V.94 Great 8

Last 8 league games
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Last 8 league games

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Last 8 league games
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Last 8 league games

Last 8 league games
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Last 8 league games
Next: Unoteam
Sneak Peek
Season Schedule
12/28/2024 1:30:00 PM  Unoteam  Servicemen Courgoul  85 - 102
12/28/2024 1:30:00 PM  Saint Quentin BB  Fc Olympia  122 - 118
12/28/2024 1:30:00 PM  ESPIRION BULLS  Sons of Odin  109 - 124
12/28/2024 1:30:00 PM  vittel  BBRR Team  134 - 141
12/31/2024 1:30:00 PM  Fc Olympia  ESPIRION BULLS  131 - 130
12/31/2024 1:30:00 PM  Sons of Odin  vittel  99 - 113
12/31/2024 1:30:00 PM  BBRR Team  Unoteam  119 - 115
12/31/2024 1:30:00 PM  Servicemen Courgoul  Saint Quentin BB  130 - 129
1/4/2025 1:30:00 PM  vittel  Fc Olympia  126 - 128
1/4/2025 1:30:00 PM  ESPIRION BULLS  Servicemen Courgoul  110 - 122
1/4/2025 1:30:00 PM  Unoteam  Sons of Odin  102 - 126
1/4/2025 1:30:00 PM  Saint Quentin BB  BBRR Team  126 - 138
1/7/2025 1:30:00 PM  Servicemen Courgoul  vittel  100 - 121
1/7/2025 1:30:00 PM  Fc Olympia  Unoteam  127 - 129
1/7/2025 1:30:00 PM  Sons of Odin  Saint Quentin BB  108 - 117
1/7/2025 1:30:00 PM  BBRR Team  ESPIRION BULLS  124 - 122
1/11/2025 1:30:00 PM  Sons of Odin  Servicemen Courgoul  140 - 137
1/11/2025 1:30:00 PM  BBRR Team  Fc Olympia  113 - 120
1/11/2025 1:30:00 PM  vittel  Saint Quentin BB  145 - 126
1/11/2025 1:30:00 PM  ESPIRION BULLS  Unoteam  126 - 125
1/14/2025 1:30:00 PM  Servicemen Courgoul  BBRR Team  123 - 125
1/14/2025 1:30:00 PM  Fc Olympia  Sons of Odin  117 - 121
1/14/2025 1:30:00 PM  Unoteam  vittel  114 - 119
1/14/2025 1:30:00 PM  Saint Quentin BB  ESPIRION BULLS  170 - 167
1/18/2025 1:30:00 PM  Fc Olympia  Servicemen Courgoul  114 - 118
1/18/2025 1:30:00 PM  Saint Quentin BB  Unoteam  98 - 116
1/18/2025 1:30:00 PM  vittel  ESPIRION BULLS  135 - 116
1/18/2025 1:30:00 PM  BBRR Team  Sons of Odin  115 - 124
1/21/2025 1:30:00 PM  vittel  Edhec Venture Capitalists  120 - 135
1/21/2025 1:30:00 PM  Servicemen Courgoul  Tonneins Basket Club  108 - 115
1/21/2025 1:30:00 PM  Fc Olympia  Beagles  120 - 109
1/21/2025 1:30:00 PM  Sons of Odin  Bold Saint-Ferriol  142 - 138
1/21/2025 1:30:00 PM  BBRR Team  Utility Saint-Louis-lès-Bitche  115 - 121
1/21/2025 1:30:00 PM  Unoteam  Razorbacks Les Crouteaux  117 - 128
1/21/2025 1:30:00 PM  Saint Quentin BB  no soucy team  95 - 115
1/21/2025 1:30:00 PM  ESPIRION BULLS  Auxonne Demons  111 - 120
