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BB Global (English) > Prevalence of Injuries in BB

Prevalence of Injuries in BB

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From: MrJ

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324478.3 in reply to 324478.2
Date: 7/9/2024 10:34:46 PM
Swan River Serpents
Overall Posts Rated:
Second Team:
Westopian Tigers
Hey there and welcome back!

No changes have been made to force more injuries in BB. Sounds like you might be getting unlucky, although a minimum-level doctor also does not help.

If anything injuries have been reduced some in length depending on when you are returning from. There used to be looooong injuries of roughly 7 weeks, now you never see any longer than 3ish weeks.


Yeah, the long injuries are what I recall.

Thanks for the response. Looks like I've been a little unlucky. Probably should get a Doctor too. lol

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