Good point mate, we'll see when we get there. But in a way, it's similar to what people were saying when I was young and was playing shooters on pc :-D ... "you'll become a killer, it's bad for normal development of children". Yet I'm ok, I'd say many of us are.
To the topic of forum post... this won't be easy to develop. I'll focus on articles about matches since it's cheaper ai of the two mentioned.
This feature right now is all about the money. You can't use existing chat bots for articles like this. It's simply too expensive to do for so many matches being played. So you'd have to develop your own. If we look past gramatic and news style of writing, it's not easy to do.
For chatbot like this to work properly, they'd need to train it on real articles from NBA/euroliga focused sports news. Which allready significantly limits knowledge base for ai.
Datawise, we're still talking about TBs of articles that would have to be processed while written text is probably one of the slowest to process for ai and learn from.
So they'd need pretty expensive servers to do this kind of feature or it would suck and would be decomissioned after couple of seasons.
The fifa manager one you're mentioning wasn't really an AI. It was basically set of predefined texts which were taped together with some logic behind it, depending on how the match went.
It works for this kind of game, because you're the only one reading them so you can't compare. If we had this feature copied to BB you'd soon see repetition and it would suck also.
So they need generative ai and thats just too expensive for this kind of payment plan / donation game