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What is a Home-Grown Team? EXPLAINED

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From: 655321

To: MrJ
This Post:
326328.6 in reply to 326328.5
Date: 1/9/2025 11:39:19 AM
Clockwork Oranges
Overall Posts Rated:
OK, thanks.

This Post:
326328.7 in reply to 326328.4
Date: 1/10/2025 4:29:14 AM
Overall Posts Rated:
Second Team:
Rajdersi II
maybe more experienced HG managers can tell details regarding revenue.

I can tell you my Homegrown & Locals for 1st and 2nd team:

1st team divII Poland 11 HG players out of 13:
Homegrown & Locals=35 458$ (HG salaries >300k, non HG salaries ~172k)

2nd team divIII Utopia 10 HG players out of 12"
Homegrown & Locals=24 343$ (HG salaries ~285k, non HG salaries ~67k)

Having allstar player can bring +10k for most part of season so being partially HG isn't that much overpowered.
I think being fully HG can bring a lot of cash(tickets, jerseys, HG revenue).....

I also purchased two polish guys(~80k&65k salary) last seasons for 1st team for Locals revenue.
It wasn't big difference(than any other country).
So I would never do that again(it was not that easy to found them, depsite Poland being large community with a lot of players).

This Post:
326328.8 in reply to 326328.7
Date: 1/10/2025 5:13:50 AM
Clockwork Oranges
Overall Posts Rated:
In my case ~85k homegrown salary yields 9.6k Homegrown & Locals rev.
You get back 8-11% of the salaries, it seems. Not bad.. more would be better.

From: Hadár
This Post:
326328.9 in reply to 326328.8
Date: 1/10/2025 7:25:06 AM
Svätý Jur Snakers
Overall Posts Rated:
For comparison, a homegrown team in the Top Division:

Breakdown of Merchandise

Merchandise Categories Amount ($)

Team Sales........................$ 52 858
Player Jersey Sales.............$ 77 264
Homegrown & Locals..........$ 84 573
Arena Sponsorships............$ 23 809
Merchandise Store..............$ 23 750

Total Merchandise..............$ 262 254

From: MrJ

This Post:
326328.10 in reply to 326328.9
Date: 1/10/2025 8:51:45 AM
Swan River Serpents
Overall Posts Rated:
Second Team:
Westopian Tigers
For comparison, a homegrown team in the Top Division:

Breakdown of Merchandise

Merchandise Categories Amount ($)

Team Sales........................$ 52 858
Player Jersey Sales.............$ 77 264
Homegrown & Locals..........$ 84 573
Arena Sponsorships............$ 23 809
Merchandise Store..............$ 23 750

Total Merchandise..............$ 262 254

Wow. That is some decent Merch!
Thanks for sharing, Hadar.

Bring back the Fishbowl!
From: Azariah

This Post:
326328.11 in reply to 326328.4
Date: 1/10/2025 11:32:10 AM
Mos Eisley Imperials
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HG & Local merchandise is based on the proportion of your team's salaries from home grown and local player, and is a bonus to your Team Sales base merchandise.

The estimate I've always used (which is close but not exact) is that Local (same nation as your team but not drafted by your team) salaries count 1x and Homegrown salaries count 1.5x in the numerator, and then divide by your team's total salaries to get the HG&L merch scale

So if you have 100k in total salaries
50k from local players
30k from homegrown players
20k from foreign players

Then the factor would be (50k + 30k * 1.5) / (100k) = 0.95.

And if you had 20k Team Sales, then the HG&L merch would be approximately 19k.

I know from actual data with my team that the estimate this comes up with isn't exactly right (it's usually slightly low for my team), but it's a close enough estimate to give you an idea to budget with.

This Post:
326328.12 in reply to 326328.11
Date: 1/10/2025 3:40:11 PM
Locomotive Edinburgh
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I think that you are likely correct but with a possible nuance I have a theory about.

I have a new team that has zero homegrown players, but is all of the home nationality of Scotland. That would mean the above should have my team sales and the homegrown & local merch being the same. Instead homegrown & local is 86% of team sales.

My theory is that the equation for a player starts at 0.8x for Local and 1.2x for Homegrown (or something like that) in their 1st week and then the longer a player stays on your team, the nearer it gets for each player to the 1x and 1.5x you calculate it with.

This would explain why your estimate would be slightly low, plus it makes sense that fans buy a bit more merch for players they know have stuck around and therefore will stick around. I'd be annoyed to buy merch for a player who left the next week and maybe fans in BuzzerBeater have been programmed likewise!

Therefore if my team sales and homegrown/local merch totals start getting proportionally closer in weeks where I haven't bought a player then I will know that I might be on the right track!

From: MrJ

This Post:
326328.13 in reply to 326328.11
Date: 1/10/2025 7:35:29 PM
Swan River Serpents
Overall Posts Rated:
Second Team:
Westopian Tigers
HG & Local merchandise is based on the proportion of your team's salaries from home grown and local player, and is a bonus to your Team Sales base merchandise.

The estimate I've always used (which is close but not exact) is that Local (same nation as your team but not drafted by your team) salaries count 1x and Homegrown salaries count 1.5x in the numerator, and then divide by your team's total salaries to get the HG&L merch scale

So if you have 100k in total salaries
50k from local players
30k from homegrown players
20k from foreign players

Then the factor would be (50k + 30k * 1.5) / (100k) = 0.95.

And if you had 20k Team Sales, then the HG&L merch would be approximately 19k.

I know from actual data with my team that the estimate this comes up with isn't exactly right (it's usually slightly low for my team), but it's a close enough estimate to give you an idea to budget with.

THis is some great info, Azariah. +1

Last edited by MrJ at 1/10/2025 7:35:50 PM

Bring back the Fishbowl!
This Post:
326328.14 in reply to 326328.12
Date: 1/10/2025 9:46:05 PM
Swan River Serpents
Overall Posts Rated:
Second Team:
Westopian Tigers
I think that you are likely correct but with a possible nuance I have a theory about.

I have a new team that has zero homegrown players, but is all of the home nationality of Scotland. That would mean the above should have my team sales and the homegrown & local merch being the same. Instead homegrown & local is 86% of team sales.

My theory is that the equation for a player starts at 0.8x for Local and 1.2x for Homegrown (or something like that) in their 1st week and then the longer a player stays on your team, the nearer it gets for each player to the 1x and 1.5x you calculate it with.

This would explain why your estimate would be slightly low, plus it makes sense that fans buy a bit more merch for players they know have stuck around and therefore will stick around. I'd be annoyed to buy merch for a player who left the next week and maybe fans in BuzzerBeater have been programmed likewise!

Therefore if my team sales and homegrown/local merch totals start getting proportionally closer in weeks where I haven't bought a player then I will know that I might be on the right track!


Bring back the Fishbowl!
This Post:
326328.15 in reply to 326328.11
Date: 1/13/2025 3:32:23 AM
Overall Posts Rated:
Second Team:
Rajdersi II
great post.
I checked it with my numbers and it is perfectly true (all HG minus one foreign 84k)