IV.41 Great 8

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Last 8 league games

Last 8 league games

Last 8 league games
Next: Prahran Jaguars

Last 8 league games
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Sneak Peek
Season Schedule
9/21/2024 4:00:00 AM  Nebraska Knights  The Freaks5EF  128 - 126
9/21/2024 4:00:00 AM  Bankstown Cops  Kynlala Kuties  124 - 121
9/21/2024 4:00:00 AM  Red Pirates940  Adelaide Dynamite  122 - 129
9/21/2024 4:00:00 AM  Alex Hills Bullets  Team BoomAuzziez  125 - 120
9/24/2024 4:00:00 AM  Kynlala Kuties  Red Pirates940  112 - 107
9/24/2024 4:00:00 AM  Adelaide Dynamite  Alex Hills Bullets  121 - 126
9/24/2024 4:00:00 AM  Team BoomAuzziez  Nebraska Knights  154 - 157
9/24/2024 4:00:00 AM  The Freaks5EF  Bankstown Cops  106 - 119
9/28/2024 4:00:00 AM  Alex Hills Bullets  Kynlala Kuties  118 - 124
9/28/2024 4:00:00 AM  Red Pirates940  The Freaks5EF  119 - 99
9/28/2024 4:00:00 AM  Nebraska Knights  Adelaide Dynamite  111 - 122
9/28/2024 4:00:00 AM  Bankstown Cops  Team BoomAuzziez  121 - 114
10/1/2024 4:00:00 AM  The Freaks5EF  Alex Hills Bullets  82 - 102
10/1/2024 4:00:00 AM  Kynlala Kuties  Nebraska Knights  107 - 105
10/1/2024 4:00:00 AM  Adelaide Dynamite  Bankstown Cops  119 - 127
10/1/2024 4:00:00 AM  Team BoomAuzziez  Red Pirates940  107 - 112
10/5/2024 4:00:00 AM  Adelaide Dynamite  The Freaks5EF  127 - 129
10/5/2024 4:00:00 AM  Team BoomAuzziez  Kynlala Kuties  100 - 120
10/5/2024 4:00:00 AM  Alex Hills Bullets  Bankstown Cops  107 - 119
10/5/2024 4:00:00 AM  Red Pirates940  Nebraska Knights  101 - 96
10/8/2024 4:00:00 AM  The Freaks5EF  Team BoomAuzziez  104 - 124
10/8/2024 4:00:00 AM  Kynlala Kuties  Adelaide Dynamite  101 - 114
10/8/2024 4:00:00 AM  Nebraska Knights  Alex Hills Bullets  123 - 122
10/8/2024 4:00:00 AM  Bankstown Cops  Red Pirates940  123 - 121
10/12/2024 4:00:00 AM  Kynlala Kuties  The Freaks5EF  116 - 94
10/12/2024 4:00:00 AM  Bankstown Cops  Nebraska Knights  123 - 125
10/12/2024 4:00:00 AM  Alex Hills Bullets  Red Pirates940  117 - 110
10/12/2024 4:00:00 AM  Team BoomAuzziez  Adelaide Dynamite  114 - 113
10/15/2024 4:00:00 AM  The Rhinos208  Alex Hills Bullets  116 - 123
10/15/2024 4:00:00 AM  spycatss  The Freaks5EF  108 - 111
10/15/2024 4:00:00 AM  Prahran Jaguars  Kynlala Kuties  108 - 126
10/15/2024 4:00:00 AM  Ballin Outta Control  Adelaide Dynamite  123 - 127
10/15/2024 4:00:00 AM  Kraz Attack  Team BoomAuzziez  145 - 149
10/15/2024 4:00:00 AM  North Carlton Cavaliers  Nebraska Knights  110 - 121
10/15/2024 4:00:00 AM  bangas and mash  Bankstown Cops  122 - 136
