Are you sure?
Bleachers: 249 in 6 days, 499 in 7 days, 999 in 9 days, 1999 in 13 days. 1 more day for 250 seat extra.
Lower Tier: 166 in 6 days, 333 in 7 days, 666 in 9 days, etc. 1 more day for 166 seat extra.
Courtside Seats: 99 in 6 days... 1 more day for 100 seat extra.
Luxury Boxes: 48 in 6 days
I did. not double check this, but I am fine with being wrong, but following stays:
I recommend to expand it in some smaller steps:
1. you will get a better feeling for pricing and attendance of the larger arena
2. the are no fixied fees for each step of expansion
3. the more seats you add, the longer it takes … you can sell the new seats earlier and earn money
Do not expand to more than 21.000 seats in total (I would rather go for 18-20000).
Faktor 3-2,5 / 1 / 500 / 50
(Bleachers 3-2,5 : 1 Lower Tier)
With the data I have, the construction budget, it would take longer to build 1000+1000 seats (20 days) than to build 2000 at once (14 days). Unless the builder is scamming me, which I highly doubt given their reputation for meeting deadlines and budgets.
From my professional experience (being a construction project manager for about 22 years now) they never will
Last edited by LA-flaterik123 at 7/27/2024 11:49:21 AM
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