List of Transfers
Player To/From Date Price
Doug Ponce Bought "Cahokia Comanches" 8/6/2014 $ 500 000
Stéphane Malécot Bought _DT_ 7/14/2010 $ 6 000
Jérôme Delbosc Bought ACD Ferragudo 4/1/2011 $ 382 600
Hernâni Albergaria Bought Agrelense 6/15/2012 $ 4 000
Stephan Canac Sold Americann Team 6/24/2013 $ 53 200
Martí Pérez Bought Anatolian Stallions 9/20/2012 $ 116 800
Bastien Queste Sold Andrajosos 7/18/2015 $ 60 000
Ciro Cardillo Bought Angels Santarcangelo 7/14/2010 $ 1 000
Tero Enberg Sold Antarctica Chilena 11/14/2011 $ 9 000
Nicolas Veyret Sold Armurs Team 7/27/2014 $ 1 000
Kemel Kabdigali Bought ARSENAL@HK@NT 11/4/2011 $ 600 000
Osvaldo Blanco Sold Atletico Kama 8/13/2011 $ 1 000 000
Christophe Saint-Martin Sold Aveiro 76s 6/13/2010 $ 95 000
Pierre Bucaille Sold baraka 12/4/2012 $ 1 000
Aušrys Treigis Bought Barcelona Magic 2/20/2012 $ 1 063 200
Dalibor Vlaović Sold Basket CAI Zaragoza 2002 6/13/2012 $ 153 000
Anthony Delattre Sold BC Albertirsa 7/9/2015 $ 115 200
Garikas Ulis Bought BC Gazuotas Pienas 6/15/2012 $ 1 000
Raitis Draudinš Sold Bc Zalia ruta 2/3/2011 $ 400 000
Dudi Shamai Bought BK - Považská Bystrica 10/5/2010 $ 350 000
Daniele Properzi Sold Black&White Rebels 9/21/2014 $ 75 000
Raitis Draudinš Bought Blava Sedlaci 12/9/2010 $ 408 000
Bulut Dibirhajiev Sold Bostonezoi 9/8/2014 $ 110 000
Damien Gendreau Sold Brooklyn Sound 4/4/2011 $ 156 100
Sébastien Imache Bought CanteraBC 11/29/2012 $ 60 000
Quentin Tharreau Sold CelticsCat 5/20/2012 $ 115 200
Feike Nieuwenweg Sold CERSANIT KIELCE 2010 4/23/2011 $ 306 000
Luc Germain Bought Club Atlético de Doñana 4/7/2010 $ 100 000
Jacques Thévenard Sold Daemons 7/30/2014 $ 612 000
Alfredo Calis Bought Dagobah Mudskippers 4/30/2010 $ 22 000
Agustín Avendaño Bought DARK BLUE THUNDERS 2/17/2014 $ 300 000
John Herbert Bought Davis Blue Devils 4/15/2010 $ 93 700
To Wai Ming Bought DG98 8/1/2014 $ 57 500
Joško Ster Sold DRAGONES MADRID 3/18/2013 $ 500 000
Richard Bedel Sold Equipe de Stan 5/24/2012 $ 1 000
Bulut Dibirhajiev Bought eTraders 8/1/2014 $ 95 000
Daniele Properzi Bought eTraders 8/1/2014 $ 75 000
Celso Pequeno Sold Fagiana in Etruria 12/27/2013 $ 450 000
Eugenio Ferreri Bought Fagiana in Etruria 8/4/2010 $ 2 000
Hans Wolfgang Rado Bought FC Luca 04 7/18/2010 $ 1 000
Boštjan Acko Sold FCBmésThunder 4/29/2010 $ 33 000
Zoroastro Barros Faria Bought Flying Dreams 7/21/2014 $ 100 000
Celso Pequeno Bought Free Agent 8/28/2013 $ 417 600
Osvaldo Blanco Bought Free Agent 8/3/2011 $ 527 000
Samuel Kermarrec Sold FTD红魔 1/25/2015 $ 18 200
Maxime Charlier Sold Grominaguer Boys 7/30/2011 $ 204 000
Damian Sztorc Bought gross 2/20/2012 $ 5 000
Daniel Casado Sold Haista Gäng 7/11/2011 $ 816 000
Dudi Shamai Sold HKK TOMISLAV Tomislavgrad 12/9/2011 $ 397 200
Beau Hoff Bought Hobbit-Gang 6/9/2012 $ 1 000
Kévin Lambert Sold Jerusalem Lions 12/28/2010 $ 50 000
Aviad Mashiach Sold Jokerssss 6/30/2010 $ 51 000
Kemel Kabdigali Sold Kapital B.C. 7/27/2014 $ 780 400
Aušrys Treigis Sold KK Mordor 3/18/2013 $ 488 000
Konrad Kwapniewski Sold La Oca Loca 5/24/2011 $ 520 200
Rick Bryant Bought Lainate Beach 1/7/2015 $ 900 000
Tung Kwang Chi Sold LakersXClippers 11/1/2012 $ 300 000
Ahmet Aksoy Sold Lawler Ballers 11/14/2011 $ 100 000
John Herbert Sold Legaia 10/10/2010 $ 100 000
Steeve Ponsart Sold LesFrançais! ;) 2/17/2012 $ 2 000 000
Bruno Juteau Sold Lima Spartans 6/27/2010 $ 1 000
Alfredo Calis Sold LittlePeenJean 7/4/2010 $ 150 000
Christophe Marais Sold Ljubljana-pingvini-the Best 11/14/2011 $ 2 000
