List of Transfers
Player To/From Date Price
Arnout Dubuisson Bought A.S. Virreyes 4/29/2011 $ 41 000
Fortunatas Lapkovskis Bought Adamssu 5/25/2012 $ 1 000
Colby Terrado Sold Adana Anadolu Lisesi 6/3/2012 $ 75 000
Wong Woon Wee Bought Aspense 6/16/2012 $ 31 000
Sebastian Zadworna Sold Bableba Team 6/9/2012 $ 15 000
Otto Kasten Bought BC Kursenu "Kristalas" 3/18/2009 $ 3 000
Meidad Kafri Sold BC WildBoars 6/8/2012 $ 15 000
Sakis Trichidis Bought big one 6/9/2012 $ 6 000
Avichay Sela Sold BigFishTree 12/11/2012 $ 20 000
Chris Bergmann Bought BK Zlechov 3/9/2009 $ 2 000
Ramaz Chkhartishvili Bought Boston Team 5/27/2012 $ 120 000
Ramunis Areškevicius Bought bydlo 3/6/2009 $ 2 000
Francisco Beron Bought Campeón del Siglo XX 8/28/2012 $ 7 000
Damien Merle Sold Castello Stars 9/17/2012 $ 24 000
Annunziato Ambrosini Bought CATANIA.S.ME85 3/6/2009 $ 2 000
Wieslaw Pieczkowski Bought chocolatedodges 4/24/2011 $ 91 800
Wolframm Filter Bought cj 5/28/2012 $ 30 000
Michał Staniek Bought Corrito Olsztyn 3/6/2009 $ 50 000
Elram Vana Sold Crowned Stags 5/25/2010 $ 225 000
Dragos Rãdescu Bought Css Medias 6/22/2012 $ 10 000
Severinas Pažus Bought CUBS5 8/13/2012 $ 261 700
Kwok Jen Chen Bought D7689 7/13/2012 $ 12 345
Yudo Tagor Bought EL VERDI 5/25/2012 $ 11 000
Almog Gelberg Sold Es Latinkings des Carboner 5/30/2010 $ 20 000
Liberto Muñoz Sánchez Sold Fernando Madureiras 12/10/2010 $ 130 000
Joaquín Mayorga Bought Filthy Fives 5/26/2012 $ 52 100
Andrea Mongelli Sold flofloA04 7/16/2012 $ 21 000
Jan Viñallón Bought Fot Molt Fred 6/14/2012 $ 2 000
Ernest Matulja Bought Fuzja Bydgoszcz 9/14/2012 $ 229 600
Ho Yizhu Bought GigantenKC 5/28/2010 $ 433 100
Oren Galam Bought GolanGutt 5/28/2011 $ 369 000
Yiannis Pardalakis Bought Große Jungs 7/20/2009 $ 190 000
Sagi Tshuva Sold Hay-den 4/29/2010 $ 1 000
Liberto Muñoz Sánchez Bought Hinsum 8/23/2009 $ 330 000
Dragos Rãdescu Sold Houdeng Donkeys 7/9/2012 $ 20 000
Vicenç Serra Bought joven Link 5/26/2012 $ 7 000
Jan Viñallón Sold Kāmji 6/26/2012 $ 9 000
Teiv Mae Bought KK Aardla Angerjad 5/28/2012 $ 18 000
Damien Merle Bought KK APATIN 6/1/2012 $ 15 000
Mirko Lovrenčak Bought KK Liv Postojna 3/6/2009 $ 2 000
Thanos Stavrakakis Bought KK Partizan NIS 8/11/2012 $ 30 000
Emilian Rabiega Bought KKS Rybnik 5/25/2012 $ 1 000
Tom Goldwasser Sold L.A.DVIR 8/27/2012 $ 15 000
Vicenç Serra Sold L.A.DVIR 8/17/2012 $ 20 000
Daniel Avidar Sold L.A.DVIR 6/23/2012 $ 15 000
