Number of Divisions: 3

Active Teams: 54

Users Online: 1

Complete league list


Points per game: 38.5 by Argiris Mitsinikos
Rebounds per game: 21.5 by Emilio Núñez
Assists per game: 15.6 by Facundo Márquez
Blocks per game: 3.2 by Carlos Alboretto

Best Performances:

Points: 89 by Darrin Krebs
Rebounds: 44 by  Francisco Augusto
Assists: 31 by Santiago Matute
Blocks: 13 by Víctor Luque

National Forum Sneak Peek:

[ADS] Anuncios de Ventas (138)

National Team:

Team Page
Election Central


Manager Rating:


Junior National Team:

Team Page
Election Central

Manager:Roy DVP

Manager Rating:

Top League Wins per Season
# Team WPS Season
1 Harley Davidson 19.63 30
2 Naughty Girl 18.45 11
3 Lakers Mx 16.67 9
4 Duke c.C 16.5 42
5 Leones negros 16.33 12
6 -Los Spurs- 15.93 15
7 Phoenix Suns V2 15.7 10
8 Smoking heads 15 6
9 isla mujeres 14.88 24
10 Soles de Mexicali 14.81 27
11 MarkBass 14.78 9
12 Cobras Kraitt 14.71 14
13 The Killerballs 13.8 10
14 Aztecs Sharks 13.67 30
15 Rock Rockets Star 13.6 5
16 LakersCDMX 13.53 17
17 Beer Team Tuxtla 13.23 13
18 Venados 13 17
19 Culiacan Pink Bulls 12.62 26
20 Tapatio 12.2 15
21 Dodgers Team 12.16 19
22 Rappers 17 11.85 13
23 PHX - Phoenix Suns 11.81 21
24 OKCCMDX 11.69 13
25 tiburcio 11.63 8
26 Los bala fria 11.33 6
27 Los diablos rojos 10.9 10
28 Patos Uam 10.75 8
29 Wezuros de Carmen 10.73 15
30 C.B SKALDA 10.6 15
31 Antimasys 10.55 31
32 Cuervos CF 10.44 16
33 Saviors - The Dunking Dead 10.35 20
34 Xalapa Tropics 10.29 14
35 feravilagodi74 10.1 10
36 CHATARREROS 10.07 14
37 UAM patos 10.07 15
38 Los Kung Fu Pulgas 10 6
39 Hyper-parasitoides 9.87 23
40 Tartros 9.81 27
41 Los Nacionales 9.8 5
42 Beer Team Recargado 9.8 5
43 The Patriots FC 9.47 17
44 C.B.T.i.s. 247 - DENISSES NP CREW (DNC) 9.23 13
45 LakersMexicoDF 9.2 5
46 La Peste Bubonica 9.18 33
48 Oklahoma City* 9 5
49 Men Of Rohan 8.86 7
50 Cocos Locos 8.83 6
51 pochodemier 8.5 10
52 Mariachis de Mexico 8 10
53 The Pink Bulls 7.88 8
54 "ClevelandCavaliers" 7.5 6
55 BostonCamot 7.17 6
57 Raptorbotillos 6.4 5
58 balleee 6.25 8
59 Rockets de izcalli 6.14 22

