All Press Releases

Please use the forums

10/9/2007  24 replies  (5)  

The End of Season 1

7/12/2007  3 replies    

Testing, testing, 1, 2, 3...

4/27/2007  4 replies    

Press Announcements

Please use the forums

It is very difficult for me to reply to the large number of questions I get about the game via BB-mail, especially because some of them are not in English. If you post on the forums, you will get a reply there from one of our wonderful GM's. However, if you BB-mail me, I am now getting so many of them (around 75 in the last day!) that I can no longer answer all of them myself, so you might not get a reply.

Sorry about that!

Edited 10/23/2007 4:54:16 PM by BB-Mark

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By: INA-jusasterr_493
To: BB-Mark
1037.5 as reply to 1037.1
1/16/2008 4:58:40 PM
Check out my bbmail that I sent to you

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By: BNK-molt rapit
To: BB-Mark
1037.6 as reply to 1037.1
3/10/2008 4:11:06 PM

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By: INA-rotonot_807
To: BB-Mark
1037.8 as reply to 1037.1
4/4/2008 12:43:56 PM
אני לא מבין למה יש לי תומך אם לא בקשתי תעזור לי בבעיה

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By: gnfpt
To: BB-Mark
1037.9 as reply to 1037.1
5/11/2008 8:09:12 PM

the Portuguese translation has errors:

"Tu assim pedis-te -- Página para convidar amigos"
where you can read "pedis-te"... well... there is no such word. It's "pediste".

The helpers should be more careful.

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By: INA-frappe2mule_989
To: BB-Mark
1037.11 as reply to 1037.1
6/21/2008 3:58:04 PM
j'ai 2 matchs amicaux programmés le 26/06/08 ?! Je souhaite garder celui avec l'equipe de vénizel.
Merci de me dedouaner.

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By: INA-awimon_786
To: BB-Mark
1037.12 as reply to 1037.1
8/25/2008 2:29:33 AM

Hey. I am Couch Of TeRoRa. (Georgia) I had Some money and when I come today to buzzer in economics There was -159 192 . when I am gathering some money and I have it One Refresh And I am In minus. why? And Then all The Time I am going up to money out of minus And I cant do something in transfers and I cant build arena. And I cant understand why you are refreshing economics? I cant gether money, and the game is losing interest.

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By: BNK-gunther1_450
To: BB-Mark
1037.13 as reply to 1037.1
11/4/2008 5:48:37 PM
we will use the forums!!!

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By: INA-cucuteño_414
To: BB-Mark
1037.15 as reply to 1037.1
2/26/2009 8:19:47 PM
no entiendo mucho el ingles sera q me lo pueden pasar en español me gustaria saber de q consta el comunicado gracias.

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By: INA-M10_948
To: BB-Mark
1037.16 as reply to 1037.1
5/2/2009 11:08:57 AM
BB-Mark check my bb mail only you can solve my problem, thanks ;)

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To: BB-Mark
1037.17 as reply to 1037.1
6/13/2009 12:19:49 PM
hey loco me parece que ese modelo de simulador es muy bueno , se dedbe aplicar para q el juego sea mas realista tocara esperar al partido de all-stars para ver los nuevos cambios . gracias

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By: INA-MatthewBlaze_998
To: BB-Mark
1037.18 as reply to 1037.1
7/24/2009 3:07:04 AM
can i be a translator? i sent a BB-mail to u...

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By: INA-Lanala_680
To: BB-Mark
1037.19 as reply to 1037.1
8/17/2009 4:44:48 AM
My BB-mail don´t question. Only thanks very much for the new web.

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By: INA-黑白_721
To: BB-Mark
1037.20 as reply to 1037.1
11/18/2009 11:49:19 PM
Hi,my username of my team is in chinese.And i want to use the BB-state or BB control.But I found that they don't provide the chinese support.So I can't use my chinese username to login.
I have asked a few GMs, but nobody reply.
So can you help me so that I can change the chinese username.

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By: INA-Tigress_887
To: BB-Mark
1037.21 as reply to 1037.1
1/2/2010 11:33:06 PM
My question can not be discussed on your forum .

Against some rules

Edited 2010/1/2 23:33:19 by HJB

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