Draft summary for league IV.2 in season 66
Draft Round 1
Duderberg, Oliver PitVipers 1 1
Cipeng, Gu Madido fc 2 2
García Carrión, Juan Alfredo Maui Mangos 3 1
Ogden, Jacob London LightningEF5 4 1
Boucher, Sam Toronto Rogues 5 1
Alexandre, Antonio Skeptron Defenderz 6 1
Agudo, Carlos Alberto Manz United 7 1
MacNeill, Alexander Rangers38 8 1
Sandoval, Frank Graham Barracudas 9 1
MacCormack, Pat Toronto Raptorz 10 1
Warner, Deion sexebats 11 2
Zitter-Aal, Pat The Pheonix 12 2
Sing, Zane Thedford Storm 13 1
Sheedy, Neil K-9s 14 1
Achterberg, Stockwell Port Williams Pokemons 15 1
Xinlei, Wei Goldstars 16 2
Draft Round 2
Poe, Kolten PitVipers 17 3
Green, Jacob Madido fc 18 3
Dillon, Michael Maui Mangos 19 3
Roberts, Frederick London LightningEF5 20 2
Kharkovschenko, Ruslan Toronto Rogues 21 2
Gandy, Jared Skeptron Defenderz 22 3
Shirley, Mitch Manz United 23 2
Nance, Irving Rangers38 24 3
Manseau, Pierre-Etienne Graham Barracudas 25 2
Racine, Paul Toronto Raptorz 26 2
Gareiss, Joel sexebats 27 3
Groulx, Henry The Pheonix 28 3
Conroy, Rob Thedford Storm 29 3
Irvine, William K-9s 30 13
Munger, Olivier Port Williams Pokemons 31 5
Bobo, Brett Goldstars 32 4
Draft Round 3
Marasco, Sergio PitVipers 33 5
Baiqiang, Zhang Madido fc 34 5
Plötscher, Konstantin Maui Mangos 35 9
Lacasse, Tommy London LightningEF5 36 5
Meade, Daniel Toronto Rogues 37 4
Hogue, Julius Skeptron Defenderz 38 10
Renaud, Pierre-Yves Manz United 39 3
Spénard, Cédric Rangers38 40 4
Caruk, Giedymin Graham Barracudas 41 21
Butler, Martin Toronto Raptorz 42 14
Ruffles, Morrison sexebats 43 18
McGowan, Keith The Pheonix 44 10
Lemaire, Herold Thedford Storm 45 9
Towns, Steve K-9s 46 38
Boulard, Aurèle Port Williams Pokemons 47 15
Low, Jamie Goldstars 48 30