Number of Divisions: 3

Active Teams: 24

Users Online: 0

Complete league list


Points per game: 33.4 by Candaş Savgat
Rebounds per game: 18 by Mikalai Labun
Assists per game: 16.1 by Mscislau Zhareika
Blocks per game: 2.7 by Miraç Ferah

Best Performances:

Points: 89 by Petro Lipoviy
Rebounds: 46 by  Igor Fedyushin
Assists: 27 by Baliaslau Chynouski
Blocks: 13 by Prahor Arshun

National Forum Sneak Peek:

Молодёжная сборная (265)

National Team:

Team Page
Election Central


Manager Rating:


Junior National Team:

Team Page
Election Central

Manager:ThebigM (Belarus_U21)

Manager Rating:

Top League Wins per Season
# Team WPS Season
1 victory_team 17.89 9
2 Belarus Berserk© 16.62 26
3 Bulba Minsk 16.3 20
4 Spitfire Snipers 14.57 14
5 fiorentina minsk 14.42 19
6 cheldony 14.39 33
7 Busby boys 14.19 21
8 BC Pisatel 14.11 18
9 BC FILMAR 13.1 39
10 БК "ОЗАА" 13.1 31
11 Vitebsk Scorpions 12.91 23
12 Winsk-124 12.76 33
13 Mamont 12.74 42
14 Бурак 12.67 9
15 Minskie Parni 12.32 22
16 Malinowka 12.28 18
17 БК «ВЕНТИЛЯТОР» 12.21 14
18 Разрыв 12.07 15
19 Лысые Пингвины 12 13
20 HypeEnergy 12 5
21 Minsk Squirrels 11.8 15
22 Minsk Mighty Reds 11.79 24
23 BC Allochka 11.71 14
24 Cheldons 11.67 6
25 БК Полоцк 11.6 10
26 SNOWFLAKES 11.56 16
27 Bacardi Black 11.5 10
28 Guryndiya 11.48 23
29 Brest Tim 11.33 12
30 Minsk United 11.2 5
31 BC Resident Evil 11.15 13
32 Northern Ghosts 11.13 8
33 HCBaskech 11.08 12
34 BC Horizons 11 6
35 Lebedi 10.94 16
36 ozaa 10.69 13
37 Wellodroom 10.67 9
38 Корниловцы 10.33 6
39 Rechitsa 10.21 24
40 BC[T2]Bears 10.07 27
41 PolterlolWarriors 9.94 17
42 BC Massaro 9.87 15
43 Динамо (Санкт-Петербург) 9.71 7
44 ДЮСШ 9.53 19
45 Партизан 9.4 10
46 Фердипердозные ребята 9.4 5
47 Белорусские Бакланы 9 6
48 Bystrye SOKOLY 8.71 7
49 Zubilo 8.4 5
50 Hype Energy 7.83 6
51 Beat It 7.8 10
52 Temp United 7.2 5
53 Lida Sharks 6.33 6
54 Martinika 5.71 7
55 Favorite 5.47 15
56 Wild Elefants 4.57 7
57 Saz-09 4 5

*Note: Minimum 5 seasons played.
Team Rank per Season Started
Team Country Rank World Rank
Season 7
Mamont 5 700
БК "ОЗАА" 8 2425
Season 12
Season 13
BC[T2]Bears 3 450
Season 17
Favorite 7 1917
Season 18
Winsk-124 1 232
Season 21
PolterlolWarriors 4 522
Season 27
cheldony 9 2427
Season 32
Rechitsa 6 1019
Season 56
Saz-09 15 11481
Season 57
Lida Sharks 16 11584
Season 59
Minsk Cavaliers 10 4399
Season 61
Partizans 13 8282
Season 62
БК "Роса" Новый Двор 12 8005
Nasanka 14 8429
Season 64
Zhodino Bisons 17 12347
Season 65
Рыцари 18 13009
Season 66
Vicebsk Pistons 19 13081
Dallas Comanche 24 14936
Season 67
Belarus Pirates 20 13827
Darkest Knights 21 13895
C6opHa9I 6aHu 22 14007
MallasDavericks 23 14129

