IV.54 Great 8

Last 8 league games
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Last 8 league games
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Last 8 league games
Next: Zarlomin

Last 8 league games

Last 8 league games
Next: The Kraken

Last 8 league games
Next: 7 Is In the Blood

Last 8 league games
Next: shkedy-team

Last 8 league games
Next: yaron742EB
Sneak Peek
Season Schedule
12/28/2024 10:55:00 AM  klivlend  yaron742EB  116 - 119
12/28/2024 10:55:00 AM  Zarlomin  shkedy-team  104 - 123
12/28/2024 10:55:00 AM  The Kraken  hapoel daniel holon  115 - 136
12/28/2024 10:55:00 AM  Segev Red Devils  7 Is In the Blood  90 - 113
12/31/2024 10:55:00 AM  shkedy-team  The Kraken  116 - 99
12/31/2024 10:55:00 AM  hapoel daniel holon  Segev Red Devils  122 - 109
12/31/2024 10:55:00 AM  7 Is In the Blood  klivlend  104 - 107
12/31/2024 10:55:00 AM  yaron742EB  Zarlomin  111 - 121
1/4/2025 10:55:00 AM  Segev Red Devils  shkedy-team 
1/4/2025 10:55:00 AM  The Kraken  yaron742EB 
1/4/2025 10:55:00 AM  klivlend  hapoel daniel holon 
1/4/2025 10:55:00 AM  Zarlomin  7 Is In the Blood 
1/7/2025 10:55:00 AM  yaron742EB  Segev Red Devils 
1/7/2025 10:55:00 AM  shkedy-team  klivlend 
1/7/2025 10:55:00 AM  hapoel daniel holon  Zarlomin 
1/7/2025 10:55:00 AM  7 Is In the Blood  The Kraken 
1/11/2025 10:55:00 AM  hapoel daniel holon  yaron742EB 
1/11/2025 10:55:00 AM  7 Is In the Blood  shkedy-team 
1/11/2025 10:55:00 AM  Segev Red Devils  Zarlomin 
1/11/2025 10:55:00 AM  The Kraken  klivlend 
1/14/2025 10:55:00 AM  yaron742EB  7 Is In the Blood 
1/14/2025 10:55:00 AM  shkedy-team  hapoel daniel holon 
1/14/2025 10:55:00 AM  klivlend  Segev Red Devils 
1/14/2025 10:55:00 AM  Zarlomin  The Kraken 
1/18/2025 10:55:00 AM  shkedy-team  yaron742EB 
1/18/2025 10:55:00 AM  Zarlomin  klivlend 
1/18/2025 10:55:00 AM  Segev Red Devils  The Kraken 
1/18/2025 10:55:00 AM  7 Is In the Blood  hapoel daniel holon 
1/21/2025 10:55:00 AM  Segev Red Devils  Keresh 
1/21/2025 10:55:00 AM  yaron742EB  Mhfc 
1/21/2025 10:55:00 AM  shkedy-team  Novigrad Legion 
1/21/2025 10:55:00 AM  hapoel daniel holon  תה מלכים 
1/21/2025 10:55:00 AM  7 Is In the Blood  cyberbullying 
1/21/2025 10:55:00 AM  klivlend  kmn 
1/21/2025 10:55:00 AM  Zarlomin  maroko 
1/21/2025 10:55:00 AM  The Kraken  Netanya Bucks 
1/25/2025 10:55:00 AM  Novigrad Legion  yaron742EB 
1/25/2025 10:55:00 AM  תה מלכים  shkedy-team 
1/25/2025 10:55:00 AM  kmn  7 Is In the Blood 
1/25/2025 10:55:00 AM  maroko  klivlend 
1/25/2025 10:55:00 AM  Netanya Bucks  Zarlomin 
1/25/2025 10:55:00 AM  Keresh  The Kraken 
1/25/2025 10:55:00 AM  Mhfc  Segev Red Devils 
1/25/2025 10:55:00 AM  cyberbullying  hapoel daniel holon 
1/28/2025 10:55:00 AM  yaron742EB  תה מלכים 
1/28/2025 10:55:00 AM  shkedy-team  cyberbullying 
1/28/2025 10:55:00 AM  hapoel daniel holon  kmn 
1/28/2025 10:55:00 AM  7 Is In the Blood  maroko 
1/28/2025 10:55:00 AM  klivlend  Netanya Bucks 
1/28/2025 10:55:00 AM  Zarlomin  Keresh 
1/28/2025 10:55:00 AM  The Kraken  Mhfc 
1/28/2025 10:55:00 AM  Segev Red Devils  Novigrad Legion 
2/1/2025 10:55:00 AM  cyberbullying  yaron742EB 
2/1/2025 10:55:00 AM  kmn  shkedy-team 
2/1/2025 10:55:00 AM  maroko  hapoel daniel holon 