*Note: Minimum 5 seasons played.
Team Rank per Season Started
Team Country Rank World Rank
Season 2
Antimasys 5 298
Rockets de izcalli 13 2150
Season 7
Hyper-parasitoides 22 5975
Season 19
Duke c.C 3 194
Season 24
Soles de Mexicali 18 5058
Season 26
-Los Spurs- 4 247
Season 28
Culiacan Pink Bulls 9 1082
Season 31
"ClevelandCavaliers" 7 850
Season 35
Mariachis de Mexico 14 2539
Season 41
Gold Panters 33 10394
Season 44
LakersCDMX 11 1161
Season 45
OKCCMDX 21 5686
Season 49
Cobras Kraitt 1 32
Phoenix Suns V2 2 140
Los bala fria 16 4592
All Star Mexico 30 9318
Tucanes del norte 36 11339
Season 53
feravilagodi74 8 960
tiburcio 10 1105
Kowabuuunga 29 8733
Season 55
Piratas de Zoro 25 6799
Season 56
ZACS 26 7510
IBIGBEARS 37 11804
Season 58
Fuerza Regional 6 521
Season 59
Capitanez 12 2137
Los primos 17 4599
Moctezuma 27 8241
Navis 34 10495
Season 60
Re Alter Gang 35 10797
Los Leñadores 39 11927
Season 61
INAZUMA MX 15 4245
Gym Rats 20 5550
LIONS MTY 24 6464
Season 64
Los xorroz 28 8324
Season 65
Diablos Rojos 23 6388
Sultanes 31 9529
X TOROS X 32 10075
aztecas mexicanos 38 11882
Pinguinos 41 12859
Facultad de Deportes 43 13108
FlowGame 44 13109
Drunkings 45 13114
Cimarron 46 13117
Winterfell 47 13228
Redbull BDG 48 13259
Unicornios 🦄 49 13263
Los Compas de Hierro 50 13497
Season 66
zekeheat 19 5371
Los Malosos 40 12493
Season 67
Pipos 42 12886

