Rip City Utopia (275986)
Manager: Jbogroff
Country: Utopia
League: IV.48
Rival: FireFlys
World Rank: 7661
Country Rank: 630
BBM Tier: 10
Last Online: 3/24/2025

Second Team:
Rip City Revival
Country: USA
League: III.5
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The Sound and the Implosion
Posted on 8/11/2019

That sound you heard Sunday? Yah, it's real. It's not your imagination. That sound is the implosion of a franchise that was once knocking on the door of promotion, but which now sits on the brink of uncertainty.

In spite of sustained success, and multiple young bigs in their prime; including placement on the Singapore National Team for its franchise player, Rip City Utopia pulled the pin Sunday.

"No risk, no reward," stated owner Jimmy Bogroff. "We'd plateaued with our current group, and it's time to hit a reset. We had to be a bit more introspective on who we actually are. And in that reevaluation process, and with all cards on the table, we learned something. Our core is much younger than what we originally thought. We also realized that this core shouldn't include Tung Hui Guang. Not because he's not the most dominant player we've ever had; he's hands-down our best player, but because we know what type of marketplace that he can command, and that this ultimately helps ...

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