League Schedule -- Season 67
Date/Time Away team Status Home team
12/28/2024 7:00:00 PM Centreville Turtles Tiss Raptors
12/28/2024 7:00:00 PM Team World Stratford Warriors
12/28/2024 7:00:00 PM BowToMe DragRacers50B7B
12/28/2024 7:00:00 PM St. Johns Edge The Bouchlaghems
12/28/2024 7:00:00 PM Grand Beach Funk CGMG
12/28/2024 7:00:00 PM Vaughan Road Son of the storm
12/28/2024 7:00:00 PM N Lions iTrashy
12/28/2024 7:00:00 PM bmx SbcPackers TV
12/31/2024 7:00:00 PM 7 Tiss Raptors 5 Team World TV
12/31/2024 7:00:00 PM 3 Stratford Warriors 8 BowToMe
12/31/2024 7:00:00 PM 1 DragRacers50B7B 6 St. Johns Edge
12/31/2024 7:00:00 PM 4 The Bouchlaghems 2 Centreville Turtles
12/31/2024 7:00:00 PM 1 CGMG 5 Vaughan Road
12/31/2024 7:00:00 PM 4 Son of the storm 7 N Lions
12/31/2024 7:00:00 PM 2 iTrashy 6 bmx
12/31/2024 7:00:00 PM 3 SbcPackers 8 Grand Beach Funk
1/4/2025 7:00:00 PM 6 BowToMe 7 Tiss Raptors
1/4/2025 7:00:00 PM 8 St. Johns Edge 4 Stratford Warriors TV
1/4/2025 7:00:00 PM 3 Centreville Turtles 1 DragRacers50B7B
1/4/2025 7:00:00 PM 5 Team World 2 The Bouchlaghems
1/4/2025 7:00:00 PM 4 N Lions 1 CGMG
1/4/2025 7:00:00 PM 2 bmx 3 Son of the storm
1/4/2025 7:00:00 PM 5 Grand Beach Funk 7 iTrashy
1/4/2025 7:00:00 PM 8 Vaughan Road 6 SbcPackers
1/7/2025 7:00:00 PM 4 Tiss Raptors 8 St. Johns Edge
1/7/2025 7:00:00 PM 3 Stratford Warriors 5 Centreville Turtles
1/7/2025 7:00:00 PM 1 DragRacers50B7B 7 Team World
1/7/2025 7:00:00 PM 2 The Bouchlaghems 6 BowToMe
1/7/2025 7:00:00 PM 1 CGMG 2 bmx
1/7/2025 7:00:00 PM 5 Son of the storm 6 Grand Beach Funk TV
1/7/2025 7:00:00 PM 3 iTrashy 4 Vaughan Road
1/7/2025 7:00:00 PM 7 SbcPackers 8 N Lions
1/11/2025 7:00:00 PM 2 DragRacers50B7B 3 Tiss Raptors
1/11/2025 7:00:00 PM 1 The Bouchlaghems 5 Stratford Warriors
1/11/2025 7:00:00 PM 7 BowToMe 4 Centreville Turtles TV
1/11/2025 7:00:00 PM 8 St. Johns Edge 6 Team World
1/11/2025 7:00:00 PM 6 iTrashy 2 CGMG TV
1/11/2025 7:00:00 PM 8 SbcPackers 7 Son of the storm
1/11/2025 7:00:00 PM 4 N Lions 5 Grand Beach Funk
1/11/2025 7:00:00 PM 1 bmx 3 Vaughan Road
1/14/2025 7:00:00 PM 6 Tiss Raptors 1 The Bouchlaghems
1/14/2025 7:00:00 PM 5 Stratford Warriors 2 DragRacers50B7B
1/14/2025 7:00:00 PM 3 Centreville Turtles 8 St. Johns Edge
