Number of Divisions: 0

Active Teams: 11

Users Online: 1

Complete league list


Points per game: 31.9 by Llibert Ballesté
Rebounds per game: 16.6 by Daniel Alberto Renard
Assists per game: 12 by Xavi Pujades
Blocks per game: 3.3 by Sergi Castellet

Best Performances:

Points: 98 by Osvalds Graizejs
Rebounds: 45 by  Andraž Debelak
Assists: 30 by Josep Lluís Carbonell
Blocks: 11 by Pere Algueró

National Forum Sneak Peek:

[ADS] Anuncis de Vendes (168)

National Team:

Team Page
Election Central


Manager Rating:


Junior National Team:

Team Page
Election Central

Manager:LA-Gerard (g3rjo)

Manager Rating:

Top League Wins per Season
# Team WPS Season
1 Renaixença CB 19.4 5
2 Revolta Culé, B.C. 17.95 37
3 C.B. Nans 16.27 22
4 GHEISAS 15.27 11
5 kyk blt 14.86 22
6 PRESIS CLUB 14.73 15
7 borjamaris 14.21 14
8 Andorra És Vida 13.72 32
9 B.C.SKY 13.67 12
10 pirineus 13.53 17
11 TERREVENTARE B.C. 13.33 9
12 Berlin Basket 13.29 31
13 STR_ 12.8 5
14 The Grandallers 12.4 10
15 stErmengol team 12.18 17
16 PIRES 75 B.C. 11.92 24
17 L O S T 11.88 34
18 Barcelona Dragons 11.25 16
19 trident bc 11.17 6
20 las bestias 11 7
21 nuriki team 10.38 16
22 Clusis 10.09 11
23 canillo sheep stars 9.1 10
24 LLIBERTAT 8.8 5
25 Andorra Team 8.6 15
26 dropito 8.57 7
27 B.C. Skr 8.36 11
28 Psycho Tik 7.83 12
29 buners 7.4 5
30 Los Muchachos 7 15
32 Andorra Celtics 6.6 5
33 El Xiringuito 6.2 10
34 Santa Coloma AND 6.15 13
35 U.S.A. - AND 5 6
36 RnSAL 3.75 8
37 Paparrash 2.8 5
38 CB.Mahón 2.4 5

*Note: Minimum 5 seasons played.
Team Rank per Season Started
Team Country Rank World Rank
Season 4
Revolta Culé, B.C. 10 837
Season 10
Barcelona Dragons 38 6732
Season 17
C.B. Nans 8 706
Season 31
dropito 11 873
Season 50
Comandaranga 69 13061
Season 57
Andorra Lock 77 14867
Season 59
TheOthers 40 7015
Llegendes dAndorra 70 13195
Season 60
Marflext 52 11327
Season 61
MTAndorra 63 12401
Season 64
Pic pedrosa 59 12126

Titles per Team
# Team
1 Revolta Culé, B.C., won LABB 14 times, was runner up in LABB 3 times, won Copa d'Andorra 10 times, was runner up in Copa d'Andorra 2 times.
2 C.B. Nans, won LABB 6 times, was runner up in LABB 3 times, won Copa d'Andorra 4 times, was runner up in Copa d'Andorra 2 times.
3 Berlin Basket, won LABB 3 times, was runner up in LABB 1 time, won Copa d'Andorra 7 times, was runner up in Copa d'Andorra 5 times.
4 Los Muchachos, won LABB 3 times, won Copa d'Andorra 2 times.
5 Andorra És Vida, won LABB 2 times, was runner up in LABB 5 times, won Copa d'Andorra 2 times, was runner up in Copa d'Andorra 2 times.
6 Renaixença CB, won LABB 2 times, was runner up in LABB 1 time, was runner up in Copa d'Andorra 2 times.
7 L O S T, won LABB 2 times, won Copa d'Andorra 4 times.
8 PIRES 75 B.C., won LABB 1 time, was runner up in LABB 5 times, won Copa d'Andorra 3 times, was runner up in Copa d'Andorra 4 times.
9 PRESIS CLUB, won LABB 1 time, was runner up in LABB 4 times, was runner up in Copa d'Andorra 2 times.
10 The Grandallers, won LABB 1 time, was runner up in LABB 2 times, won Copa d'Andorra 1 time.
11 C.B.Castellbisbal, won LABB 1 time, was runner up in LABB 1 time.
12 Móstoles Lakers, won LABB 1 time, won Copa d'Andorra 1 time.
13 borjamaris, was runner up in LABB 5 times, won Copa d'Andorra 2 times.
14 GHEISAS, was runner up in LABB 3 times, was runner up in Copa d'Andorra 1 time.
15 kyk blt, was runner up in LABB 2 times, was runner up in Copa d'Andorra 1 time.
16 B.C.SKY, was runner up in LABB 1 time, was runner up in Copa d'Andorra 3 times.
17 nuriki team, was runner up in LABB 1 time.
18 123picaparet, won Copa d'Andorra 1 time.
19 stErmengol team, was runner up in Copa d'Andorra 2 times.
20 trident bc, was runner up in Copa d'Andorra 2 times.
21 pirineus, was runner up in Copa d'Andorra 2 times.
22 Clusis, was runner up in Copa d'Andorra 1 time.
23 Stranglers Ercz, was runner up in Copa d'Andorra 1 time.
24 TERREVENTARE B.C., was runner up in Copa d'Andorra 1 time.
25 Battle Sanctuaire de Meritxell, was runner up in Copa d'Andorra 1 time.
26 ELS PUPUCETS, was runner up in Copa d'Andorra 1 time.
27 Andorra Celtics, was runner up in Copa d'Andorra 1 time.
28 Countdown Andorra la Vella, was runner up in Copa d'Andorra 1 time.