Titles per Team
# Team
1 Harley Davidson, won Liga Mexicana de Baloncesto 20 times, was runner up in Liga Mexicana de Baloncesto 3 times, won México Tournament 14 times, was runner up in México Tournament 2 times.
2 Duke c.C, won Liga Mexicana de Baloncesto 17 times, was runner up in Liga Mexicana de Baloncesto 9 times, won México Tournament 25 times, was runner up in México Tournament 4 times.
3 Soles de Mexicali, won Liga Mexicana de Baloncesto 9 times, was runner up in Liga Mexicana de Baloncesto 6 times, won México Tournament 5 times, was runner up in México Tournament 2 times.
4 Leones negros, won Liga Mexicana de Baloncesto 4 times, was runner up in Liga Mexicana de Baloncesto 1 time, won México Tournament 2 times, was runner up in México Tournament 4 times.
5 isla mujeres, won Liga Mexicana de Baloncesto 2 times, was runner up in Liga Mexicana de Baloncesto 3 times, was runner up in México Tournament 6 times.
6 Cobras Kraitt, won Liga Mexicana de Baloncesto 2 times, won México Tournament 4 times, was runner up in México Tournament 2 times.
7 Naughty Girl, won Liga Mexicana de Baloncesto 1 time, was runner up in Liga Mexicana de Baloncesto 7 times, won México Tournament 2 times, was runner up in México Tournament 3 times.
8 Aztecs Sharks, won Liga Mexicana de Baloncesto 1 time, was runner up in Liga Mexicana de Baloncesto 7 times, won México Tournament 2 times, was runner up in México Tournament 1 time.
9 Rappers 17, won Liga Mexicana de Baloncesto 1 time, was runner up in Liga Mexicana de Baloncesto 1 time, won México Tournament 2 times, was runner up in México Tournament 1 time.
10 Tartros, won Liga Mexicana de Baloncesto 1 time, was runner up in Liga Mexicana de Baloncesto 1 time, won México Tournament 1 time.
11 -Los Spurs-, won Liga Mexicana de Baloncesto 1 time, was runner up in Liga Mexicana de Baloncesto 1 time, was runner up in México Tournament 1 time.
12 Venados, won Liga Mexicana de Baloncesto 1 time, was runner up in Liga Mexicana de Baloncesto 1 time.
13 Phoenix Suns V2, won Liga Mexicana de Baloncesto 1 time, won México Tournament 1 time.
14 Dodgers Team, won Liga Mexicana de Baloncesto 1 time, was runner up in México Tournament 1 time.
15 Rosjan, won Liga Mexicana de Baloncesto 1 time.
16 descontrolados, won Liga Mexicana de Baloncesto 1 time.
17 CELTAS CORCORES, won Liga Mexicana de Baloncesto 1 time.
18 Lakers Mx, was runner up in Liga Mexicana de Baloncesto 5 times, was runner up in México Tournament 4 times.
19 Smoking heads, was runner up in Liga Mexicana de Baloncesto 3 times.
20 Ags All Stars, was runner up in Liga Mexicana de Baloncesto 2 times, won México Tournament 1 time.
21 MarkBass, was runner up in Liga Mexicana de Baloncesto 2 times, was runner up in México Tournament 4 times.
22 LakersCDMX, was runner up in Liga Mexicana de Baloncesto 2 times, was runner up in México Tournament 1 time.
23 Saviors - The Dunking Dead, was runner up in Liga Mexicana de Baloncesto 1 time, won México Tournament 1 time, was runner up in México Tournament 1 time.
24 Antimasys, was runner up in Liga Mexicana de Baloncesto 1 time, was runner up in México Tournament 4 times.
25 Beer Team Tuxtla, was runner up in Liga Mexicana de Baloncesto 1 time, was runner up in México Tournament 3 times.
26 tiburcio, was runner up in Liga Mexicana de Baloncesto 1 time, was runner up in México Tournament 1 time.
27 UNAM, was runner up in Liga Mexicana de Baloncesto 1 time.
28 Cheleros 1000, was runner up in Liga Mexicana de Baloncesto 1 time.
29 Club Obsidiana, was runner up in Liga Mexicana de Baloncesto 1 time.
30 UAM patos, was runner up in Liga Mexicana de Baloncesto 1 time.
31 Weeeeeeeeee, was runner up in Liga Mexicana de Baloncesto 1 time.
32 OKCCMDX, was runner up in Liga Mexicana de Baloncesto 1 time.
33 Los bala fria, was runner up in Liga Mexicana de Baloncesto 1 time.
34 Tapatio, won México Tournament 1 time, was runner up in México Tournament 3 times.
35 Culiacan Pink Bulls, won México Tournament 1 time, was runner up in México Tournament 2 times.
36 Xalapa Tropics, won México Tournament 1 time, was runner up in México Tournament 1 time.
37 Lakersdf, won México Tournament 1 time, was runner up in México Tournament 1 time.
38 ReapersS9, won México Tournament 1 time.
39 Snatchers Sin Agua, won México Tournament 1 time.
40 Hyper-parasitoides, was runner up in México Tournament 3 times.
41 ESTRELLAS DEL MUNDO (MX), was runner up in México Tournament 1 time.
42 Mexican Dream Team, was runner up in México Tournament 1 time.
43 Oklahoma City*, was runner up in México Tournament 1 time.
44 Wezuros de Carmen, was runner up in México Tournament 1 time.
45 pochodemier, was runner up in México Tournament 1 time.
46 Atletico Milleiro, was runner up in México Tournament 1 time.
47 La Peste Bubonica, was runner up in México Tournament 1 time.
48 Cyber Placeres del Oro, was runner up in México Tournament 1 time.
49 DaVinci93, was runner up in México Tournament 1 time.
50 Fuerza Regional, was runner up in México Tournament 1 time.
51 Cuervos CF, was runner up in México Tournament 1 time.