2/1/2025 10:55:00 AM  Keresh  klivlend 
2/1/2025 10:55:00 AM  Mhfc  Zarlomin 
2/1/2025 10:55:00 AM  Novigrad Legion  The Kraken 
2/1/2025 10:55:00 AM  תה מלכים  Segev Red Devils 
2/1/2025 10:55:00 AM  Netanya Bucks  7 Is In the Blood 
2/4/2025 10:55:00 AM  Zarlomin  Novigrad Legion 
2/4/2025 10:55:00 AM  yaron742EB  kmn 
2/4/2025 10:55:00 AM  shkedy-team  maroko 
2/4/2025 10:55:00 AM  hapoel daniel holon  Netanya Bucks 
2/4/2025 10:55:00 AM  7 Is In the Blood  Keresh 
2/4/2025 10:55:00 AM  klivlend  Mhfc 
2/4/2025 10:55:00 AM  The Kraken  תה מלכים 
2/4/2025 10:55:00 AM  Segev Red Devils  cyberbullying 
2/8/2025 10:55:00 AM  Netanya Bucks  shkedy-team 
2/8/2025 10:55:00 AM  Keresh  hapoel daniel holon 
2/8/2025 10:55:00 AM  Mhfc  7 Is In the Blood 
2/8/2025 10:55:00 AM  Novigrad Legion  klivlend 
2/8/2025 10:55:00 AM  תה מלכים  Zarlomin 
2/8/2025 10:55:00 AM  cyberbullying  The Kraken 
2/8/2025 10:55:00 AM  kmn  Segev Red Devils 
2/8/2025 10:55:00 AM  maroko  yaron742EB 
2/15/2025 10:55:00 AM  klivlend  תה מלכים 
2/15/2025 10:55:00 AM  The Kraken  kmn 
2/15/2025 10:55:00 AM  yaron742EB  Netanya Bucks 
2/15/2025 10:55:00 AM  shkedy-team  Keresh 
2/15/2025 10:55:00 AM  hapoel daniel holon  Mhfc 
2/15/2025 10:55:00 AM  7 Is In the Blood  Novigrad Legion 
2/15/2025 10:55:00 AM  Zarlomin  cyberbullying 
2/15/2025 10:55:00 AM  Segev Red Devils  maroko 
2/18/2025 10:55:00 AM  Keresh  yaron742EB 
2/18/2025 10:55:00 AM  Novigrad Legion  hapoel daniel holon 
2/18/2025 10:55:00 AM  תה מלכים  7 Is In the Blood 
2/18/2025 10:55:00 AM  cyberbullying  klivlend 
2/18/2025 10:55:00 AM  kmn  Zarlomin 
2/18/2025 10:55:00 AM  maroko  The Kraken 
2/18/2025 10:55:00 AM  Netanya Bucks  Segev Red Devils 
2/18/2025 10:55:00 AM  Mhfc  shkedy-team 
2/22/2025 10:55:00 AM  yaron742EB  klivlend 
2/22/2025 10:55:00 AM  shkedy-team  Zarlomin 
2/22/2025 10:55:00 AM  hapoel daniel holon  The Kraken 
2/22/2025 10:55:00 AM  7 Is In the Blood  Segev Red Devils 
2/25/2025 10:55:00 AM  The Kraken  shkedy-team 
2/25/2025 10:55:00 AM  Segev Red Devils  hapoel daniel holon 
2/25/2025 10:55:00 AM  klivlend  7 Is In the Blood 
2/25/2025 10:55:00 AM  Zarlomin  yaron742EB 
3/1/2025 10:55:00 AM  shkedy-team  Segev Red Devils 
3/1/2025 10:55:00 AM  yaron742EB  The Kraken 
3/1/2025 10:55:00 AM  hapoel daniel holon  klivlend 
3/1/2025 10:55:00 AM  7 Is In the Blood  Zarlomin 
3/4/2025 10:55:00 AM  Segev Red Devils  yaron742EB 
3/4/2025 10:55:00 AM  klivlend  shkedy-team 
3/4/2025 10:55:00 AM  Zarlomin  hapoel daniel holon 
3/4/2025 10:55:00 AM  The Kraken  7 Is In the Blood 
3/8/2025 10:55:00 AM  yaron742EB  hapoel daniel holon 
3/8/2025 10:55:00 AM  shkedy-team  7 Is In the Blood 
3/8/2025 10:55:00 AM  Zarlomin  Segev Red Devils 
3/8/2025 10:55:00 AM  klivlend  The Kraken 
3/11/2025 10:55:00 AM  7 Is In the Blood  yaron742EB 
3/11/2025 10:55:00 AM  hapoel daniel holon  shkedy-team 
3/11/2025 10:55:00 AM  Segev Red Devils  klivlend 
3/11/2025 10:55:00 AM  The Kraken  Zarlomin 
3/15/2025 10:55:00 AM  yaron742EB  shkedy-team 
3/15/2025 10:55:00 AM  klivlend  Zarlomin 
3/15/2025 10:55:00 AM  The Kraken  Segev Red Devils 
3/15/2025 10:55:00 AM  hapoel daniel holon  7 Is In the Blood 