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From: Trigg
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Date: 2/26/2008 4:11:08 AM
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Hi all,

Im thinking about buying a 31 year old center but only if he can play until 35

Or is it more like hattrick that players over 30 are kinda wasted money due to skilldrops etc?

thx 4 ur help

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17271.2 in reply to 17271.1
Date: 2/26/2008 5:12:57 AM
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my 33 year old center was crowned MVP for my team BY MYSELF. He played the All-Star game and took a big part in winning that game.
He also played a key role in winning the play-offs last season.

Now he is 34 and still performs realy well. I'm not sure if you can view his stats, but I think you can, so have a look at my roster and check out his performance (No 99 jersey).
In the meantime I have a few players that should be better according to their skills, but still I'm not afraid to put my 34 year old in important games.
Because of the fact I have a few better I tried to sell him, but due to the fact he performs so well and I can also use him in the PF and even SF positions, I ask much money and nobody bought him so far. I won't let him go cheap however since he is realy valuable in my team!!

as of now he didn't drop in any skill yet.

1 more important remark however: you won't get much money from him once you want to replace him at 35, if any at all, so the money you spend will be consumed by the time he becomes unusefull, but hey, you did get his performance instead.

Hope this helps you get an insight on how much you could or should spend on an older player.

They are not your friends; they dispise you. I am the only one you can count on. Trust me.
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17271.3 in reply to 17271.2
Date: 2/26/2008 10:26:04 AM
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thx for your answer!

Indeed your center performs very well for his age- but he has great experience too which helps him a lot I think!

I'm trying to get the right mix between young trainees and old experienced players but its not that easy :)

From: ned

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17271.4 in reply to 17271.3
Date: 2/26/2008 10:39:05 AM
Freccia Azzurra
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Second Team:
Don't worry, you can keep a good player also over 30 years old. This is mine: (678712), you can't see the skills but you can see how he plays ;)

1990-2022 Stalinorgel -
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17271.5 in reply to 17271.1
Date: 2/27/2008 2:53:59 AM
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last night Haesendonck , again, brought us victory. Best man on the field. ;)

They are not your friends; they dispise you. I am the only one you can count on. Trust me.
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17271.6 in reply to 17271.5
Date: 2/27/2008 5:01:29 AM
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I am curious to know who is the oldest guy so far in the BB world?

I myself also am not afraid to field my seniors and I feel I can use them at least till 33. But maybe more; I will surely try to test it..

yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, but today is a gift. That is why it is called the "present."
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17271.7 in reply to 17271.5
Date: 2/27/2008 6:00:40 AM
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Grats! :)
I plan to buy 2 older guys today too
They've a lot of experience and should play for 2 or 3 seasons aswell :)

I had a short shock in my game because my young SG was injured, but now there isnt any injury displayed on his profile... lucky me...otherwise I had to buy one for that Position too ;)

From: dmonray
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17271.8 in reply to 17271.7
Date: 4/18/2008 12:51:02 AM
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My 33 year old dropped one on his JS this week. Anyone had the same problems?

From: Vikman

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17271.9 in reply to 17271.8
Date: 4/18/2008 1:29:39 AM
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Not really a problem. At that age he would be expected to drop skill.

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17271.10 in reply to 17271.9
Date: 4/18/2008 11:06:36 PM
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You would expect other skills to drop first though wouldn't you? Players slip defensively, or lose their first step hurting their penetration long before they would lose anything off their jumpshot. I know guys in their 60s that shoot the lights out lol.

I'm not trying to complain or anything, just a though that came to me as I read this.

This Post:
17271.11 in reply to 17271.10
Date: 4/21/2008 3:59:05 PM
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If I were implementing it, I would make it dependent on the level of the current skill, the particular skill, and the age of the player.

A player might be able to maintain an inept rebounding ability into his 40's, but not a prominent rebounding ability which might not be maintainable in the late 20s without additional training,

I agree that skills that depend more on physical ability and quickness may deteriorate sooner, such as driving, rebounding, and shot blocking. Others that depend more on experience, such as passing might be maintained longer.

You also need to remember that skills include a fractional component that is not displayed, so that a player might lose 0.9 levels of one skill with no visible drop, and a 0.1 level drop in another skill, and have a visible drop.