League Schedule -- Season 64
Date/Time Away team Status Home team
03/09/2024 13:30:00 le mée sur seine Fc Boubou
03/09/2024 13:30:00 Béziers BC The Charlotte Horners
03/09/2024 13:30:00 DOBLO Washington Wizards I
03/09/2024 13:30:00 CNM Charenton Banana Boys
03/09/2024 13:30:00 SpeedZ Paris Dreamers
03/09/2024 13:30:00 Vicars Lamotte Breizh Kelt.
03/09/2024 13:30:00 Devil Rays Paray The Birds of Orlins
03/09/2024 13:30:00 SPB St Paaul Basket Fighting Irish Craon TV
03/12/2024 13:30:00 7 Fc Boubou 8 Béziers BC TV
03/12/2024 13:30:00 1 The Charlotte Horners 5 DOBLO
03/12/2024 13:30:00 4 Washington Wizards I 3 CNM Charenton
03/12/2024 13:30:00 6 Banana Boys 2 le mée sur seine
03/12/2024 13:30:00 2 Paris Dreamers 6 Vicars Lamotte
03/12/2024 13:30:00 3 Breizh Kelt. 5 Devil Rays Paray
03/12/2024 13:30:00 4 The Birds of Orlins 8 SPB St Paaul Basket
03/12/2024 13:30:00 1 Fighting Irish Craon 7 SpeedZ
03/16/2024 13:30:00 6 DOBLO 5 Fc Boubou
03/16/2024 13:30:00 4 CNM Charenton 1 The Charlotte Horners TV
03/16/2024 13:30:00 2 le mée sur seine 3 Washington Wizards I
03/16/2024 13:30:00 8 Béziers BC 7 Banana Boys
03/16/2024 13:30:00 6 Devil Rays Paray 2 Paris Dreamers
03/16/2024 13:30:00 8 SPB St Paaul Basket 3 Breizh Kelt.
03/16/2024 13:30:00 4 SpeedZ 1 The Birds of Orlins
03/16/2024 13:30:00 7 Vicars Lamotte 5 Fighting Irish Craon
03/19/2024 13:30:00 4 Fc Boubou 6 CNM Charenton
03/19/2024 13:30:00 1 The Charlotte Horners 3 le mée sur seine
03/19/2024 13:30:00 2 Washington Wizards I 8 Béziers BC
03/19/2024 13:30:00 5 Banana Boys 7 DOBLO
03/19/2024 13:30:00 3 Paris Dreamers 8 SPB St Paaul Basket
03/19/2024 13:30:00 2 Breizh Kelt. 5 SpeedZ TV
03/19/2024 13:30:00 1 The Birds of Orlins 7 Vicars Lamotte
03/19/2024 13:30:00 4 Fighting Irish Craon 6 Devil Rays Paray
03/23/2024 13:30:00 3 Washington Wizards I 5 Fc Boubou
03/23/2024 13:30:00 7 Banana Boys 2 The Charlotte Horners
03/23/2024 13:30:00 6 DOBLO 1 le mée sur seine TV
03/23/2024 13:30:00 4 CNM Charenton 8 Béziers BC
03/23/2024 13:30:00 1 The Birds of Orlins 2 Paris Dreamers TV
03/23/2024 13:30:00 4 Fighting Irish Craon 3 Breizh Kelt.