1/25/2025 1:30:00 PM  Beagles  Servicemen Courgoul  98 - 110
1/25/2025 1:30:00 PM  Bold Saint-Ferriol  Fc Olympia  119 - 127
1/25/2025 1:30:00 PM  Razorbacks Les Crouteaux  BBRR Team  122 - 120
1/25/2025 1:30:00 PM  no soucy team  Unoteam  128 - 135
1/25/2025 1:30:00 PM  Auxonne Demons  Saint Quentin BB  114 - 118
1/25/2025 1:30:00 PM  Edhec Venture Capitalists  ESPIRION BULLS  119 - 100
1/25/2025 1:30:00 PM  Tonneins Basket Club  vittel  99 - 121
1/25/2025 1:30:00 PM  Utility Saint-Louis-lès-Bitche  Sons of Odin  133 - 135
1/28/2025 1:30:00 PM  Servicemen Courgoul  Bold Saint-Ferriol  93 - 106
1/28/2025 1:30:00 PM  Fc Olympia  Utility Saint-Louis-lès-Bitche  119 - 124
1/28/2025 1:30:00 PM  Sons of Odin  Razorbacks Les Crouteaux  92 - 112
1/28/2025 1:30:00 PM  BBRR Team  no soucy team  105 - 114
1/28/2025 1:30:00 PM  Unoteam  Auxonne Demons  95 - 111
1/28/2025 1:30:00 PM  Saint Quentin BB  Edhec Venture Capitalists  105 - 123
1/28/2025 1:30:00 PM  ESPIRION BULLS  Tonneins Basket Club  121 - 127
1/28/2025 1:30:00 PM  vittel  Beagles  133 - 134
2/1/2025 1:30:00 PM  Utility Saint-Louis-lès-Bitche  Servicemen Courgoul  119 - 117
2/1/2025 1:30:00 PM  Razorbacks Les Crouteaux  Fc Olympia  123 - 118
2/1/2025 1:30:00 PM  no soucy team  Sons of Odin  108 - 119
2/1/2025 1:30:00 PM  Edhec Venture Capitalists  Unoteam  121 - 102
2/1/2025 1:30:00 PM  Tonneins Basket Club  Saint Quentin BB  117 - 124
2/1/2025 1:30:00 PM  Beagles  ESPIRION BULLS  120 - 112
2/1/2025 1:30:00 PM  Bold Saint-Ferriol  vittel  120 - 149
2/1/2025 1:30:00 PM  Auxonne Demons  BBRR Team  115 - 116
2/4/2025 1:30:00 PM  Saint Quentin BB  Beagles  101 - 125
2/4/2025 1:30:00 PM  Servicemen Courgoul  Razorbacks Les Crouteaux  119 - 123
2/4/2025 1:30:00 PM  Fc Olympia  no soucy team  139 - 144
2/4/2025 1:30:00 PM  Sons of Odin  Auxonne Demons  116 - 122
2/4/2025 1:30:00 PM  BBRR Team  Edhec Venture Capitalists  107 - 119
2/4/2025 1:30:00 PM  Unoteam  Tonneins Basket Club  124 - 118
2/4/2025 1:30:00 PM  ESPIRION BULLS  Bold Saint-Ferriol  105 - 127
2/4/2025 1:30:00 PM  vittel  Utility Saint-Louis-lès-Bitche  126 - 121
2/8/2025 1:30:00 PM  Auxonne Demons  Fc Olympia  116 - 121
2/8/2025 1:30:00 PM  Edhec Venture Capitalists  Sons of Odin  111 - 112
2/8/2025 1:30:00 PM  Tonneins Basket Club  BBRR Team  122 - 104
2/8/2025 1:30:00 PM  Beagles  Unoteam  113 - 125
2/8/2025 1:30:00 PM  Bold Saint-Ferriol  Saint Quentin BB  119 - 124
2/8/2025 1:30:00 PM  Utility Saint-Louis-lès-Bitche  ESPIRION BULLS  122 - 121
2/8/2025 1:30:00 PM  Razorbacks Les Crouteaux  vittel  110 - 132
2/8/2025 1:30:00 PM  no soucy team  Servicemen Courgoul  102 - 107