10/15/2024 4:00:00 AM  JackMcKFC  Red Pirates940  146 - 162
10/19/2024 4:00:00 AM  The Freaks5EF  Prahran Jaguars  122 - 132
10/19/2024 4:00:00 AM  Kynlala Kuties  Ballin Outta Control  108 - 121
10/19/2024 4:00:00 AM  Team BoomAuzziez  North Carlton Cavaliers  102 - 128
10/19/2024 4:00:00 AM  Nebraska Knights  bangas and mash  98 - 114
10/19/2024 4:00:00 AM  Bankstown Cops  JackMcKFC  128 - 144
10/19/2024 4:00:00 AM  Red Pirates940  The Rhinos208  104 - 108
10/19/2024 4:00:00 AM  Alex Hills Bullets  spycatss  120 - 124
10/19/2024 4:00:00 AM  Adelaide Dynamite  Kraz Attack  104 - 110
10/22/2024 4:00:00 AM  Ballin Outta Control  The Freaks5EF  123 - 109
10/22/2024 4:00:00 AM  Kraz Attack  Kynlala Kuties  87 - 105
10/22/2024 4:00:00 AM  North Carlton Cavaliers  Adelaide Dynamite  119 - 125
10/22/2024 4:00:00 AM  bangas and mash  Team BoomAuzziez  123 - 126
10/22/2024 4:00:00 AM  JackMcKFC  Nebraska Knights  120 - 115
10/22/2024 4:00:00 AM  The Rhinos208  Bankstown Cops  130 - 133
10/22/2024 4:00:00 AM  spycatss  Red Pirates940  95 - 106
10/22/2024 4:00:00 AM  Prahran Jaguars  Alex Hills Bullets  92 - 111
10/26/2024 4:00:00 AM  The Freaks5EF  Kraz Attack  112 - 110
10/26/2024 4:00:00 AM  Kynlala Kuties  North Carlton Cavaliers  120 - 125
10/26/2024 4:00:00 AM  Adelaide Dynamite  bangas and mash  121 - 122
10/26/2024 4:00:00 AM  Nebraska Knights  The Rhinos208  119 - 122
10/26/2024 4:00:00 AM  Bankstown Cops  spycatss  108 - 120
10/26/2024 4:00:00 AM  Red Pirates940  Prahran Jaguars  117 - 121
10/26/2024 4:00:00 AM  Alex Hills Bullets  Ballin Outta Control  117 - 115
10/26/2024 4:00:00 AM  Team BoomAuzziez  JackMcKFC  129 - 134
10/29/2024 4:00:00 AM  Prahran Jaguars  Bankstown Cops  132 - 131
10/29/2024 4:00:00 AM  North Carlton Cavaliers  The Freaks5EF  114 - 111
10/29/2024 4:00:00 AM  bangas and mash  Kynlala Kuties  108 - 115
10/29/2024 4:00:00 AM  JackMcKFC  Adelaide Dynamite  128 - 131
10/29/2024 4:00:00 AM  The Rhinos208  Team BoomAuzziez  109 - 111
10/29/2024 4:00:00 AM  spycatss  Nebraska Knights  129 - 130
10/29/2024 4:00:00 AM  Ballin Outta Control  Red Pirates940  118 - 106
10/29/2024 4:00:00 AM  Kraz Attack  Alex Hills Bullets  109 - 125
11/2/2024 4:00:00 AM  Kynlala Kuties  JackMcKFC  128 - 129
11/2/2024 4:00:00 AM  Adelaide Dynamite  The Rhinos208  103 - 97
11/2/2024 4:00:00 AM  Team BoomAuzziez  spycatss  100 - 102
11/2/2024 4:00:00 AM  Nebraska Knights  Prahran Jaguars  110 - 122
11/2/2024 4:00:00 AM  Bankstown Cops  Ballin Outta Control  125 - 126
11/2/2024 4:00:00 AM  Red Pirates940  Kraz Attack  125 - 127
11/2/2024 4:00:00 AM  Alex Hills Bullets  North Carlton Cavaliers  135 - 121