Top League and Tournament History
Top League Winners
Season Champion Runner-Up
66 Cobras Kraitt -Los Spurs-
65 Phoenix Suns V2 tiburcio
64 Duke c.C Los bala fria
63 Duke c.C Saviors - The Dunking Dead
62 Duke c.C Antimasys
61 Duke c.C OKCCMDX
60 Cobras Kraitt Soles de Mexicali
59 Soles de Mexicali Duke c.C
58 Soles de Mexicali Duke c.C
57 Soles de Mexicali Duke c.C
56 Soles de Mexicali LakersCDMX
55 Soles de Mexicali LakersCDMX
54 Soles de Mexicali Duke c.C
53 Duke c.C Soles de Mexicali
52 Duke c.C Soles de Mexicali
51 Duke c.C Soles de Mexicali
50 Soles de Mexicali Duke c.C
49 Aztecs Sharks Duke c.C
48 Soles de Mexicali MarkBass
47 Soles de Mexicali MarkBass
46 -Los Spurs- Aztecs Sharks
45 Duke c.C Aztecs Sharks
44 Duke c.C Aztecs Sharks
43 Duke c.C Aztecs Sharks
42 Duke c.C Aztecs Sharks
41 Duke c.C Aztecs Sharks
40 Dodgers Team Aztecs Sharks
39 Duke c.C UAM patos
38 Duke c.C Soles de Mexicali
37 Duke c.C Soles de Mexicali
36 isla mujeres Duke c.C
35 isla mujeres Duke c.C
34 Duke c.C isla mujeres
33 Duke c.C isla mujeres
32 Harley Davidson Tartros
31 Tartros Harley Davidson
30 Harley Davidson Beer Team Tuxtla
29 Venados Duke c.C
28 Harley Davidson isla mujeres
27 Harley Davidson Venados
26 Harley Davidson Ags All Stars
25 Harley Davidson Ags All Stars
24 Harley Davidson Lakers Mx
23 Harley Davidson Lakers Mx
22 Harley Davidson Lakers Mx
21 Harley Davidson Lakers Mx
20 Harley Davidson Lakers Mx
19 Harley Davidson Naughty Girl
18 Harley Davidson Naughty Girl
17 Harley Davidson Naughty Girl
16 Harley Davidson Naughty Girl
15 Harley Davidson Naughty Girl
14 Harley Davidson Naughty Girl
13 Naughty Girl Harley Davidson
12 Harley Davidson Naughty Girl
11 Leones negros Harley Davidson
10 Harley Davidson Leones negros
9 Leones negros Smoking heads
8 Leones negros Smoking heads
7 Harley Davidson Rappers 17
6 Leones negros Smoking heads
5 Rappers 17 Weeeeeeeeee
4 CELTAS CORCORES Club Obsidiana
3 Rosjan UNAM
2 descontrolados Cheleros 1000