Davy Le Gac Sold LLAMPA 7/8/2014 $ 145 700
Luc Germain Sold llucmabasket 7/21/2010 $ 510 000
Joško Ster Bought Magicy Słupsk 12/8/2012 $ 459 000
Martí Pérez Sold main event 10/5/2012 $ 183 300
Dalibor Vlaović Bought Man of Steel 5/17/2012 $ 1 000
Alexandre Auguin Sold Manticores 5/20/2012 $ 6 000
Hernâni Albergaria Sold Michigan Panthers 1/4/2015 $ 1 000
Gerry Guiang Bought National University BARAKO BULLdogs 8/8/2012 $ 2 000
Ciro Cardillo Sold New York Nick 92 7/20/2010 $ 2 000
Konrad Kwapniewski Bought NovaVirtus A 5/13/2011 $ 344 900
Borko Radujko Bought Novi Travnik 11/30/2012 $ 50 000
Maxime Müller Sold one winners 8/24/2012 $ 1 000
Valentin Fontaine Sold Orlando Magics B.C .E 7/13/2010 $ 3 000
Thomas Moreau Sold OVERDOSE B.C 7/27/2014 $ 1 000
Umberto Regueiro Bought P Gorda 4/13/2010 $ 5 000
Olgierd Mońko Bought P.D. Team 7/7/2010 $ 205 500
Tero Enberg Bought PaaPoo 11/4/2011 $ 2 000
Feike Nieuwenweg Bought Paletstars Alkmaar 7/18/2010 $ 59 800
Richard Rosas Bought Palm Angels 6/10/2010 $ 10 000
She Chaode Sold PARIS BASKET 4/18/2014 $ 292 500
Olgierd Mońko Sold Polonia Vidi Vici Trzebinia 12/28/2010 $ 240 000
Dominique Buisson Sold Pulcetinos Team 4/6/2011 $ 1 000
Gaspard Sicard Sold Rechalaos Basket 6/29/2010 $ 2 000
Grégory Jeanblanc Sold Rondônia Knights Basketball 2/13/2012 $ 150 000
Tarkan Kirdar Bought Rusky Club 8/8/2012 $ 2 000
Axel Berchel Sold Ryonan Koukou 11/17/2011 $ 1 000
Aviad Mashiach Bought S.S.B.NAPOLI 6/10/2010 $ 204 000
Umberto Regueiro Sold Salvador Builders 10/8/2012 $ 125 000
Sotiris Doukatelis Sold San Antonio Pus 1/8/2014 $ 305 900
Stéphane Malécot Sold SELGT 2 7/23/2010 $ 1 000
Samy Simoneau Sold Senzimarianestaremanenti 4/6/2011 $ 3 000
Sotiris Doukatelis Bought Siauliu Rytas 6/9/2013 $ 400 000
Wienand Clarys Sold SLA 10/24/2010 $ 30 000
Mark Parish Bought Snake River Panthers 11/29/2012 $ 11 000
Cédric Clément Sold Stmaxteam 1/4/2011 $ 11 000
Tung Kwang Chi Bought Superstar63 9/20/2012 $ 200 000
Szymon Cękała Bought Tata Ciy 8/2/2010 $ 312 200
Damien Gendreau Bought TeamBliiini 4/26/2010 $ 50 000
Bruno Juteau Bought teamUSC 6/10/2010 $ 10 000
Daniel Casado Bought Tenerife Panthers 6/9/2011 $ 492 000
Fabien Blangy Sold The Black Layon 6/24/2013 $ 728 300
She Chaode Bought the buz 6/26/2013 $ 215 000
Wienand Clarys Bought The Donkies 10/11/2010 $ 1 000
Zoroastro Barros Faria Sold The Governance of Ace 7/30/2014 $ 500 000
To Wai Ming Sold The Reel FC 9/28/2014 $ 50 000
Frédéric Barrois Sold the tourists 7/9/2010 $ 1 000
Boštjan Acko Bought tomspurs 4/7/2010 $ 10 000
Tarkan Kirdar Sold tripel karmeliet 8/20/2012 $ 1 000
Noah Grosen Bought Tupiniquins 5/1/2015 $ 53 200
Kevin Schredt Bought United-Ballers 11/30/2012 $ 20 000
Ahmet Aksoy Bought Univerzitet Fest 4/7/2010 $ 102 000
Christophe Marais Bought Verts de Limoges 11/4/2011 $ 90 000
Sébastien Imache Sold zastal35 3/10/2013 $ 288 888
Frédéric Barrois Bought zboub team 7/1/2010 $ 1 000
Nicolas Pronost Sold Zeichenwolle 2/23/2012 $ 255 000
Jérôme Delbosc Sold Zwölf 7/8/2014 $ 400 000
Jean-Baptiste Besnault Sold 卡呆秃跑 3/7/2013 $ 2 000
Sima Anhai Bought 天主孝子法兰鸡,平独镇露大玻璃;精罗落泪败仗廷,第三罗马俄罗西。 3/21/2013 $ 793 400
Garikas Ulis Sold 挚爱麦小迪 6/28/2012 $ 12 000
Sima Anhai Sold 梦会飞 9/11/2013 $ 500 000
Stéphane Laude Sold 熱火123 6/29/2010 $ 6 000
Szymon Cękała Sold 闪电白猫A37DC4AA5 9/12/2012 $ 250 000
Guillaume Lecocq Sold 鬼影重重 10/14/2010 $ 2 000
Total Sales: $ 15 235 288
Total Purchases: $ 10 295 400
Transfer Balance: $ 4 939 888