótarjáni Fekete Sasok 3/10/2013 $ 23 000
Carlos Manuel Robles Sánchez Bought Safa Claror 11/27/2008 $ 1 000
Luis Zaldos Sold Reservoir_dogs 12/22/2010 $ 120 000
Mike Larchevèque Sold real madri1 1/5/2012 $ 2 000
Amaranto Krasouski Bought Raleigh Storm 3/10/2013 $ 6 000
Jesús Francisco Paz Ramos Sold Poing Rovers 12/24/2010 $ 300 000
Manolo Guerforat Sold Pixiya Bullies 12/22/2010 $ 18 000
Jean Pierre Wolfshöfer Bought pierniczki toruń 4/18/2013 $ 32 000
Guntmar Kazimir Bought Perkeledes 5/10/2015 $ 26 000
Antonio Javier Acosta Bought Pécs Knicksquad 7/6/2008 $ 1 000
Mitar Aleksandrić Bought Parkwood Panthers 3/11/2013 $ 10 000
Nicola Interdonato Bought Palermitana Canestri 8/13/2015 $ 183 600
Paulo Tenente Bought Os rapazes do basquetebol 12/25/2010 $ 3 000
Daniele Galazzi Bought Omadara1237F2 2/8/2012 $ 416 200
Omar Chiodo Bought Olimpic Team 71 3/12/2013 $ 15 000
Alberto Aquino Sold Old Buccaneers 6/18/2012 $ 1 000
Javier Hereñozu Bought Odesa Canoes 6/19/2012 $ 1 600 000
Uskan Lama Sold Oda Nubinaga 9/9/2012 $ 357 000
Juan Desfrán Sold ninjaspk 8/24/2008 $ 60 000
Ding Weikai Sold Nef Galatasaray 7/15/2012 $ 364 200
Philip Doran Bought Nebulosa del Águila 8/3/2012 $ 789 000
Claudi Clemente Sold NashingBalls66F 5/12/2014 $ 1 000
Jesús Francisco Melgar Sold Nakamurakaralamasha 10/30/2009 $ 16 000
Róbert Jelenovics Bought NakamichiDragons 2/3/2012 $ 524 200
Kévin Cluzel Sold NAG1 2/10/2016 $ 22 000
Juan Marra Sold Mucenici 3/14/2013 $ 1 000
Philip Doran Sold Milky Brothers 8/25/2012 $ 499 000
Bo Paine Bought Metropolis Lions 1/20/2014 $ 100 000
Zahir Bouhanna Bought mero15 2/18/2012 $ 1 000
Kurtzio Aranzeta Sold mauritiusBB 7/8/2008 $ 112 200
Adei Zubiaga Sold Manila Knights44D86D 11/21/2014 $ 2 000
Szymon Balos Bought Mändjala Zertec 8/21/2015 $ 120 000
Sebastian Ogiela Bought LUNATICOS 3/7/2013 $ 30 000
Daniel Jiroušek Sold Lucky Strike 6/10/2016 $ 100 000
Alejandro Viamonte-Navarra Sold Los vencedores C.B. 6/30/2012 $ 124 900
Vicenç Mina Sold Los Bluffardos III 3/14/2013 $ 2 000
Francesc Torrents Bought llamuergas 7/26/2015 $ 100 000
Daniel Jiroušek Bought lívanec borec 4/11/2016 $ 132 600
Carlos Manuel Robles Sánchez Sold LFC FCP 2/6/2009 $ 22 000
Nikos Pouloyiannis Bought Legio XIII 3/7/2013 $ 150 000
Atxart Urkia Sold LC Basquet 6/29/2008 $ 1 000
Sergio Ortuzar Sold Lahoussoye ECB 2/11/2012 $ 357 000
Sylvain Bataille Bought LA kings 12/24/2010 $ 11 000
Francisco Caballa Sold krmryldz 12/9/2014 $ 2 000
Carlos Ezpeleta Sold Koszalin Basket 8/12/2015 $ 208 100
Reinhard Bochsler Bought Komjaunimo Tiesa 2/8/2012 $ 52 100
Felipe Sevilla Sold Kobe Bryand 24 12/23/2010 $ 714 000
Nico Cacace Bought KK SAKALAI 3/20/2013 $ 7 000
Guanarteme Solana Sold KK OMEROVAC73C44870364D 2/10/2014 $ 5 000
Jordan Vincent Bought KK Kec iz rukava 5/17/2015 $ 1 000
Felicio Folcras Sold kk anarh 10/9/2008 $ 10 000
Adrián Villa Sold Kingsoldier 7/14/2014 $ 2 000
Francisco Manuel González Santa Cruz Sold Kentish Towners 4/19/2016 $ 42 900
Raúl Igoa Sold Juanito Caminante 4/7/2008 $ 1 000
Umberto Llaja Bought IronClaw United 3/20/2013 $ 10 000
José Núñez de Lara Sold Iceheigh Penguins 12/21/2008 $ 33 000
