League Schedule -- Season 66
Date/Time Away team Status Home team
9/21/2024 1:35:00 PM BBC OKIDO 4 stellaboys
9/21/2024 1:35:00 PM Lights Nachtegaal B.C.U. Ganshoren
9/21/2024 1:35:00 PM Chicanos Blauwenstaak Royal Antwerp
9/21/2024 1:35:00 PM Cavs nation de pinte
9/21/2024 1:35:00 PM Ankee Warriors FWB Petrusca’s
9/21/2024 1:35:00 PM Voice Loge Wactiaux BC Stealth
9/21/2024 1:35:00 PM The Hornydevils Sunday Vikings94D
9/21/2024 1:35:00 PM BBC Lokeren BB Tsf TV
9/24/2024 1:35:00 PM stellaboys Lights Nachtegaal TV
9/24/2024 1:35:00 PM B.C.U. Ganshoren Chicanos Blauwenstaak
9/24/2024 1:35:00 PM Royal Antwerp Cavs nation
9/24/2024 1:35:00 PM de pinte BBC OKIDO 4
9/24/2024 1:35:00 PM FWB Petrusca’s Voice Loge Wactiaux
9/24/2024 1:35:00 PM BC Stealth The Hornydevils
9/24/2024 1:35:00 PM Sunday Vikings94D BBC Lokeren
9/24/2024 1:35:00 PM BB Tsf Ankee Warriors
9/28/2024 1:35:00 PM Chicanos Blauwenstaak stellaboys
9/28/2024 1:35:00 PM Cavs nation B.C.U. Ganshoren TV
9/28/2024 1:35:00 PM BBC OKIDO 4 Royal Antwerp
9/28/2024 1:35:00 PM Lights Nachtegaal de pinte
9/28/2024 1:35:00 PM The Hornydevils FWB Petrusca’s
9/28/2024 1:35:00 PM BBC Lokeren BC Stealth
9/28/2024 1:35:00 PM Ankee Warriors Sunday Vikings94D
9/28/2024 1:35:00 PM Voice Loge Wactiaux BB Tsf
10/1/2024 1:35:00 PM stellaboys Cavs nation
10/1/2024 1:35:00 PM B.C.U. Ganshoren BBC OKIDO 4
10/1/2024 1:35:00 PM Royal Antwerp Lights Nachtegaal
10/1/2024 1:35:00 PM de pinte Chicanos Blauwenstaak
10/1/2024 1:35:00 PM FWB Petrusca’s BBC Lokeren
10/1/2024 1:35:00 PM BC Stealth Ankee Warriors TV
10/1/2024 1:35:00 PM Sunday Vikings94D Voice Loge Wactiaux
10/1/2024 1:35:00 PM BB Tsf The Hornydevils
10/5/2024 1:35:00 PM Royal Antwerp stellaboys
10/5/2024 1:35:00 PM de pinte B.C.U. Ganshoren
10/5/2024 1:35:00 PM Chicanos Blauwenstaak BBC OKIDO 4 TV
10/5/2024 1:35:00 PM Cavs nation Lights Nachtegaal
10/5/2024 1:35:00 PM Sunday Vikings94D FWB Petrusca’s TV
10/5/2024 1:35:00 PM BB Tsf BC Stealth
10/5/2024 1:35:00 PM The Hornydevils Ankee Warriors
10/5/2024 1:35:00 PM BBC Lokeren Voice Loge Wactiaux
10/8/2024 1:35:00 PM stellaboys de pinte
10/8/2024 1:35:00 PM B.C.U. Ganshoren Royal Antwerp
10/8/2024 1:35:00 PM BBC OKIDO 4 Cavs nation
10/8/2024 1:35:00 PM Lights Nachtegaal Chicanos Blauwenstaak
10/8/2024 1:35:00 PM FWB Petrusca’s BB Tsf
10/8/2024 1:35:00 PM BC Stealth Sunday Vikings94D
10/8/2024 1:35:00 PM Ankee Warriors BBC Lokeren
10/8/2024 1:35:00 PM Voice Loge Wactiaux The Hornydevils TV
10/12/2024 1:35:00 PM B.C.U. Ganshoren stellaboys
10/12/2024 1:35:00 PM de pinte Royal Antwerp TV
10/12/2024 1:35:00 PM Lights Nachtegaal BBC OKIDO 4
10/12/2024 1:35:00 PM Cavs nation Chicanos Blauwenstaak
10/12/2024 1:35:00 PM BC Stealth FWB Petrusca’s
10/12/2024 1:35:00 PM BB Tsf Sunday Vikings94D
10/12/2024 1:35:00 PM Voice Loge Wactiaux Ankee Warriors
10/12/2024 1:35:00 PM BBC Lokeren The Hornydevils
10/15/2024 1:35:00 PM FWB Petrusca’s stellaboys
10/15/2024 1:35:00 PM BC Stealth B.C.U. Ganshoren