2/15/2025 1:30:00 PM  Unoteam  Bold Saint-Ferriol  126 - 137
2/15/2025 1:30:00 PM  ESPIRION BULLS  Razorbacks Les Crouteaux  118 - 134
2/15/2025 1:30:00 PM  Servicemen Courgoul  Auxonne Demons  109 - 126
2/15/2025 1:30:00 PM  Fc Olympia  Edhec Venture Capitalists  109 - 129
2/15/2025 1:30:00 PM  Sons of Odin  Tonneins Basket Club  118 - 126
2/15/2025 1:30:00 PM  BBRR Team  Beagles  108 - 114
2/15/2025 1:30:00 PM  Saint Quentin BB  Utility Saint-Louis-lès-Bitche  100 - 109
2/15/2025 1:30:00 PM  vittel  no soucy team  114 - 123
2/18/2025 1:30:00 PM  Edhec Venture Capitalists  Servicemen Courgoul  120 - 111
2/18/2025 1:30:00 PM  Beagles  Sons of Odin  117 - 119
2/18/2025 1:30:00 PM  Bold Saint-Ferriol  BBRR Team  106 - 122
2/18/2025 1:30:00 PM  Utility Saint-Louis-lès-Bitche  Unoteam  115 - 106
2/18/2025 1:30:00 PM  Razorbacks Les Crouteaux  Saint Quentin BB  114 - 97
2/18/2025 1:30:00 PM  no soucy team  ESPIRION BULLS  112 - 110
2/18/2025 1:30:00 PM  Auxonne Demons  vittel  106 - 125
2/18/2025 1:30:00 PM  Tonneins Basket Club  Fc Olympia  111 - 113
2/22/2025 1:30:00 PM  Servicemen Courgoul  Unoteam  109 - 115
2/22/2025 1:30:00 PM  Fc Olympia  Saint Quentin BB  139 - 143
2/22/2025 1:30:00 PM  Sons of Odin  ESPIRION BULLS  108 - 107
2/22/2025 1:30:00 PM  BBRR Team  vittel  126 - 140
2/25/2025 1:30:00 PM  ESPIRION BULLS  Fc Olympia  119 - 133
2/25/2025 1:30:00 PM  vittel  Sons of Odin  128 - 123
2/25/2025 1:30:00 PM  Unoteam  BBRR Team  126 - 132
2/25/2025 1:30:00 PM  Saint Quentin BB  Servicemen Courgoul  125 - 119
3/1/2025 1:30:00 PM  Fc Olympia  vittel  124 - 137
3/1/2025 1:30:00 PM  Servicemen Courgoul  ESPIRION BULLS  103 - 107
3/1/2025 1:30:00 PM  Sons of Odin  Unoteam  105 - 115
3/1/2025 1:30:00 PM  BBRR Team  Saint Quentin BB  101 - 108
3/4/2025 1:30:00 PM  vittel  Servicemen Courgoul  110 - 117
3/4/2025 1:30:00 PM  Unoteam  Fc Olympia  118 - 116
3/4/2025 1:30:00 PM  Saint Quentin BB  Sons of Odin  107 - 127
3/4/2025 1:30:00 PM  ESPIRION BULLS  BBRR Team  141 - 146
3/8/2025 1:30:00 PM  Servicemen Courgoul  Sons of Odin 
3/8/2025 1:30:00 PM  Fc Olympia  BBRR Team 
3/8/2025 1:30:00 PM  Saint Quentin BB  vittel 
3/8/2025 1:30:00 PM  Unoteam  ESPIRION BULLS 
3/11/2025 1:30:00 PM  BBRR Team  Servicemen Courgoul 
3/11/2025 1:30:00 PM  Sons of Odin  Fc Olympia 
3/11/2025 1:30:00 PM  vittel  Unoteam 
3/11/2025 1:30:00 PM  ESPIRION BULLS  Saint Quentin BB 
3/15/2025 1:30:00 PM  Servicemen Courgoul  Fc Olympia 
3/15/2025 1:30:00 PM  Unoteam  Saint Quentin BB 
3/15/2025 1:30:00 PM  ESPIRION BULLS  vittel 
3/15/2025 1:30:00 PM  Sons of Odin  BBRR Team 