Titles per Team
# Team
1 Belarus Berserk©, won Vyshejshaja Liga 12 times, won Belarus Cup 10 times, was runner up in Belarus Cup 3 times.
2 Minskie Parni, won Vyshejshaja Liga 6 times, was runner up in Vyshejshaja Liga 1 time, won Belarus Cup 6 times, was runner up in Belarus Cup 3 times.
3 Busby boys, won Vyshejshaja Liga 5 times, was runner up in Vyshejshaja Liga 4 times, won Belarus Cup 5 times, was runner up in Belarus Cup 2 times.
4 Bulba Minsk, won Vyshejshaja Liga 5 times, was runner up in Vyshejshaja Liga 2 times, won Belarus Cup 5 times, was runner up in Belarus Cup 1 time.
5 fiorentina minsk, won Vyshejshaja Liga 5 times, was runner up in Vyshejshaja Liga 1 time, won Belarus Cup 3 times, was runner up in Belarus Cup 1 time.
6 BC Pisatel, won Vyshejshaja Liga 4 times, was runner up in Vyshejshaja Liga 1 time, won Belarus Cup 1 time, was runner up in Belarus Cup 1 time.
7 BC[T2]Bears, won Vyshejshaja Liga 4 times, won Belarus Cup 6 times, was runner up in Belarus Cup 2 times.
8 Разрыв, won Vyshejshaja Liga 4 times, won Belarus Cup 2 times, was runner up in Belarus Cup 1 time.
9 Mamont, won Vyshejshaja Liga 3 times, was runner up in Vyshejshaja Liga 5 times, won Belarus Cup 3 times, was runner up in Belarus Cup 3 times.
10 Winsk-124, won Vyshejshaja Liga 2 times, was runner up in Vyshejshaja Liga 4 times, won Belarus Cup 1 time, was runner up in Belarus Cup 1 time.
11 Malinowka, won Vyshejshaja Liga 2 times, was runner up in Vyshejshaja Liga 2 times, won Belarus Cup 1 time, was runner up in Belarus Cup 2 times.
12 Spitfire Snipers, won Vyshejshaja Liga 2 times, was runner up in Vyshejshaja Liga 1 time, was runner up in Belarus Cup 1 time.
13 Guryndiya, won Vyshejshaja Liga 2 times.
14 cheldony, won Vyshejshaja Liga 1 time, was runner up in Vyshejshaja Liga 4 times, was runner up in Belarus Cup 2 times.
15 Vitebsk Scorpions, won Vyshejshaja Liga 1 time, was runner up in Vyshejshaja Liga 2 times, won Belarus Cup 2 times, was runner up in Belarus Cup 2 times.
16 BC Resident Evil, won Vyshejshaja Liga 1 time, was runner up in Vyshejshaja Liga 2 times, won Belarus Cup 2 times, was runner up in Belarus Cup 1 time.
17 HCBaskech, won Vyshejshaja Liga 1 time, was runner up in Vyshejshaja Liga 1 time, won Belarus Cup 1 time.
18 Lebedi, won Vyshejshaja Liga 1 time, was runner up in Vyshejshaja Liga 1 time, was runner up in Belarus Cup 1 time.
19 victory_team, was runner up in Vyshejshaja Liga 5 times, was runner up in Belarus Cup 4 times.
20 БК «ВЕНТИЛЯТОР», was runner up in Vyshejshaja Liga 3 times, won Belarus Cup 1 time, was runner up in Belarus Cup 1 time.
21 Minsk Mighty Reds, was runner up in Vyshejshaja Liga 3 times, was runner up in Belarus Cup 4 times.
22 Minsk Squirrels, was runner up in Vyshejshaja Liga 3 times.
23 BC FILMAR, was runner up in Vyshejshaja Liga 2 times, won Belarus Cup 1 time, was runner up in Belarus Cup 2 times.
24 ДЮСШ, was runner up in Vyshejshaja Liga 2 times, won Belarus Cup 1 time, was runner up in Belarus Cup 1 time.
25 ozaa, was runner up in Vyshejshaja Liga 2 times, won Belarus Cup 1 time, was runner up in Belarus Cup 1 time.
26 SNOWFLAKES, was runner up in Vyshejshaja Liga 2 times, was runner up in Belarus Cup 1 time.
27 BC Horizons, was runner up in Vyshejshaja Liga 2 times.
28 Northern Ghosts, was runner up in Vyshejshaja Liga 2 times.
29 БК "ОЗАА", was runner up in Vyshejshaja Liga 1 time, won Belarus Cup 4 times, was runner up in Belarus Cup 1 time.
30 Фердипердозные ребята, was runner up in Vyshejshaja Liga 1 time, won Belarus Cup 1 time, was runner up in Belarus Cup 1 time.
31 Rechitsa, was runner up in Vyshejshaja Liga 1 time, was runner up in Belarus Cup 1 time.
32 BK Niggativ, was runner up in Vyshejshaja Liga 1 time.
33 Brest Tim, won Belarus Cup 1 time, was runner up in Belarus Cup 1 time.
34 Minsk Soks, won Belarus Cup 1 time.
35 Krambambulya, won Belarus Cup 1 time.
36 BC Red Dragon, won Belarus Cup 1 time.
37 Лысые Пингвины, won Belarus Cup 1 time.
38 Партизан, was runner up in Belarus Cup 2 times.
39 Lida Sharks, was runner up in Belarus Cup 2 times.
40 Wellodroom, was runner up in Belarus Cup 2 times.
41 BC Massaro, was runner up in Belarus Cup 1 time.
42 Bacardi Black, was runner up in Belarus Cup 1 time.
43 Бурак, was runner up in Belarus Cup 1 time.
44 Techs Nyehawka, was runner up in Belarus Cup 1 time.
45 BC OSN (Pinsk), was runner up in Belarus Cup 1 time.
46 Белорусские Бакланы, was runner up in Belarus Cup 1 time.
47 Корниловцы, was runner up in Belarus Cup 1 time.
48 PolterlolWarriors, was runner up in Belarus Cup 1 time.
49 HypeEnergy, was runner up in Belarus Cup 1 time.
50 Favorite, was runner up in Belarus Cup 1 time.
51 Silent Hills, was runner up in Belarus Cup 1 time.