10/15/2024 1:35:00 PM Sunday Vikings94D Royal Antwerp
10/15/2024 1:35:00 PM BB Tsf de pinte
10/15/2024 1:35:00 PM Ankee Warriors BBC OKIDO 4
10/15/2024 1:35:00 PM Voice Loge Wactiaux Lights Nachtegaal
10/15/2024 1:35:00 PM The Hornydevils Chicanos Blauwenstaak
10/15/2024 1:35:00 PM BBC Lokeren Cavs nation TV
10/19/2024 1:35:00 PM stellaboys BC Stealth
10/19/2024 1:35:00 PM B.C.U. Ganshoren Sunday Vikings94D
10/19/2024 1:35:00 PM Royal Antwerp BB Tsf TV
10/19/2024 1:35:00 PM de pinte Ankee Warriors
10/19/2024 1:35:00 PM BBC OKIDO 4 Voice Loge Wactiaux
10/19/2024 1:35:00 PM Lights Nachtegaal The Hornydevils
10/19/2024 1:35:00 PM Chicanos Blauwenstaak BBC Lokeren
10/19/2024 1:35:00 PM Cavs nation FWB Petrusca’s
10/22/2024 1:35:00 PM Sunday Vikings94D stellaboys
10/22/2024 1:35:00 PM BB Tsf B.C.U. Ganshoren
10/22/2024 1:35:00 PM Ankee Warriors Royal Antwerp
10/22/2024 1:35:00 PM Voice Loge Wactiaux de pinte
10/22/2024 1:35:00 PM The Hornydevils BBC OKIDO 4
10/22/2024 1:35:00 PM BBC Lokeren Lights Nachtegaal
10/22/2024 1:35:00 PM FWB Petrusca’s Chicanos Blauwenstaak
10/22/2024 1:35:00 PM BC Stealth Cavs nation
10/26/2024 1:35:00 PM stellaboys BB Tsf
10/26/2024 1:35:00 PM B.C.U. Ganshoren Ankee Warriors
10/26/2024 1:35:00 PM Royal Antwerp Voice Loge Wactiaux
10/26/2024 1:35:00 PM de pinte The Hornydevils TV
10/26/2024 1:35:00 PM BBC OKIDO 4 BBC Lokeren
10/26/2024 1:35:00 PM Lights Nachtegaal FWB Petrusca’s
10/26/2024 1:35:00 PM Chicanos Blauwenstaak BC Stealth
10/26/2024 1:35:00 PM Cavs nation Sunday Vikings94D
10/29/2024 1:35:00 PM Ankee Warriors stellaboys
10/29/2024 1:35:00 PM Voice Loge Wactiaux B.C.U. Ganshoren
10/29/2024 1:35:00 PM The Hornydevils Royal Antwerp
10/29/2024 1:35:00 PM BBC Lokeren de pinte
10/29/2024 1:35:00 PM FWB Petrusca’s BBC OKIDO 4
10/29/2024 1:35:00 PM BC Stealth Lights Nachtegaal TV
10/29/2024 1:35:00 PM Sunday Vikings94D Chicanos Blauwenstaak
10/29/2024 1:35:00 PM BB Tsf Cavs nation
11/2/2024 1:35:00 PM stellaboys Voice Loge Wactiaux TV
11/2/2024 1:35:00 PM B.C.U. Ganshoren The Hornydevils
11/2/2024 1:35:00 PM Royal Antwerp BBC Lokeren
11/2/2024 1:35:00 PM de pinte FWB Petrusca’s
11/2/2024 1:35:00 PM BBC OKIDO 4 BC Stealth
11/2/2024 1:35:00 PM Lights Nachtegaal Sunday Vikings94D
11/2/2024 1:35:00 PM Chicanos Blauwenstaak BB Tsf
11/2/2024 1:35:00 PM Cavs nation Ankee Warriors
11/9/2024 1:35:00 PM The Hornydevils stellaboys
11/9/2024 1:35:00 PM BBC Lokeren B.C.U. Ganshoren
11/9/2024 1:35:00 PM FWB Petrusca’s Royal Antwerp
11/9/2024 1:35:00 PM BC Stealth de pinte
11/9/2024 1:35:00 PM Sunday Vikings94D BBC OKIDO 4 TV
11/9/2024 1:35:00 PM BB Tsf Lights Nachtegaal
11/9/2024 1:35:00 PM Ankee Warriors Chicanos Blauwenstaak TV
11/9/2024 1:35:00 PM Voice Loge Wactiaux Cavs nation
11/12/2024 1:35:00 PM stellaboys BBC Lokeren
11/12/2024 1:35:00 PM B.C.U. Ganshoren FWB Petrusca’s TV
11/12/2024 1:35:00 PM Royal Antwerp BC Stealth
11/12/2024 1:35:00 PM de pinte Sunday Vikings94D
11/12/2024 1:35:00 PM BBC OKIDO 4 BB Tsf
11/12/2024 1:35:00 PM Lights Nachtegaal Ankee Warriors