1/14/2025 7:00:00 PM 4 Team World 7 BowToMe
1/14/2025 7:00:00 PM 1 CGMG 6 SbcPackers
1/14/2025 7:00:00 PM 8 Son of the storm 7 iTrashy
1/14/2025 7:00:00 PM 5 Grand Beach Funk 2 bmx
1/14/2025 7:00:00 PM 3 Vaughan Road 4 N Lions TV
1/18/2025 7:00:00 PM 6 Stratford Warriors 5 Tiss Raptors
1/18/2025 7:00:00 PM 1 The Bouchlaghems 2 DragRacers50B7B TV
1/18/2025 7:00:00 PM 4 Team World 3 Centreville Turtles
1/18/2025 7:00:00 PM 8 St. Johns Edge 7 BowToMe
1/18/2025 7:00:00 PM 8 Son of the storm 2 CGMG
1/18/2025 7:00:00 PM 6 SbcPackers 5 iTrashy
1/18/2025 7:00:00 PM 3 Vaughan Road 7 Grand Beach Funk
1/18/2025 7:00:00 PM 1 bmx 4 N Lions
1/21/2025 7:00:00 PM 5 Tiss Raptors 2 CGMG
1/21/2025 7:00:00 PM 7 Stratford Warriors 8 Son of the storm
1/21/2025 7:00:00 PM 1 DragRacers50B7B 7 iTrashy
1/21/2025 7:00:00 PM 2 The Bouchlaghems 4 SbcPackers
1/21/2025 7:00:00 PM 3 Centreville Turtles 5 Grand Beach Funk
1/21/2025 7:00:00 PM 4 Team World 3 Vaughan Road
1/21/2025 7:00:00 PM 6 BowToMe 6 N Lions
1/21/2025 7:00:00 PM 8 St. Johns Edge 1 bmx TV
1/25/2025 7:00:00 PM 8 Son of the storm 5 Tiss Raptors
1/25/2025 7:00:00 PM 7 iTrashy 7 Stratford Warriors
1/25/2025 7:00:00 PM 3 SbcPackers 1 DragRacers50B7B TV
1/25/2025 7:00:00 PM 4 Grand Beach Funk 2 The Bouchlaghems
1/25/2025 7:00:00 PM 5 Vaughan Road 3 Centreville Turtles
1/25/2025 7:00:00 PM 6 N Lions 4 Team World
1/25/2025 7:00:00 PM 1 bmx 6 BowToMe
1/25/2025 7:00:00 PM 2 CGMG 8 St. Johns Edge
1/28/2025 7:00:00 PM 5 Tiss Raptors 4 iTrashy
1/28/2025 7:00:00 PM 7 Stratford Warriors 3 SbcPackers
1/28/2025 7:00:00 PM 2 DragRacers50B7B 5 Grand Beach Funk
1/28/2025 7:00:00 PM 1 The Bouchlaghems 6 Vaughan Road
1/28/2025 7:00:00 PM 3 Centreville Turtles 7 N Lions
1/28/2025 7:00:00 PM 4 Team World 1 bmx
1/28/2025 7:00:00 PM 6 BowToMe 2 CGMG
1/28/2025 7:00:00 PM 8 St. Johns Edge 8 Son of the storm
2/1/2025 7:00:00 PM 3 SbcPackers 5 Tiss Raptors
2/1/2025 7:00:00 PM 5 Grand Beach Funk 7 Stratford Warriors
2/1/2025 7:00:00 PM 6 Vaughan Road 2 DragRacers50B7B
2/1/2025 7:00:00 PM 7 N Lions 1 The Bouchlaghems TV
2/1/2025 7:00:00 PM 1 bmx 3 Centreville Turtles
2/1/2025 7:00:00 PM 2 CGMG 4 Team World
2/1/2025 7:00:00 PM 8 Son of the storm 6 BowToMe