Top League and Tournament History
Top League Winners
Season Champion Runner-Up
40 C.B. Nans kyk blt
35 Revolta Culé, B.C. PRESIS CLUB
34 Revolta Culé, B.C. PIRES 75 B.C.
33 C.B. Nans PIRES 75 B.C.
32 Revolta Culé, B.C. kyk blt
31 C.B. Nans PIRES 75 B.C.
30 Berlin Basket PIRES 75 B.C.
29 PIRES 75 B.C. C.B. Nans
28 Berlin Basket nuriki team
27 The Grandallers C.B. Nans
26 Revolta Culé, B.C. The Grandallers
25 Berlin Basket The Grandallers
24 Los Muchachos Revolta Culé, B.C.
23 Los Muchachos Berlin Basket
22 Los Muchachos Revolta Culé, B.C.
21 Revolta Culé, B.C. PIRES 75 B.C.
20 Revolta Culé, B.C. Andorra És Vida
19 Revolta Culé, B.C. Andorra És Vida
18 Revolta Culé, B.C. borjamaris
17 Revolta Culé, B.C. borjamaris
16 Revolta Culé, B.C. borjamaris
15 Revolta Culé, B.C. B.C.SKY
14 Revolta Culé, B.C. Andorra És Vida
13 Revolta Culé, B.C. Andorra És Vida
12 L O S T borjamaris
10 Andorra És Vida Revolta Culé, B.C.
9 Revolta Culé, B.C. GHEISAS
8 Renaixença CB borjamaris
7 Renaixença CB GHEISAS
6 Andorra És Vida C.B.Castellbisbal
5 C.B.Castellbisbal Andorra És Vida
4 Móstoles Lakers Renaixença CB
Cup Winners
Season Champion Runner-Up
40 C.B. Nans trident bc
39 Revolta Culé, B.C. C.B. Nans
38 C.B. Nans Berlin Basket
37 Revolta Culé, B.C. trident bc
36 C.B. Nans Revolta Culé, B.C.
33 PIRES 75 B.C. C.B. Nans
32 PIRES 75 B.C. kyk blt
31 Berlin Basket PIRES 75 B.C.
30 Berlin Basket PIRES 75 B.C.
29 Berlin Basket PIRES 75 B.C.
28 Berlin Basket Revolta Culé, B.C.
27 Revolta Culé, B.C. Berlin Basket
26 Berlin Basket Countdown Andorra la Vella
25 Revolta Culé, B.C. pirineus
24 Los Muchachos Berlin Basket
23 Los Muchachos Berlin Basket
22 Berlin Basket stErmengol team
21 The Grandallers PIRES 75 B.C.
20 Berlin Basket Clusis
19 Revolta Culé, B.C. ELS PUPUCETS
18 Revolta Culé, B.C. pirineus
17 borjamaris stErmengol team
16 Revolta Culé, B.C. Andorra Celtics
15 L O S T B.C.SKY
14 Andorra És Vida Berlin Basket
13 borjamaris B.C.SKY
12 L O S T B.C.SKY
10 L O S T Andorra És Vida
9 Revolta Culé, B.C. Andorra És Vida
8 Revolta Culé, B.C. Renaixença CB
7 Revolta Culé, B.C. Renaixença CB
6 Andorra És Vida GHEISAS
5 123picaparet Battle Sanctuaire de Meritxell
4 Móstoles Lakers Stranglers Ercz
Country and World Rankings
Country World Team
1 706 C.B. Nans
2 837 Revolta Culé, B.C.
3 873 dropito
4 6732 Barcelona Dragons
5 7015 TheOthers
6 11327 Marflext
7 12126 Pic pedrosa
8 12401 MTAndorra
9 13061 Comandaranga
10 13195 Llegendes dAndorra
B3 Participation History
In season 43, C.B. Nans played in the group stage of B3 with 0 wins.
In season 41, C.B. Nans played in the group stage of B3 with 4 wins.
In season 40, C.B. Nans played in the group stage of B3 with 5 wins.
In season 40, Revolta Culé, B.C. played in the group stage of B3 with 2 wins.
In season 39, C.B. Nans played in the group stage of B3 with 6 wins.
In season 38, Revolta Culé, B.C. played in the group stage of B3 with 2 wins.
In season 37, C.B. Nans played in the group stage of B3 with 5 wins.
In season 36, C.B. Nans were one of the final 32 teams in the B3
In season 36, Revolta Culé, B.C. played in the group stage of B3 with 5 wins.
In season 35, Revolta Culé, B.C. played in the group stage of B3 with 3 wins.
In season 34, C.B. Nans played in the group stage of B3 with 6 wins.
In season 33, Revolta Culé, B.C. played in the group stage of B3 with 4 wins.