Liga Mexicana de Baloncesto

Cobras Kraitt

-Los Spurs-

México Tournament

Cobras Kraitt

Duke c.C

Cup Winners
Season Champion Runner-Up
67 Cobras Kraitt Antimasys
66 Cobras Kraitt Duke c.C
65 Cobras Kraitt tiburcio
64 Cobras Kraitt Antimasys
63 Duke c.C Fuerza Regional
62 Phoenix Suns V2 Antimasys
61 Duke c.C Cobras Kraitt
60 Duke c.C Culiacan Pink Bulls
59 Soles de Mexicali Duke c.C
58 Culiacan Pink Bulls Duke c.C
57 Soles de Mexicali Cobras Kraitt
56 Soles de Mexicali Antimasys
55 Soles de Mexicali Hyper-parasitoides
54 Duke c.C pochodemier
53 Duke c.C LakersCDMX
52 Duke c.C Soles de Mexicali
51 Saviors - The Dunking Dead MarkBass
50 Duke c.C MarkBass
49 Soles de Mexicali MarkBass
47 Duke c.C MarkBass
46 Aztecs Sharks Soles de Mexicali
45 Duke c.C Aztecs Sharks
44 Duke c.C Cuervos CF
43 Duke c.C Hyper-parasitoides
42 Aztecs Sharks -Los Spurs-
41 Duke c.C Culiacan Pink Bulls
40 Duke c.C Dodgers Team
39 Duke c.C Hyper-parasitoides
38 Duke c.C Saviors - The Dunking Dead
37 Duke c.C isla mujeres
36 Duke c.C isla mujeres
35 Duke c.C Harley Davidson
34 Duke c.C isla mujeres
33 Duke c.C isla mujeres
32 Duke c.C Harley Davidson
31 Tartros isla mujeres
30 Harley Davidson Beer Team Tuxtla
29 Duke c.C Beer Team Tuxtla
28 Duke c.C Xalapa Tropics
27 Duke c.C Beer Team Tuxtla
26 Xalapa Tropics Duke c.C
25 Ags All Stars Lakers Mx
24 Harley Davidson Lakers Mx
23 Harley Davidson Lakers Mx
22 Harley Davidson Lakers Mx
21 Harley Davidson Tapatio
20 Harley Davidson isla mujeres
19 Naughty Girl La Peste Bubonica
18 Harley Davidson Naughty Girl
17 Harley Davidson Naughty Girl
16 Harley Davidson Tapatio
15 Tapatio Naughty Girl
14 Harley Davidson Leones negros
13 Naughty Girl Leones negros
12 Harley Davidson Tapatio
11 Harley Davidson Wezuros de Carmen
10 Leones negros DaVinci93
9 Harley Davidson Leones negros
8 Leones negros Rappers 17
7 Harley Davidson Lakersdf
6 Lakersdf Oklahoma City*
5 Rappers 17 Leones negros
4 Rappers 17 Atletico Milleiro
3 ReapersS9 Mexican Dream Team
2 Snatchers Sin Agua Cyber Placeres del Oro
Country and World Rankings
Country World Team
1 32 Cobras Kraitt
2 140 Phoenix Suns V2
3 194 Duke c.C
4 247 -Los Spurs-
5 298 Antimasys
6 521 Fuerza Regional
7 850 "ClevelandCavaliers"
8 960 feravilagodi74
9 1082 Culiacan Pink Bulls
10 1105 tiburcio
B3 Participation History
In season 66, Cobras Kraitt were one of the final 64 teams in the B3
In season 66, Phoenix Suns V2 were one of the final 64 teams in the B3
In season 65, Cobras Kraitt were one of the final 64 teams in the B3
In season 65, Duke c.C were one of the final 64 teams in the B3
In season 64, Duke c.C were one of the final 64 teams in the B3
In season 63, Duke c.C were one of the final 64 teams in the B3
In season 63, Phoenix Suns V2 played in the group stage of B3 with 3 wins.
In season 62, Duke c.C were one of the final 64 teams in the B3
In season 62, Cobras Kraitt played in the group stage of B3 with 3 wins.
In season 61, Cobras Kraitt were one of the final 16 teams in the B3
In season 61, Duke c.C were one of the final 32 teams in the B3
In season 61, Soles de Mexicali played in the group stage of B3 with 1 wins.
In season 60, Soles de Mexicali were one of the final 64 teams in the B3
In season 59, Soles de Mexicali were one of the final 32 teams in the B3
In season 59, Culiacan Pink Bulls played in the group stage of B3 with 3 wins.
In season 58, Soles de Mexicali were one of the final 64 teams in the B3
In season 57, Soles de Mexicali were one of the final 64 teams in the B3
In season 56, Soles de Mexicali were one of the final 64 teams in the B3
In season 55, Soles de Mexicali were one of the final 32 teams in the B3
In season 55, Duke c.C played in the group stage of B3 with 2 wins.
In season 54, Duke c.C played in the group stage of B3 with 3 wins.
In season 53, Duke c.C played in the group stage of B3 with 4 wins.
In season 52, Duke c.C played in the group stage of B3 with 3 wins.
In season 52, Saviors - The Dunking Dead played in the group stage of B3 with 3 wins.
In season 51, Duke c.C were one of the final 32 teams in the B3
In season 51, Soles de Mexicali played in the group stage of B3 with 5 wins.
In season 50, Soles de Mexicali were one of the final 32 teams in the B3
In season 50, Aztecs Sharks played in the group stage of B3 with 4 wins.
In season 49, Soles de Mexicali played in the group stage of B3 with 4 wins.
In season 49, Duke c.C played in the group stage of B3 with 1 wins.