Veikko Ohvritall Bought LA warriors 2/22/2008 $ 200 000
Ho Yizhu Sold Liceo 23 Basquet 2/8/2011 $ 255 000
Andrea Mongelli Bought Linkenheimer Linkers 5/28/2012 $ 3 000
Jesús Días de Arcaya Bought Maccabi de CAGAR 6/14/2012 $ 5 000
Aviv Fishenzon Sold mapoorio cantù 6/22/2010 $ 2 000
Salah Mousa Rais Sold MEGA LEKS BASKET 5/31/2012 $ 25 000
Sakis Trichidis Sold MLPTM 7/30/2012 $ 80 000
Ilya Nikodimov Bought NikoArchons 5/25/2012 $ 1 000
Radosław Grzejszczak Sold Olympiakos Ellhnikou 6/15/2012 $ 33 000
Matej Franin Bought OPS Milan 6/5/2012 $ 50 000
Reuven Ganot Sold paquetes team 2/23/2010 $ 21 000
Chase Atwood Sold paros souvlaki 6/10/2010 $ 500 000
Sebastian Zadworna Bought pijos tramposos 5/27/2012 $ 5 000
Stefano Masiello Bought Preta 8/11/2012 $ 76 000
Vacib Salci Bought PROMESAS 4/24/2011 $ 50 000
Ronen Merimi Bought Ravid B.C 8/29/2012 $ 3 000
Aldonis Ešmanis Sold Real Ariqumes 2/8/2011 $ 216 600
Thanos Stavrakakis Sold RealMadrid C.B 9/4/2012 $ 5 000
Aldonis Ešmanis Bought Ron Negrita Joventut 3/31/2010 $ 219 400
Radosław Grzejszczak Bought ROW Rybnik 5/28/2012 $ 5 000
Francisco Beron Sold Semper Fidelis 9/7/2012 $ 33 000
Yudo Tagor Sold Slayers 8/29/2012 $ 26 000
Colby Terrado Bought Spinardi Sharks 5/26/2012 $ 31 000
Ercüment Özercan Sold St. Louis Lizards 8/17/2012 $ 20 000
Miguel Silva Bought stiltons 2/2/2012 $ 135 000
Gabi Nerlien Sold stiltons 1/27/2012 $ 20 000
Salva Corte Bought stiltons 1/20/2012 $ 100 100
Nelutã Costache Bought stiltons 1/17/2012 $ 50 000
Conrad Meynell Bought stiltons 1/16/2012 $ 250 000
Yiannis Pardalakis Sold team mekel 7/23/2009 $ 306 700
Andrew Wiles Bought The blue lion 4/26/2011 $ 64 100
Wolframm Filter Sold the winners 7/2/2012 $ 52 100
Santrino De Vitis Bought Tour de Forst 2/22/2008 $ 261 500
Edvintas Tarasevicius Bought TVB Treviso 2019 4/26/2011 $ 20 000
Carlo Angius Bought Unieuro Forlì 5/25/2012 $ 10 000
Dante Sanavio Bought VidiMacci Latina 2/23/2008 $ 335 900
Kwok Jen Chen Sold VolleyTiger 7/23/2012 $ 10 000
Meidan Noam Bought Winterthur Lions BC 4/23/2011 $ 172 600
Avraham Shefer Sold Xalki 1/20/2012 $ 3 500
Eliyahu Malka Sold ŽILINA THUNDER 1/20/2012 $ 5 000
Vladimir Pozharov Sold ZTE kc 6/1/2010 $ 50 000
Ercüment Özercan Bought Zugló Orcas 7/13/2012 $ 7 000
Shimshon Aharon Sold הזיווים 10/23/2010 $ 200 000
Urban Dišek Bought 半邊橙 5/26/2012 $ 80 000
Total Sales: $ 2 488 900
Total Purchases: $ 4 495 245
Transfer Balance: $ -2 006 345