Cue: opening montage shows teams coming thru the tunnel and out of the sideline huddle, of staredowns and of throwing one down.
Announcer: and now we move into inter conference play. In most seasons of recent memory this has been big blues domain, where it leads this season will play out over the next few weeks. We open the festivities with club red hosting honors
Masters looks to Garner a win over the brewskies
The kitties look to claw past the generals
Surprise Hayward looks to get the handle over the befuddled bunnies
Baconators is looking for the right combo to overcome surprising calimari
Suffolk will try to get out of their tailspin against the revival
Deronimo can hit the strip early with a free lap coming against the rollers
Inc looks to solidify themselves against the overmatched thunder
And the breathers look to have anything but a breather against a banana club slowly coming together
Sybil will have her say, Alfred's angle and Lee's way will set the stage. The transfer ticker as always is all the rage, and we will look at the cup matchups to see who might hang on another week and on whom might need to be ready to turn the page. So no need to feel enraged, just prepare to engage as it's time again for BB2Night!