2/1/2025 7:00:00 PM 4 iTrashy 8 St. Johns Edge
2/4/2025 7:00:00 PM 5 Tiss Raptors 5 Grand Beach Funk
2/4/2025 7:00:00 PM 7 Stratford Warriors 7 Vaughan Road
2/4/2025 7:00:00 PM 2 DragRacers50B7B 8 N Lions
2/4/2025 7:00:00 PM 1 The Bouchlaghems 1 bmx
2/4/2025 7:00:00 PM 4 Centreville Turtles 2 CGMG
2/4/2025 7:00:00 PM 3 Team World 6 Son of the storm TV
2/4/2025 7:00:00 PM 6 BowToMe 4 iTrashy
2/4/2025 7:00:00 PM 8 St. Johns Edge 3 SbcPackers
2/8/2025 7:00:00 PM 7 Vaughan Road 5 Tiss Raptors TV
2/8/2025 7:00:00 PM 8 N Lions 7 Stratford Warriors
2/8/2025 7:00:00 PM 1 bmx 2 DragRacers50B7B
2/8/2025 7:00:00 PM 2 CGMG 1 The Bouchlaghems
2/8/2025 7:00:00 PM 6 Son of the storm 4 Centreville Turtles
2/8/2025 7:00:00 PM 4 iTrashy 3 Team World
2/8/2025 7:00:00 PM 3 SbcPackers 6 BowToMe
2/8/2025 7:00:00 PM 5 Grand Beach Funk 8 St. Johns Edge
2/15/2025 7:00:00 PM 5 Tiss Raptors 7 N Lions
2/15/2025 7:00:00 PM 7 Stratford Warriors 1 bmx
2/15/2025 7:00:00 PM 3 DragRacers50B7B 2 CGMG
2/15/2025 7:00:00 PM 1 The Bouchlaghems 6 Son of the storm
2/15/2025 7:00:00 PM 4 Centreville Turtles 4 iTrashy TV
2/15/2025 7:00:00 PM 2 Team World 3 SbcPackers
2/15/2025 7:00:00 PM 6 BowToMe 5 Grand Beach Funk TV
2/15/2025 7:00:00 PM 8 St. Johns Edge 8 Vaughan Road
2/18/2025 7:00:00 PM 1 bmx 5 Tiss Raptors
2/18/2025 7:00:00 PM 2 CGMG 8 Stratford Warriors TV
2/18/2025 7:00:00 PM 6 Son of the storm 3 DragRacers50B7B
2/18/2025 7:00:00 PM 3 iTrashy 2 The Bouchlaghems
2/18/2025 7:00:00 PM 5 SbcPackers 4 Centreville Turtles
2/18/2025 7:00:00 PM 4 Grand Beach Funk 1 Team World
2/18/2025 7:00:00 PM 8 Vaughan Road 6 BowToMe
2/18/2025 7:00:00 PM 7 N Lions 7 St. Johns Edge
2/22/2025 7:00:00 PM 5 Tiss Raptors 4 Centreville Turtles
2/22/2025 7:00:00 PM 7 Stratford Warriors 1 Team World
2/22/2025 7:00:00 PM 3 DragRacers50B7B 6 BowToMe
2/22/2025 7:00:00 PM 2 The Bouchlaghems 8 St. Johns Edge
2/22/2025 7:00:00 PM 2 CGMG 7 Grand Beach Funk
2/22/2025 7:00:00 PM 4 Son of the storm 8 Vaughan Road
2/22/2025 7:00:00 PM 5 iTrashy 6 N Lions
2/22/2025 7:00:00 PM 3 SbcPackers 1 bmx TV
2/25/2025 7:00:00 PM 1 Team World 6 Tiss Raptors TV
2/25/2025 7:00:00 PM 5 BowToMe 8 Stratford Warriors
2/25/2025 7:00:00 PM 7 St. Johns Edge 4 DragRacers50B7B
2/25/2025 7:00:00 PM 3 Centreville Turtles 2 The Bouchlaghems