Hélder Roseira Bought i rantolosi 5/10/2015 $ 30 000
Danny Graham Bought Honolulu Sharkz 2/8/2012 $ 70 000
Julián Guirao Sold grifone 9/13/2008 $ 40 000
Valentín Ginés Meléndez Bought GoldenWriki 5/17/2015 $ 40 000
Alfons Olazábal Solís Sold Golden State Georgia 2 7/21/2008 $ 3 000
José Alfredo Lotta Bought Golden Horde 3/10/2013 $ 21 000
Paco Linares Sold Godilhos 6/17/2010 $ 400 000
Serapio Eidon Sold gangreniaki 9/16/2015 $ 60 200
Ip Kai Chung Bought Free Agent 7/18/2012 $ 816 000
Uskan Lama Bought Free Agent 2/7/2012 $ 439 200
Txema Inturia Sold F.C.Vigor 2/18/2012 $ 1 000
Jacobus Dorenberg Sold ELEYSINA BC 7/9/2008 $ 150 000
Maurino Poyatos Sold edolselect 5/12/2014 $ 10 000
Xisco Andrade Sold DuskoDusko 1/22/2015 $ 1 000
Ernesto Ginesta Sold Drills 11/8/2010 $ 65 100
Härmo Luks Bought Doubletimers 11/3/2009 $ 5 000
Mitar Aleksandrić Sold Dodor Utd 3/21/2013 $ 6 000
Hans-Günter Pirner Bought Digglers 2/7/2014 $ 51 000
Anfós Creus Sold die360m 8/25/2012 $ 695 800
Oliver Paju Bought Die Jimmys 1/2/2014 $ 21 000
Zviad Begtabegishvili Sold DarkBlues 11/11/2015 $ 104 100
Mike Larchevèque Bought csp17 12/25/2010 $ 4 000
Raúl Soto Carvajal Sold Cospeito Knicks 1/23/2014 $ 2 000
Fernando Ibiaga Bought Comiteam 12/25/2010 $ 2 000
Alejandro Viamonte-Navarra Bought Comiteam 12/25/2010 $ 3 000
Marcin Sobesto Sold City of England 1/18/2015 $ 250 000
Manuel Hess Araya Sold Choupi Titans 4/8/2014 $ 3 000
Jesús Benavent Sold chorale suns 8/13/2008 $ 12 000
Adrián Zurita Sold Chetados 5/7/2014 $ 1 000
Casimiro Zanasi Bought Cavs in casciagoF9F 9/14/2012 $ 500 000
Dawid Racis Bought CarroufHoudemont 3/7/2013 $ 60 000
Manuel Silos Sold Calsberg 9/10/2010 $ 7 000
Zahir Bouhanna Sold Caja Laborall 6/28/2012 $ 52 100
Antonio Luis Castellbell Sold cacao azul 6/17/2010 $ 510 000
Tage Kanstrup Bought Buszki 7/5/2008 $ 1 000
Francisco Xirondo Sold Burj Dubai Team 11/28/2008 $ 8 000
Reinhard Bochsler Sold BU Terriers 5/14/2012 $ 190 000
Rafael Palacios Sold Botko GSB 2/14/2012 $ 30 000
Daniele Galazzi Sold Booomers479 6/26/2012 $ 400 000
Manuel Galian Sold Boavista BC 7/13/2012 $ 26 000
Francesc Castellà Sold black nightmare 3/29/2009 $ 500 000
Manuel Aceña Sold big tatty bangers 12/23/2010 $ 1 000
Xaime Cruxeira Sold Belize Monsters 9/13/2008 $ 55 555
Narcís Abellán Sold Békés KC 3/12/2009 $ 50 000
Felicio Folcras Bought BeerHunters 8/21/2008 $ 3 000
Bartug Kemal Yamaç Bought Beaux blancs193 3/7/2013 $ 46 000
Abel Mayor Grandes Sold BCN BASKETBALL CUP 4/7/2008 $ 1 000
Andrea Paniccia Bought BC Kauno Kaunas 7/11/2012 $ 357 000
Dawid Racis Sold BC Allegre 3/18/2013 $ 6 000
Francesc Castellà Bought Basket Leonessa 11/17/2008 $ 497 800
Julio Ricardo Vacca Bought Balus Riesen 3/30/2009 $ 1 050 000
Luis Sánchez Saviñón Sold Anwil Broniszew 5/21/2009 $ 159 300
Zviad Begtabegishvili Bought ani javaxi 8/29/2015 $ 108 400
Chan Peng Heong Bought Allen Warriors 8/11/2015 $ 100 000
Darío Vandelvira Sold adirzohar 12/22/2010 $ 4 000
Fernando Rodríguez Sold a.s.kolbe 12/23/2010 $ 163 200
Julio Ricardo Vacca Sold 9453 12/23/2010 $ 125 700
Total Sales: $ 10 965 655
Total Purchases: $ 12 649 490
Transfer Balance: $ -1 683 835