Draft summary for league V.73 in season 66
Draft Round 1
Boggs, Ray Kings of Los Angeles 1 1
Guzzonato, Federico Tomlinson Bulldogs 2 1
Darling, Joel Papi Shooters 3 2
Crane, Owen bullyt 4 1
Millard, Chris The Kings town 5 1
Lombardo, Hugh RareCandy 6 1
Beverly, Andrew Poopers 7 1
Nance, Branden PBRs 8 1
Pulmones, Mark Dexter Dallas Lions 9 1
Watts, Cory Elmira enforcers 10 1
Apfel, Maurice Sticky Icky 11 1
Curtis, Kevin Nike U21 Elite 12 1
Keyesj, Clarence Fort Wayne Sharks 13 2
Dubose, Hugo Verplanck Power 14 1
Gallen, Wesley Area 51 15 1
Donahue, Chris Baltimore Dragons 16 1
Draft Round 2
Williams, Ryan Kings of Los Angeles 17 3
Burns, Ralph Tomlinson Bulldogs 18 3
Langlois, Edmond Papi Shooters 19 3
Balaguera, Arnoldo bullyt 20 5
Lemons, Kaden The Kings town 21 3
Johnson, Israel RareCandy 22 2
Erli, Pei Poopers 23 3
Keller, Francis PBRs 24 2
Ott, Shelby Dallas Lions 25 2
Parrish, Connor Elmira enforcers 26 4
Haywood, Gaylord Sticky Icky 27 3
Finn, Landon Nike U21 Elite 28 4
Edmondson, Marco Fort Wayne Sharks 29 4
Eastman, Dale Verplanck Power 30 4
McCordv, Andy Area 51 31 3
Sweet, Dylan Baltimore Dragons 32 6
Draft Round 3
McAdams, Sandy Kings of Los Angeles 33 4
Adkins, Edward Tomlinson Bulldogs 34 4
Archer, Tom Papi Shooters 35 8
Frank, Sammie bullyt 36 7
Stapleton, Ryan The Kings town 37 15
Lyle, Martin RareCandy 38 6
Hubenet, Des Poopers 39 6
Arellano, Trevor PBRs 40 5
Sargent, Duane Dallas Lions 41 10
Sylvester, Pedro Elmira enforcers 42 15
Seward, Kyle Sticky Icky 43 9
Holman, Christopher Nike U21 Elite 44 9
Goldstein, Mark Fort Wayne Sharks 45 18
Boado, Hixinio Verplanck Power 46 14
McNamara, Rob Area 51 47 17
Hayes, Desmond Baltimore Dragons 48 30