Top League and Tournament History
Top League Winners
Season Champion Runner-Up
66 BC[T2]Bears Winsk-124
65 Winsk-124 BC FILMAR
64 Winsk-124 Mamont
63 Mamont Winsk-124
62 Spitfire Snipers Mamont
61 Mamont Spitfire Snipers
60 Mamont BC Resident Evil
59 cheldony Winsk-124
58 Spitfire Snipers SNOWFLAKES
57 BC[T2]Bears БК "ОЗАА"
56 BC[T2]Bears BC Resident Evil
55 BC Resident Evil SNOWFLAKES
54 Belarus Berserk© ДЮСШ
53 Belarus Berserk© ДЮСШ
52 Belarus Berserk© Malinowka
51 Belarus Berserk© BC FILMAR
50 BC[T2]Bears cheldony
49 Belarus Berserk© Winsk-124
48 Belarus Berserk© cheldony
47 Guryndiya Rechitsa
46 Guryndiya Mamont
45 Разрыв Mamont
44 Разрыв Mamont
43 Разрыв cheldony
42 Разрыв Vitebsk Scorpions
41 Minskie Parni Фердипердозные ребята
40 Minskie Parni Northern Ghosts
39 Malinowka cheldony
38 Minskie Parni Northern Ghosts
37 HCBaskech victory_team
36 Belarus Berserk© victory_team
35 Belarus Berserk© БК «ВЕНТИЛЯТОР»
34 Belarus Berserk© victory_team
33 Belarus Berserk© БК «ВЕНТИЛЯТОР»
32 Belarus Berserk© БК «ВЕНТИЛЯТОР»
31 Belarus Berserk© victory_team
30 Vitebsk Scorpions victory_team
29 Busby boys HCBaskech
28 Minskie Parni Vitebsk Scorpions
27 Minskie Parni Busby boys
26 Minskie Parni Lebedi
25 Lebedi Minskie Parni
24 BC Pisatel Bulba Minsk
23 BC Pisatel Minsk Mighty Reds
22 BC Pisatel Minsk Mighty Reds
21 BC Pisatel BK Niggativ
20 Malinowka Minsk Mighty Reds
19 Bulba Minsk Malinowka
18 Busby boys ozaa
17 Busby boys fiorentina minsk
16 Bulba Minsk Minsk Squirrels
15 fiorentina minsk BC Pisatel
14 fiorentina minsk Busby boys
13 fiorentina minsk Busby boys
12 Busby boys ozaa
11 fiorentina minsk Busby boys
10 Bulba Minsk Minsk Squirrels
9 Busby boys Bulba Minsk
8 fiorentina minsk Minsk Squirrels
7 Bulba Minsk BC Horizons
6 Bulba Minsk BC Horizons