03/23/2024 13:30:00 6 Devil Rays Paray 5 SpeedZ
03/23/2024 13:30:00 8 SPB St Paaul Basket 7 Vicars Lamotte
03/26/2024 13:30:00 4 Fc Boubou 8 Banana Boys
03/26/2024 13:30:00 2 The Charlotte Horners 3 Washington Wizards I
03/26/2024 13:30:00 1 le mée sur seine 5 CNM Charenton
03/26/2024 13:30:00 6 Béziers BC 7 DOBLO
03/26/2024 13:30:00 1 Paris Dreamers 3 Fighting Irish Craon
03/26/2024 13:30:00 4 Breizh Kelt. 2 The Birds of Orlins
03/26/2024 13:30:00 5 SpeedZ 8 SPB St Paaul Basket
03/26/2024 13:30:00 7 Vicars Lamotte 6 Devil Rays Paray TV
03/30/2024 13:30:00 3 The Charlotte Horners 4 Fc Boubou
03/30/2024 13:30:00 7 Banana Boys 2 Washington Wizards I TV
03/30/2024 13:30:00 8 Béziers BC 1 le mée sur seine
03/30/2024 13:30:00 5 CNM Charenton 6 DOBLO
03/30/2024 13:30:00 3 Breizh Kelt. 1 Paris Dreamers
03/30/2024 13:30:00 2 Fighting Irish Craon 4 The Birds of Orlins
03/30/2024 13:30:00 7 Vicars Lamotte 5 SpeedZ
03/30/2024 13:30:00 8 SPB St Paaul Basket 6 Devil Rays Paray
04/02/2024 13:30:00 1 Paris Dreamers 4 Fc Boubou
04/02/2024 13:30:00 5 Breizh Kelt. 3 The Charlotte Horners
04/02/2024 13:30:00 4 The Birds of Orlins 2 Washington Wizards I
04/02/2024 13:30:00 2 Fighting Irish Craon 8 Banana Boys
04/02/2024 13:30:00 3 SpeedZ 1 le mée sur seine
04/02/2024 13:30:00 7 Vicars Lamotte 7 Béziers BC
04/02/2024 13:30:00 6 Devil Rays Paray 5 DOBLO
04/02/2024 13:30:00 8 SPB St Paaul Basket 6 CNM Charenton TV
04/06/2024 13:30:00 3 Fc Boubou 4 Breizh Kelt.
04/06/2024 13:30:00 4 The Charlotte Horners 6 The Birds of Orlins
04/06/2024 13:30:00 2 Washington Wizards I 2 Fighting Irish Craon TV
04/06/2024 13:30:00 8 Banana Boys 3 SpeedZ
04/06/2024 13:30:00 1 le mée sur seine 7 Vicars Lamotte
04/06/2024 13:30:00 7 Béziers BC 5 Devil Rays Paray
04/06/2024 13:30:00 6 DOBLO 8 SPB St Paaul Basket
04/06/2024 13:30:00 5 CNM Charenton 1 Paris Dreamers
04/09/2024 13:30:00 6 The Birds of Orlins 3 Fc Boubou
04/09/2024 13:30:00 1 Fighting Irish Craon 5 The Charlotte Horners
04/09/2024 13:30:00 4 SpeedZ 2 Washington Wizards I
04/09/2024 13:30:00 7 Vicars Lamotte 8 Banana Boys
04/09/2024 13:30:00 5 Devil Rays Paray 1 le mée sur seine
04/09/2024 13:30:00 8 SPB St Paaul Basket 7 Béziers BC
04/09/2024 13:30:00 2 Paris Dreamers 6 DOBLO
04/09/2024 13:30:00 3 Breizh Kelt. 4 CNM Charenton
04/13/2024 13:30:00 3 Fc Boubou 1 Fighting Irish Craon
04/13/2024 13:30:00 4 The Charlotte Horners 3 SpeedZ
04/13/2024 13:30:00 2 Washington Wizards I 7 Vicars Lamotte
04/13/2024 13:30:00 8 Banana Boys 6 Devil Rays Paray TV
04/13/2024 13:30:00 1 le mée sur seine 8 SPB St Paaul Basket
04/13/2024 13:30:00 7 Béziers BC 4 Paris Dreamers
04/13/2024 13:30:00 6 DOBLO 2 Breizh Kelt.
04/13/2024 13:30:00 5 CNM Charenton 5 The Birds of Orlins
04/16/2024 13:30:00 2 SpeedZ 3 Fc Boubou
04/16/2024 13:30:00 7 Vicars Lamotte 6 The Charlotte Horners
04/16/2024 13:30:00 6 Devil Rays Paray 2 Washington Wizards I
04/16/2024 13:30:00 8 SPB St Paaul Basket 8 Banana Boys
04/16/2024 13:30:00 4 Paris Dreamers 1 le mée sur seine
04/16/2024 13:30:00 3 Breizh Kelt. 7 Béziers BC TV
04/16/2024 13:30:00 5 The Birds of Orlins 5 DOBLO
04/16/2024 13:30:00 1 Fighting Irish Craon 4 CNM Charenton
04/20/2024 13:30:00 3 Fc Boubou 8 Vicars Lamotte TV
04/20/2024 13:30:00 6 The Charlotte Horners 6 Devil Rays Paray
04/20/2024 13:30:00 2 Washington Wizards I 7 SPB St Paaul Basket
04/20/2024 13:30:00 8 Banana Boys 4 Paris Dreamers
04/20/2024 13:30:00 1 le mée sur seine 2 Breizh Kelt.
