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Draft summary for league II.4 in season 66
Draft Round 1
Abzhalimov, Pavel BC Khimki 1 1
Kantser, Frol Smells of napalm 2 1
Budnikov, Oleg Red Owl 3 1
Beznosenko, Gleb Peresvet 4 1
Voynov, Anton Saint-Petersburg Lions 5 1
Konopelkin, German Королёв 6 2
Mamaev, Kirill Wild Devils team 7 1
Kabakov, Valery Могучая Кучка 8 1
Babenko, Albert Flying penguins 9 2
Teterin, Vadim Belgian Snatchers 10 1
Lavrishchev, Dmitry Bad Dreams 11 1
Toshchakov, Pavel Casuals_ 12 1
Tsygankov, Yaroslav The Moscow Bears 13 4
Yudin, Alexander Cubas Bubas 14 1
Schastny, Nikolay LeedsUnited 15 2
Rzaev, Mikhail Moscow Red Devils 16 1
Draft Round 2
Boyarchuk, Viktor BC Khimki 17 5
Zherebin, Ilya Smells of napalm 18 2
Gavrilin, Mikhail Red Owl 19 3
Russo, Oleg Peresvet 20 2
Naumov, Yury Saint-Petersburg Lions 21 2
Yudenkov, Veniamin Королёв 22 3
Goryunov, Yaroslav Wild Devils team 23 2
Luyk, Efim Могучая Кучка 24 2
Zharnikov, Georgy Flying penguins 25 3
Romanovskiy, Vladislav Belgian Snatchers 26 3
Buldin, Alexey Bad Dreams 27 4
Kulev, Fedor Casuals_ 28 3
Svinrev, Arkhip The Moscow Bears 29 5
Sokolov, Vasily Cubas Bubas 30 2
Figurov, Igor LeedsUnited 31 5
Karpychev, Anton Moscow Red Devils 32 7
Draft Round 3
Muzalevskiy, Vladimir BC Khimki 33 7
Kirik, Terenty Smells of napalm 34 3
Zhelanov, Modest Red Owl 35 5
Ekimov, Andrey Peresvet 36 12
Serenko, Nikolay Saint-Petersburg Lions 37 5
Khitrov, Egor Королёв 38 6
Kobzar, Roman Wild Devils team 39 9
Alev, Valdo Могучая Кучка 40 7
Kolominov, Gennady Flying penguins 41 23
Potekhin, Maxim Belgian Snatchers 42 8
Beltsev, Nikolay Bad Dreams 43 11
Alentiev, Vitaly Casuals_ 44 12
Moskovskikh, Timur The Moscow Bears 45 18
Veshnyakov, Daniil Cubas Bubas 46 18
Kobzev, Vissarion LeedsUnited 47 16
Shvaykovskiy, Sidor Moscow Red Devils 48 26