In season 48, Soles de Mexicali played in the group stage of B3 with 3 wins.
In season 48, Duke c.C played in the group stage of B3 with 2 wins.
In season 47, -Los Spurs- played in the group stage of B3 with 3 wins.
In season 47, Aztecs Sharks played in the group stage of B3 with 2 wins.
In season 46, Duke c.C were one of the final 32 teams in the B3
In season 45, Duke c.C were one of the final 16 teams in the B3
In season 44, Duke c.C were one of the final 16 teams in the B3
In season 43, Duke c.C played in the group stage of B3 with 6 wins.
In season 43, Aztecs Sharks played in the group stage of B3 with 3 wins.
In season 42, Duke c.C were one of the final 32 teams in the B3
In season 41, Duke c.C played in the group stage of B3 with 3 wins.
In season 41, Dodgers Team played in the group stage of B3 with 2 wins.
In season 40, Duke c.C played in the group stage of B3 with 6 wins.
In season 39, Duke c.C were one of the final 16 teams in the B3
In season 38, Duke c.C were one of the final 32 teams in the B3
In season 37, Duke c.C played in the group stage of B3 with 4 wins.
In season 37, isla mujeres played in the group stage of B3 with 2 wins.
In season 36, isla mujeres played in the group stage of B3 with 5 wins.
In season 36, Duke c.C played in the group stage of B3 with 1 wins.
In season 35, Duke c.C were one of the final 32 teams in the B3
In season 34, Duke c.C were one of the final 32 teams in the B3
In season 33, Duke c.C played in the group stage of B3 with 6 wins.
In season 33, Harley Davidson played in the group stage of B3 with 4 wins.
In season 32, Tartros played in the group stage of B3 with 5 wins.
In season 31, Harley Davidson played in the group stage of B3 with 3 wins.
In season 30, Venados were one of the final 32 teams in the B3
In season 30, Duke c.C played in the group stage of B3 with 4 wins.
In season 29, Harley Davidson played in the group stage of B3 with 6 wins.
In season 29, Duke c.C played in the group stage of B3 with 5 wins.
In season 28, Harley Davidson were one of the final 32 teams in the B3
In season 28, Duke c.C played in the group stage of B3 with 2 wins.
In season 27, Harley Davidson played in the group stage of B3 with 6 wins.
In season 27, Xalapa Tropics played in the group stage of B3 with 4 wins.
In season 26, Harley Davidson were one of the final 32 teams in the B3
In season 26, Ags All Stars played in the group stage of B3 with 3 wins.
In season 25, Harley Davidson were one of the final 32 teams in the B3
In season 24, Harley Davidson played in the group stage of B3 with 6 wins.
In season 23, Harley Davidson played in the group stage of B3 with 6 wins.
In season 22, Harley Davidson played in the group stage of B3 with 5 wins.
In season 21, Harley Davidson were one of the final 32 teams in the B3
In season 20, Harley Davidson reached the semifinals of the B3
In season 20, Lakers Mx played in the group stage of B3 with 4 wins.
In season 19, Red Cats were one of the final 16 teams in the B3
In season 18, Harley Davidson were one of the final 32 teams in the B3
In season 17, Harley Davidson played in the group stage of B3 with 6 wins.
In season 16, Tapatio were one of the final 16 teams in the B3
In season 16, Harley Davidson were one of the final 32 teams in the B3
In season 15, Harley Davidson played in the group stage of B3 with 6 wins.
In season 14, Naughty Girl reached the quarterfinals of the B3
In season 13, Harley Davidson were one of the final 16 teams in the B3
In season 12, Leones negros were one of the final 128 teams in the B3
In season 12, Harley Davidson were one of the final 256 teams in the B3
In season 11, Harley Davidson were one of the final 128 teams in the B3
In season 11, Leones negros were one of the final 128 teams in the B3
In season 10, Harley Davidson were one of the final 64 teams in the B3
In season 10, Leones negros were one of the final 256 teams in the B3
In season 9, Leones negros were one of the final 128 teams in the B3
In season 8, Harley Davidson were one of the final 128 teams in the B3
In season 7, Lakersdf were one of the final 128 teams in the B3
In season 7, Leones negros were one of the final 128 teams in the B3
In season 6, Rappers 17 were one of the final 64 teams in the B3
In season 5, CELTAS CORCORES were one of the final 128 teams in the B3
In season 5, Rosjan were one of the final 256 teams in the B3
In season 5, Rappers 17 were one of the final 256 teams in the B3
In season 5, ReapersS9 were one of the final 256 teams in the B3