04/20/2024 13:30:00 7 Béziers BC 5 The Birds of Orlins
04/20/2024 13:30:00 4 DOBLO 1 Fighting Irish Craon
04/20/2024 13:30:00 5 CNM Charenton 3 SpeedZ
04/27/2024 13:30:00 6 Devil Rays Paray 3 Fc Boubou
04/27/2024 13:30:00 7 SPB St Paaul Basket 6 The Charlotte Horners
04/27/2024 13:30:00 4 Paris Dreamers 2 Washington Wizards I
04/27/2024 13:30:00 1 Breizh Kelt. 8 Banana Boys
04/27/2024 13:30:00 5 The Birds of Orlins 1 le mée sur seine TV
04/27/2024 13:30:00 2 Fighting Irish Craon 7 Béziers BC
04/27/2024 13:30:00 3 SpeedZ 4 DOBLO TV
04/27/2024 13:30:00 8 Vicars Lamotte 5 CNM Charenton
04/30/2024 13:30:00 3 Fc Boubou 7 SPB St Paaul Basket
04/30/2024 13:30:00 6 The Charlotte Horners 4 Paris Dreamers TV
04/30/2024 13:30:00 2 Washington Wizards I 2 Breizh Kelt.
04/30/2024 13:30:00 8 Banana Boys 5 The Birds of Orlins
04/30/2024 13:30:00 1 le mée sur seine 1 Fighting Irish Craon
04/30/2024 13:30:00 7 Béziers BC 3 SpeedZ
04/30/2024 13:30:00 5 DOBLO 8 Vicars Lamotte
04/30/2024 13:30:00 4 CNM Charenton 6 Devil Rays Paray
05/04/2024 13:30:00 3 Fc Boubou 1 le mée sur seine
05/04/2024 13:30:00 6 The Charlotte Horners 7 Béziers BC
05/04/2024 13:30:00 2 Washington Wizards I 5 DOBLO
05/04/2024 13:30:00 8 Banana Boys 4 CNM Charenton
05/04/2024 13:30:00 4 Paris Dreamers 3 SpeedZ
05/04/2024 13:30:00 1 Breizh Kelt. 8 Vicars Lamotte
05/04/2024 13:30:00 5 The Birds of Orlins 6 Devil Rays Paray
05/04/2024 13:30:00 2 Fighting Irish Craon 7 SPB St Paaul Basket TV
05/07/2024 13:30:00 7 Béziers BC 3 Fc Boubou TV
05/07/2024 13:30:00 5 DOBLO 6 The Charlotte Horners
05/07/2024 13:30:00 4 CNM Charenton 2 Washington Wizards I
05/07/2024 13:30:00 1 le mée sur seine 8 Banana Boys
05/07/2024 13:30:00 8 Vicars Lamotte 4 Paris Dreamers
05/07/2024 13:30:00 5 Devil Rays Paray 1 Breizh Kelt. TV
05/07/2024 13:30:00 7 SPB St Paaul Basket 6 The Birds of Orlins
05/07/2024 13:30:00 3 SpeedZ 2 Fighting Irish Craon
05/11/2024 13:30:00 3 Fc Boubou 6 DOBLO
05/11/2024 13:30:00 5 The Charlotte Horners 4 CNM Charenton TV
05/11/2024 13:30:00 2 Washington Wizards I 1 le mée sur seine
05/11/2024 13:30:00 8 Banana Boys 7 Béziers BC
05/11/2024 13:30:00 4 Paris Dreamers 5 Devil Rays Paray
05/11/2024 13:30:00 1 Breizh Kelt. 7 SPB St Paaul Basket
05/11/2024 13:30:00 6 The Birds of Orlins 3 SpeedZ
05/11/2024 13:30:00 2 Fighting Irish Craon 8 Vicars Lamotte
05/14/2024 13:30:00 4 CNM Charenton 3 Fc Boubou
05/14/2024 13:30:00 1 le mée sur seine 6 The Charlotte Horners
05/14/2024 13:30:00 7 Béziers BC 2 Washington Wizards I
05/14/2024 13:30:00 5 DOBLO 8 Banana Boys
05/14/2024 13:30:00 8 SPB St Paaul Basket 5 Paris Dreamers
05/14/2024 13:30:00 3 SpeedZ 1 Breizh Kelt.