Vyshejshaja Liga



Belarus Cup



Cup Winners
Season Champion Runner-Up
67 BC FILMAR PolterlolWarriors
66 BC[T2]Bears BC FILMAR
65 BC[T2]Bears Spitfire Snipers
64 Winsk-124 Lida Sharks
63 Mamont Winsk-124
62 Mamont BC[T2]Bears
61 BC Resident Evil Rechitsa
60 BC Resident Evil Lida Sharks
59 Brest Tim HypeEnergy
58 БК "ОЗАА" Brest Tim
57 BC[T2]Bears BC Resident Evil
56 BC[T2]Bears Belarus Berserk©
54 Belarus Berserk© SNOWFLAKES
53 ДЮСШ cheldony
52 БК "ОЗАА" Belarus Berserk©
51 Belarus Berserk© Malinowka
50 Belarus Berserk© Wellodroom
49 BC[T2]Bears Wellodroom
48 Belarus Berserk© BC Massaro
47 Belarus Berserk© Favorite
46 Разрыв Mamont
45 Mamont cheldony
44 БК "ОЗАА" Белорусские Бакланы
43 Разрыв Minskie Parni
42 Minskie Parni Разрыв
41 BC[T2]Bears Minskie Parni
40 Лысые Пингвины Minskie Parni
39 Minskie Parni Фердипердозные ребята
38 Фердипердозные ребята BC FILMAR
37 Minskie Parni БК «ВЕНТИЛЯТОР»
36 БК «ВЕНТИЛЯТОР» victory_team
35 Belarus Berserk© victory_team
34 Belarus Berserk© victory_team
33 Belarus Berserk© Minsk Mighty Reds
32 Vitebsk Scorpions Belarus Berserk©
31 Belarus Berserk© Minsk Mighty Reds
30 Belarus Berserk© victory_team
29 Minskie Parni Vitebsk Scorpions
28 HCBaskech Vitebsk Scorpions
27 Vitebsk Scorpions Lebedi
26 Minskie Parni BC OSN (Pinsk)
25 Minskie Parni fiorentina minsk
24 BC Pisatel Silent Hills
23 Bulba Minsk Minsk Mighty Reds
22 BC Red Dragon Корниловцы
21 fiorentina minsk ozaa
20 Malinowka BC[T2]Bears
19 Bulba Minsk Minsk Mighty Reds
18 ozaa Партизан
17 Busby boys Партизан
16 Bulba Minsk БК "ОЗАА"
15 Busby boys Bacardi Black
14 Bulba Minsk BC Pisatel
13 Bulba Minsk Бурак
12 Busby boys Mamont
11 Busby boys Mamont
10 fiorentina minsk Bulba Minsk
9 Busby boys Malinowka
8 fiorentina minsk Busby boys
7 Krambambulya Busby boys
6 Minsk Soks Techs Nyehawka
Country and World Rankings
Country World Team
1 232 Winsk-124
3 450 BC[T2]Bears
4 522 PolterlolWarriors
5 700 Mamont
6 1019 Rechitsa
7 1917 Favorite
8 2425 БК "ОЗАА"
9 2427 cheldony
10 4399 Minsk Cavaliers
B3 Participation History
In season 66, BC[T2]Bears were one of the final 16 teams in the B3
In season 66, Winsk-124 were one of the final 64 teams in the B3
In season 65, Mamont played in the group stage of B3 with 2 wins.
In season 65, Winsk-124 played in the group stage of B3 with 2 wins.
In season 64, Mamont played in the group stage of B3 with 1 wins.
In season 63, Spitfire Snipers were one of the final 64 teams in the B3
In season 63, Mamont played in the group stage of B3 with 2 wins.
In season 62, Mamont were one of the final 64 teams in the B3
In season 62, BC Resident Evil played in the group stage of B3 with 1 wins.
In season 61, Mamont were one of the final 64 teams in the B3
In season 61, BC Resident Evil played in the group stage of B3 with 3 wins.
In season 60, cheldony played in the group stage of B3 with 3 wins.
In season 60, Brest Tim played in the group stage of B3 with 3 wins.
In season 59, БК "ОЗАА" played in the group stage of B3 with 2 wins.
