Draft summary for league IV.53 in season 65
Draft Round 1
Reynolds, Bryan BADBOY50 1 1
Ward-Booth, Jonathan Golden Chickens1F6 2 1
Desbiens, Luc Baltimore Bulldogs 3 1
Huard, Gino Miami Heat WadeJamesBosh 4 1
Hawks, Jacob Roaring Cougars 5 1
Forest, Pierre-Albert Ezgame 6 1
Crowder, Kevin 88s 7 1
Mullen, Lee canada goose 8 1
Florence, Ron ioana 9 2
Rouillard, Rémi Vancouver Saints 10 3
Groulx, Duncan Passionate Players44E 11 2
Williams, Richard Rawdon Blue Bay 12 1
Whitt, Jeff Allenford Virginians 13 1
Jones, Abe The Stars IN MY POO 14 3
Baranskiy, Andriy Amesbury Spin 15 4
Rhodius, Craig las99 16 4
Draft Round 2
Culver, Tom BADBOY50 17 2
Lopez, Jim Golden Chickens1F6 18 2
Newby, Scott Baltimore Bulldogs 19 2
Kreiller, Marvin Gordon Miami Heat WadeJamesBosh 20 2
Ali, Abdellah Mazin Roaring Cougars 21 3
Butler, Preston Ezgame 22 9
Gendron, Etienne 88s 23 2
Milne, Moses canada goose 24 3
Veilleux, Jean-Martin ioana 25 5
Casey, Gavin Vancouver Saints 26 5
Kaleel, Khatib Passionate Players44E 27 3
Williams, Mark Rawdon Blue Bay 28 6
Jones, Craig Allenford Virginians 29 6
Gilbert, Ludovic The Stars IN MY POO 30 5
Xiuhai, Liang Amesbury Spin 31 5
Wright, Liam las99 32 13
Draft Round 3
Ianni, Isaia BADBOY50 33 7
Parker, Graham Golden Chickens1F6 34 3
Feilden, Alex Baltimore Bulldogs 35 11
Loubier, Lionnel Miami Heat WadeJamesBosh 36 4
Collins, Julian Roaring Cougars 37 8
Bessette, Jacob Ezgame 38 16
Thomas, Joe-Max 88s 39 7
Adams, Cleo canada goose 40 7
George, Jerry ioana 41 11
Yunjia, Li Vancouver Saints 42 20
Crisp, Rob Passionate Players44E 43 12
Brockkamp, Gregor Rawdon Blue Bay 44 28
Kean, Gordon Allenford Virginians 45 27
Gossage, Jonathan The Stars IN MY POO 46 7
Desrochers, Jean-Maurice Amesbury Spin 47 6
Bryde, Giliian las99 48 38