05/14/2024 13:30:00 7 Vicars Lamotte 6 The Birds of Orlins
05/14/2024 13:30:00 4 Devil Rays Paray 2 Fighting Irish Craon
05/18/2024 13:30:00 4 Fc Boubou 2 Washington Wizards I
05/18/2024 13:30:00 6 The Charlotte Horners 8 Banana Boys
05/18/2024 13:30:00 1 le mée sur seine 5 DOBLO TV
05/18/2024 13:30:00 7 Béziers BC 3 CNM Charenton
05/18/2024 13:30:00 4 Paris Dreamers 6 The Birds of Orlins TV
05/18/2024 13:30:00 1 Breizh Kelt. 2 Fighting Irish Craon
05/18/2024 13:30:00 3 SpeedZ 5 Devil Rays Paray
05/18/2024 13:30:00 7 Vicars Lamotte 8 SPB St Paaul Basket
05/21/2024 13:30:00 8 Banana Boys 4 Fc Boubou
05/21/2024 13:30:00 3 Washington Wizards I 6 The Charlotte Horners
05/21/2024 13:30:00 2 CNM Charenton 1 le mée sur seine
05/21/2024 13:30:00 5 DOBLO 7 Béziers BC
05/21/2024 13:30:00 2 Fighting Irish Craon 5 Paris Dreamers
05/21/2024 13:30:00 4 The Birds of Orlins 1 Breizh Kelt.
05/21/2024 13:30:00 7 SPB St Paaul Basket 3 SpeedZ
05/21/2024 13:30:00 6 Devil Rays Paray 8 Vicars Lamotte
05/25/2024 13:30:00 2 Fc Boubou 6 The Charlotte Horners
05/25/2024 13:30:00 4 Washington Wizards I 8 Banana Boys TV
05/25/2024 13:30:00 1 le mée sur seine 7 Béziers BC
05/25/2024 13:30:00 5 DOBLO 3 CNM Charenton
05/25/2024 13:30:00 4 Paris Dreamers 1 Breizh Kelt.
05/25/2024 13:30:00 5 The Birds of Orlins 2 Fighting Irish Craon
05/25/2024 13:30:00 3 SpeedZ 7 Vicars Lamotte TV
05/25/2024 13:30:00 6 Devil Rays Paray 8 SPB St Paaul Basket
05/28/2024 13:30:00 CNM Charenton le mée sur seine PO
05/28/2024 13:30:00 Fc Boubou Washington Wizards I PO
05/28/2024 13:30:00 Paris Dreamers Breizh Kelt. PO
05/28/2024 13:30:00 SpeedZ Fighting Irish Craon PO
05/28/2024 13:30:00 Vicars Lamotte The Charlotte Horners RL
05/28/2024 13:30:00 Béziers BC The Birds of Orlins RL
05/28/2024 13:30:00 DOBLO Devil Rays Paray RL
06/01/2024 13:30:00 5 The Charlotte Horners 7 Vicars Lamotte RL
06/01/2024 13:30:00 5 The Birds of Orlins 7 Béziers BC RL
06/01/2024 13:30:00 6 Devil Rays Paray 6 DOBLO RL
06/01/2024 13:30:00 Washington Wizards I le mée sur seine SF
06/01/2024 13:30:00 SpeedZ Breizh Kelt. SF
06/04/2024 13:30:00 7 Vicars Lamotte 5 The Charlotte Horners TB
06/04/2024 13:30:00 6 DOBLO 6 Devil Rays Paray TB
06/04/2024 13:30:00 Breizh Kelt. le mée sur seine F
06/08/2024 13:30:00 le mée sur seine Breizh Kelt. F
06/09/2024 13:30:00 Breizh Kelt. le mée sur seine TB
PO: Playoff RL: Relegation Match TB: Tie-Breaker SF: Semi-Final F: Final TV: Televised