In season 32, C.B. Nans played in the group stage of B3 with 2 wins.
In season 32, Berlin Basket played in the group stage of B3 with 2 wins.
In season 31, Berlin Basket played in the group stage of B3 with 4 wins.
In season 30, Berlin Basket played in the group stage of B3 with 4 wins.
In season 29, Berlin Basket played in the group stage of B3 with 1 wins.
In season 28, Revolta Culé, B.C. played in the group stage of B3 with 3 wins.
In season 28, The Grandallers played in the group stage of B3 with 2 wins.
In season 27, Revolta Culé, B.C. played in the group stage of B3 with 5 wins.
In season 27, Berlin Basket played in the group stage of B3 with 1 wins.
In season 26, Revolta Culé, B.C. played in the group stage of B3 with 3 wins.
In season 26, Berlin Basket played in the group stage of B3 with 3 wins.
In season 26, Gàidhealtachd played in the group stage of B3 with 2 wins.
In season 25, Marflext reached the quarterfinals of the B3
In season 25, Los Muchachos played in the group stage of B3 with 0 wins.
In season 24, Gàidhealtachd reached the semifinals of the B3
In season 24, Los Muchachos played in the group stage of B3 with 5 wins.
In season 23, Berlin Basket played in the group stage of B3 with 4 wins.
In season 23, Los Muchachos played in the group stage of B3 with 3 wins.
In season 22, Revolta Culé, B.C. played in the group stage of B3 with 3 wins.
In season 22, The Grandallers played in the group stage of B3 with 2 wins.
In season 21, Revolta Culé, B.C. played in the group stage of B3 with 3 wins.
In season 21, Berlin Basket played in the group stage of B3 with 1 wins.
In season 20, Revolta Culé, B.C. played in the group stage of B3 with 3 wins.
In season 19, Revolta Culé, B.C. played in the group stage of B3 with 4 wins.
In season 18, Revolta Culé, B.C. played in the group stage of B3 with 6 wins.
In season 18, borjamaris played in the group stage of B3 with 4 wins.
In season 17, Revolta Culé, B.C. played in the group stage of B3 with 5 wins.
In season 16, Revolta Culé, B.C. played in the group stage of B3 with 5 wins.
In season 16, L O S T played in the group stage of B3 with 1 wins.
In season 15, Andorra És Vida played in the group stage of B3 with 4 wins.
In season 15, Revolta Culé, B.C. played in the group stage of B3 with 4 wins.
In season 14, Revolta Culé, B.C. were one of the final 128 teams in the B3
In season 14, borjamaris were one of the final 128 teams in the B3
In season 13, L O S T were one of the final 128 teams in the B3
In season 12, L O S T were one of the final 256 teams in the B3
In season 11, Andorra És Vida were one of the final 128 teams in the B3
In season 11, L O S T were one of the final 256 teams in the B3
In season 10, Revolta Culé, B.C. were one of the final 128 teams in the B3
In season 9, Renaixença CB were one of the final 64 teams in the B3
In season 9, Revolta Culé, B.C. were one of the final 128 teams in the B3
In season 8, Revolta Culé, B.C. were one of the final 64 teams in the B3
In season 8, Renaixença CB were one of the final 256 teams in the B3
In season 7, Andorra És Vida were one of the final 64 teams in the B3
In season 6, C.B.Castellbisbal were one of the final 128 teams in the B3
In season 6, 123picaparet were one of the final 128 teams in the B3
In season 5, Móstoles Lakers were one of the final 256 teams in the B3
