First, the fast pace offense. I prefer this because in my own opinion, it would mean a chance for a fastbreak
Not too many fastbreaks happen in the current Game Engine.
So because of past face offence I would take more quality shots than a slow pace and it would make my current shots have a bigger chance of going in.
It all depends on the strengths and weaknesses of your team, and that of your opponents' team.
While in a slow pace, I have the feeling that they may overpass and kill my advantage in passing. Bcoz I believe in slow pace, they will really not take a good shot in the early shot clock, isn't it?
If there isn't a good shot/there are poor passers on the team, then players may overpass. On the other hand, if there is decent passing at all positions, then the offensive flow is better, and more quality shots are taken.
Sometimes in slow paced offenses, shots are taken early or in the middle of the shot clock. The ball isn't always passed around and dribbled until the clock starts running down. Like I said earlier, it depends on the strengths and weaknesses of your opponent.