In season 59, Spitfire Snipers played in the group stage of B3 with 2 wins.
In season 58, BC[T2]Bears played in the group stage of B3 with 3 wins.
In season 57, BC[T2]Bears reached the quarterfinals of the B3
In season 56, БК "ОЗАА" played in the group stage of B3 with 3 wins.
In season 56, BC Resident Evil played in the group stage of B3 with 3 wins.
In season 55, Belarus Berserk© played in the group stage of B3 with 4 wins.
In season 54, Belarus Berserk© played in the group stage of B3 with 4 wins.
In season 54, ДЮСШ played in the group stage of B3 with 1 wins.
In season 53, Belarus Berserk© were one of the final 32 teams in the B3
In season 53, БК "ОЗАА" played in the group stage of B3 with 5 wins.
In season 52, Belarus Berserk© played in the group stage of B3 with 3 wins.
In season 51, Belarus Berserk© were one of the final 32 teams in the B3
In season 51, BC[T2]Bears played in the group stage of B3 with 1 wins.
In season 50, BC[T2]Bears were one of the final 32 teams in the B3
In season 50, Belarus Berserk© were one of the final 32 teams in the B3
In season 49, Belarus Berserk© reached the quarterfinals of the B3
In season 48, Belarus Berserk© played in the group stage of B3 with 4 wins.
In season 48, Guryndiya played in the group stage of B3 with 3 wins.
In season 47, Guryndiya played in the group stage of B3 with 5 wins.
In season 47, Разрыв played in the group stage of B3 with 3 wins.
In season 46, Разрыв were one of the final 16 teams in the B3
In season 46, Mamont played in the group stage of B3 with 2 wins.
In season 45, Разрыв played in the group stage of B3 with 5 wins.
In season 45, БК "ОЗАА" played in the group stage of B3 with 2 wins.
In season 44, Разрыв played in the group stage of B3 with 4 wins.
In season 43, Разрыв played in the group stage of B3 with 6 wins.
In season 43, Minskie Parni played in the group stage of B3 with 5 wins.
In season 42, Minskie Parni were one of the final 32 teams in the B3
In season 42, BC[T2]Bears played in the group stage of B3 with 0 wins.
In season 41, Minskie Parni were one of the final 32 teams in the B3
In season 41, Лысые Пингвины played in the group stage of B3 with 1 wins.
In season 40, Malinowka played in the group stage of B3 with 4 wins.
In season 40, Minskie Parni played in the group stage of B3 with 2 wins.
In season 39, Minskie Parni played in the group stage of B3 with 5 wins.
In season 39, Фердипердозные ребята played in the group stage of B3 with 3 wins.
In season 38, Minskie Parni played in the group stage of B3 with 5 wins.
In season 38, HCBaskech played in the group stage of B3 with 1 wins.
In season 37, БК «ВЕНТИЛЯТОР» played in the group stage of B3 with 6 wins.
In season 37, Belarus Berserk© played in the group stage of B3 with 5 wins.
In season 36, Belarus Berserk© reached the quarterfinals of the B3
In season 35, Belarus Berserk© reached the quarterfinals of the B3
In season 34, Belarus Berserk© were one of the final 32 teams in the B3
In season 33, Belarus Berserk© were one of the final 32 teams in the B3
