Alright, at the moment our world rank is 83 and when I took over it was 95/94. So we've improved there. Like stated when I was elected, improvment will not happen over night but we're getting there. I'm excited about our future and current roster.
I've tried my best at contacting managers to see what their plans are for our U21 Barbados players and if I have not contacted you for some reason hit me up!!! I welcome any new messages!!!
The Roster:
I think today compared to the beginning of season 26 the team is much more organized and player managers are doing much better at training players. The team is improving and after a good draft we have more pieces to build around. The challenge now is to keep training our players each and every week at one posistion. Keeping to it will build really solid players for local teams and the U21/NT's. Local managers like 3peat have moved players to market, John Sawyer
(32423246) , and his new manager
(78791) has plans to train him each and everyweek at guard skills. Based on the message John's new manager seems like he'll do a good job. I hope Deon John gets some training :-) Other young players such as Omar Cunningham
(33323215), Morris Mughan
(33323145) and Garry Waterworth
(31372571) have solid managers that are doing a good job training their boys up each week. Very exciting. This seaons I look forward to the many pops to come.
This Season:
Well, the plans this season will be to win where we can, looking at the schedule we could win two games in the Worlds and we did win one game handedly in the seating. Another goal of this seaons is to get our younger players as much playing time as possible to build their experience.
If you have any questions about player development or anything, send me a message or get involved in the U21 Forums.
-Billy Barbados U21 Manager
I would like to extend a special thanks to Mix
(29042) for being the official unofficial team Special Advisor.