2/25/2025 7:00:00 PM 8 Vaughan Road 5 CGMG
2/25/2025 7:00:00 PM 3 N Lions 2 Son of the storm TV
2/25/2025 7:00:00 PM 1 bmx 7 iTrashy
2/25/2025 7:00:00 PM 4 Grand Beach Funk 6 SbcPackers
3/1/2025 7:00:00 PM 5 Tiss Raptors 6 BowToMe
3/1/2025 7:00:00 PM 7 Stratford Warriors 8 St. Johns Edge TV
3/1/2025 7:00:00 PM 3 DragRacers50B7B 4 Centreville Turtles
3/1/2025 7:00:00 PM 2 The Bouchlaghems 1 Team World
3/1/2025 7:00:00 PM 5 CGMG 4 N Lions
3/1/2025 7:00:00 PM 2 Son of the storm 1 bmx
3/1/2025 7:00:00 PM 7 iTrashy 6 Grand Beach Funk
3/1/2025 7:00:00 PM 3 SbcPackers 8 Vaughan Road
3/4/2025 7:00:00 PM 7 St. Johns Edge 6 Tiss Raptors
3/4/2025 7:00:00 PM 3 Centreville Turtles 8 Stratford Warriors
3/4/2025 7:00:00 PM 1 Team World 4 DragRacers50B7B
3/4/2025 7:00:00 PM 5 BowToMe 2 The Bouchlaghems
3/4/2025 7:00:00 PM 1 bmx 4 CGMG
3/4/2025 7:00:00 PM 7 Grand Beach Funk 2 Son of the storm
3/4/2025 7:00:00 PM 8 Vaughan Road 5 iTrashy
3/4/2025 7:00:00 PM 6 N Lions 3 SbcPackers
3/8/2025 7:00:00 PM 5 Tiss Raptors 3 DragRacers50B7B
3/8/2025 7:00:00 PM 7 Stratford Warriors 2 The Bouchlaghems
3/8/2025 7:00:00 PM 4 Centreville Turtles 6 BowToMe TV
3/8/2025 7:00:00 PM 1 Team World 8 St. Johns Edge
3/8/2025 7:00:00 PM 5 CGMG 4 iTrashy TV
3/8/2025 7:00:00 PM 2 Son of the storm 3 SbcPackers
3/8/2025 7:00:00 PM 7 Grand Beach Funk 6 N Lions
3/8/2025 7:00:00 PM 8 Vaughan Road 1 bmx
3/11/2025 7:00:00 PM 1 The Bouchlaghems 6 Tiss Raptors
3/11/2025 7:00:00 PM 3 DragRacers50B7B 8 Stratford Warriors
3/11/2025 7:00:00 PM 7 St. Johns Edge 4 Centreville Turtles
3/11/2025 7:00:00 PM 5 BowToMe 2 Team World
3/11/2025 7:00:00 PM 2 SbcPackers 5 CGMG
3/11/2025 7:00:00 PM 4 iTrashy 3 Son of the storm
3/11/2025 7:00:00 PM 1 bmx 6 Grand Beach Funk
3/11/2025 7:00:00 PM 7 N Lions 8 Vaughan Road
3/15/2025 7:00:00 PM 6 Tiss Raptors 8 Stratford Warriors
3/15/2025 7:00:00 PM 3 DragRacers50B7B 1 The Bouchlaghems TV
3/15/2025 7:00:00 PM 4 Centreville Turtles 2 Team World
3/15/2025 7:00:00 PM 5 BowToMe 7 St. Johns Edge
3/15/2025 7:00:00 PM 5 CGMG 3 Son of the storm
3/15/2025 7:00:00 PM 4 iTrashy 2 SbcPackers
3/15/2025 7:00:00 PM 6 Grand Beach Funk 8 Vaughan Road TV
3/15/2025 7:00:00 PM 7 N Lions 1 bmx
TV: Televised