11/2/2024 4:00:00 AM  The Freaks5EF  bangas and mash  111 - 121
11/9/2024 4:00:00 AM  Ballin Outta Control  Nebraska Knights 
11/9/2024 4:00:00 AM  North Carlton Cavaliers  Red Pirates940 
11/9/2024 4:00:00 AM  JackMcKFC  The Freaks5EF 
11/9/2024 4:00:00 AM  The Rhinos208  Kynlala Kuties 
11/9/2024 4:00:00 AM  spycatss  Adelaide Dynamite 
11/9/2024 4:00:00 AM  Prahran Jaguars  Team BoomAuzziez 
11/9/2024 4:00:00 AM  Kraz Attack  Bankstown Cops 
11/9/2024 4:00:00 AM  bangas and mash  Alex Hills Bullets 
11/12/2024 4:00:00 AM  The Freaks5EF  The Rhinos208 
11/12/2024 4:00:00 AM  Adelaide Dynamite  Prahran Jaguars 
11/12/2024 4:00:00 AM  Team BoomAuzziez  Ballin Outta Control 
11/12/2024 4:00:00 AM  Nebraska Knights  Kraz Attack 
11/12/2024 4:00:00 AM  Bankstown Cops  North Carlton Cavaliers 
11/12/2024 4:00:00 AM  Red Pirates940  bangas and mash 
11/12/2024 4:00:00 AM  Alex Hills Bullets  JackMcKFC 
11/12/2024 4:00:00 AM  Kynlala Kuties  spycatss 
11/16/2024 4:00:00 AM  The Freaks5EF  Nebraska Knights 
11/16/2024 4:00:00 AM  Kynlala Kuties  Bankstown Cops 
11/16/2024 4:00:00 AM  Adelaide Dynamite  Red Pirates940 
11/16/2024 4:00:00 AM  Team BoomAuzziez  Alex Hills Bullets 
11/19/2024 4:00:00 AM  Red Pirates940  Kynlala Kuties 
11/19/2024 4:00:00 AM  Alex Hills Bullets  Adelaide Dynamite 
11/19/2024 4:00:00 AM  Nebraska Knights  Team BoomAuzziez 
11/19/2024 4:00:00 AM  Bankstown Cops  The Freaks5EF 
11/23/2024 4:00:00 AM  Kynlala Kuties  Alex Hills Bullets 
11/23/2024 4:00:00 AM  The Freaks5EF  Red Pirates940 
11/23/2024 4:00:00 AM  Adelaide Dynamite  Nebraska Knights 
11/23/2024 4:00:00 AM  Team BoomAuzziez  Bankstown Cops 
11/26/2024 4:00:00 AM  Alex Hills Bullets  The Freaks5EF 
11/26/2024 4:00:00 AM  Nebraska Knights  Kynlala Kuties 
11/26/2024 4:00:00 AM  Bankstown Cops  Adelaide Dynamite 
11/26/2024 4:00:00 AM  Red Pirates940  Team BoomAuzziez 
11/30/2024 4:00:00 AM  The Freaks5EF  Adelaide Dynamite 
11/30/2024 4:00:00 AM  Kynlala Kuties  Team BoomAuzziez 
11/30/2024 4:00:00 AM  Bankstown Cops  Alex Hills Bullets 
11/30/2024 4:00:00 AM  Nebraska Knights  Red Pirates940 
12/3/2024 4:00:00 AM  Team BoomAuzziez  The Freaks5EF 
12/3/2024 4:00:00 AM  Adelaide Dynamite  Kynlala Kuties 
12/3/2024 4:00:00 AM  Alex Hills Bullets  Nebraska Knights 
12/3/2024 4:00:00 AM  Red Pirates940  Bankstown Cops 
12/7/2024 4:00:00 AM  The Freaks5EF  Kynlala Kuties 
12/7/2024 4:00:00 AM  Nebraska Knights  Bankstown Cops 
12/7/2024 4:00:00 AM  Red Pirates940  Alex Hills Bullets 
12/7/2024 4:00:00 AM  Adelaide Dynamite  Team BoomAuzziez 