11/12/2024 1:35:00 PM Chicanos Blauwenstaak Voice Loge Wactiaux
11/12/2024 1:35:00 PM Cavs nation The Hornydevils
11/16/2024 1:35:00 PM stellaboys BBC OKIDO 4
11/16/2024 1:35:00 PM B.C.U. Ganshoren Lights Nachtegaal
11/16/2024 1:35:00 PM Royal Antwerp Chicanos Blauwenstaak
11/16/2024 1:35:00 PM de pinte Cavs nation
11/16/2024 1:35:00 PM FWB Petrusca’s Ankee Warriors
11/16/2024 1:35:00 PM BC Stealth Voice Loge Wactiaux
11/16/2024 1:35:00 PM Sunday Vikings94D The Hornydevils
11/16/2024 1:35:00 PM BB Tsf BBC Lokeren TV
11/19/2024 1:35:00 PM Lights Nachtegaal stellaboys TV
11/19/2024 1:35:00 PM Chicanos Blauwenstaak B.C.U. Ganshoren
11/19/2024 1:35:00 PM Cavs nation Royal Antwerp
11/19/2024 1:35:00 PM BBC OKIDO 4 de pinte
11/19/2024 1:35:00 PM Voice Loge Wactiaux FWB Petrusca’s
11/19/2024 1:35:00 PM The Hornydevils BC Stealth TV
11/19/2024 1:35:00 PM BBC Lokeren Sunday Vikings94D
11/19/2024 1:35:00 PM Ankee Warriors BB Tsf
11/23/2024 1:35:00 PM stellaboys Chicanos Blauwenstaak
11/23/2024 1:35:00 PM B.C.U. Ganshoren Cavs nation TV
11/23/2024 1:35:00 PM Royal Antwerp BBC OKIDO 4
11/23/2024 1:35:00 PM de pinte Lights Nachtegaal
11/23/2024 1:35:00 PM FWB Petrusca’s The Hornydevils
11/23/2024 1:35:00 PM BC Stealth BBC Lokeren
11/23/2024 1:35:00 PM Sunday Vikings94D Ankee Warriors
11/23/2024 1:35:00 PM BB Tsf Voice Loge Wactiaux
11/26/2024 1:35:00 PM Cavs nation stellaboys
11/26/2024 1:35:00 PM BBC OKIDO 4 B.C.U. Ganshoren
11/26/2024 1:35:00 PM Lights Nachtegaal Royal Antwerp
11/26/2024 1:35:00 PM Chicanos Blauwenstaak de pinte
11/26/2024 1:35:00 PM BBC Lokeren FWB Petrusca’s
11/26/2024 1:35:00 PM Ankee Warriors BC Stealth
11/26/2024 1:35:00 PM Voice Loge Wactiaux Sunday Vikings94D
11/26/2024 1:35:00 PM The Hornydevils BB Tsf
11/30/2024 1:35:00 PM stellaboys Royal Antwerp
11/30/2024 1:35:00 PM B.C.U. Ganshoren de pinte
11/30/2024 1:35:00 PM BBC OKIDO 4 Chicanos Blauwenstaak TV
11/30/2024 1:35:00 PM Lights Nachtegaal Cavs nation
11/30/2024 1:35:00 PM FWB Petrusca’s Sunday Vikings94D TV
11/30/2024 1:35:00 PM BC Stealth BB Tsf
11/30/2024 1:35:00 PM Ankee Warriors The Hornydevils
11/30/2024 1:35:00 PM Voice Loge Wactiaux BBC Lokeren
12/3/2024 1:35:00 PM de pinte stellaboys
12/3/2024 1:35:00 PM Royal Antwerp B.C.U. Ganshoren
12/3/2024 1:35:00 PM Cavs nation BBC OKIDO 4
12/3/2024 1:35:00 PM Chicanos Blauwenstaak Lights Nachtegaal
12/3/2024 1:35:00 PM BB Tsf FWB Petrusca’s
12/3/2024 1:35:00 PM Sunday Vikings94D BC Stealth
12/3/2024 1:35:00 PM BBC Lokeren Ankee Warriors
12/3/2024 1:35:00 PM The Hornydevils Voice Loge Wactiaux
12/7/2024 1:35:00 PM stellaboys B.C.U. Ganshoren
12/7/2024 1:35:00 PM Royal Antwerp de pinte TV
12/7/2024 1:35:00 PM BBC OKIDO 4 Lights Nachtegaal
12/7/2024 1:35:00 PM Chicanos Blauwenstaak Cavs nation
12/7/2024 1:35:00 PM FWB Petrusca’s BC Stealth
12/7/2024 1:35:00 PM Sunday Vikings94D BB Tsf
12/7/2024 1:35:00 PM Ankee Warriors Voice Loge Wactiaux TV
12/7/2024 1:35:00 PM The Hornydevils BBC Lokeren
TV: Televised