In season 33, Vitebsk Scorpions played in the group stage of B3 with 5 wins.
In season 32, Belarus Berserk© played in the group stage of B3 with 5 wins.
In season 31, Vitebsk Scorpions played in the group stage of B3 with 6 wins.
In season 31, Belarus Berserk© played in the group stage of B3 with 5 wins.
In season 30, Busby boys played in the group stage of B3 with 4 wins.
In season 30, Minskie Parni played in the group stage of B3 with 2 wins.
In season 29, Minskie Parni were one of the final 16 teams in the B3
In season 29, HCBaskech played in the group stage of B3 with 3 wins.
In season 28, Minskie Parni played in the group stage of B3 with 6 wins.
In season 28, Vitebsk Scorpions played in the group stage of B3 with 5 wins.
In season 27, Minskie Parni reached the semifinals of the B3
In season 26, Minskie Parni were one of the final 32 teams in the B3
In season 26, Lebedi played in the group stage of B3 with 2 wins.
In season 25, BC Pisatel played in the group stage of B3 with 1 wins.
In season 24, Bulba Minsk were one of the final 32 teams in the B3
In season 24, BC Pisatel played in the group stage of B3 with 3 wins.
In season 23, BC Pisatel played in the group stage of B3 with 4 wins.
In season 23, BC Red Dragon played in the group stage of B3 with 0 wins.
In season 22, BC Pisatel played in the group stage of B3 with 5 wins.
In season 22, fiorentina minsk played in the group stage of B3 with 0 wins.
In season 21, Malinowka played in the group stage of B3 with 5 wins.
In season 20, Bulba Minsk played in the group stage of B3 with 3 wins.
In season 19, Busby boys were one of the final 32 teams in the B3
In season 19, ozaa played in the group stage of B3 with 5 wins.
In season 18, Busby boys played in the group stage of B3 with 4 wins.
In season 17, Bulba Minsk played in the group stage of B3 with 3 wins.
In season 16, fiorentina minsk played in the group stage of B3 with 5 wins.
In season 16, Busby boys played in the group stage of B3 with 1 wins.
In season 15, fiorentina minsk played in the group stage of B3 with 6 wins.
In season 15, Bulba Minsk played in the group stage of B3 with 3 wins.
In season 14, fiorentina minsk were one of the final 64 teams in the B3
In season 14, Bulba Minsk were one of the final 128 teams in the B3
In season 13, Busby boys were one of the final 32 teams in the B3
In season 12, Busby boys were one of the final 64 teams in the B3
In season 12, fiorentina minsk were one of the final 128 teams in the B3
In season 11, Bulba Minsk were one of the final 64 teams in the B3
In season 11, fiorentina minsk were one of the final 128 teams in the B3
In season 10, Busby boys were one of the final 256 teams in the B3
In season 9, fiorentina minsk were one of the final 128 teams in the B3
In season 8, Bulba Minsk were one of the final 128 teams in the B3
In season 8, Krambambulya were one of the final 128 teams in the B3
In season 7, Bulba Minsk were one of the final 128 teams in the B3
In season 7, Minsk Soks were one of the final 128 teams in the B3
